Vol. 43 No. 43 Flesherton, Ontario, March 21, 1923 * W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors i PRICEVILLE The recent rain and mild weather is giving the people some much needed water in their wells and cisterns, also a little more power in the Saugeen river Dr M Mclntyre, who is improving after an attack of pneumonb, was not so well last week. Mrs Mather of town has ben quite ill during the past week. Edgar Patterson, town line north, was ( Hid up in bed the past week with flu. D Campbell and family are enjoying some comfort in their fine new brick residence north of the village. Mrs T A Ferguson is improving a little, being able to sit in a chair for a while each day. Bert Medau&h has been loading logs in the C P R yard for transportation to Owen Sound. H R McLean went to Holsteyi on Monday ot this week. His niece, Miss Effle McMillen, of that village, is quite ill again. D G McLean, merchant, was seri- ously ill fora few days last week The Priceville Fox Co, after purchas- ing considerable expensive equipment, has paid a dividend of ten per cent to the shareholders FEVERSHAM 8th Line, Artemesia The "flu" has visited almost every home in the locality. Mrs Oliver Turner is still on the sick list. School is closed owing to the illness of our teacher. Miss Latimer, who is confined to her home at Eugenia with the prevailing disease. A !" FcJiar made a business trip to Qwn Sound last week. .Miss Rita Marshall has returned to her home in Meaford after visiting three weeks with her sister, Mrs Fred Pedlar. Mrs Thos Lever returned home on Sunday after a few days' visit with her daughter, Mrs C Martin. -Thos McKec is confined to the house with the "fiu." The Late John Conron There died on March 15th, 1923, an old and respected resident of the town- ship of Osprcy in the person of John Conron of the 6th concession, after only a few days sickness of that dread dis- ease, pneumonia. Mr, Conron was born in Ireland in the year 1845 and arrived in this country with his parents when only a year old and spent his boyhood days in the village of Newmarket, county of Simcoe. In the year 1S(S2 he, with his parents, moved to Morris township in county of Huron, and in the year 1376 he was unitcJ in marriage to Miss Martha Dezenig of Walkerton In 1877 he, with his \vifei moved to the township of Os- prey where he has since -resided. He leaves to mourn the loss of a kind hus- band and father his wife, who at the tiinc of his demise was also darige r ously ill with pneumonia, and four sons, four grandchildren and one brother. On account of Mrs. Conron beintr so danger ously ill the remains were taken to the home of his brother, A. J. Conron, of Fevers'iam from whose home the funeral was conducted on Sunday, March 18th, to the Methodist church. Maxwell. Rev A. E. IXiflield preached an excellent sermon to a' large congregation, taking for his text the 11th verse of the 10th Psalm : "Thou wilt shew me the path of life, in thy presence is fullness of joy, at thy right hand there arc pleasures for evermore." After the service at the church, interment took place in the Methodist cemetery. The pallbearers were his three sons, Stanley, Walter and George, his two nephews, Thomas and Matthew Conron and W. Kcrnahan. I "Safety" Matches Exploded As Reeve Lippert was stepping into the chair of a local barbershop tin Sat- urday afternoon a box of so called safety matches in his vest pocket suddenly exploded goins^off with a muffled bang. The Reeve thought at first the chair had collapsed but smok* and flame from his inside pockt soon advertised the fact tha his clothing was afire, It looked for n moment as if Walkerton would be minus her popuhir reeve, but some quick work on Fred's p:irtquenchcd.thc flames, but not before notes were burnt in I is vest, coat and trousers that will necessi- tate the KiscVe treating himself t\> a new suit, The match-box which caused the trouble contained itsfull quota ot Iwciftra which all ignited ak O'lce uKhouj;h thcj wore not supposed to li^ht up unless scratched on the special sand VV.ijkerton Telescope Mr John Conron of the gravel road passed away on Thursday last at the age of 78 years afier an attick of pneumonia. Internieut Cook place at Maxwell ceme- tery on Sunday last. Thos W Conron was a delegate to the Grand Black Chapter of OuUrio West at O*en Sound laat week. The convention wis a gieat success. Stewart McMullen was a delegate to Grand Lodge of Ontario West Wednesday and Thursday Uat week at Owen Sound. Mrs J J Kiitting U Uld up with a seveie attack of pleuro pneumonia. Nurse Kernahan in attendance. &Jrb John Conron ia also very lr,w wi h pueumoui* and is under toe card of Dr Ouyand Nurse Hawkins of Fergusville, Naw Vopk. Little Bii:ie Burke U' slowly recover- inj from his recent illness. All our Western visitors have returned t) their respective homes with well wishes from thoce leit behind. Stanley Conron of Allaudala, Walter of Tomatuwu, New Ontario. GaorgB of Sudbury and Matthew of Toronto ware home at their futher'a death bed,. VANDELEUR Jim Cochrane, wife and two children, Mary and Jin:., of Colborne, are visiting with Mrs Davis and family. Miss Ruth Myles of Kimberley is spending a few days with Miss Nellie Boland. Robert Richardrfon, w*fe and son, of of Flesherton, spent a day with Mr and Mrs George Pritcl'.ard. \V K G raham and wife spent a day with friends here recently. The Farmers' Club held a special meeting on Wedrcsday evening of last week. Miss Nellie Boland spent a week with her friend. Miss Ruth Myles, at Kim- berley. Taming a Deer While on their way to school recent'y, children of Mr. Joseph Robinson, of Monck, near Mt. Forest, discovered a deer lying helpless by the roadside. They returned home and tol J their father, who went to the exhausted animal, load- ed it into a sleigh and took it to his barn, where it has since remained. It had probably strayed from the marsh > and had been chased by dogs, until worn out, it had thrown itself on a snow bank to die. A kinder fate was, however, in store and the animal now seems content to be numbered with Mr. Robinson's farm stock and the family are endeavor- ing to make a pet of it. Dr Allen reported the occurance to thcj Depart- ment of Game and Fisheries, and received permission for Mr. Robinson to keep the deer until December 31, 1923. If the animal is then still alive and happy the permission will be renewed. Mr. Robinson is to be commended on his humane action in this incident. Fatality at Creemore Earl, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs Edward Mackay .)r., had met a tragic death when he was crushed by a horse. The little fellow who was but three years and three months old was playing with his older brother, Maurice, that morning, near the home of his grand- father, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. McArthur, Elizabeth St which is about two or three doors east of his home. On the arrival of Mr. McArthur's son. J. D., of the 4th line Nottawasaga (north) with his horse and cutter. , Karl and his brother accompanied their grandfather to the barn. The horse stable beinp filled to capacity the horse was tied to a ladder in the feed room. Earl was standing directly behind the animal but far enough back to be thought in safe distance, r'or some unknown reason" the horse took fright and making a bolt back- wards crushed the little fellow against the wall, fracturing his skull, f-ut before the boy could be rescued the horse had tramped on his face breaking his nose and indicting cuts and bruises. ' He was immediately conveyed to the house but ! death was instantaneous, although medi- cal assistance was summoned immediat- ely. The ladder which was released fiom its moorinn'i narrowly csc;tped striking his uncle. J. D. McArthur. Star. CEYLON Intended For Last Week Mr. Jas Pa'U-tson of Toronto is visit- ing at Mr A. Haw's '.he past week. We *re pleased to report D McPhail who has been ill, improved, Mr 8 Hemphill and lUugMer, Maud, attended the funeral of J J JohoHton at Dundalk on Tuesday. Mr T Chisielt who h IH been visiting his daughter ID Owen Sound for a i r - night, returned home Tuesday. Mrs Rney of Sinahmp'ou find Mrs Hugh Bailey of Shrigley, are this week visiting their pnrenta, Mr and Mrs D McPhail. We ars sorry to report Mrs Geo B.iyca and J B Wlrttaker very ill, also Mrs M Ferguson. This Week's Items Dr West of Angus visited at R Whit- taker's last week. We are pleased .to report this week that I. B. Whittaker, who has been so ill, is slightly improving. Mrs A McLeod, who spent the winter months w : th her daughter in Toronto, has returned home. Mr Logan of Kinderslcy, Sask., is a visitor at T Chislett's this week. Mrs [Dr^ We->t of Angus is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs R Whittaker. Mrs H Piper left the first of the week to visit her mother near Marktfale, who is ill. Mrs H Bailey who has been visiting her parents, Mr and.. Mrs D McPhail, has returned to her home at Shrigley. ROCK MILLS The Ladies' Aid Society will hold their monl lily meeting at the liome of Mrs John Porleoua on \Vod., March 2tst. TII.J iervices iu the Rock Mills church were supp> sed to be dunged in April back tu ihe uveniuit- Tin.- matter will i be put to a vctc next. Sunday to decide whether to have the services ch*ut:d to evening or conliuue to have it in lha afteruoon. It is hoped that there will bo a good attendance ou Sunday next. BOUN-OuThuwday March i:>, to Mr a-id Mi- lleib Bcttt, a son. Sam Croft moved tits family on Tues- day to the Beecroft i u in. wtj are sorry to looge MUII guod n uii 1 '. is Kdilh Kubirtsoii < i Maawell, spent the [i i week wit!i her aunt, Mrs T Atkinson. Alice Mclutyrd visited over liio week eud with Mrs Lcvi Bolts. * ! ,,:i : !'.;'[- ul Torootii is visi i'_ his cousin, D:ck C u-k, wife mi family. Wenceaoiry to report Mrs Caivin U tyce aud !' i ou th sick 1 st. Mrs NVahur Russell \,a been cuuliued to her bed, we hupe for >i speedy recovery. Harold Bowers is nsBistiug Loss Chard at prcstut- Mrs John IVitcoug it alia to be an.<und ogam after being laid up with a oevere oold. Stm Croft, w.fe aud Inmily, riiiied recently wi-h relatives at Vindolour. ','iiiti' a number aucuded C-ieorije Fi*har a sale last Thursday. , EUGENIA Though the robins hare come again, DO doubt they will hve had to seek shelter these last fw dayp, the thermometer having dropped to ii below in the course of a itf'v hours. We hope uld Jack i Frose is pu'ting iu hie best digs no vr, arid when spring comes it will crme^ to stay. Quite a number from here attended the piny iu Kimberley oil Friday even- ing 'as' given by the Athletic Ulut . The Large boys supplied th music. Russell McMullen sud Bueil McCon- ueU if Kimberley called ou friends bore recently. We s Uo. ey paid a visit to the cily the pail week. Will lUdciiffe and wife ci Yauueleur r.ui'ed with the latter's auir. Mrs. Munha<r. Muriel Citrruthers has gone to visit freuds 11 McTeer. MrandMm J La uner and dui*hter, Mi-5 Frizzal, went to the oily. ijt wetk. Mrs Luiiuer will reiuaiu for a uiuo for mtid.cttl treatment. We hope soon to hear of her complete recovery. Harry F< ester n*ve hi* knee a ussty cut niie day the past week while reinur. ing an aid head from tho tire, uoreeai- taung a few stitches. Sims Jeau Wright spent the wifek eud at the pirenUl home, Yaudeleur. We are pleased to be able to report Mrs I'ailiauient on the mend after some weeks' illness. Mrs Parliament had quite a-i experience while leturnin^ home frum Mcaferd coaie two weeks >_;. Having just goltcn over 'I. tlu and in a weak coudi'iou ventured tho trip home, and while on her way was thrown out of the cutter and becauie alun st exhausted. Mrs H"y, who was driving, managed to keep the 'u !>, under control and J. the same time get the cutter righted aiid assist her mother iu . But itveral hours on the road proved almcs' t o much for Mrs Pirliammil's strength af er he r illnex*. However, withcu.ful iiunin,; she is able to get around n : -tie each dsy Dou't ffirgtt ihe apron * <! in the church on Kriday ereuing of iliis week: A good time is expected. W l8 'ey Ccoey and Bil C-irruthi-ri leavu this week to work in th.-oityv Jac"b Williams wishes to :outrad:ct the tumor which has beeu ci:ni'ated to the tffect that lie was giviug up bu^inena here ind going to the c'.ty. Suuli is not the L'.KI' Thu sympathy if the community is extende-l t > the families cf the lite Win Hopper and Thos Atkinson tu theii hour of sorrow. Robert Puiv.s attended the inner tl of hm brother, W L Purvis of T, r iro on Satuidy of last week. Will wai >. tie of the Kugenia boy* A few yeari no ai.d very highly respected. Our r-ympn'hy goes out to the bereaved family. B irn To Mr mid Mr Ch\tl * Martin 0:1 Saturday, Mvch 10, a dauuh'.er The Aytoti Oust Mil', fvi-i'i i'y uv, n-.-d liy ilio Wer^i'i' Milh'n.; C >mj>aiiy, ha* | Lit'i'ti ,!.l.i t. J.iiii-.-' i ! --,Hh f i: , mc'.u prrpcity mid dwelling. Mr. Uu.>t '.i took i> 3-\;iou on Mine' Ut. R --member the Ladle*' Aid concert in tho high school uext Tuesday ven n_. KKiif township has agaiu u,ou tmck to the old tiluto teboT(4MkOi road iink:i:i; Nearly thirty year* ngo the township abmidoiud the old systo.n and commuted their statute labiT, bu' n/ter A time ihoy wont back t>> ilu'ir first love. Later tho i-xporinieri' was again tried but there were still those who opposed the intimation and us a result they have returned to '.ho cystem which was in vogue generally throughout the country io pinueei days. AUCTION SALES Auction 8!ee conducted in u busin -ss- like inauner mean extra money for the Prcptintor And Auclii<ueer as well a> better eervice tn tli.> buying 'public Fonrteou yearx' auccesHul experience in conduct incc ihe v.-iri m c!atses of gnlea plncns me in a position to render tb ut:na.t iu service, aud luus; aud varied experience iu the rear'na and el!inu ^ pure bred stock insures a successful fn'e of this el.its of st. -vjk. A IOMJJ lint of S' i>fied custoineiK is our strongest ri'ei-mmendntien.'i K,ii and courteous treatment, to nil. B. H. WALDEN, Licensed "Auctioneer D.ttes tivide at The Advtuct) ottioo. KIMBERLEY Mr John Stuart and daughter Lottit of Burk's Fallsi r visiting fiiriids here Otto Bilker, wile and b.u<t>, speut SunJiiy with h<-r ino'hei' Mis Kergueuu Kd Biker *nd wifaand Miss Aberctuui bio <'f VniiJel^ur spent Su'id> with Mis A Ellis. Kioer Smith of liopeville'knd AHert" Smith nre engaged at the Weber mill. We nre i; nd |o repurt VVni ^Squire) Stuurt reouv.ring fro.n his regent iHnes*. Ui. Turtibull lias beeu in duly nt:tiiU- auco. Ted Mylea had a runaway on Sunday which resulted in ser.ous da.i;e to his cutter. M Dillon sod J Carroll of Thorriburj wars iu lou repairing telephones ind plumbing. The teaolieis aud pupils had a social evening and a taffy pull in ihatchoo) on Friday nUhr. Mia Vio'a Lewis and friend of ! \\-h- rton spent Saturday with Mn G-orge Prootor. Wo are: on j to report Mrs Thomas Camack ou the sick Hat. The mauy fcicnda of Mies Heltn Hurd, of Uede, Jiipao. will bo pleased to leavu j i-he !)$ booked her passage to Canada f r July 12ib. She will h-\e compluteu ei:i'nt. years as a missionary ai d dos-i \i - . A >\tl c;iu:ol u'st. Her sister, Ivi'.i, ! uny rem.vu ihcre I nger Bargains If you are looking for a good bargain in 'Sewing Machines AND Phonographs call in and see us. It will pay you. W, A, Armstrong Now is the time to JEWELER rf OPTICIAN ** Subscription to Flesherton, Ont. TTieAdrsnee Bates Burial Co. Brsrsass AS USUAL Funeral Direct '*, and J:nbalmer Phone Hillcrest 261 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Seeds Seeds Seeds Our Seeds have just arrived. Now is the time to byy. Don't wait until you need them.- We have the very best No. 1 seed all government tested consisting of : Rennie's Timothy, Mammoth Clover, Red Clover, Alsike and Alfalfa. > * % We also handle Rennie's Garden and field seeds. All at the lowest prices. Be sure and see our seeds before you buy. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed. Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Fleshcrton, - Ontario BREAD BREAD BREAD <* Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, - Flesherton tt* * * * * ******* * .** :::: '- 1:: REPAIRING as usual i THOS. CLAYTON ^ FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO * vi ********** t*****4* ** **va9* **** ?* *. &*** ..**9* ***9li*'f%4**a%**ff*e** ***; f -, ,..,