. September 5, 1923 THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE Flesherton Hardware Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. Nails, Wire, Rope, Shovels, Forks and Handles. Cement, Plaster Paris. Granite and Tinware. Shot Shell and Cartridges. Washing Machines, Tubs and Pails. * FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 THE Flesherton Achance Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men'* and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work SSirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Repairing AJ1 at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor FEVERSHAM, - ONTARIO | < c- * C: C- 6 There's Danger in using gasoline for home cleaning MO.VI people are careful not to expose gas- oline near an np-n Hanie, little th : nkinR of the very real danger fro.Ti the vapor that c-capes. !V''n:: about three t;:n:-s heavier than air, vapor- oline floats in an imisiblf stream Jimt fr.- t-ouMo ;'ou can't control it It may .".>r or.ly a few fi-.-t or several hundred. It ir.i;. escape in the ii| n, or, it may reach a bjiiu- and then 1- h yv:ir f ' . .'i increase in the number of : it ;r.:l Tire-, through thv i: c of gasoline in thf hotic. Why continue to run the ri.sK when -.ir j;'.'l the- cleaning dim" handy mid without any !a';or for yourself. \\e are ngent for thy Waile ('.V:-.r.ir.s :ind I)>ing <>. of Owen SounH, and a : . :- jiili i . a ^sin r?d. T. C. BLAKILLEY. - Fiesherton.Ont SMAtLACCOUNTS HANDLED Eis the aim of the Bank of Montreal to .,erve willingly in little things as well as large to be generally helpful to its cus- tomers regardless of the size and c'xtent of their dealings with the Bank. For years the Bank of Montreal has co-operated with its customers, assisting in various \> ays in matters of finance and business. // you require information or any other banking service, you have merely tar write or call. Flesherton H ranch: C. E. Steverttn, Manager BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 W. H. THURSTON, Editor A TRAGEDY OF JAPAN The worst earthquake catastrophe which ever occurred in the world's history was that which caused a loss of over 150,000 people in Japaa on Saturday and Sunday last, besides millions of dollars of property de- stroyed. This earthquake, which was accompanied by a huge tidal wave, was oniy one of four thousand >r so which occurr annually in Japan of a moro or le->3 serious nature. 01 H NATIONAL EXHIBITION year the Canadian National inhibition at Toronto attracts more and more visitors to the wonders of lhat place. Although the Canadian exhibits are much th fame each year, there are quite a number of :'|vcial attnuions taddod. This year quite MI extension has been made by exhibits from England, France, Cuba and Mexico, which is intensely inter- e:>tinjj, giving the main products of each country. It is not just what pleasure one can get out of an exhibi- tion of that kind which counts.but the ideas one can pick up for his busin- ess, to help make it profitable. We Canadians can be proud of this exhi- bition, as it is the world'slargest ann- ual fair and attracts visitors from practically all over the wordl. Auction Sale OF VALLABLH FARM PROPERTY IN TI1K TOWNSHIP OF OSPRKY. Yonj?e and Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known as the high grade School. Keen demand for our praduaes all the time. .Write for Catalogue. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. WE SELL will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Wed., the Twenty- sixth day of September, 1923, at the hour ot' One o'clojk in the afternoon at the Munshaw-Weiton House In the Village of Flesherton, by virtue of the Power of Sale in a certain mortgage which wiil be produced at the sale, the following property : I "I Numbers Five in the Tenth and EVvenlh Concessions of the said Township of Osprey, containing lo- \ gctli.-r two hundrt-d acres more or less. The following improvements are : fj'.'d to be on the property: About 140 \ acres cleared and under cultivation, j a! ,iut ;5o acres timber, balance past-' in : land; frame dwelling about 18ft. x 22ft. with additions 12ft. x 24 ft. n .d \'i ft. x 2f> ft., farm is well fenced ' J::KI well watered. TKHMS Ten per. cent, of the pur- CMM price paid down at the time of ' Ml*. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to MKSSKS. JONKS & LKONAKU ;. .. 1H Toronto Street, TORONTO. 1 JOHN HEARD. Or to W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. OWEN SOUND Individual instruction permits you to enter any day at the and start your studies in Commercial Shorthand or Preparatory Courses unexcelled in Canada Unexcelled in America. Catalogue Pros. G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Principle since 1881. FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER IMPLEMENT AQENT. FLESHERTON. O a 6 ::: j. c ./; . : ' : ; Costly Barn Fire The large bank barn on the- farm of Wilbert H. Horsley, east half lot 28, Con. 2, Amaranth was totally de- stroyed by fire together with the en- lire contents on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Threshing operations had been in progress and the threshers had supper at four o'clock and return- ed to the barn when a small stream of : moke and a slight blaze was noticed I at the peak of the straw stack on the [ outside of the barn, presumably raus- | <<} !>;. a spark from the blower. The | el'.'nrt.- r.f the threshers to get \v; !< from the windmill to stop the blaze v. i-iv futile, so their attention was then directed to rescuing the twelve horses which were in the slablos be- neath. The threshing ma.-hine was also destroyed, the blaze lickln-^ its I way with startling rapidity. A Htrong iiorth-we.-'t wind was blowing, partly in the direct inn of the house, but the residence WHS saved through the united efforts o' the threshers and willing helpers \vl.o came to their a- -istam-. Heavy downpours of rain :il.--n in:tt<-ri;illy ussinted in ([Uen- cl i ir.tr any fresh outbreaks on build- ings ii, cii;<e |i;->jximily. The barn, v. hich was -llxt!') a-id .'i2x50, WHS tho large"! in the neighborhood and c"i>. taini'd this season's hay crop, 2:t loinl.. of grain, and a number of fiirin implement*. All but three loads v, .-re l!i,-< ilied and operations v/ould have ceased in !.- . than an h >ur. 'I'd- :hing machine was owned by a mn. 1. 1 uiiiners residing in that vicinil; U'e Ondentand there is in- i ti.H building and conti nN in 'i'lie '.tferiii Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. to the !iii:i>unt of aboui 12800. Slielburne Free 1'ress. White Fisks At live '.'clod; Tuesday evcnii'j? ' t :Mh, th< ]!'...i-ri:i'.-e of Rul>y n o! Mr. ;;;ui Mrs. .Ins. i. . l.i .Mr. Archie Ilimli -,- Whyte. :' Mr a'.d '.::-.. Ali'\. Wliyt; of a'e. On'... i'ciM.c/K of PrlCS- Out., wa- Mi'emniy.L'd at the n-si- { the bride';: fathei, Fenelon !'.!'-. C..t., Itev. T. i:..n.i'. officiatin,". !' nony took place in the lr . '..i- IC.CPI, v. hich WM in.-'.i i \.ith uutuiiiii !!..> n. Marion Lee, cousin of the bride, play- ed the wedding mai.-h before ami during the < t ivmoii'. . ' I i iile, \vliu was given away by !> lather, w;i-; gOWIMd in white georgette over Satin, net veil with pearls and orange blu.-- sonis n nd carried a shower noun ]>< f Ophelia roses and lily of the valley. '.)!.-< t'ora Fiskf attended the l>riiii', .earing a gown of mauve crepe dc- hine \\ilh large le horn hut and i.i-ried a boui|iiel of Ophelia n..:c . l>r. W. U. Whyte, brotlier of iho :rnoin, acted as best man. Vhc rrooni's gift to the bride was | ,,1 .Hi-rings, to the bridesmaid a plat mu:i i av [)i:i and to the ^nj-mi a jarok. ..atcli chain. Only members of the families of he bride and groom were present at bo ceremony which was followed by i wedding breakfast. Mr, and Mrs. tVhyte left for a motor trip, the bride ravelling in a grey canton crepe Iress with hat, xhoc:', stockings tinil loves to match. They will reside in Toronto. FALL FAIRS, 1923 * ........ Sept. 18 and lii 'hatsworth ...................... Oct. 11 and 12 neley ........................ Sept. 27 and 28 larkshurir ........ ............ Sept .18 and 19 'ollmgwood .................... Sept. 11 to 14 .'"idalk ........................ Sept, 25 and 2fl |phMn .......................... Sept. 12 and 12 ''m v lt-' ............................ Sept. 21 to 2G 'eversham .......................... Oct. 2 and 3 "''lesherton ...................... Sept. 27 and 28 janover.. .................... Sopt. 25 and 2(5 arriston ............ .......... Sept. 13 and 14 jols^ein .................................. Sept. 26 vll yth ................................. Oct. 4 and 5 Condon (Western Fair) Sept.8 to 15 Markdale .......................... Oct. !) and 10 Weaf ord ............................ Sept. 19 to 21 Mount Forest ................ Sept. 19 and 20 Midland.. ....................... Sept. 27 and 28 Orangeyille ............ , ...... Sept. 13 and 14 >wen Sound .................... Sept. 12 to 14 I'nceville .............................. Oet 4 an(J 5 Shelburne ...................... Sept. 18 and 19 ar ....... :-.. .......... ................ Oct. 2 and 3 Toronto (Can. Nat.). .Aug. 25toSpt. 8 WIARTON ECHO IS SOLD Wiarton, Aug. 31. The Wiarton Scho, one of Ontario's leading weekly laporM, changed ownershin this week ne new owner ia E. A. Duncan, for- nerly a prominent business man of -.obourtf, and at one time Mayor of :hat town. A. Logan, who has puh- Ulied tho papor for the past 20 years, Ml in the future devote his energies o The Pembroke Standard, which he lurctuuw some months ago. Starts you toward the ownership of a Car, Truck or Tractor The FORD Weekly Purchase Plan is now ready The car helps pay for itself. us for further particulars H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton - - Ontario FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONTA**!*" in HI M .1. Our Ideal of Battery Service We have an ideal. It's to have everybody not only satisfied but so well pleased with our service that they'd never think of going anywhere else. Sometimes we wish we could take care of you a little quicker or get your car back sooner or make your car last longer But when we fall short of 100 per cent, we feel a lot worse about it than you do. Service here is on all makes of cars. Come in and let us show you what we mean by McTavish Standards of Service. D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet Dealers