QREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. RUGS YOUR OWN OLD CARPETS 27x64 Inn , IS.75. 30*80 Ins., 4.60. SM. ft., 16.00. We pay ipre. Band fnr ca'.li>. Sanitary Rug Works 65 St. glcholM St.. Toronto. MADE FROM that our shores were well quit of him. I sailed on December 3 from Liver- pool in a hoat bound for the Argentine that was due to put in at Lisbon. I had of course to get a Foreign Office passport to leave England, but after that my connection with the Govern- ment ceased. All the details of my and prevent hang naib. Olive oil softens the hands too if applied at night when retiring and loo, eotft itfoves worn at might. Liquid nail poffirfi is one of th* new i<teae for saving time in giving the nails a lustre but many of u* still It (Copyrighted Tlionia* Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER II. (Cont'd.) could be done," Sandy I gather in Constantinople. Whoever 8a id. . gets there first waits for the others. If by that daU- we're not all present, journey were carefully thought out. \ cling to the old buffer and nail powder - .... .. ... u ' I Lisbon would be a good jumpi rig-off for the shining-up process. the eye, at w.hich my friend said he place> for it was thp nnimm ^ of j To devel<rp taperinjr nniffer ,, ^^ scallywags from most parts of Africa.: the finger tipS) one My kit was an old Gladstone bap, andi )lt , Q *,. nn< j swore in a very unpucifist Btyle. After that he wrote other letters to the presi, saying that there was 'no i liberty of speech in England, ' South African wardrobe. I let my a lot of scallywags backed him beard grow for some days before I up. Some Americans wanted to tar I 8a jl e d, and, since It grows fast, I went a tim e, between I After Every Meal WRKLEVS You'd l-tt/>r Iniiv.- that entirely to II ">' tllut dau- were not all present,, - , ---* - - - --- wwayu *i"w iui BUIIIU oaji utiore i it I'll find out the best way I * will be considered that the missing U P- Son ' e Americans wanted to tar! 8a il e d, and, since It grows fast, I went of our great muaic teachers rerom- jpoose the Foreien Office will help m " has got into trouble and must be and ,?u S ^ru g0t kl .,on board with the kind of hairy chin mends massaging enc-h finger. BeJn "e to L to tho u^win.r-ofrTlace'" Riven up. If ever we get there we'll }. * , the Savoy. There was an agi- you will see on the young Bor . My at the base of the finger and nib with ^Remember " 1 3 "it's no good be coming from different points and ^? tlon to * fc **P****. d ques- ' name wafi now Brandti Cornelia a round and round mocior, down the ening too far east. *The secret, so in different characters, so we want a :{ on ,, w j >re <f . t '" < I?"!?-, *"" Brandt at least BO my passport said, fi ng0r to the tip. A few moment's ..* .-..ini.. ',.'!, xjuh**r* tilt LimJ. nf nHH folk _ ^ unaer-oecreti\ry lor i oicign AI- and DassDorts never lie. i _ __i ..nn_. ._i,vj fife .... %w . ..... m .,** _*..*.. ~ v far "as concerns us" is'still west of rendezvous where all kinds of odd folk Constantinople." j assemble. Sandy, you know Constan- "I see that. I'll blow in on the .tinople. You fix the meeting-place. by a short tack." | " 1>ve already thought of that," he 'For you, Mr. Blenkiion, 1 would said, and going to the writing-table straight journey. You're ho drew a little plan on a sheet of an" American, und can travel through paper. ."That lane runs down from I and passports B j There were just two other passen- was beginning toners on that beastly boat, and they Blenkiron was carrying his nover apppared till we were out of too far, so I went to see the bay. I was pretty bad myself, but .. he told me to easy. to move about all the time, for the frowst in my cabin would have massage has a \vi; mU-rf -./.-: > and comforting effect For special occasions, talcum pow- der diusted over the back of the hand gives a -soft velveity finfefti. the pecooliar psychology of the great walls which were parts of the old provoke German nation. As I read them Byzantine theatre. At the end of the , * ^P* " /,3k. fellow they're as cunning as cats, and if you garden is a shanty called the Garden- ; n J; sa V "!T < *"' play the feline game th.y will outwit house of Suliman the iff W a^*-" " The Lights of Home. The white lights, the bright Kghts, How fair they sfanne to-night! i . . . -., - love the gffint and gCeam of them, he goes, and j summer. The hills of Portugal were The changing topaz gleam of them, outbreaks. a n blue and yellow like the Kalahari, Against tJe towerine height. ** J L _ * i _ A L _ HI T was on the end before we made the Tafrun I was i They are to me a beacon set beginning to forget I had ever leff TV .u k_, ,,.. beginning Rhodesia. forget There was a Dutchman slouches at sleuth-work. If I were to buy a pair of false whiskers and what else. It's not been called in its time a dancing-hall Saturday afternoon when I met him ..__ and a gambling hell and God knows "? f 1 - James B Street and offered to [among the sailors with whom I used > , i hands - \A * that my to patter the tan!, and hut for "Good evening" In Baptist pectable people, but the ends of the dye mv hair and dre.ss like e&ix^iir -TH,, Spar* H.SWS "n|Haaaw=ga -- -*. be bluffed, sir. With your approval I ! a brew for Sandy and myself and boil- ' ' ' ' " ehall visit the Fatherland as John S. J e<1 ^n' milk for Blenkiron. Blenkiron, once a thorn in the side of ! "What about language?" I asked. their brightest boys on the other side. ' "You're all right. Sandy?" But it will be a different John S. I ' know Gt ' r t-rman fairly well; and I reckon he will have experienced a i ran P a * s anywhere as a Turk. The rhange of rteart. He will have come nrat will do for eavesdropping and to appreciate the groat, pure, noble ' th e second for ordinary business." .oul of Germany, and ho will be sor- 1 " And y u? " J aske<1 Blenkiron. rowing for his past like a converted ] was lpft out al Pentecost, he gun-man at a camp meeting. He will 8alti - " J regret to confess I have no, be a victim of the meanness and per- Pi ft of tongues. Hut the part I have Woman's Sphere fidy of the British Government. I am choaen for m V s<>!f don>t , require going to have a first-class row with Polyglot . Never forget I m plain . Little Great Elizabeth's Gifts. Queen Elizabeth may l>e even great- your Foreign Office about my pass- s - Blenkiron, a citizen of the great ]<l;lst John cr tnan historians have admitted. At thinking, "my hands are useful if they are not beautiful." They may be both! t, and I am going to speak harsh American Republic.' ds about them up and down this ' ."' , u haven t told .ropolis. I am going to be shadow- 1)l1 '?. andy said. port word metropolis. 1 am going ed by your sleuths at my port of em person, Mr. Frederick I Shall we start a Hamlj Beautiful us your own line, | I O\> U| -* ' * 'I Chamberlain, the most recent student i Campaign ? To guide my barque aright Thos* far lights like star lights Aflame aOong the bay No prmoe of India's envied gem* Nor flash o<f Lombard d-iadenis Eretioe my soul as they Ixxlestars that draw me home If I perdvance might stray. Oh, dar -lights, oh, near lights! The last long league is passed; The winds among the cordage steep; Gray veils of mist from shoreward creep; The anchor no-w is cast. How bright they b to welcome m, The lights of home at last! Agrtes Montgomery- * "I have tried to make all my aet and commereiaD moves the resmflt of definite cornsidfaraftion and sound judg- ment. There were ne%'r any great In work or Play, It gives the poise and steadiness that .mean success. It helps digestion, alleys tbirst, keep- ing tbe mouth cool and moist, the throat muscles relaxed and pliant and the nerves at ease. FOR A BETTER SCORE D-3S Potato Gems. To one cup of mashed potatoes, add two eggs beaten light, two teaspoona of baking powder, salt, and thre tablespoons of lard or other shorten- ing, and one cup of sweet milk. Mix thoroughly and add enough flour to make a stiff batter. Drop into greased gem pans and bake in a quick oven. Serve hot with butter. Mlnard's Liniment for Corn* and Warta Loud talk makes noise, not sales. Coleman Cox. I am going of the character and capacity of the I First, let us Uke a trip U, the store ventures or risks. I practical honest, to the Bosporus Kroat qu,^,,, thinks tliat historians! ' town where the toilet goods ore iow- g row,ng bwiiMM ^ methods, and barkation' ndl'^ue l" r'Jn'uD through Germany, and not being a have urulerrated her. SI* was. he *ay ,j k e P t Their fragrance preeU us and trie I to hack them w,tfli energy and hard a^inst the T British llUaUons neutral, it won't be a very cushioned by fur the KreiUnit woman of history; | "nd _a. **. th * .T^!' W6 * * y *^' she was not only the greatest monarch who has ever occupic/1 the throi>e hard against the British Le-gations Jn Scandinavia. By that time our , Journey. Teutonic friends will have begun toi i** looked grave, wonder what has, happened to John S.,' " That sounds pretty desperate, and to think th:it maybe they have your German good enough?" - mistaken in that child. So, when >*** Is K njrland but, if we except Ak-xander.] bottl and boxes. ' involuntarily reach out to the numberless fascinating "Pretty fair; quiu- good enough to F get 'to "German yTnVywi'll 'be"w'aitVnJ? P UHH aH , a native. But officially I shall Then I not understand one word. I shall be throne! and Naiwfeon the who JT "' . or who na9 PNM o for me with an open mind. will '" a " oer ^ rom Western (^ape Colony: * -' ^'' ' ** * The conclusion is interestinK assur- M-airshaK FifeM. Dye Any Garment For chapped red hainl* there are lo- tions, creams and hand pastes. Before applying these the hands mu-st be thoiougbJy wnsihed with warm water! of or Old Drapery in Diamond Dyes Buy "Diamond Dyes" and follow the directions In every package. them about British preparations, and I will "'"' how up the BritUh lion as the mean- ""t 01 kind of cur. You may trust me to who after a edly; and since the greater great fo'lk P n " Angola become the more we are interested in 1 ln cold wart * T and Pa't*^ pei-fectly dry I shall talk tKom <.hi!,hv, w ,-w\ with m>*t.*r\ Wlth a tow el. Exp<-rts tell us that , them a 9 children, we rea<l with greater no(h,ng else. And, my avWity Ml . r/hamtH . r | a i n 's portrait of Thor,''" X n '"'f "l T*. / Princes There s a Powerful lot of make a good impression. After that f re . 3 a Rf^Sf lot PtooV" Httte~rri""wiirj^ rriother"at"the i wa " ts I'll move ,.,stward 3 . to .-e the do- ^^JfH'^S'ftJ'! lhe T u1 ' ' . wi " E^T^JSSTv^S ?L, wrinkled, molition of the British Kmpiro in J , . those parts. 'By the way, where is the *: On the 17th of January we should for- all about Africa, and be panting behest of her terrible husband Henry' another whack at the rrnlommt VIII. had been beheaded when Elixa- A-. With luck tht-y may send me both was only two ye Uganda show or to Kgypt, and whoso fortunes for the I shall take care to go by Cons tan- years lay at the mercy o tinople. If I'm to deal with Moham- su ,. usx i in(? su-pmothers! medan natlvc-.s they re bound to show -m.,, ,. ' ., rendezvous?" : rooiWA-. With luck they may send me both was only "This is the 17th day of November. 1 l .he .Uganda show or to Kgypt, and whose fortunes If we can't find out what we want in two months w may chuck the job. Th perfect home _ the hands loostns the skin| D y es even " you have never dyed be- Fli^beth'in" "heT'chil<rhooTl nna luakM wrinkles, and what ^irl|'or- Worn, faded dresses, skirt.. ' her hamls to look ol<l and waists, coate, fiweUers, stockings. Hands are the worst tattle- draperies, hangings, everything, be- tales about age, anyway, especially if, come llke new agalr. Just tell your they are not given the proper c<v | druggist whether the material you two years old, and for the ten ensuing of four rapidly Dust and dirt and dishwater nre perhaps the greatest enemies to lovely hiirvts and o they must bo conquered. wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether me what hand they hold. At least, that's the way 1 look at it." last of tlvo Rtepmothorst.l w e may protect our ruuvla from the Henry's surviving quoon, Catherine PATENTS that brln* th* lartfeat return an tii- properly protected. Tou oan write with confldence to our flrm for free report ** to patentability. Send for 11" of !! ji and Literature. CorrenponiJenne Invited. THZ RAM8AT CO. i '.I'l-n; Attorney* 171 Bank n: Ottawa. Out. We filled our glasses- two of punch PaIT ' e ' nis honestly to have be- ' and one of milk- and drank to our fi'iemle-d tile forlorn, courageous, am next merry meeting. Then Sandy be- hitious and precociously intelligent The child, whose scholarship was so IP- INVENTIONS i."d far Ul of In 1. 1. 1 '.mi mtnt-4 br Manufac- luin. Um. rom I citoa" bookUl go f>qu HAROLD C. SHIPMAN PATEWT AnORNEYS a co. Ill BANK SIR II 1 OTTAWA. CANADA gan to laujch, and I joined in. sense of hopeless folly again descend- ed on me. Tho best plans we could muke. were like a few buckets of water to case tho drought of the Sahara or the old liuly who would have stopped thn Atlantic with a broom. I thought with .sympathy of little Siiint ~ markable that sihe ca];,,,! ,,,, in r. lnt CHAPTER III. I'rtrr I'lriiiiin. might fairly be Kit her from pol'cy or from affectinn, though prob ably from bath, Kliwiheth responded with every attention in her power. Tlu> gifts that she gave her latest stepmother still exist. She \va* only eJeven veal's and Diamond Dyes never streak, spot. fade. or run. first two by wearing old glove* when- ever possible at our hous^hofld and' outdoor tasks. There are people whol A-ear rubber g-liovm for dusting and d'ish washing. OW kid, cotton or %! gloves give quite satisfactory protei 1 - ' tion for general work and there is a way to watOi dishes without having th<- h;in<!a all the timo in hut, soapy water. You may already use a small d'iah mop and a little brwh with bristle* fastened in a wire loop on a smaill wooden handle. The mop is for 1 Campaina's VITADAN r BALM Prevents chapped hands, cracked lips, chilblains. Makes your skin Oft, white, clear and smooth. All Jru*,i*ti sell it three months <>1<I when she prseiitod j dishe* and tlie brush is for poU and to Qutren ('atheirine East or West Eddy's Best EDDYS MATCHES Insist on having "EDDY'S! IpanioiiM, now t the Wur'i)f(icc. now offering "Krom Aahrigx- the 1-aste daye 1 'lot-already possess a good tel file, at the Kon-ign Office, but mostly in "f the yoare of our Lord God 1644." that is fir*t on our shopping list. The I rny (lat, sunk in an arm-chair and It was her first liUsrary work. Mr "ails are filed into shape, never cut meditating. He left finally on DP- Chamberlain writes: T)u paKc.s are contained in their binding, which i canvas ccmber 1 as a King'* Messenger for [Cuiro. Once there 7 knew the King's Messenger would MEW KIKD OF HEAT! Uaha roar ttnvo an OU Uu Btot. Do awajwllll roalintl wontlilru'Jfrry. 'Hw o:u1r, f.j) Ullvtr QC*OMMna*4M (Dff or baking lira ) InBtmntlir. H civ us L'rao. looooy. liixir. CHEAPEK THAU COAL. OR WOOD ^.i"* '{'"''"'''. " own *-' lnn "'- ou (kcrmanr) (ill ii Uiwn now and Htiiu v rhaprr l>of n. L . i ,ni-., jour atuva hlu^ in or 001 of (it 9ltot In oru ralnuto A'. Sol (J^^ I Y B **- BU-iDlj. I'rotaotJ haUo. EBwHlUaM, THKEK TIMES THE HEAT sappt-iir, und some (|iicer Orieiiti-l ruffian tiike his place. \ It would hn\e been impertinence in me I to inquire into his plans. Me WHS the at f ""-' !lt "B lUrfftCS np|M-ars like ; real profession al and I was only the n pieoe of woven C!M|)I. Knibossed I dabbler. upon it on the front cover is an Hlenkiion was a different matter, (rlalxmite i-x-roll Sir Walter told me to look out for' braid in th<- mil squalls, and the twinkle in his eye initiate. ,f Call'-ariiw I'nrr. The o,lges 'gave nit- a notion of what wa.s com nir i -i The ftrsl thing the sportsman did was ^ ''''""'I ;vitl. gold braul, ami then- to write a letters to the papers .signed ls " thln hne ln ml sllk at th * top i with his name. There had been a ile ani1 "' tlw 1)<)tto111 ; hearteBe is em- worked over in large silk thread; the thing h:is l>een so carefully done thait ' There are also cutiWe removers, which with the scissors. The cuticle is pivss- ed back with an orange-wooci Btick. j Powdered pumice made into u piute water as'sists in this process. ' wh n **& should wlways he f oJ bowed ( **>' 'h p "pplication df u little olive oil or txi ' 1 ' eronni, to soften the cutir'.e ! in rr>>\l and silver of which art> the in the House of Cnmmoiis on for- broulei-i'il on t:he cover in c -lured si-lk; policy, anil the speech of some three of the pntals of e;u-h flower are liliot there \z\\\e him bis cue. He do- in purple, anil two are in yei'low with small little clared that he had bean heart and soul With the flntish al I. .. start, hut that tlirta.l interwoven anil lietWiM-n I'iK-li tw< ade of Germany had broken"aii' the flow '^' whil>h w so wo " ^ be laws of f;o ( | and huniaiiity, HIM! he lll(ll!4t " ult - As " Pi-e of ntv.llo craft reckoned that Britain was now thn tni> production is of the higliet excel worst exponent of I'russianism going. . lence of this or of any ajre, but it> Tluit letter made u fine racket, and great anil lusting importance is that the piiper that printed it hud a row it is the wore work of the little Eliza- beth. No less beautiful anil evc-n mere than the tine npi'ille- work of tihe covers is the clear, firm. within; and l,i, m , a V.I,.. K,t. U different modui." . or atovi, rmiyo, Jun JUST TURN A VALVE " l>aa or ouk IM flrx ton mok.. onoTOln,. ,h.-vHi,.j. wa. lUu .M tSSfft 30 DAYS' TKIAL ojo Uta r ,, ,,,.., of ih, oi,, r Vtl J. o^t II. k I r..l IlK For full Information write to Oliver Oil Burners Llm.'ed 63 Yonge St. Toronto an- iif[c-'u-ln available \Vrlte. with the Censor. Hut that was only the beginning of Mr. Blmklron'l campaign. He got mixed HI with .some mountebanks culled tho League of Democrats | HRuiiiNt AnrraMlOn, gentlemen who [thought that Germany wa.s all right Q"'" Kli/.abiith'n writ in;; reniaine:! If we wi.iilil only keep from hurting her always a ino.M of cluira'.'lcr, legibility fielmejK. He addressdl n mueting nn,\ beauty. A year later she present'- under their auspices, which was e 1 another broken up by the crowd, but not be- to o u( . on fore John S. hud got ott hi, ,-hest IftJ? lot of amazing stuff. I wasn't there ' but a mun wno was told me that in inaiveloiis.ly executed two years tliflit ev'eiit sih; 1 prseonttj'l one to her yomig brother, King Kdward All never henrtl sn, h clot toil nonsense. He "J* n ' lvV <' lll!ri>1 h>''l treasurM of the na- naid that (ierniany wa.s right in want- j '' OI; ' ''"' f"i'ii'lt.lons of which in her Ing the freedom' of the seas, and that du>. of nuittiirity and power she help- America would lutrk her up, and that i ed s-> wisely to lay firm and true, the British Xavy wns a bigger men-' ace to the pi-ace of the world than the A Lady' Lovely Kaiser H army. He admitted that he hud once thought differently, but liu was an Inmost mun und not afraid to fnce facts. The oration closed sudden We nil sJiould like to have ior-iifi,! hands, of course. We sometimes ex- cuso ourselves ly when he got a bnissels-sprout in perings of a and silence the \\hi. Btiilty ci'iiacieiK-e I j Doctors Prescribe and Hospitals Use bei-aiiRi- of its purity, wholesome nou rish men t, and (Ulicatu fluvor. Also best for home USD. Economical and easy to make. One package serves eight people. Costs only one cent u nerving. At all (!rocen Specify MoLARBN'S INVINCIBLE Jl'I.LY POWDKH MH ( |I- by M-I,AV}ENS LIMITKI1, Hiimiltun mil Wiiinipcv. Why Bake At Home when you can buy bread like it, ready baked? /^"OUNT the raisins at ers* modern ovens iri your V> least eight big, plump, city. And it's m:ide with tender fruit-meats to the Sun-Maid Raisins. slice. That's another reason for Its superiority. A rare combination pf nutritious cereal and fruit both good and good far you, so you should serve it at least twice No need to Tuke at home a w T eek 'c , , A ,, . . Use Boa-Mud KslsBM also 10 Taste it see how the rai- sin flavor permeates the bread. when we've a r ranged with bakers in almost every town and city to hake this full- fruited raisin bread. Just 'phone and they'll de- liver it all re:uly to sur- prise the family tonight. It comes from master bak- puddings, cakes and i wihiei. You may be oiTercd othvr IM jnd.itb.it vou know less -.veil than Sun- M j : , bui the kind you want is the kind you know is good. In- sist, therefore, on Sun-MaiJ brand. They cast r.o more than ordinary r:: ; .-iiH. Mail coupon for free bouk of toted Sun-Maid recipes. SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Bread Raisin Sun -Maid Raisin Grov/ers .'."CM, V. ..',., 1 l.i' f Fresno, California CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Blur Pacltagt Sun-Maid Riiiiln Croweri, Dept N-5U U, Fresno, California Please send me copv of your tr book, "Recipes with Raitins.'* Cmr_ .............. _ ...... PHOVINCI ....... ---