August 1, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Investor's Safeguard C AFETY is the first consideration in every phase of this Bank's business and we are in a position to render a complete investment service. Our nearest Manager will gladly advise you regard- ing any securities you may contemplate purchasing, Ut STANDARD SERVICE b, j.*r Imvtttmtnt Stfigmmrf THE STANDARD BANK * Or CANADA. FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. touch** *lw .t and Holland C ire. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. ft. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as- f ollows : Ging Soutk Going North i 8.05 a.m. 11.52 a.m. I 4.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail . aouth at 3.30. For morning train south at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the j previous evening. LOCil! ChttTT Flesherton Fall Fair Sept. 27 & 28. j Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henry and son, Billie, are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Munshaw was a visitor in Toronto and Stouffville last week. Mr. Maurice Wright of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. Geo. Blakely of Proton Sta- tion is visiting relatives in town. Miss Hazel Shunk of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Julian spent the week end at his home in Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong treated her C.G.I.T. cass to a picnic at Wasaga Beach on Fridaylast. Raspberry picking is now on. The crop will be none too good if we do not soon get rain. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howard and Miss Jean Bunt of Toronto spent Sunday with W. H. Bunt. For Sale 118 gallon new galvan- ized stock tank for sale. Apply at thisoffice for particulars. Civic holiday next Monday. Fiesherton Fall Fair Sept. 27 & 28. Mrs. N. Wiley and little son of . .ven Sound are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson Mr. Andrew Sharpe and Mrs. Elson of Manitoba left on Monday for their home, after spending a month with relatives here. Everybody in Flesherton is going to the big ball game in Owen Sound to- day when Fleshertons' chances of virtory are bright. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips left on Tuesday to visit their two daugh- ters in Deti'oit and including a visit with friends in Toronto and expect to absent about a month. The Department of Game and Fish- eries deposited 21 cans of trout fry in the streams entering the hydro pond at Eugena, on Thursday last. These came frm the hatchery at the Sault. Miss Lillian Bunt, teacher in Tor- onto, arrived home last week to spend the holidays. Theis week she is tak- ing a trip with a lady friend though the Thousand Islands. A credit sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 78, con. 3, Artemesia, on Tuesday, Aug. 14th, the property of Thos. Fletcher. See large bills for particulars. Jas. A. Clark, Auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Greutzer and daugh- ter, Ruth, Mrs. A. C. Down and Mrs. Holben and son, all of Cleveland, motored over last week and are the guests of Mrs. F. G. Karstedt and other relatives here. The Advance had a short call on Saturday from two well known news- paper men in the persons of Mr. Lome Eedy of the Walkerton Teles- and John W. Eedy of the St. Miss Mary Jones of Toronto is the guest of her friend, Miss Hazel the Weekly Newspaper Association These gentlemen, with the former's family, were out to take a long dist- the natural and artificial beauties of hydro development out there. Inkster. ance S q U int at Pheasant Island in the Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Batty moved hydro pond at Eugenia, and to view into their new apartments above the .Standard Bank last week. ^Flesherton Fall Fair Sept. 27 & 28. \ Miss Pearl McMaster has returned ' home after spending three weeks in Toronto. Mrs. W. E. Honer and little son of .South Porcupine are on an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore and dau- ghter, May.of Meaford spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson recently. PRICEVILLE PRESBYT. SUPPLY The following will supply for Rev. Mr. Jones of Priceville during his ab- sence on holiday: Aug. 5th. Rev. Jos. Harrower of Toronto : Aug. 12th representative of Dominion Alliance; Aug. 19th, Rev. Harrower. McLEOD GLENISTER svs"j. I A quiet wedding was solemnized Rev. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. R. Pentland : ; n Toronto on Wed.. July 25th, at mnd daughter, Louise, of Ravenwood noon, when Elizabeth Caroline, dau- anu uauK":i, * ghter of Mrs. Caroline Glemster, be- are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. i. Jjjj-j thfi bride of John Reith McLeod> Henry. only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and child- John Jg^LPUSV^ ren of St. Catharines are spending | ^ hat and was unattendei Im . the week with the former's mother mediately after the ceremony the here and other friends. happy couple left for a wedding trip Te ami otner irienus. ""wj *wmr~** - ,, ,, , *, -I, i Mr. b >' motor. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod will Mr. John Jamieson, Mr. and Mis. reside at The Maples, Ceylon. E. K. Jamieson and family motored j up and spent the week end at Robt. BORN McMaster's. PATTON In Flesherton on Satur- Mrs. A. Thistlethwaite is on an ex- day JuJ 2 8, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. j as . o. Patton, a daughter. W. Fields, in Toronto, undergoing MAGEE In Artemesia on Satur- special medical treatment. 'day, July 22, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elda Karstedt returned last GarnettMagee, a daughter, week after a three weeks' visit with relatives at Indiannapolis and Cleve- $,$ , dkXhter . land. Last week the Flesherton Ceme- tery was vastly improved in appear- ance by havng the grass cut, which had grown to quite a length. FAR.M LABORERS WANTED More harvesters than ever will be aa grown 10 mm.; ..v... 'needed this year, in Western Canada. 4. i on account of the bumper crop, bpec- The additional large electric lamp ial traing wiu be run by the Canadian over the centre of the town square Pacific Railway, which is advertising gives a well lighted effect to the main the usual low rate of $15 to Winnipeg 'plus a half-cent per mile beyond to street. ! destination in Manitoba, Saskatche- Mr. T. D. Berry, superintendent at wan and Alberta. Returning the fare the power house, and family leave ; will be $20 form Winnipeg, plus hallf- this week for a motor trip to St. Q j n dates are August 13, 15, 22 Louis, where his parents reside. | a]u i24, according to the territory in Fred Finder, baker, went to Osh- ' Ontario. On the lunch cars food and refreshments can be Obtained at rea- awa last week to bring up a new ear ; ' Special cars will be for himself. The old one will be provided for ladies, children (full turned into a truck, which he will use fare) and their escorts. First spec- , v- h 11<t j n pa,i ial train will leave Toronto on each m his busmesa. date at 1Q a m _ and lagt gpedlll at Miss Wilda Martin of Proton visit- io.30 p.m. on each date. ed recently with her friend, Miss ! Full information may be obtained Ruth VanDuscn, and is also spending 'Jjoin any Canadian Pacific Ucket a couple of weeks with her aunt, Miss Myrtle Camack of Kimberley. nvir Service in the Methodist church <-l,VK, on Sunday next, Sacrament Sunday, will be held at 11 o'clock, instead of At the request of the ratepayer. 1 10.3U as heretofore. There will be hereby proclaim BO Sabbath School next Sunday. Mr. Jerry Thompson of town sus- Monday, August 6, 1923 4Ti,. w ,.-ii., ,. u ... t ..,~.. , a Civic Holiday for the Villa^v of taned a painful accident on Thursday ! F i os |, erton am j C n\\ upon all citizens of last wivk. While raking h*.v he , lo sove rn themsolves accordingly. D. McTAVISH, Keevo. raking h*. v was jolted from the seat and had two ribs broken. FK'shei-ton, July 25, U'23. DROWNED __-_ * While Trying to Save Others John Hemp hill Drowned In Wiicock'. Lake While Bathing. Fleaherton citizens were shocked on Tuesday evening when word came over the wire from Ceylon that John Ht-mphill. eldest son of Mr. Sangster Hemphill, had been drowned in Wil- cock's Lake a mile and a quarter south of Flesherton station. On Tuesday evening after supper a number of Ceylon young men and women went down for a bathe and swim in the south arm of the lake, where there is a nice pebbly beach. A couple young women got into diffi- culty and called for assistance, when Eldon McLachlan and the deceased went to their aid. The latter is a good swimmer. McLachlan assisted the girls to shore, then thought of Hemphill, and on looking saw his head disappear, without any outcry, and he was not seen again. The alarm was given, but it was over two hours before the body was recovered in about ten feet of water, some forty feet from shore. Although attempts at resuscitation were made they were futile, as life was quite extinct. The young man was twenty-seven years of age. The deceased was an exemplary young man, a member of te Flesher- ton Methodist church and actve in church work. He served overseas for nearly two years and was wounded while fighting. His death in this man- ner is a terrible shock to his father, with whom he was associated in bus- iness, and his brother and sisters and much sympathy is extended to them by everybody, while regret for the terrible fatality is universal with all who knew the young man. Car Ditched Buggy Another automobile collision occur- red on Thursday niirht of last week on the flat this side of the cemetery when a buggy, occupied by Mr. Jack N'eilson of Proton Station was over- :urned into the ditch. He was com- ng into town and a car, driven by :wo Markdale young ladies, came up Behind and attempted to pass on the wrong side. Mr. N'eilson did not hear the horn when they tooted, but when the car started to pass in the narrow part he pulled over to the right side of the road and the car struck the cmggy. When both the car and rwggy came to rest they were both in the ditch, one on each side of the road, but .fortunately, nobody was hurt. Both the occupants went on rejoicng that the accidetit had been no worse. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bryant and two children, who spent a couple of weeks at N". .Archibald's, have return- ed to their home inToronto. Mr. Houston of Kleinburjr is re- lieving for Percy Hemphill. who is on a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Savage of Toronto is holiday- ing with her friend, Mrs. Wilson McMullen. The Sabbath School held a picnic at Genoe's grove Friday. Those present report a very good time. Mrs. Alex. Stewart and daughter of Owen Sound and Mrs. Alfred Har- rison of Flesherton were visitors at Mrs. F. J. Collinson's last week. Mr. J. K. McLeod and bride are now comfortably settled in their new home on Stone's Line and are receiv- ing many congratulations from Mr. McLeod's many friends. Mrs. Glen of Red Wing and Mrs. Beckett from near Thornbury were visitors at Mrs. J. J. Patterson's the past week. Mr. N. Archibald motored to Tor- onto the first of the week. Mr. C. Irish of Wareham spent the week end at Mr.S.Hemphill'?. Ross McMullen of Weston spent the week end at his home here. Miss Agnes McPhail, M.P., was in Toronto a couple days the past week, returning home Saturday. Miss Myrtle Hemphill returned to the city on Monday after spending a plasant fortnight at her home here. Mr. Twambly of Toronto has been a visitor for a week atMr. J. Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hemphill and three children of Toronto arrived on Monday to visit at Mr. S. Hemphill's and with ether friends. Mr. Frank Mason of Tara is a visit- or at Mr. M.Ferguson's. Miss Gladys Cushnic of Toronto is spending her summer vacation with her aunt. Miss Millie Cook. RORN To Mr. and Mrs. Cha-le* Ohisli'U on Monday, July 30. a daugh- ter. CYnjrr:;.i;!a lions. Mr. H. Piper is spending n few Ifcya with his daughter. Mrs. 'IVrrov. at Lauri.- ton. The IHn-ham Furniuu-o Co. has -..'! thir mil! hi"v to V>. Y-tsi.i-y of L:\ur- isloii. vvho mc:;:'y list his iiu'll by ? : inoi: b id moving the mat- erial :i. Big Crop In West Mr. J. D. Clarke of the Depart- ment of Justice and Mrs. Clarke, who have been on a visit to their son, George, in the Province of Alberta, where he is engaged in banking and ranching, arrived in Flesherton on Saturday. Mr. Clarke returned to Ottawa yesterday, but Mrs. Clarke < will visit with her sister, Mrs. F. H. j W. Hickling for a week or two. The ' crops in the Prairie Provinces are re- I ported by Mr. Clarke to be in aplen- ! did condition. There has been plenty uf rain, with intermittant warm sun- sine, and even the usually dry south- ern regions will likely give ample returns. It is true that some dist- ricts have had hail storms which caus- ed loss to grain growers to a greater or less extent; but that loss is in the large majority of cases, covered by insurance. As a whole, the yield will be a bumper one probably approx- imating that of 1915, which was the most prolific known in the history of the West. Farmers generally, as well as businss men, are therefore optimistic as to the future, but state that they will combine to agitate for more advantageous freight rates and the widest possible market for their products. "Protection" The Flesherton Insurance Agency At this time of the year numerous fies are sure to expected and the best way to secure yourself against this menace is to have your property in- sured Remember, a few dollars now for insur- ance may mean much to you in time of disaster. A CARD OR PHONE CALL WILL HAVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. W. A. ARMSTRONG, Prop. S. E. l)eC I'D MORE, Agent OSPREY L'.F.O. PICNIC The Osprey U.F.O. club is holding ( its annual picnic on the agricultural grounds, Feversham, on Monday, August 6th. Mr. J. J. Morrison and Miss Agnes McPhail and other speak- ers will be present. Speaking to commence at 2 p.m. A ball game and other sports will be provided. Everybody welcome. A unique tribute is being paid to Dr. F. G. Banting, the youthful dis- coverer of the insulin cure for dia- betes. He has been invited to open the Canadian National Exihbition at Toronto, and has accepted, though much against his will, for he is very reticent about public appearances In his honor it is to be International ] and Science year, and the Dominion will be invited to meet him on open- ing day. He is at present in Great Britain. Hero, at last. {0 the Potato Pot in SMP Enam- eled War*. All up-to-date housewives are getting them. So hand;- to eanr to maaaftt. Not4 th4 trainer spout for pouring off water. Xot4 th upright handle whica lock* the pot eovtf off when straining. Injiat on SMP Enameled War*, smooth as china, tad u >trong a j jwd. Juit say Till* <plendM ftot u inr: jbl for boiling potato** and ran al*o b* Wed for cooitinc other tb.M. ftowins te. A TWT hiady dteh. flnbbc* : Ptari Wtrtttwo co*l| f pwrir rey enamel iniid* and out. THi4 War* thra* eoata. light blue ud white otrtaid* white liatiw. C7ml War*, tbrw eeatc. pore white r.i J aa4 at. with Koyml Bio. dW. "Sneer METAL PnoeuCT c**S5? For Sale in Kle>hertn by F.H.W.Hiekling. F.W.Duncan, D. McKillop. SO^OOO Harvesters Wanted "Fare Going "HIS to WINNIPEG. cent Pir mile to .tstintM. 'Fan Returning"-^ fi m 1INMK6. H eat nr rib stari* ptt ti~ COINS DATES AUGUST 1 3 and AUGUST 22. TERRITORY /From Station ia Ontario, 3mitl:' < Fallj to ami iadudioc Toronto | awl Hmtock-PMerfeoro Line. J From an Station KincUon to Renfrew Juoctio*. taeiiuive. I From aO Station* on Taroato-Sudbnrr dine* line. yFrom all Statumi Draaoel to Port McNicoll and Bortetoo. Co Bob AUGUST 15 and AUGUST 24. 'From all Station* %mth and Wot of Toronto to and lailailhn j FromaU3ttioa)OwCTi3o4a<i. WaikortoayOnaaMiTin, S St. Mary ', Pott Bui all, aad St. Tbom*. Br meat iPraa all Stationa Toranco and Martfe to HiHua. lnrlair nflparticoltttfrMk Canadian Pacific Ticket Accuta. LUNCH COVNTCft CAIM. r and H*rMinMn a* .V FOT.TOW . I A****. Toronto. Travel CANADIAN PACIFIC English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Ware Five new patterns have arrived this week and have been adde<I to our assortment of English Semi-Porcelain dinner ware. The de- signs are particularly pleasing and the shapes are quite new. A number are open stock patterns so that any quantity of any article can be purchased at any time, making it an easy matter to obtain a full set by degrees to suit your convenience. Dinner sets 97 pieces $33.50 $29.95 and $20.00 Blue Ribbon Tea sets Special .,.$9.50 Grocery Special ^ 12 bars Comfort and Pearl White Soap with large dish towl $100 Granulated sugar per 100 Ibs $1 1.50 Seedless Raisins in bulk pound 15c. Pink Salmon, pound tins Special 19c* Scrub Brushes large size 3 for ,...,-.250. Black or Japan Tea per pound A . 55c. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO