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Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1923, p. 3

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V . , 1 . Surnames and Their Origin GARNET Variation Garnett. Facial Origin Welsh. Bounce A local name. HUNGERFORD Racial Origin English. Source A locality. MARCH WEATHER DANGEROUS TO BABY Here U a Our Canadian March weather one ; Here is a. family name which traces ' day bright, but sloppy, tfie next hlus- back to a given name through a local I 'ery .and cold is ext.emely hara on ' family name which, in- ( ^^ , c . t; , sr w . 3n|s there was flrst children. Conditions make it neces- Btlnctlvely, you probably associate : a g)yen namg f wh , ch waa forme< t \ sary for the mother.-, to keep the little ; with the name of a semi-precious a i^ai nam ,> f\ en at a ; a < er period ! oues indoors. They are often con- when the given name had became ob- 1 flne( i to overheated, badly ventilated solete, the local name was developed i room3 and catch oclds which rack' into a family name, being tint a gur- 1 lnelr wl >oie system. To guard against ! name indicating placr of residence. [ tnese co 'ds and to keep the baby well I 'The place name !s the same ag the I tfu the b " ter . brighter days come nJNlern family name, being one of i alon *' >"* f Baby's Own Tablets ; n the house and an oc- ; stone. But the association of ideas here is misleading. That In* family name could have come from the name cf th stone is a possibility. All of the avail- able records go to show, however, that It seldom, if ever, actually was a de- velopment of it. For If you trace the name back a bit you come across the spelling "Gar- nedd" instead of Garnet. If you trace j From the ending in "ford" you might it still further back you are likely to i have guessed that it was a community those old English, place names BO simple cf pionunciation thut it Was not changed* through the cour-e of cen- turies. The place is a market town in Berkshire, up the Rivpr Kennet. s-hould be casional dose given the baby to keep his Htomach :ind bowels working re- j The Tablets are a mild but | run across the spelling "Grnedd," which (if you know that it is Welsh) on the bank of some river or stream, was , thorough laxative which never fail to j regulate the stomach and bowels and ; thus they relieve colds and simple fevers and keep the baby fit. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by ,.- , Hungerford was originally "Hun more readily associates itself with the i ger's Ford," and to get at the reason : ma " . at ~ 5 cents a box from The P F ancient Celtic word "cairn." indicating i for the place being so named you have I W11! 'anjs' Kedlclno Co., Brockv:lle, a pile of stones,, or more specifically a ; to delve back to that period in Eng structure of stone which was a Druid ; lj,;h history when tie Danish hosts in- temple. | vaded Britain. One of the most fa- This would naturally be a local name ! mous of the Danish chieftains was . Ont. WHY MANY WOMEN SUFFERJN SILENCE Do Not Realize That Their Trou- ble is Due to Impure Blood. A woman needs a blood building medicine regularly jus-t because she is a woman. From maturity to middle j life the health of every woman de- pends upon her blood If her blood is ' Book-Tasting. Vegetation and Floods. Attention has been invited to what found in almost any spot in England, j named Hunger. But few who bear this ! is regarded as an important illustra- ; or particularly of Wales, in which such | name realize that, indirectly, they are ' tion of the sure results of deforesta- : ruins remained. It was exactly the . named after a famous Danish leader < tion in the Appalachians. Near a town i ort of place name likely to become j who lived more than a thousand years i in Tennessee the roasting and smelt- j the surname of anybody living near it. J ago. ing of copper ores have entirely des- i troyed the vegetation over a consider- i able area and left the ground perfectly ' , bare. Consequent surface erosion is Every publishing flrm employs a I r ^ My removing the soil, the slopes staff of "readers." whose duty it is to are 8l . arred wilh Ku iiie. the waste deal with the constant stream of maim- : from the gt<Mfp g , lop(?8 has bul . ie( i tne scripts that flow into a publisher's of- 1 termer sur f ae e along the streamlets, flee. Just as a tea expert tastes tea. j so that n<?itner 8 i ope uor narrow Hood so does a publisher's "reader" tasfe : plaia is ot any value for agriculture i or grazing. Floods on these streams Upon the judgment of the "readers" rlse higher and more rapldly tnan ln depends the success or failure of a publishing house. The reader is ever former times, while in dry seaoous springs once perennial go dry and for the manuscript which otnerB almus , t t . ease nowing . may prove to be a "best seller." p A novel may be clever and possess poor she is weak, languid, pule and nervous. If the blood supply is irregu- lar she suffers from headaches and backaches, and some women have originality of plot and of style, and yet Wins Story Contest M,- O . . 'j^uwraith, of Burlington. On-.., , ::L.e ,-itory. "The Little Ad- miral," has won u *500 prize in a com- petition conducted by Ho Ider and Stoughton. . The fiery is based on an actual fact in the days of the cojquest of Que'^ec. MOTHERfMOVE CHMMOWELS "California Fig Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative MRS. LEWIN SAYS IT'S WORTH $1,000 Toronto Lady Values Tanlac Highly, Declaring It Ended Stomach Trouble Gains Nine Lbs. "I wouldn't take a thousand dollars | for the good Tanlau has done me, for 1 would have given that much before I took this wonderful treatment to feel the way I do now," was the positive statement made the other day by Mrs. Matilda Lewin, 12 Strange St.. Toron- to, Ont. "I suffered with stomach trouble, general run-down condition, and my I nerves were so excited they nearly j drove me wild. I ate scarcely enough j to keep going, was dreadfully :hin and ; weak, and ofTen had to give up my hou.=e\vork to avoid a breakdown. Gas i on my stomach bloated me till I could : hardly breathe. 1 had to rush to the , window for air. and seldom got a good ! night's sleep. "If I live to be a hundred years old I will always bless th day I started I the Tanlac treatment. I have gained nine pounds, am free of indigestion. I nervousness and sleeplessness, and my I housework Is like play. Tanlac It i simply grund." Tar.lac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. Classified Advertisernenta. I>:-HK u.jui. ; vrrs. UE LY <-:irued and fluffy. iS from ".1 n r (.Tease. L*rBe sample, enouflj fcr i-i"iit...rier. one dollar. Woollm M'l'-- ;.'"rc;-n,ivn. Ontario. H Ontar J. i_n..\ ).K. r;IK URJDAT :..: Write tor lntert>8Un( la- .on D. Fraaer. 11. R. 1. Ilderton A .1USIKE8K OF YOTTB OWW. Wi: HAVE A KEW oi'ENINGS FOR ambltiotu Individuals who stand for hen-sty and Integrity In their com- munity who want a business of their f>wn. TCJ t!i<- proper party \vt; offer thB opportunity ol^ building a pprmanent liUBlnnH- in then- locality. \V'e are manu- ! facturers of women's andknlsima' ,iri-H- ! es. coats, -suits and hosiery We <>llmln- ate the middleman's pri>nt liv ai-I'.Ing direct to the consunuT through reiira- sentativ. s j;i e:n- > locality. Experience or Invpntment nnt necessary we teAch you hi.-v. Till UK all about yourself. Nationul Mull Ordi -r ITouse. direct Out- ntters .if I.^ili^.s- ready-to-wear T'nlty Rulldi: :-- *i. Alcx::n>li-r Pi. M' ntral. erlca'i P!u DOB- DOG DISEASES and H'fw to Fet"l Maile-f 1- ; to any Ad- (iress by the Author, B. Clay tf-lovr Oo w Xau. J2& Wt-iit 24th Street New York. U.b.A. In the Wrong Room. He entered the crowded room, took prove a dismal failure. On the other ', out a bundle of notes, and began to hand, a novel, lacking in originality j address the meeting, and written in slovenly style, may i The chairman made repeated efforts grown to expect this suffering and to j catcn t!ve wayward fancy of the read- [ ttf interrupt the speaker, but i re- bear it in silence. They do not realize j ln s public, and ia u flash the author ; fused to be called to order. Hi* ora- that if the blood supply Is kept rich lnav become famous throughout the tion lasted half an hour, and pure, their troubles will disappear, English-speaking world, and both the "Have you quite finished, sir?" the chairman asked. "Yes quite: but I defy you to deny the truth of my statements," he re- can help them so much as Dr. Wil- ' to feel tn pulse of the reading public, torted. " Hams' Pink Pills, which act directly on antl sense what .sort of a novel will j "I have no wisi to." said the chair- the blood, furnishing the elements necessary to make it rich and pure, airs. S. J. Watts, Kingston, Ont., gives her experience with this medicine as follows: "My tlrst experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was whlle^at- tending the Collegiate Institute at about the age of seventeen. I became but such is the case. In every woman's | author a^id the publisher will tiud their life a tonic blood-enriching medicine : banking account* swelling. U needed and for this purpose nothing Although the publisher's reader tries very much run down, and could not go I U p stairs without resting half way. I aB "'" by Vr " 11 *"' prove a success and which will prove man. "The gas company, of the man- failures, the reader's judgment may ! agement of which you complain, is play him false, and a novel rejected by holding its meeting In the next room. ! fifteen publishers may be accepted by i This I- th Vegetarian Society." the sixteenth and have a big success, i Reject Now Famous Novel*. Many novels now famous have been | turned down and rejected again and Finallv I had to quit school and not-!" " "'""' " ^"^ " f >ears ' oftw withstanding all that was done for me ! W , htM ' ," le author ha f, abandoned hope, there were no signs of improvement I *" te n)ns,ng publisher greatly dar- until after I had begun using Dr. Wil- 1 lng ; , aoce . p " he "".related manu- llams' Pink Pills, under the use of this i SCr ' pt ' and , fl " ds ,' milch to hls surprise medicine I became well and strong. \ ' rhaps ' tljat he has < vred a My next experience with this meil cine ' pol ' ular succcs*. was some years after 1 was married. | Can m<?nt: n Charles Dickens, After my baby boy was born I did not ' gain up as 1 should, so I at once start- j ed taking Dr. Williams' fink Pills " again. I took them all the time I was nursing baby, and you should have "Cascarets" lOc Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated Men?(illh ' L " n 1)y ' H G ' Wol!s ' a host ol> Eliot. Frank Joseph Conrad whose nio-t been rejected by with monotonous To clean out your bowels w.thout cramping or overacting, take Cascar- \ els Sick headacbe. biliousness, gases. all such distress gone by moruln?. 8 eeu what a lovely, "fat, healthy boy j '**'> '"" **m* farsight e:l book- NJcegt phy . |M ou e ., rt!j for growa up$ he was, and 1 was st-ong once more. '. ' a Publisher to an( , cn n,i r8n . io c a box. Taste like Whenever I feel a bit run down Dr< l "' lnt " bouk ' whic!l has l(>a P' iut " 'he Williams' I'ink I>tlls arc my tonic and , frcnl rilllk of Vo\m\ar suirpsses. 1 strongly n-eotumend thsm to. grow-' ' l<n " f lhe PttblWiert readers is As Yen Were. lug girls and all wonvii." not a na P- v one , ";! it te difflcult to Tho question liail Just been popped, j You can get fiese pills through any | llecifle which novel will successfully and the young colored belli- was blush medicine dealer or by mail at 00 cent'* a l'l' eal tl> t: <" reading public and which a box fro-n The Dr. Williams' Medicine i wi " fa " lhe rea(ier - Por soul, wades Co.. Brockville, Ont. iu K a most delicate violet shade. -;T." . she murmured, "does yo' through the poor. bad. and indifferent re;n.y IOVP me or does* yo' jes' think i manuscripts, and he considers himself yo' does?" ! lucky If he discovers a "best seller" , ' "Yas. indeedy. Mandy," he replied. j once in twelve months. j -^ really loves yo 1 . Ah ain't done no So, when you send your manuscript thinkin' yet." to the publishers, don't think too bad - * -- of the "reader" if It is turned clown. , A Hint to Hens. - { ---- An Ottawa h-en laid an egg daily for Jumping to Conclusions. j 107 days. There's a saying In every t If you travel on a liner It is wise not henhouse that at) egg a day keeps the Even a ick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the I little stomach is upset, tongue coated. or If yoiir child is cross, feverish, full ; of cold, or has colic, a. teaspoonful will . never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughljwit works all th consti- pation poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers, keep "California j l-'lg Syrup" bandy. They ktiDW a tea- spoonful to-day saves a sick child to- morrow Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. .Mother! You uiust say "California" or you may , get an imitation tig syrup. Railway Seismographs. An indication of the swift progress of the Japanese mind In practical science Is afforded by Dr. Otnori's re- port on tile measureii!;Mjt of the vibra- i tions cf railway I-MVS by mean-, nf seismographs. The primary purpc.. : ' of the seismograph is to measure the oscillations of earthquakes. Japanc,,* engineers use It for determining the propor balance of loronu'llvos an.l the gta'e of the permanent way on rail- ways. Many practical a ivantuge.s in the saving of fuel and t:: detection of faults In ei-nstnicticn have thus re- sulted. "Capable Fruit" A youug Irishman, shortly after coming to this country. wa stopping with a friend of his boyhood now liv- ing in New York. One day the friend took him down to have a look at Wash- ington market. Passing a fruitstand, they .saw some grapefruit, which the new arrival's friend ssaid were oranges. "My, my." said the other, "but they're big fellows! I'll venture to say. now. it wouldn't take many of them to make a dozen.' 1 How to Prevent Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother Stigcl's Curative Syrup, has no dope or strong ingredients; it chases away indigestion, biliousness and con- stipalion. Can be had at any drug store." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. 3 fingers Cracked Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals. "Eczema began with a rash on my bands and I could not put rny bonds in water. It grew worse every day and my hands and fingers all cracked which made them covered with eruptions. J lost sleep with the itching. " The trouble lasted three months before T beard of Luticura Scap and Ointment, and after usinj thre cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment the eczema was healed." i Signed) Miss Eva E. Belliveau, 338 Highfield St., Moncton, New Brunswick. For every purpose of the toilet and bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are wonderfully good. knpl, IT* bT Mill. Au.lre.t- -LjnniM. tit* U4. 544 k. W, MoMmu.- .4.. . . - . Ointnunt a aid toe. Talcum -ic. Soap h. . .1 ' ,i., t nju. \ BEFORE MY BABY Cft''.c I Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Tile Poor Divorcee Marries * Millionaire. See-saw. Margery Daw. She shall have a new master: She'll have a thousand dollars a day. And more, if slie spends it faster. Japanese Turn to Chairs. Tire, old-age cn.stom of the Japanese of sitting down on their foldeJ legs on a cushion or mattress is guing out of fashion. All the schools and public gathering places now have chairs aud benches of the western style. ' to jump to the conclusion that every- one who wars a yachting cap is a reward. A passenger on the Baltic asked a passer-by to get him a c!-air, i ami rewardt\l the man witn a shilling i tor doing so. Half nil hour later he ' heard that he luid tipped Sir 'r MIS l-iptoii! Sir Tlionws has been teliing I tile story himself, which is a sign of 1 greatness mi !iis part. Tennyson and ; Ihe late Puke of Norfolk were also lipped iii their tiiiu- ar,.! bragged i about it. hatchet away. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE Keep it handy for bruises-strains Sprains bmisos painful turned nnklos stiff, sure muscles no 1" a in i I y can avoid them. That is why millions keep Sloan's handy You will soon t'.iul Sloan's is more i^elr.l than any other item in \our medicine i- iu't. It breaks up the c<ui- gestiot) that causes the pain. Use Sloan's K> protect yen from pain as you would use an antiseptic to prevent in- lection. At your druggist's. .I/.;;/.- .// ( .:niliiil Sloan's i'miment-kilbpainf For rheumatism., "iir- - -t',in*.* hrtt < -.Ms Sydenham. Ont "I took your medicine before my baby was born, and it was a great help to me as I was very poorly until I had started to take it. I just felt as though 1 was tired out all the time and would have weak, faint spells. My nerves would bother me un- til 1 could get little rest, night or day. I was told by a friend to take Lydia E. PinUham's Vegetable Compound, and 1 only toolc a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. 1 am doing what I can to recommend this good medicine. I will lend that little book you sent me to any one 1 can help. You can with the great- est of pleasure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it will help others take it." Mrs. HAHVEY MlLLl- G.V.N, Sydenham, Ont. It is remarkable how many cases hav been reported similar to this one. Many women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened, run-down condition, when it is essential to the mother, as well as the child, that her strength be kept up. Lydia E. PinUham's Vegetable Com- pound is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and does not contain any harmful drujjs. 1 1 may be taken in safety by the nursing mother. 'Pupe's Diapepsin" for Gar, Indigestion or Sour Stomach MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Ordr. Five Dollars costs three cents. Oldest Woman in World. A Chinese woman who has arrived __^ at Saigon, in Kr<>nc!i liiclo-t'hlna. "Certain thoughts ar? prayers. daims ' ** the oldest person in the Thoie are momenta, when the soul is world - At " le a e " r 131 '' '* travelled kntt-ling, r. > iraStier WVL,'. t'le aititud* fruul rlalphong. the ehW seaport of of th.- Ixi.'iy may be." V-:u>r Hugxj. I ToaWn, to Saigin:. which place ?ha : lias expressed a wish to visit before dying. For Your Supplies HIM! Si'!.i, try the Old Ustah- lii-i,, <! Firm 1'1-1,-e lists and Informa- tion fie<\ L'.eionii' a HatlstleO custom- er. Mail "riie"M our spec! Jty. THB V1MY SUPPLY CO., LTD. Dept. M.O., 367 College St., Toror.o Jfaiw Chan. Hwlthy Eymt. U they Tire, Itch, Smart or Burn. "^^rw/rC ^ Sore. Irritated, In- JtR LltO flamed orGranulated, UseMurineoften. Sootke,ftwliw. Safefor Infantor Adult. At ail Druggists. Write fwFrecEnBook, r ' ' " ~ Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. More Than She Meant. I I-ittle Teddy was chewing KUIII nuut energetically in schiiol hours. F' inl'v j the te*u'lier cuuld stand it no longer. i "Teddy." she CHlU'il, "if yon c:in get t along without that gum for a whMe 1 would enjoy it." Power Lawn Mower. An inventor hag developed a power operated lawn mower weighing only llio Founds itn<l which can be sul'led like a hand machine where cutting is difficult. instantly! Stomach corrected! Von never feel ihe slightest distress from indigestion or a sour. aoul. Rassy r,tom ach. after yen e;it a table! of "Pape's Diapepsin." The in<-;:iet!t it reaches the stomach all sourness, flatu'.i'tu-e. heartburn, K'i s <.'*. pali-ilatioii and pain disappear. OrugBUts guarantee each pi'ckage to correct >lipos!i,.ni at once. | Knd your stomach trouble for a few , cents Hindus Have Many Castes. Tile Hindus, who e;u>]m,>us!y out- number all the rest of the population of India, are divided up into i; nm!ti!mlt> of castes, religiously separated from one another. In wluiiovor e a : niiin Is born, in tha onste ht> remains , until he dies. .UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Does nt hurt a bit: Drop H little i an aching corn, instant- ors !ni!".!iiR. then shortly i you l!ft it right oft with H tiger*. Truly! Your ilniRsist sells a tiny bottle cf "Froczoiie for a few cents, sutticient to remove every hard ecru, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. "The r,(",t way to train a c-Jiii'M in ttrt'f way he jji'ini'lid' gx> i to skirmish RionfT in fr 'lit of him " -M.-trk Twacn. i Minaru Liniment for tale everywhere Sprain 1 SonthB the sor llgainonts. rapidly recover full use of tlie lltnh, "l rnbltiiiK I" MlnaMB l.lnlnienr. It pi-nclratps. I h*ul. Athletes nil use It. Minard's Liniment The Family Medicine Chest ISSi:E No. 12 '22. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of \1 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 -Drugging. Aspirin Is 'hi- i-nilo mark roglsKv, il in t.'!na<la> of Bayer Mnnufaoturo of Mono- i'otl<-n,'lilPi'rr of BfcHayHMCtd. Whllf it is woll known that Aspirin Tni'.iiis Hnyr inanufu, IMII. to asaisi ihe public as'"i Imitations, ihe Tablet! of HRV,.T Compnuy will b Biauijifd wltli thtlr genera! tru-lu mark, ill* "Uaycr Cross." -,

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