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Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1923, p. 1

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Vol.43 No. 41 Flesherton, Ontario, March 7, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Eugenia Correspondence Death of Arthur Pedlar A gloom was cast over thin cetumuiMy on Saturday of week before Uat htn it was learned thpt Arthur 1'edlar, eldat sou of Mr and MM A F Ped.'ar had passed to the great K r mi after a brief illness of but a few day f >it the . <r!y age Unique Scrap Book of Grey Bops In War Days Mrs Adsni Smith IIHS just cjmpleted a veiy uuiq'ie scrap book or clippings and pictures taken from the Flesherton Ad- vance and other papers during the war.. Mrs. Smith saved every clipping from of 16 year. Arthur wai one of our j tne beginning that had to do with the brightest hoys, always ready with a joke, !o tey regiments or the toys who served and a leader among the boys. During 'oversea*. There are also interestiou his public school days he won the lovo .ii:.: admiration of all with whom he caine in contict. For lln years Arthui had been attending erton high school where he was a news items from thu trenches Uken from i other papetf), but all concerning our past three Canadian boys. Though it has taken Flesh- great pa'ience and a ;;reat de'il of time rranne and corrp'ela ibis wonderful cessful pupil and will be greatly missed | C i,llection, it will no doubt be a book of by his fellow students. The funeral, | Kreat interest not only to this genen- which was largely attended, on Tuesday t ion but generations to come. i ; last week, took place to Salem cenid- tery after the service at the house, con ducted by Rev Mr Fowler. The pall bearers ncre six of the huh school boys E.l&ir Spictt, Rob Whiittker, Rrg Mutton, Malcolm McDoaald, Ted Me- Djiidld and Elford Waiters. Th< KB who attended the funeral from a disUuea were Miss Rita Marshall, M..< .: ; Mrs Hugh Clark and Mrs John Beecroft, Owen Sound ; MM Ed Pedlar, Harvey aiid Willis L'. .':::, Smgh.unptcn : Mr and Mrs H D Mcl.uu^hry and daughter, Millie, MarltLale, nod Ed Graham of Thorubury, Thu Fleshertoii high school also attended io a body, a* well as Eu- ,41-11: public school. The (lowers were very beautiful, including wreaths frum the fuuiiiy, Kb hue neighbor! 1 , and Ku - friends : heaf frcm Flecherton ic'huol ; sprays from Miss J Kllis uf Kin: . i'r, Miss Jean Wright, Junior Red Cross of public school, Mis W Hawkins and the L*re boys. The fympitliy of thu c- inuiuLity is emended the bvreiv- d family. MOVED TO OUR VILLAGE We rzlend a welc' me tc Mr and Mis Thomas Howard, who moved to the the past week and aie domiciled iu the house lately vacated l-y E Part- ridge. Mis J J Magee of Yandeleur -( ut the pist week *ith her sister. Mis Munshaw. Mrs I '.nil. in:. -lit and Mia Hoy re- turned from Meaford on S*'urdty Ust after a month'* visit with Mrs Tujhy. Mrs Sherwood and Mrs O'nvei Turner arc quite ill at time of writing, but hope to hear of their early recovery Mrs Clirence Thompson has returned '. her home at Cayley, Albcr'a, after spending thu past month wiih her father here. Mrs l; .,!;;. r-'v and daughter, Mis B.iyce, visited Mrs S Cauipball recently. Mrs Frizcll of Bounor JH v siting her mother, MI-M J Latnner, who is ill. Born On Saturday, March :ird, l'J23, to Mr and Mrs Albert Williams, a son. U;ll Wilson of Pi-oii n spent the week end wiih her mother and sister he:e. Mr and Mrs E UilMc of Maxwell spent ihe week end with .1 K Jamiexoi). Pearl MuMaster visited with Kite J .11111 .-si n lecent'y. Jncob William* psut a fi-w day* with his futility iu T r< ir , who me all ill with the flue. M' - Foester and Clins Willian s have both been Inid up with an attack of pleurisy. Ern Proctor and Wes Cjoey enter- tained thu young people at a dance at th home of A Carruthers Frid-iy ni^ht. M:-.- Jean Wright ana Kenneth J. !;; visited over iho week end r the former's home, Vandeleur. Mis Kiithvan of Alliston is visiting her brother, irfr H Ciirux, w'.io has been laid up with tl i ROCK MILLS PORTLAW L La Grippe in still ;h-ck in this part. Laurie ^mith had the misfortune to li iv.- his li'i{ cut with an ax. He was low with Mr Francis Shier is vary eutionlly ill with p.n-ii:ii . . i , his IOK cut with a,, ax.. He . ' BrU 1 ' * ou " f Mr H " d Mrs S Arilotf ' n to Dr. Turn bull who had to put in J"^ | n ^ wl | ^ been a-.tondi,, high five stitches to close the wound . J H Holley and wife ut Yaiideleur p L >iit a day last week with tho former's n<1. r. Mrs Sain Cioft. School WM closed on Friday while the pwtwd tfce CfUcM ^ o a(id ^^ fuf iK-wfm nice was beii.R installed. h(Jl . rec>)Vt , ry Bre U(P1 urixhltfr . ,, er Joe Hawkins, youngest sou of Mr snd sister, Mrs 5Jidd!o'.yn rl Tori>n'i<, is its- Mrs Win Hawkins, fell and bioke his sistiug to wait on bar. arm recently. vv A Morton is ncoveii.^ from u LDUIIS Newell x^ent the v. i k end at serious illness. Durham. Miss Lilian Mcrton who lin.s been H.inild Osbornu nd wifo returned to tteiidiug i technical school iu Toionio, th 'ir hom at Fevershain after upending' visited at home for a fow days. HOIIIO weeks with the lattei's sister, Mis ; Mr and MwGilbert Little and children, Ned Croft. j have been very ill with the prevailing Mrs C Mouaban children returned epidemic, but iirrt iiiipruviujr. school af, Dundaik a severe attiek of pneumonia. He is now so much better at to be able to ba removed to his hunie. Mis Divid I'. V( v who 1,-n I'een very pneumonia appears to have af'er a week wiih her parents hete. 52 Below in Sask Vn f-l-'i'iiHMl siiliM-i-ili r at Graoe, s ,sk , says : As we are situated aom-9 19IX.) mile* frouryour burg I thought a few lines might be in order. We are always pk-.iM'il to get your newsy paper, s it keeps us io touch with tin- many chau^fR .tin: are always taking place. The first half of December was very cold. Then we had a fine winter with lots of IDOW foe sleighing. Mailer Bert Morton hi.s been sull'ei ing with an aucets iu his t-ar. Ho is now | some better. Mrs (Rev) Fowier and Mis A K Me- Cillum, of Fiehuttou, visited Intt week with MrsT R McKeu/.io. Mr I B Whit taker and brother, of Cuylon, visited lively with their uncle, Mr 1'hos Fletcher. Hospital Has Five Patients Mrs. Donald '<iLeu of l'rievilli>, will a patient in thu UutrpiUl hero for Starting Fob. 1st. we had ^several weeks receiving trcu'iimit for a heavy Rtornu, but when wo landed at 12, 13 aud 14, it was both cold and heavy snow. TUc cliornioiupter drnpp>rt to B2.beliiw y.*w. Then you from up (juick . Tin 1 olJe't o't!ois s.iy this wns the t atosdi'-'t cult! with snow that they liad exp -tioi -cwl iii"ilii> \Vost-. This section i f I.; 'Unti'y h'-n n.'vcr bad a Ooirptoto failure, Imias.rc'kt n.Miy in Sitk. ' are autt'e-iiii: ff' 111 ih-i sjtfa'. expnnso of iir-i- diioti in and'm.-iM prict'H for wheat. broken h'p which she received from dm- iag behind a lunawHy horau mid be DX tUrown IHIJ. At latest r. ports the Is favorably progressing. The boitpitnl ho at [ircftont hve pitioiits recniviui; treat" uient, the talent be-inx wlio undorwont HH i' ir>hpltll Uli il, T.iylcr & Co , Dr i : :i nf t o Kpli Curonielo. a Mr Tuedy. nro K^'t'ful to t'-.r the Jo- Will Open Tin _ Shop At Ceylon Ceylon Correspondence TChislett had the office moved to hia residence the past week. Part of a room hn8 been fixed up for tht purpose and will make it more convenient. The old office has bt-en renUd to Mr Koyden Gibaoo. who will c induct a tin and re- pair shop this Minim -r. I' is certainly needed i i town. Mr and Mrs Jas A?lridowo, who sijent bhe winter mouths in B with thrir son. returned home Thuisd.iy. T ChUlatt is visiting his J.i-uiit. r in O.en Souncfc Mrs A Sinclair and daughter, M<iraiire<> visited ID Oireu 5"und ou S.tuAl.iy. 5Iiss Jelly, teecher ut > n Like school, spent the week end in Shelhurne- Mrs II Bailey of Shriultjy and Miss Ayues McPhail, M.I' . cf Ottawa hjianl the week end with their parents who have been ill. EJ Groskurh uf Toronto was in t<>rn ou Monday. Mis Wiu He-lop i if Eu^mua in V.MULU her sister, Aliss J \lcK.-i;x. ,v thin week. !1 ir Id l!o*crs :-, ill this week and under the Dr.'n care. Et id Jilt and daunh'er, F, .'relief, of Mc'Jee, S.isk , speu' the week end at Geo: Arrow-smith 1 !). H Piper ] ,ri Mu-h.:i!. a trip '.n Situid"ay. KIMBERLEY Victoria Corners Most of those on the sick liit aro re- vering und around at work attain. Mrs 11 Nichol visited for a H . k with her diiutihter, Mi -, RoUt Let*. MrTn.e. Unuiuu hxs ui-italied the p'loiie (.'hi.-.. Moore %1-nt to O*eu S.iuiul on MonJay, ou the Jury. The spriiitf like weather last wo.-k ended in raia on >n ! >v making u.tvi- tion aluiotit impussioU-, thcuub ne H i couple of cutters n the rntd Sunday eve and we jjuessed wlutlier they were bound The Double Life James Hales, K. C, of the Depf* of License Commissioners, and General Williams, head of the Provincial Police, investigated conditions in Pctcrboro arising out of a lax enforcement of the O. T. A. and noninterference of the Police with the houses of i'l repute. The commissior-ers found a shocking moral condition A score or so of the leading men of the city acknowledged having drunk liquor in a disorderly house in which a girl of sixteen was a frequenter The commissioners decided to publish the names of thi citi/.cns who were lead- in; the douilc life and had pleaded guilty to the charges against them. Then some of the clergymen and ladies of the city took a hand in the proceed- ings to try to keep the investigators from publishing the names of the h'gh-class llyers, but al! to no effect. The names of the city law breakers and immoral aggregation appeared in 'loronto dailies on Saturday. Despite the prcssuie brought to bear on the commisswncrs they refused to turn .iside from thci" r purpose of letting the light in culTTe foul social cesspool. The names of the clergymen who tried to induce the com- missioners to refrain from publishing the 'ist should havcappcarcvl as an appendix to the report. The annual bu/.iar uf the Ladies Aic was i decided success. Over $175' in id,- and u pleisaut time spent socially The dnih-r of Fob. 'J3rd w. r .n HS .M.I great en:ertiinmem for the younger peop'e. Mr and Mrs M Dillun mid Miss Dilloa of Ihorubury, S[.ent a couple uf dayf* with Mr Eirl Dillon nd wife. Krud Stusrt of Flehhertuu, accom- panied ly Mi-. i.- Muiklej-hn of Campbell- furd, risitvd Jas Stuurt who is ill. We ure sorry to repurt Squire Siuart *ud Wm Cinrk both on t'.e sick list; alto Mr J A Stu..- . Thu uuin'h'y meetiiii! of (he Women's Insii u'e w-w he'd on Thursday Feb. '2'2i>i\. A very iuteresiii.y debate was gi.-tuly iho girls, 1J. si I-.-.- !, that the larin.r is more lietifiit to Canada than the iiianuliicturer. A vicinry was won l.y :i nn!i .imrgin by th "furmer." Mr D A Giali.-ini, wif,. and f;iHiily, visited Mr ami Mrs S S Bn:rilt. UoHtrt S'uart of Thorurury, speur a few diyc c.-niu^ fi Ins fatlier. -i m c Stuirt. Miss K-iclu-I llutcl'ir.-i n is hi mi nftcr supplying in Fl,-sh>.-rton | ubiie "c-'icul. Mr-<-i-.l I: in i Ai.ilr-'w Myli ;ird Mi.<s My!e, >p-ut H fen- il i_v s tSe tuest uf their cousin, Rutii Myles. Mr O'Coimor spent tlie w--e!t >ini wi-,h t'nencl, Mi$M Murphy. Mr DtN'ii Feiyusi'ii'a sale w*s favored w i!: .1 g"od Jy and things brcu^ht fair value. MIH Irene IIuc 1 IIIMIU vinitu-l with her friend, Miss Cora Mytr-. Both lni!.tl but 'hers -U-K | n'|n:in^ for :i xvarni Kuniuier by laying iii * good .-sup- ply if ice. A Legal Mess Before Police Magistrate Luidluw on Saturday last, Oscar Mess of Nortfi Bentinck charged Albert bpunk, a neighbor, with the theft <>i a turkey. -Mess, it appears, some ti. - prev : ousiy bought a turkey of a fancy a; rain, which strayed from his premises and could not be found. At wheat cutting tune the defendant found a turkey and nest amor 1 .}; the crop, and the plaintiff coming to hear of it, claimed it w:i> his. The other party just as stoutly claimed it wasn't, and there you are. Hach side has lawyers employed, but .1 delay was asl\cd furaiul the case was adjourned until Saturday next. Meanwhile Con- stable Fas the turkey in charge and no doubt it is wondering what the fuss is a'l about -Durham Review. Strll After Biggs The county of Brant is still after the Minister of Highways. A despatch from Brant ford says : Although roaJs were drifted level with fences, a representative meeting of rate- payers met in the Court House, Brant- ford, in protest over the extreme increase in the taxes in the county and endorsed the action of the County Council in ash- ing the Ontario Government to postpone the layiiiR of .inv cement in the county for one year, in order that linan- cinl conditions mifjlit improve.- to such an extent as to warrant the cxpciulituu- ! of the people's money. Hon. II. C. Ni.\on was present and encVjvorrd to point out that the maintenance of the travel roads \vould be p;-;\ctic:t!!v .1^ expensive. However, ;ifu : c<'n.-;iil.-r- ablc diicussion the nu-et \:-i\ paSSCci B rtao-ution endorsing the action i i' ;lic County Council in tinunUin^; 'the worJ< of economy - Al an C iiiipl.on. an old re* dent of lileiK'ly iit-ar Li' Hoy, died in h,n 7"t(, ytar. Mm tii/."ii to li.-ii'li in Minitubi. Thst, 1 * the dHiiyer uf iviiiK in :i cliiunto *huie you don't t\ol the eolil. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock & linplenients SHERMAN OTTEWELL LOT 3, CON. 9, OSPREY wi'l hold an Auction Sale on SAT, MARCH 10, 1923 when the followinn will be offered Ileuy i;iev hoiaeT >er^ i'1'l, deneral I puip huiM! 11 yr old, Che^'nut horse 14 iO, K >!, Uliestnut currni^t) colt t> uios. old. Cow (' j i-s nld due :i.. o of isnle, Uow 7 yrs olil nnlknii! ijniul. l/u* ."i yis old sup on- in .Jim--, Co* K'yrsold ihio to tieshfii 1, Caw 8 yrs ,''d, fr. sh, milking u"oil, Jersey row 10 yr old, He( I'lin-biod nifer 2 yis old -up to be in cilf, - two-vesr nlii hcileiv. I yeail- il'KS, UI'IIIH! --i-w duo 111 MoV, 1; Hit sow du April 10th, 3 "ud store hons. Mnssey Huriis binii-', 7 foot cut, com- pli'to, good us i.e T, M.- H. cultiva'nr bro.iil c.isiii'i,'. 'lolt^m harrow U bull, 2 Floury sinn'n p'ows No ^, Wiiking plow 2 furrow, Sot bobsVighs, Ueaiy wsgou, Tup bu^uy g'od as new, Set of slinys and rup !HO cm', ooinplit 1 . 2 Uttr kettles, Gravol botlmii, (J tiiiutii v of haj. Sot m<ud fkiddnii' toiigf, sap I.MII, 90 buckets and spiles, Sot he ivy team harness. Set uf lioavy siiii('i> liarnecs, Goi-d set heavy biuta team l-iible-, Cook stove, H,\y i;ic!t, Fiirlis, cli-iins ID. i oi her articles too auiiuMoii-i in iiK-u'.ii>n. 'i i' , ,, ust be sold a* the < .-- n;i '.i. .iMl!' S i'o ' .' couiinvi.'i-i- i' 1 .'clock pin. ti .1 1>. ;-;:;MS Ml xums of Si" . ' , i' i.-h ; vi i hit. BUI mi' '..! m - jll-M 1 1 ill l'1-ll - Bargains If you are looking for a good bargain in Sewing Machines AND Phonographs call in and see us. It will pay you. W, A. Armstrong JEWELED -;.d OPTICIAN Plesherton, Ont. ) Bates Burial Co. AS USl'AL Funeral Direct. ,' and mbalmen Phone Hillcrest 26i 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. 1 MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Hate**. R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Adranee The Real Store | A good stock of Fresh Fruit and Kroceties always on hand. Neilscn's Ice Cream Bricks and Esk- imo pres. CHOCOLATES We carry a full line of bulk, ba-rs and fancy boxes. Feed FLOUR Purity and Five Roses. Shorts, Oat Chop and Barley Chop Low-grade Flour. Stock Tonic Spring will soon be here so now is the time to feed Stock Food. Herbageum & International Stock Foods Oil Cake Meal and Feeding Molasses W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Sed, Grocerie* and Confectionery '(* Flesherton, Ontario BREAD BREAD BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, - Flesherton Stock-Taking AND Clearing Out Some lines of WOMEN'S Boots sizes from 3 to 5 at <M QQ Per Pair. Repairing as usual. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHKRTON, .:i :: :: :: :: HH ONTARIO : S W K.UTl'lMi, AI.CI -oiioci ., tt <> ! 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