Superior to the finest Japans, SALAM n clean outside your ordinary life. I've never tried that My line has always been to keep my normal personality. But you have, Major, and I guess you found it wearing. "Wearing's a mild word," I said. "But I want to know another thing. It seems to me that the line you've pick- , ed is as good as could be. But it's a I cast-iron line. It commits us pretty 1 deep and it won't be a simple job to drop it" Woman's Sphere B434 GREEN TEA is the best at any price -Try it. GREENMANTLE SAVING KITCHEN SPACE. i sugar. Wash cucumbers well, cover .,...,! with boiling water and salt. Let stand Small kitchens are a blessing in the, Drain jn ^ morning a nd "Why, that's just the point I was steps they save, but there is little , vinegar Add cloves, cinna- coming to," he said. "I was going to room j n them for a table or chairc. Ij >,_, In*** I*t iust come to put you wise about that very thing. golved the pro blem of conserving m n. Dr ^ ! *,^ ' ^T ize J d fruit jars When I started out I figured on ome e , ^ kitchen> where the a boil and seal m sterilized fruit jars, situation like this. I argued that un- ( , n like to cat | )rea kfast bv our- ~ Mrs - w - Kl less I had a very clear part with a f f mlly llk . e to e l Z~A*2 1,1 Mustard Pickles One quart small big bluff in it I wouldn't get the confi- Basing at a secondhand store an old tomatoe8 , one quart small cu- dences which I needed. We've got to ^legged^ble^ s J^lA^i!?l Smbers, one quart small onions, one Put these in brine ucnvco Tvtin.ii * umwOTM * - r>"- . t A if j -j. ui i be at the heart of the show, taking a white and installed in a e pl real hand and not just looking on. So beneath the window. When not in nsej ^ d . fct Then scald I settled I would be a big engineer I can drop the leaves and it occupies "* ' BY JOHN BUCHAN. there was a time when there weren't very little space. I use it as a work- many bigger in the United States taD i e a i so> raising one side to work on. i than John S. Blenkiron. I talked largo instead of the ordinary kitchen bought three folding chairs that retire to a small place in the corner when not in use. These I dress (Copyrighted Thomaa Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XIII. (Cont'd.) Spice Pickles clean and place Wash cucumbers n crock. Make a We returned by the long street on the crest of the hill. There was a man Gelling oranges on a tray, and Blenk- iron stopped to look at them. I noticed that the man shuffled fifteen into a cluster. Blenkiron felt the oranges, about what might be done in Mesopo- c y, a j rg tamiii in the way of washing the tfcQf ^ 1 British down the river. Well, that jtalk caught on. They knew of my , . . . reputation as an hydraulic expert, and "P with slips on the backs, made like they were tickled to death to rope me pillow slips, of unbleached or white in. . I told them I wanted a helper, muslin, which I embellish with a and I told them about my friend Rich-; wreath or initial embroidered in blue. ard Hanau, as good a German as ever, An i ron ing board hinged to a very twenty-four hours Then pour supped^ sauerkraut, jW ho was coming narrow she ]f, pi ace d at the proper ! bnne and P ut P lckles In cans wltl height on This board when not in use is in the brine until tender. Dressing Two quarts vinegar, one cup flour, one cup sugar, six table- spoons mustard, two tablespoons tum- eric (wet with vinegar). Put pickles into this mixture and can. strong hot brine and pour over pickles while hot Cover and let stand for as a the wall, is another spaco lavers of mixed a P ic <* between. Then heat vinegar to boiling point and "Is your morning's work finished?", though Russia and Rumania I 8a 'd. I benevolent neutral; but when he got "Our morning's walk?" he asked in.|to Constantinople would drop his neu- sa y er l i " 10 ".'="'- "- "sweeten to" taste with saccharine and nocently. tralityand double his benevolence. < '? U P *"".* ; the wa!5 where it is "?*" * *" f '^^^^. 'I said 'work.' " ! They got reports on you by wire from held in place with a hook. Ihe outer P" r ver He smiled blandly. "I reckoned the States I arranged that before I end is supported by a stout leg that ' AN ATTRACTIVE NEGLIGEE. CIUSU.T. Dwii&ii-uii lc , k ..,= v,.-.. B ". y u ' d tumble to it. Why, yes, except ] c f t London. So you're going to be is hinged to the under side of the as if to see that they were sound, and that I've some figuring still to do. welcomed and taken to their bosoms board so that it drops down into po- pushed two aside. The man instantly , dive me naif an hour and 1 11 be at j ust like John S. was. We've both got 8 jti on when the board is lowered for restored them to the group, never rais- . your service, Major. I jobs we can hold down, and now you're use _Mrs S M..C. ing his eyes That afternoon, after Peter had j n these pretty clothes you're the dead "This ain't the time of year to buy , cooked a wonderfully good luncheon, 1 r i n ger of the brightest kind of Am- fruit," said Blenkiron as we passed on. j I had a heart-to-heart talk with crican engineer But we can't go "Those oranges are rotten as med- Blenkiron. (back on our tracks. If we wanted to l ars "My business is to get noos," he i eave for Constanza next week they'd We were almost on our own door- 1 said; "and before I start in on a stunt be very polite, but they'd never let step before I guessed the meaning of I make considerable preparations. All : us . We've got to go on with this ad- the business. the time in London when I was yelp- j venture and nose our way down into ing at the British Government, I was Mesopotamia, hoping that our luck busy with Sir Walter arranging w ju hold God knows how we will things ahead. We used to meet in g e t out of it; but it's no good going queer places and at all hours of the ou t to meet trouble. As I observed night. I fixed up a lot of connections before, I believe in an all-wise and in this city before I arrived, and espe- , beneficent Providence, but you've got c ! all> ' a , "!! scrvice ^ y u , r For : to give Him a chance." eign Office by way of Rumania and Russia. In a day or two I guess our friends will know all about our dis- Every Meal Soothes the throat. ility, Flavor caled Package, coveries." At that I opened my eyes very wid. 1 . I am bound to confess the prospect staggered me. We might be let in for fighting and worse than fighting against our own side. I wondered if it wouldn't be better to make a bolt for tect your Stock and dultry The same Sapho Powder that jids your home of flies, mos- quitoes, roaches and other pests will protect your livestock, poultry and pets from flies, gnats, lic and other parasites. Cowl, proteti from fllM. lrfv mor i-.llk. Uonu da mor work. Uen, 1rn from lice, ly lt>r. Stpho kills II p*nu!tf. Start u>ln( It !''-,. It will not lUJn or IrrlUU. U NON- rOISONOUS to humani. anlmali or |.'r,u, i. n,i r.n even b* npp;iJ to cp*n ior uul cuu without Lojurr or On* uppllrMlon k*rpt row< fr from flici for two d>yi bs!dcj killing other Brpho Powder It olio uwful In Ull- I:,y i '' or edtbU |>Unt3. CnJ.T iniir Bapho Powdrr In-dar. 23 i. J (0 ctnU, alao in lizu. Pipho nu*b Sjrartr 11.00. R-i..' 1 ij'.'r.. Sapha I .' , rc/ 1 n- m*. 1) Mala. 3*ad Cg?ou ij ,'j; . KENNEDY MANUFACTURING CO., E. j Ilei.ri Julien Avc. , UONTMUL. "Why, yes. You Britishers haven't it, and said so. any notion how wide-awake your In- He shook his head. "I reckon not telligence Service is. I reckon it's In the first place we haven't finished j easy the best of all the belligerents, our inquiries. We've got Greenmantle ; You never talked about it in peace located right enough, thanks to you,, time, and you shunned the theatrical but we still know mighty little about ways of the Teuton. But you have the that holy man. In the second placa wires laid good and sure. I calculate >t won't be as bad as you think. This there isn't much that happens in any show lacks cohesion, sir. It is not corner of the earth that you don't P in K to last for ever. I calculate know within twenty-four hours. I that before you and I strike the site don't take much stock in your political of the garden that Adam nnd Eve fre- push. They're a lot of silver-tongues, .quented there will be a queer turn of no doubt, but it ain't oratory that is affairs. Anyhow, its good enough to wanted in this racket. The William gamble on." Jennings Bryan stunt languishes in' Then hc got some sheets of paper war-time. Politics is like a chicken- aml (lrew mc n P lan of the dispositions coop, and those inside get to behave of the Turkish forces. I had no no- as if their little run were all the tion he was such n close student of world. But if the politicians mako war - for his exposition was as pood as mistakes it isn't from lack of good in- n staff lecture. Ho made put that the struction to guide their steps. If I, filiation was none too bright any- had a big proposition to handle and where. The troops released from 4425. Foulard is here portrayed w ith girdle and bindings of satin in a could have mv pick of helpers I'd Gallipoli wanted a lot of refitment, | con t ra sting color. This model is good plump for the Intelligence Department nd would P c s ' ow ,'P r eo c nntf Mi , f p print ed voile, or crepe of the British Admiralty. Yes, sir. I Transcaucasian frontier, where the 1 B ' 8 '" take off my hat to your Government Sgff - werc threatening The Army p. ,_..,. t Size8 . sleuths" iof Syria was pretty nearly a rabble, Ine ' attern is cut i "Did they provide vou with readv ! under the lunatic Djemal. There Small, 34-36; Medium, 38-40; Large made spies here?" I asked in astonish- WHSn>t the foggiest chance of a seri- 42-44; Extra Large, 46-48 inches bust ment | oua invasion of Egypt being under- 1 measure. A Medium size requires 4% "Why, no," he said. "But they gave 'taken. Only in Mesopotamia did [ yar d s of 40-inch material. The width me the key, and I could make my own . ft b W ' ok fn , lr 'y. <: h e erful - OW1 "K to at the foot is 2% yards. arrangements. In Germany I buried thc blunders of British strategy. And: Pattern mai i e(1 to any address myself deep in the local atmosphere ' JiZri^th^oW Tur^m obUize.?! total and never peeped out Thut was myj that if the old lurk zed a total game, for I was looking for something of a "H 11 "?" mc>n .' ho has los 40 per in German v itself nnH Hi.ln'f , t cent, of them already. And if I'm pickles and seal. Pickles will be found very crisp and good after two years. Lifebuoy may be safe- ly used on the tender- i-st skin. It la wonderfully cleansing for little hands, faces and bod- ies. Lift/nti taMn kavt tiamtt- fulktalthj itint. Instinct Probably. Freddie "Ma, what b the off A BACK-PORCH SHELF. I recently saw a handy back-porch shelf for the preparing of vegetables, name?" The shelf was low enough so that the I Ma-The baby hasn't any name worker could be seated. In the centre vet - of the shelf a round hole was cut and' Freddie-' Then how did n know under this were hooks for holding a he belonged to us? garbage bucket The shelf was cover- ed with oilcloth so that it was easily kept clean. Here during summer all vegetables brought from the garden are cleaned and prepared for use without being carried into the kitchen. When the work is completed all refuse had been dropped through the hole into the waste bucket and there is no litter to The first kingdom to be conquered is the kingdom of self. Steel Roofing Direct from Manufacturer* to Consumer WRITE FOR PRICES w.l.-n- ..,!. Rl-t BIIU UICIC 13 IIU IIIKTI W _, _-j - f-kJ /-fl I . I clear away or pans of waste to empty i W. t. UlLlAsPI IAJ., Limited 189 - 191 George St. . Toronto Mlnard's Liniment Heals Cuts. The Portrait Casey decided to go Into business, so he bought a email livery stable and had a sign painted showing him ! astride a mule. He had the sign : placed in front of the stable and was i quite proud of it. Hlg friend Flnnigan came along and stood gazing at the sign. "That's a good picture of me, isn't It?" aeked Caey. "Sure, It looks something like you," eaid Flnnigan; "but who the deuce Is the man on your back?" EDDYS MATCHES The more you use them-the better you'll like them/ ON MLB SVERY WHIRS IN CANADA ASK VOX THEM BY NAME any pe I' of tt " r P het he>s Koing on of 1Bc in silvcr or stam P S ' by wi i son Publishing Co 78 West " ]' lw> " t ^ Toront o Allow two Adelaide St., loronto. Allow two know, I failed where you succeeded ' P ret ty soon to lose more." But so KOOII as I crossed the Danube! He ^re up the papers and enlarge'! politics. "I reckon I've got the weeks for receipt of pattern. - OLD STANDBY PICKLE RECIPES. 1 Bet about opening up my lines of on j"""--=- * "-"**"" ' >c **" VI1D <?,,,/ i ,,, PifkL-i Ono wk communication, and I hadn't been two j measure of the Young Turks and their J^"L,, J^ twT rn S? ^in days in this metropolis before I had . Precious Committee. Those boys aren't cucumbers, two cups salt, vm- got my telephone exchange buzzing i an y K d - Enver's bright enough, and egar. one ounce of cloves, one ounce Sometime I'll explain the thing to you * or sure J 16 ' 8 Kt sand. He'll stick out of stick cinnamon, two pounds brown for it's a pretty little business I've a fl ^ nt liko a Vermon t game-chicken, got the cutest cypher. . . . No, it ain'tibut he lacks the larger vision, sir. He my invention. It's your Government's. Any one, babe, imbecile, or dotard, can doesn't understand the intricacies of the job no more than a sucking-child, POWDER Mils carry my messages you saw sonic of i so * ne Germans play with him, till his them to-day but it takes some mind! temper goes and he bucks like a mule, to set the piece, and it takes a lot o fi Talaat ls a sulk y d K who wants to figuring at my end to work out tho! ba tter mankind with a club. Both results. Some day you shall hear it i the8e b y s would have made good cow- all, for I guess it would please you "i punchers in the old days, and they "How do you use it?" I asked. I might have got a living out West as "Well, I get early noos of what is lthe STun-men of a Labor Union, going on in this cabbage-patch. Like-i They're about the class of Jesse James wine I get authentic nooe of the rest or Bil1 the Kil1 - excepting that they're ot Europe, and I can send a message college-reared and can patter lan- to Mr. X in Petrograd and Mr. V in K u K es - But they haven't the organ- London, or, if I wish, to Mr / in Noo '*'"* Power to manage the Irish tc; York. What's the matter with that in a ward election. Their ono notion j for a post-office? I'm the best j n - ' s to get busy with their firearms, nnd formed man in Constantinople, for old E*P are Kiting t ' rc , <1 of the nla;> k General I.iman only hoars one side, Hnnd stunt - Thplr llold on tht ' coun - and mostly lies at that, and Enver lrv la J ust tlle hol(l that a man with prefers not to listen at all. Also, I could give them points on what is happening nt their very door, for our friend Sandy is a big in the bust- run crowd of mountebanks that ever fiddled cec rets out of men's hearts. Without their help I wouldn't have cut much ice in this rity." "1 want you to tell me one Blenkiron," 1 said. "I've a part for the past mon wears my nerves to tatters. Is this job very tiring, for if it is I doubt 1 may buckle up." He looked thoughtful. "I can't call our business an absolute rest-cure any time. You've got to keep your eyes skinned, and there's nlwuys the risk ShoePolisltes ' L..n fm tst be Keens 190 It's Great hold that a man a Browning has over a crowd with I walking-sticks. Thi> cooler heads In I the Committee arr growinc shv of them and an old fox like Ojnvid is lying low till his time comes. Now it doesn't want arguing thnt a ming of, that kind hn.s got to hang close to- j rether or they mnv hang separately. Ki-in to be thirsty *-* when you Know the answer e one thing K u " oriipuu-y been playing " lllrk - barrinir t.he fact thnt they lire .nth, and it I 1 '' 1 ' iin . d ( . h( : is x'f'PV, p<l that * i thev'vfl irot their O-IIMS Imtripfl they've got their guns (To be continued.) MinaH's Liniment fc. Dandruff Nothing is more deep-seated in the American spirit and the American of the little packet of dynamite going! R oul than regard for Knglnnd, appre- off unexpwtfd. But. as these things! elation of England, nnd trust in the go, I rate this stunt as easy. We've only got to he natural. We wear our natural clother,, and talk Engljsh, nnd sport a Teddy Roosevelt smile, nnd integrity and fuith of England. Dr. N. M. Butler. there isn't unv call for theatrical tal- ent Where I've found the job tight The notion that there is something holy in doing nothing, which results! was when I had got to be natural, and) in u great deal of Sunday loafing, is I \T\\ Have Summer Heai ' ThisAVhrter A Warm house and a cool cellar day and nijjhl tliewin- ter throiigh: AIM) a saving In your coal Dills of from . j tii ^ A KELSEY WARM AIR GENERATOR In your rcllar will onsureihis. The Keltey is. t ! most eftl.ifnt and economkal system of home heating ever devised .n id will heat tlie smallest cotta^orthe largest IIMIUKHI properly anil healthfully. MAYVYI StND WU PARTICUIARS? A pure beverage bottled in our abso- lutely sanitary plant where every bottle is sterilized. Buy it by the case from your dealer and keep a few bottles on ice at home. DrinK my naturalness was the same brand as that of everybody round about, nnd all the time I had to do unnatural things. It isn't easv to be going down to business and Uiking cocktails with Mr. Carl Rosenheim, nnd next hour being engaged trying to blow Mr. Ropenheim's friends sky high. And it Isn't easy to keep up a part which is difficult to eradicate. Dean of Exeter. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE IK YOU HAVE ANY HOUSES, stores, apartment houses, fnnns, Wi'ntem land or business to exchange, get In touch with H. fl. T)AV;8 & CO.. * 407 ExceUlor Life UulUlIng, Toronto. CANADA FOUNDRIES & FORCINGS LIMITtD JAMES SMART PLANT BKOCKVILbF. ONT. ISSUE No. 35 '21 Delicious and Refreshing THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Toronto. Montteil, Winnipeg. Vaocouvc*