4 March 7, 1023 f H,E F.LESHEKfDN A D V AN C K JOB PRINTING IS OUR TRADE Let us know' when you are in need of Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Shipping Tags, or any- thing in the printing line. Give us your printing, don't. send it away. THE Flesherton Advance w. '.PI'li B The Advance Press Flesherton, Ontario HYDRO ON THE CARPET There ^was some lively scenes before the Gregory Commission in i Toronto last week when Hydro was on the carpet, and an echo was luard of days fjone by I when the Eugenia development 'company wa,s in control of thepower out theie. Mr. A. O. Moirtr com- Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Beys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. ('ljiniiii; l.Ypiiirinj; Pressing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feverslvam, Ontario rT B rrVrrrV'refX. i r a iftiiV C ^'nf'cir^. inhwihcDMynii;? t LU just ;iiTivnl. All reasonably priroil. Prices ranging from $28 up ' plained of the treatment meted otil ; to his company by which they lost a jjreat deal of money. Hut we think this sort of kicking at thi 1 Hydro will not tfet anybody any 1 where, and the old company cat never expect Hydro to make ifo I their losses at Kuyenia, ;i great deal of which was caused by unwise development, such as putting 'u useless tunnel through the moun- tain at acostof thousanclsof dollars. This tunnel could not I e used by Hydro and Mr. Hotf{, r can scarcely expect remuneration therefore. Not >>o unreasonable was the charge that Hydro had spent $11,- 000 in the recent radial campaign .without any authority therefor. ; .Mr. Drury says this biy sum was never authorized by theCommtffeion, Hon. Mr. Carmichael says he knew noth'iig of it. Mr. Beck *a\ s it was authorized, and he was told by , Mr. Drhry's Deputy that C'ol. C'ar- michael did know about it. Some- body is not telling t'i<-' truth here, but the fact remains that Hydro away with that S 11, 000 of the people's money tor campaign pur- poses without authorixation from any responsible source. This let;, in .1 ray of light on the ni'-thods of those \\hu control Hydro, and it is not a pleasant illumination for those who ga/e and pa\ . Autoists are busy counting out :hcir twelve dollars for a car license mil one dollar tor a ten cenlmarker o . o o o The Torontp papers recently' gave oiu the information that the mine owners in the United States were enormous profits on the an- thracite coal. We have known for soir.e time that somebody is having 1 a hi.; rake-off by the price that is charged for the coal. The price delivered from coal yards in To- ronto has been 15. 50. Here, de- lis ered ofl the car, it was $18.50. o o o >3 The Ontario Government has at hist taken drastic action and sent- enced a man from Detroit, Mi.h., for reckless driving when he struck and killed a Chatham man with his automobile. A license to drive in Ontario has been refused him for two years. Hy the large number ol fatal auto accidents in Ontario last year it seems as though some drastic action should betaken. It would do a lot of good if more licenses were refused to speed man- iacs wtoii take their lives in their Fined $25 A Day On Income Delay it must be obeyed. Any person receiv- ing a notice from the Inspector of Taxation will do well to attend to it at once and save a prosecution m J. lliny Flynn was sentenced Toronto police cnuir to two year.-.' itn- prUoniuunt and ten lathe* for indecent conduor. This is the Flynn who a few yer* ^>> made it l:ig demand on tha government to give returned, soldura a cash LOUUH of (2000, supporting hit demand t>y vigortut speeches throughout the country, hands and also being a menace the i to The Cheslcy Hntcrprise says: Police Magistrate McNab held a Court in Chesley on I ucsday morning in con- nection withjprosecutions tor failure to filc^incomc tax returns. Wtn. T. Red- ford of Blmwood and Franklin Schilling both appeared and were convinced and fined. The fines is 2o.oo a day, but the information only alleged two days' de- fault though a great many more than this might have been alleged. Neither of the parties is taxable, but each re- ceived a registered letter from the 1 Inspector of taxation ut London notify] ing them to rile a return for 1920. Be- , cause they had no taxable ir.come, they ( were told by advisers that they did not j have to fill a return and so innocently defaulted. The law ia very clear that j any person \vho has a taxable income unJ fails to file a return ia liable to a j heavy fine and any person who received | from the Inspector of Taxation a d- ' mand to tile a return, even though the , return will show no taxable income, is ' liable to a tine of $25.00 a day if he fails ! u * rt '*** to do so . Police M.gistrate McN.b ' *P r f- v Ml "'"f fo. stock ; lot 3, 6, had three cro. in Walkerton on Monday b and P f - ?'J 2 ^ ? ' '/? ' 'strip B ock A and lot 1 and 2 Peter and has a number of cases throughout "* , ..... , . , . . , T ! bt., in the \ illage ot rlsshertqn. the County and the Inspector of Taxation * at London reports that there ar^ thous- TERMS Cash. ands of caics in the Province. The Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. Administrator's Sale in Flesherton An Auction Sal<! will held on Thursday, March 23, 1923 to dispose of the office fixtures and supplies of R. J. SPROULE, deceased, at his late premises, consisting of : Tables, dishes, letter press, hand sleigh, *tova, large sate, chairs, bedsteads, dresser ; also buggy, r of hay ; 6 shares object of the prosecution i* to impress o o o o upon the public what the law is and that IV McPhail, VV. A. Armstrong, Auctioneer. Administrator. A }.'(.' Ml I'm 1 Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owen Souii'l. liiivc tlf Kvcrylxxl Mill thoroughly h.'is ;i c.liiincf I' Clothe* brought Monday delivered Wednesday Clothes broufiht Thursdny delivered Saturday 3! Overcoats turned to look like new 5j \ Flesherton Tailor S % T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor A VICTORIOUS DEFEAT A hyc-oleetion was held in North Kssex on Thursday last, to till the vacancy caused by the death ol Hon. \V. f. Kennedy. A. !'. ^'He.ily, the Liberal candidate, was C elected by a majority of 1600. Thi.- f, is a hu^c v-vmc-down from lite maj- S ority which his predecessor .viireil C at the l..si election. A vole ol i!.K !;ind in a strongly Liberal conslitu. y will not he looked on as a dc- ' by the . defeated candidate, \\ hile lie ilid not i;el the plum, he seems to have secured a j;o.id bijf arinfn! of t'ie foliage. wo^ ! i ey ask', O!ly " the riylit to li\.." \Vell, in ilii^ country \ tlon't allow 'cm ti' live any lon;;er tli. in we can help. Thankv^i\ i I Vu ironorallv eiu!> their i-.ii\-^r. Don't fail to see the New Superior 1923 Chevrolet The world's greatest motor car value It is claimed that the fire losses in l':inad:i during the year of 1022 were the heaviest on record for years. The ratio from losses in- curred to premiums written is C>S. 04 percent., as compared with 58.- 28 per cent, in 1921, the total firo loss being $32,565, 8 16. No doubt i larjje part of this loss was caused In the lire in Northern Ontario last fall. Hut even with that the loss is tremendous, not only in the build- 1 ings dostroye^d, but in the busines- ses shut down on that account, until new -iiuarlers could be secured. All the advertising jfivon on fire prevention is not north a ho*t iniU-ss the p '(.'p'.e cevoperato to prevent fires. A little more thought on the part of citixens would pre- vent scores of tires. HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 187 2. J\ POOR growing season may * * leave the farmer with little t;> show for his labor. Money deposited in the Bank of Hamil- ton grows constantly the year round, quite unaffected by weatn- er conditions, burglary or fire, and it is always available at a moment's notice. Road Extravagance A writer from Grey County in !a.-.t Suturil.iy's 1'ariners' Sun rnisllie follow- iitg scathing rctnarln to nu'ke on n:id extravagance : NorfolU Cou'ity has given wurnin^ aiid also limit, (jrcy has ;i voice tot>, am! wi'i ". n f..i!mv tlu- rest anninst llns w.istiful (.\'r.iv;i| l ,T*uc on court\ i i:.l provii'c^il .i.l In (iK-iu-ix touiv.hip in IS-'l! ^>n the 09IJ Itvroad tu-:ir I 'ricovilli- S f J7.(iO\) \\:is ap^nton the 2) cnild m ni:i'>ing :i I'll Sutiirs v. -.n- vlr-iun. Ij ir.ili's or nun c > t net in GlenelgBre'M plentiful us early delivery- Price $795, including all charges McT , in Australia. In loiKinjj over the IJM bi! < from I -U i" I '-'1 ii .- t! i. ti-.i: r. res hue -none up f.oin 7 1-10 mills to 8 n: ils in I; 22 [OF I'OUOty |'ui|-n:vs. Tile :. uii-.hr' e h.i.-. Cltialncd obOUl st:itioi:a y \\hik lie cnu- ly rato II;IM ir.cre.iKc-il fi ir times as inn. '.\ BI it \\.;-i in 1!H4. Tile t iv jer pai%! IS l>i-- cent, in direct ta\uti<in in I ' Me I 'ri)vii;ce .tiul |1. i: i lipri f-'J per CCI . '!' > present roul Iv.Hiiiu; era/i- bcgaii lijiiij! \c.us of the Iliarst govern- in election dodge, and was con- tinuetll>> ilie present uiu:. The Motor i yuc waited oa*thc Government mal Bounty ( 1. n.sl.iny for ;;i>o.l ri>.:i!s with the result thatj-ouds wn c i-mlt re gurdlrss of cost. The townships tried to load aj| the eoadt they could on the ty, and llic county Muttln- province to take over certain leading loads, the l:i,;lu'i cor.trol went the mure it co.st t.i IniilJ per mile, i lie '.ownship councils arc mm netting their eyv.s open att<! -ic where tb<Q( are drifting by t<cttmi; the county to tale over mails in the town- ship, the county councils bcinj! control, led \i}' urban reeves anj itomctimcn u rlv.ui wardens, who boost high grade roiuls to the li'init . What we want i.i this province is lair rojjsfur all snd not concrete pavements for u few. Ones the Highway Department re- mcmlier the U. 1'. t >. platform of IHlii- It bus not changed! I have heard people say no on with the riuxJ huildins. the Government pays for it, hut 1 would lil;c to know who pays the Government ? The idea ia, make the other fellow pay, but who is " the other fellow ?" He is the taxpayer lii ,t aiul last, BANK OF HAMILTON DUNOALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager . SUB-BR\NCH PROTON -C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager W FARM IMPLEMEN1 CUT PRICES Oil MANURE SPREADER, 4. WALKING PLOWS, WAGON MOWER JOHN S!EAD, Iff. PLEMENT AC.FNT. FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values in SKA FES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels nnd Forks Ranges and Heaters Simmon's Cross-cut Saws "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 A HIOH GRAPE SCHOOL iLLIOTTV Chevrolet and McLaughliu Motor Cars uii.1 Charles btreets, Toronto all yar. Dnnx-ind for our (ruduatCH tluring the lat six tupn nu<uth8 more tJi;U douWe i.ur 8Uj)|i'y. Knter now, write fiT fu'l particulars. \Y, J, liliLIOTT, H. A. McKEE tiiriin, w.ia liii'.'d 10 mid eosla, ni> A tc.Ul lovy of 81,', '>0, on Homu|i!aint liiid I by I,,,,,oet : ,r 8orent ,,f K,tcl,,nor, who j A( ,,, vrk ,, otol| K ,. ^^ Mom , > . obargta lii'ii \Mt'> Fl|iiiu to nroiMrtv ,i, i , < , "WV : \\eittuisdiiy nnl l-iidny, 4 to 8 p.m. solder nnd Mpe th' | -.1 t* H: tome eleo- : ' trie wirii<K ! li.ul ao.ir. ' l'uvewhiu Tno^liy, 'Punsdny nd .-a i v.'ays 7 t > U p in A Gift That Lasts Give that Boy or Girl of yours a mfi that Usta a hla time and pays diridenda daily a course :u the i 5ib.i:r ; lii'nd, F*rmers' ^>">t'ory c^rsi- lor 'h: h > tint chan . pali! c -cho.il. Ci vt VMiicn w A A , '* v IjuBQliV'* r.v .V , t\ 11 ! *.'ii*il tunoB FLEMING, 8eoretry. Ill