Classified Advertisements CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. -| .STKI.MUKNT 1'IllKiisn. BOTH 8KXK8, KAB.N I tfcond big la lunr- Uma n*wipapr corrs- demta. Our treallM eontftln* all necflfMr? la* formation for 7011 to begin worn >t one*. Bend II lor book "Nvjapr Corrxmdnre. " Dominion Herri UlttrikutUK Anni-y. Kln9ton. Out. . There u a Garden Where the Bee Balm Bums. Thera. is a garden where the bee balm burn* Like the laat embers of the sunset nres, I Where sunbeams flll the scarlet poppy urns And sapphire larkapur lift their OWOKTUMTY. IlKAI, 11AIB NBTS. *lndr B"pires. Mil raxllr. Send ten ccou for full .mi.:,. . . .i AAn proportion. ron.mL.iioa. Doroiiu ui Petunias purple as the p*tns ot iieep 1LVEII <Booklec). i. 16 Mali NOTKS FROM MT OIABT Nut 7n' tprleoe rtnrbJAi Dr. U- i(l*ll. Truro Nora Bcotl*. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provlnelml Board of Haalth, Ontarte Or. MWdhtnn irlll t clad to answer question* on Public HaalOx *- ton through this column. AddrM him at ipadlat HOOJM*. I Crescent. Toronto. ^ Rlljotirpipe Net Co.. l.iml-ay BulMuu. UontrMl. WASHINGTON HAND PRIM. WK II* VIC i.N K.N'JLIIIV 'Olt A 'V ASH: NO- ION Bud I>nu ibc will jo. t HUM ol f corumni. taut. W!l FUUllBtai Co,. Lid- II ld*UU> at. W . T< HANDS INSURED FOR $60,000 Flutter with pansdes bright as but- 1 "Put your trust in the Lord, my of hospital service at the minimum of ten-flies men, and keep your powder dry" was cost. . Where hi the serin* the English vlo- ' . . There is an old saying In ..ime 01 rre the advice of Oliver Cromwell to his e prepar e for war," but so far lets creep And star the garden with tlielr azure eyes. No rc.smary tor remembrance grows here Ann , p. a v hlom can And yet not one gay blossom can for * t iep.ce prepare . ____ ,_. The moral of that great Gen- a s health activities of this kind are erul's exhortation is "The Lord helps concerned, there ia another slogan, "In those that help themselves." time of health prepare for sickness./ Is there anything more valuable The usefulness of the municipal nos- than human life? Is there an asset pitals is especially apparent m the to n V home greater than the new- early development of new parts of a ^ * if sicknesa visits a home province- where medical and nunnng is the best service too good? Year facilities are few and far between CUT PLUG Mile. Lenglfcn takes the greatest pre- cautions to guard from possible dam- age the hand with which she makes her wonderful drives and volleys. She even shakes hands with her left hand slightest harm. As she is an amateur she would suf v A little lad who one long distant year aftef year ^ over this cont i nen t, Pioneers must necessarily endure Romped In these ways amid the various medical, hospital and nursing hardships and inconveniences; but, as mignonette. associations have been grappling with development proceeds, population in- an all-important question, viz. : the creases. Then, the lessons of the past A man, he sometimes wanders here better car ing for the sick and the pro- should result in a resolve on the part 1 - again Half carelessly, yet with tread, ,n order that her right may escape the Uttl. he knows what 6 harp ex^te and = raHy The flowers ' ln * abed - viding of the very best facilities to of the people to guard aprainst the bit- a careful relieve sufferinx humanity. The bet- ter experience of those who have ter the' service the greater the cost; ; "broken the trail." fer no financial lose if, by acme Injury, she were prevented from playing ten- nis again, otherwise ah might follow tive example of other notable people and take out a heavy Insurance on the' limb which haa brought her to the topmost pinnacle of lawn-tennis fame. Famous dancers and Instrumaetal- Uts are tJmoet Invariably protected by some such policy, since the slight- est injury to ank! or finger might cause the cancellation of a contract &nd the consequent loss of thousands of pounds. For many yeara Paderewskt paid $4,000 a year In premiums against in- jury to his hands, which were Insured for $60,000. He had separate policies . lor his fingers, thumbs, eyes, and toes, ami on one occasion, when a damaged finger-nail prevented him from appear- ing at a concert, he was paid $5,000 compensation. Kubelik, the great violinist, had his of providing medical TO fP*l a* he bond, above r afflicted. This question of provid- sparsely settled expanses of our pro- TO feel as he bends abo>e & hospiul 8en A ce for the people vince, is becoming increasingly im- " Dea - of any province in Canada might be portent In some cases families live, Often they weep for him the long Bolved ' b y ^ establishment of muni- os many as fifty miles from the near- night through, cipal hospitals, whereby ways and tst physician and have little or no : Though in the man they find nor means cou id be provided for the peo- 1 means at their disposal to cope with flaw nor lack; pie to help themselves and bring to ' any sickness or accident that may The one who tends them calLs their within reasonable access the maximum occur. _ _____ teardrops "dew," Nor knows they mourn a child who comes not back. Elizabeth Scollard. SAVE THE CHILDREN The Smallest Fish. Probably the smallest flsh In the world are to be found In tbe moun- tain lake Buhl, on the Island of Luzon, Philippines. This fish, which th na- tives call .he smarapan. is the .most minute vertebrate animal known to science. It weighs only half a grain, and half an Inch is its maximum length. This appeared In a daily paper, and as the Item was interest- Ing, If true, constilt Dr. we took the trouble to : Lucas, director of the ' "bow" hand insured for $10,000 against ' American Museum of National His- Injury, and for $50.000 against per- manent disablement. Boxers Barred. Pavlova is said to have protected her beautiful limbs by a most com- prehensive Insurance policy. The dis- ablement of a single toe of her dainty foot might cost the underwriters no less than J30.000, while her country- woman, Mile. Napierskowska, Insured her feet against accident to the ex- tent of $62,500. It might appear to be Impossible to Insure such an Intangible thing as a voice, but Mme. Patti, who was on of the pioneers of this form of protec- tion, was Invariably insured for $5,000 a performance. Since then her ex- ample has been followed by many fa- mous singers. When Mr. Tom Burke, the cele- brated tenor, was booked for a tour of 100 concerts throughout Canada and the United States, his Impresearlo safeguarded himself by Insuring the life of the singer for $500,000. It Is not only those who amuse and entertain the public who Insure them- selves agaln&t the loss of their powers. The late Professor Huxley was the first man on record to insure his eye- Bight, and would have received $25,- 000 If he had gone blind; while It is stated that the hands of Sir Herbert Barker, the famous manipulative sur- ffeon. are insured for a large sum against disablement. When, however, a certain famous boxer tried to Insure his hands against Injury, the underwriters refused to Quote him terms for the risk. tory, and he not only sold the item was correct, but gave some additional information and compared the minute fish with a whale. He writes as fol- lows: "Mistichthys luzonens-is; one weighs 1.9S66 grains. 14,000,000 weigh one ton, and 840.000,000 weigh sixty tons blue whale." SY!IITO)IS OF AHEM! Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets In the biouse may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot weath- er. Stomach troubles, cholera infan- tum and diarrhoea carry off thousands of MUle ones every summer, in most cases -because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve these troubles, or if fflven occasional- ly to the well child will prevent their coming on. The Tablets are guaran- teed by government analyst to be ab- solutely harmless even to the new- born babe. They are especially good in summer they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet j and pure. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr \Villiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. EASY TRICKS No. 41 Mind Reading Made Easy, out An Inherited Tendency to Anaemia May be Overcome. Some peoplw have a tendency to be- > come thin-blooded Just as others have an Inherited tendency to rheumatism, or to nervous .disorders. The condi- tion in which the blood becomes so thin that the whole body suffers comes on so gradually and ttealthily that anyone with a natural disposition in that direction should watch the symp- toms carefully. Blood less nees, or anaemia, as the medical term Is, can be corrected much more easily In the earlier stages than later. It begins with a tired feeling that rest does not overcome, the complexion becomes pale, and breathlessuesa on slight ex- ertion, such as going up stairs, is no- ticed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a home remedy that has been most successful In the treatment of diseases caused by thin blood. With pure air and wholesome food these blood-making pills afford theaorrect treatment when the symptoms described are noticed. You can get these pills through any dealer In medicine or by mall, post- paid, at BOc a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. o . Prevention of Seasickness. Seasickness, or dread of it, keeps many a person from traveling abroad, but the prevention of this temporary distress seems at haa*! in the anti- rolling devices used on the newest German liner, the Albert Bailin. The system Is the development of the eld time bilge keel, or "rolling chock," as sailors called the original Idea. But. instead of the side tins to keep the sihip steady, the German device calls I for two long tanks, just below the water line end about midships. These fill and empty automatically and so rapidly that all side motion, or almost all, la checked before it begins.' Of. course, it doe not prevent the ship pill-hint; In a head sea.. The Albert Bailin is not only equip- ped with the Frahm a-nti-rolling tanks, but also has the Forester system of bulges, which also tend to steady her, but which do not add much to her shlpshapelln/ess, making her look like a maritime sausage. Squeamish pas- sengers werei, however, enthusiastic about the res-ults aod that te what counts. Ask a friend to write, without letting you see what he writes, a number composed of three different digits. Ask him to reverse the digits, making a number which Is either greater or smaller than the number he first wrote. Ask him to subtract the smaller number from the larger. He now has. you will explain. number which Is either larger or smaller than the first number he wrote and which you cannot pos- sibly know. Ask him to draw his pencil through any of the digits In this number (excepting a cipher) and to tell you the digits he did NOT cross out. Immediately you will tell him which number he crossed out. This la another trick which utilizes the peculiar powers of the digit 9. To discover the number crossed out, mentally add the numbers he gives you and subtract from the nearest multiple of 9. The remainder is the number your friend crossed out. Maka certain that the number first written is composed of three different digits. The trick will not work, for example, if ha writes 606 or 101. (Clip this out and paste , icith other of the scries, in a scrapbook.} MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Singing is a Type of Play. To those who are acquainted with what has been done to make singing a , real Joy in people's lives both on this continent and in England, the name of j William L. Tomlins is familiar. In the ' last address the writer heard him de- liver, Mr. Tomlina referred to singing from the play standpoint. He said, "Play is an important part of life. The man who has never played is stiff and angular, not to say crabbed. "Xatura uses the joy-relaxations of play to assemble certain parts and powers in us, to blend them in unity ' and then d-epioy them to advantage. ' Thus we are made fit for the activities ; of work-a-day life. The boys play their arms and legs In football, the lit- tle girls play mothering their dolls, and all of them play their minds In story books. "But as we grow up we turn too ex- clusively to physical play; to feats of strength and agility things In which we are excelled by the lower animals'. I "Whereas there is equal and even great- er content in the play of our higher powers. "Song, In a way, Is- this kind of play. By means of song all our powers may be brought into use. First, the j soul by means of the breath, unifies the body, mind and heart powers and Joins them to Itself. But that Is not all: tJiere must be also, the master- i force spirit which is our innermost being for without it there can never be fullness of life." * Knowledge of coming weuther changes shown by birds is attributed to atmospheric pressure on their nerves. The less strenuous a man's job. th more time he has to get fed up with it. IRRITATED SUN.WIND.DUST 6-CINDEBS KECOMHINDI3 O SOLD 8Y DRU001STS 4. OPTICIAN* UIT> ia * IT< ** ^-> *tM -^ VmMMI Attractive Proosition Fur man wlUi all ruuud cewspapar uperlence and or $500. Apply Box 24. Wllsoa Publlsbloi Co.. Ltd. 71 Street Amrlc'i Plour Doff a:uo41>i Boo on DOG DISEASES ml How ( llatlrd Fr to IDT A> >'.: by th* Author. B. CU? OloTr Co., XML i.'.. wut I4t_ < t Nw York, n.9 A. Horse-Sense. By Mark G. Brewer. The following boyhood experience was related to me by my father: A few years ago I got the Job ot driving a grocery wagon around In a town that was unfamiliar to me. Con- sequently, I did not know the streets where I was to make deliveries. "Oh, that's all right," said the bow, "You'll soon learn the route." "But you are going with me the first time, aren't you," I asked. "Nope, you can depend upon the horse." And so I went off. wondering wheth- er this mysterious horse was really u man and the wagon a Jlnrikisha. No, the horse was a horse, and a beautiful one. He started off, went on for a block or two, then drew up to the curb and stopped in front of a house. "What is he stopping for?" I ake<l myself. Then 1 remembered. "You can depend upon the horse." 1 went d whfm th ^ v eat on!y hole, m Into the house ami found them waiting for their groceries. We made about thirty deliveries- i that af'ernoon. and not oroe did I i Eat But Hu wtfe __.. u . s sim . plv re m.arkabte h imu . h materlal moths eat and dee- t .. p rofeMO r-"How can that b, have to -say "Whoa" or "Ctt-up." The Realizing a Dream. \ London inventor has contrived an artiftt '! throat for organ pipea that "Sins of omission?" repeated young Oswald on being asked what they! were. "Why. they are the sins we have forgotten to dol" Happiness wants company, but mis- ery is merely looking for an audience. Sunday School children, what is Bright Boy: "Please miss, bad medi- cine." Teacher: "Now, false doctrine?" Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the houi*. ASPIRIN UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all horse said all that part to himself. I go ^ n ' & ^ 9 the currents of air as to Horses are not ouiy ivsd a beasts make Bounds that resemble the vowel of burden, but they also help u let in soum ) s of human speech. To n?pro- the thinking. i (j lIC e the human voice on the pipe or- ' gan has long been a dream of musi- cians; the new Invention is said al- most to realize it. Fineness of Platinum. Platinum wire has been drawn so j fine that 30,000 pieces of it placed side j by aide would not cover" more than | an Inch, while 150 pieces bound to- gether would be necessary to form a thread as thick us a niament of raw tllk. Whip-Poor-WiU. We traveled through tie soundless night And breathed the fragrant Jun* Tumultuous fragrance, flooded bright With an unwaning moon; Till from the whitened field the wood Rose dark along the hill, And there, with sudden Joy we stood To hear thee, whip-poor- will I Bird, O Wonder I long and high Thy measured question calls! 1 marvel, till thy perfect cry Almost too perfect fall*. John Erskine. With no motive in life a man is like an automobile minus the steer- ing wheel. THEY TELL THEIR NEIGHBORS Women Tell Each Other How They Were Helped by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Keep Stomach and Boweb Right By rivlni twby the barmlmi, rnrwly andchildran'>mul>tor. SYRUP bring* itoni*h ::.-. grmttfy in ruulu to making baby's ttamach dl(t food and boweli more aa they ihould at tmthlna time. Guaranteed fn* from narcotics, opf- t . alcohol and all harmful nta. Safe and aatjrfactory. THE OLD RELIABLE Mlnard's gets at the loot of the trouble. Stopa Inflammation. ite !>".. p&in. The Original One^Piece Suit. She- -"And yoti swim a great de&l down at the shore ? What do you wear most of the Kroe?-' He "A coat of tan." /Uk for Mln'd's and take no olhr. "The most important thing in life is for man to unite with man; and the worst thing in life is to go apart from one another." Leo Tolstoi. Accept only an "unbroken package" or "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache . Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy -Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 2i and 100 Druggist* ffiJi^'^^.^.^'''^^?/^^^^^^^^;'^^^ SHESr. &^S^s!Ssp^s.sns.S^ tf -- ic Woodbrid^e, Ont. "1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable Compound for fe- male troubles. 1 would have headaches, backaches, pains between my shoul- ders and under my shoulder-blades and dragging down feelings on each side. I was sometimes unable to do my work and felt very badly. My mother- in-law told ma about the Vegetable Compound and I got some right away. It haa done me moro g<>od than any other medicine I evrr took and I rec- ommend it to my neighbors. You are quite welcome to use this letter ae n testimonial if you think it will help somo poor sufferer/' Mrs. EDGAR S1MMON5, R. R. 2, Woodbridge, Or.t. In nearly every neighborhood in every town and city in" this country there aro women who have been helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in tho treatment of ailments peculiar to their sex, and they take pleasure in parsing the good word along to other women. Therefore, if you are troubled in this way, why not give l.vdiaE. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and herbs, has for forty years proved its value m cases. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of T,"dia E. Pink- Vegetable Compound. C SF 11 P Very Sore. Itched and Burned, Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals, "My face became affected with large, hard, red pimples that were very sore. They scaled over and itched and burned f ^.-^ so that I could not sleep. . 3 My face was awftilly dis- "*" / figured for the time being. V\ "'I read an advertise- ment for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for t free sample. My face began to fed better so I purchased more, and when I had used (our calces of Soap and one and one-half bozos of Oint- ment I was healed." i Signed) Miss Lillian R. Ladue, Jericho, Vt Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are all you need for every -day toilet and nursery purposes. "tnMM.UB ItoU.'s * 91, fiol At. W . M'tBCftiJ. ' ' Sold tfvurj- BaV^Cuticur* Soap ibavea without TBU. ISSUE Nft. 34 "Z3.