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Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1923, p. 3

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UK Motion That Was Withdrawn BY W. M. MORRIS. "Aa you are no doubt well informed another urging School Boarda to study n this matter, I want to ask your the School e-u~>i to providing- Secondary Education advwe about a resolution our School unanimously. ithechil Board has sent in with me to be en- 1 gome two hundred such Conventions j dorsed by the Convention to-day. We jj^g } )een had in all parts of Ontario bad a meeting of the Board a few s j n(;e j^t Raster and the above reso- nig'hts agr> and one of the members fat^ waa the nearest approach to brought up this Adolescent Act, and t j le abolition or suspension of tlie you know the fanners are pretty hard Adolescent School Attendance Act. hit thu year with low prices for what Ti)ie attendance at these meetings has they have t;> seli and high prices for ranKe <i a n tha way from twenty peo- what they have to buy, so we ju*t pte to ^^ hundTed people; such sui- thought if this Act is gome to add j <rtg 83 gdvool Attendance, Health to our burderva, we can do without it Edacation, Corttiruation Schools, Con- for a while yet. Here is the motion ^v^ted Schools, the Curriculum of the Beard sent in, 'Resolved that the a Bura;1 gchcjl, The St-tua and Quali- Adolescent School Attendance Act is ft^^ng o f the Teacher have all been not practieabte in rural schools and ^j^c^esed and motions of various will only arfi to th aCready heavy , y^ ?rcp<xre d t but this was the only burden of taxation and Ebouli, there- j occas j<>n where a resolution was pro- fore, be repealed.' Now I have not p Oge< i ^ repeal this Act and it was had much experience in putting mo-' vrithdra-wn. It stan'Ia to the credit tkms ar.i the light we might talk the' o f t ^ f^^ people of Ontario that Canada From Coast to Coast St. John NfR A de*t>atdi from tr'-t *rvi lies in the foothi'l country the Brif-h Entire Steel Corporation west ot Cardston. This project is of headquarters, posred at BM Island, 24000 irrigable acres. The two pro- announces that the iron mines there jects will bring 130.COO ac-es of land wi.l re-open !i*tely in full swine, under the &tch, or th* ^mvalent of and that a full staff of two thousand almc-'t six townships, men wili be taken on. The news has Port Alberni, B.C.-Construetion of given j?enera: satisfaction. especially a lumber plant, wh^i wi.l be the laxg- around Conception Bay, from which est IvorAer produce.- mil! or. \ an- sertion most of the miners cam*. j ccuver Island, wili be started hera Charlottetown, P.E.I. At a recent shortly by C. J. V. Spratt. imminent meeting of the Potato Growers' A*o- 1 .uir.-bnrn. He i also president of ciation it was announced' that 90000 the Victoria Machinery Depot, bushels of Green Mountain an* 60,000 ~~ -j*T . of Irish Cobblers, of the past Newfoundland Seal Prince Edward island potato | Fishermen to Use Plane 11 ._ __ _ j i,_ T T_" _ _ -i ' WHERE CANADA'S COINS ARE MADE : se&aon ! crop, had been shipped to Long Island, N.Y., to th* State of Virginia and A dasoatch fron. St. John's, Nfldi, There are only four branches of the Royal Mint la the Empire, three in o th er southern United States point*, say*: The Newfoundland seal flat- Australia at Sydney Melbourne and Perth, and the fourth at Ottawa, the , xil were certified seed potatoes. ' j n g season will open March 7, it waa beautiful 'building shown In the picture. It is under the direction of a deputy j Halifax, N.S. One of the Largest announced on Thursday. An aeroplane from London Periaps few Canadian realize that British gold ' applo crops in the history of Nova wO be used to "spot" the seal fep* . t __ . l^' . - " .. '.. u>r I-T" j.t -^-i \r a U i .- i j- _ ...* J ' _ tVlA ](*f* The sealing- fleet has *w been re- duced to <?i$?ht vessv'' . '^oven of tlie^e operate on the (: --.nd Banks an i mint master Thougfc actuw! figures are not avail- aSi<?, it is estimated by government ifficials, that clr>se to a million and a n^t7n Ottawa. Each roln has a Scotia is new practicalCy all marketed, sovereigns as well as Canadian coin* are mmted in Ottawa. 1 rt ju na ^J w ^ ^_ small "C" on its reverse side. The Ottawa mint was opened in 1 nine hundred years after the first British mint was established by William uijic ^ ^ ^ matter over before the Convention' tlwy h* ve always been anxious t: the Conqueror In London. Coins were once issued by any private ivi ua.s half barrels of good commercial fruit one in the Gulf of St. f.awrence. opens." The above conversation took. h ^ vc t ^; r children educated. That; wno wanted to do so, but coining is now restricted to governments. Souta. . wag produced Vast season. There An aeroplane use-j v. Ac Antarctic piac in the sitting room of one of the ^ townships and counties have been: American countries have their money made in the mints of Ettrope. , have been slightly larger crops har- steamer Quest will i>e employed in hotels of a small Ontario town in 5,, ^ van c f mO ral progress is evi-j ' -^=? ~ [vested in the Annapolis Valley, but connection with the Crand Banks con- May, 1922. Two men had 1 driven eight <j ent by the expulsion of the barroom pAWArjA PAN SUPPLY ' '- n ballast. The organization would taking quality into consideration the tingent of vessels. It will V conveye I miles that morning, through a th-ench- f rom rural areas long before the large *- A ^^^^CV.or.W'^ %-- f caH for considerable capital outlay, crop of 1922 lefcd*. 1 on a special piavfor .-.. uilt on the :fe is not Ifkely to be forth-^omim? Montreal, Que. The Southern Can- steamer Thetis. ,__ A very; (without definite assurance that the a^a Power Co., which operate* on the O larger percentage of the adol-; Commissioner of Agriculture traAj wouM be permanent. St. Francis Riv*r, Quebec, is about to More than 2,00( ids of horey in the country are found in, Q QWmilYHT i. Available "With the prospect of the American undertake the development of another p . r ,- m tne r ' n alee , , , "" aervke than in the ^y 8 ^mpping M AVaiiaDie , ^^ ^ ^^^.^ avaiub ; e 30 000 h , wse . power in orde r to meet itoba in 1922. an average of 122 ani cities. If country parents! for the Purpose. , Canadian breeders are not in a posi- the growing demand for power from Pounds per colony, ai.-cop.img to L. T. their adolescents morally and; A a^rnatch from London says: ! ticn to irive any such guarantee." , manufacturing enterprises. This and Floyd, provincial apiar.s . Menrber- , ing rain, to attend a Trustees' * n< i urban centres could be convinced of: Ratepaycrs' Convention for the coun-! ty and had brought a resolution with j them, and two other men had driven by auto same forty miles to speak at : the same Convention. A rotunda or sitting room of a hotel i. a most con- ffu^rA their adolescents morally and| ^ despatch from London says: ' tion to give any such guarantee." , ^ , genial place for men to get acquaint- i pi^vi^e for them religiously, it is un- ( g^pticism is being expressed in some Hon. D. Marshall, Canadian Com- other work in prospect will mean the sm ? ' ed and men will express theintslve.* : reasonable to suppose they will neg- auarters i n Enff'and whether Canada missioner of Afrri.- :.:ure, dismiss**! ira-reasing of the capital of the com- socanon increase.! jy almost 41 per frankry and freely in a ir/all group i 1^.4 them educationally. Has it not ^ fl;I - fil hw em ^^ ^.n^^iim n,;= T-ir.i m iti.. nn.,-'-rtjn with the nanv from S6.OuO.000 to $20.000.000. cent. <l; embargo campaign this r.e-simistio prt-.iction with the pany from $6.000,000 to $20,000,000. St. Catharines, Ont. A signal clatlon l ~^ n ^ e y ear WIU1 * "' honor has beer, won by A. Puccini. bers - ar - { now U-O^ar.- enrolled. n-Tfi- ing made that sufficient stearr.ship ships, could alone take over almost large manufacturer of macaroni, of *nce Act and mral education was| our ^eat ind-istrial centres with good accomnlo dation cannot be obtained w the whole quota in threi' trips. But this city. At t'.:e in.*err.ationa!l expo- threshed out by the four men and all! consciences and high moral standards, tran , port t h e m during rhe season. i besides this the White Star, DonrJd-' sition held in Ron^e, Italy, tlie w" WcdUl and Company, the weU son and Canadian Pacific Companies a<iian wad awarded the gold nu ial, known London produce firm, in a re- also proposed to handle the trade, gold cross and diploma eireed by rhe view of th? frozen meat trade said: Canada had sent almoet 100,000 cat- Italian minister of foreign affairs, p.ixi "The maximum number of rattle the tie over before the embargo, and Can- the British cor.iul at Rome, his exhibit Another Resolul ion. is another motion agreed that th? motion should be laid , wno hrave preserved the life of great before the Convention. It was real-' c jties from decay? ized 'by a'Jl four that a meeting held urtd'Cr the auspices of the Trustees' end Ratepayers' Association, could not have a brttcr subject to discuss than just such a resolution. They alii believed in the motto, "Progress byj Discussion," and base.i all discussion! laturp to su 'Fend the Act unti on the fundamental priiu-iple of con-', aT, 1928. Every rural rnsmber cf the -^ - faith and ur.-hritanding. | L!ature wculd Jo well to oppose, u,J g fi nd . C nveh-l^ 1 " retr S ra <' e measure. Democracy; ~ caH* for a hijrh standai.l of education fcr aJl the pt&plc. It would be a j i crime agair..-t t!-.e youth of Ontario to ' I allow them to kave school at fourteen j j und face the keen competition of the ' world unprepared. The Ac: is work- j fairly smoothly anil effectively ii_p''*Xne nnximum numter 01 cattic aw tie uver ut-Lun? u: truiuaii^v, > 10 ^ Ae L be- 1 steamers could carry is about 1,000 ada and the United States last year of macaroni winnir.^ the g-rand prize. ' n nw "; head each, which meins 200 shiploads, sent together about 150,000. Winnip??. Man. Last year 2,113 ie wi.,,11' of Ontario just now., ! A Bill lias been laid before the Leyis- and as the trade is seasonal the ves-j * il Janu- s*ls would have to arm-e on an a\e Don<t . ]ook for trouWe unless vou | age of one every day, and the rates km>w what [Q d<j with k when you fidenc It was time to go to th tkm and, wai'kirg down the street, thiouffh the rain, one of them recalled to his own mind the woxOs of Amos, "Shall two walk togs hcve agreed?" The A:p estab!Hh?d in the 1: 'el grew; stror.ger until there W .:.;r.,'r._ ,, on the truth ar.J a ,^ ven; best k,,,J ,f .: 11, >rr: will perr, ..M the wlt'i vt-ry little hard,hip to rural '.ir.Tr...;,. <m all siii.i to arrive at! . . * K . ,. .,i people, but stimulating us all to maKe denre to dcscover the; * . , .. , . , i for the proper education of : for rjrru . ,. f t ol ' oi a "- ?st -' er - :;: '- ^ e D* a different kind " of school rather than the aVoIition of r, . .' ..ti I:.L- i-or.vcntun; tne' . . * _. , , . , , , , . ... "ithe Act and let us study how to pro-, *'..* School Attendance ^[^^.^ May we hopc J for thc ^ ?h . | , i <!ra-al or defeat of this motion be- people all pu.Vd together to devue forp the Lejri .^ atllre . was .tud.l from every a ,,g!c th : ple all the beef ways :uv,l m. ars cf ffivirg a gqixire educational lc;vi to the rural chili anl finally the rcs-.^utior. to abolish tlie Act wa.s withdrawn ;ir.d COMPLETE SCHOOL SET FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS Tht process of ; eihication hiis only well commenced at fourteen years of age. Adule.scoiu-u | is pve-eminently the criminal age j when most first commitments occur, I when mot vicicus careers are I tu-ffun. It is the adolescent years ' rather than the fir-:t seven years that funarfian Social Hygiene CALL This outfit complete 1 School Case 1 Pencil Box 2 Rubber Tipped Lead Pencil* 1 Special Drawing Pencil 1 Compass 1 Pen HoUlfr 2 Pen Points 1 Box -of t'r*yorw 1 Eraser t Pnc-k,iife Union Jack Flag X'cVers, so that you csn pu* tih* fl:ilf on your sohoo 1 '. books, icti)*;-i<. f'.O. wiH (fire ytiu this whote School f r>* of all charge If you will sell Just JS wwrtt* of lovely Embossed Eus<(<i- r..-wt Cards at lOo R package. Seji.t us your name and we will semi you tli* CKIX'!" to sell. When sold end ps il> money, and ve will .'.! you fee whol" outflt. Address HOMER - WARREN CO., Dept 23, Toronto. count. Heads Heaith Campaign. We keep fully abreast in Dr. Gordon Bate*, who has j.:.t corn- educational stan iarJs with the people Pleti'd a tour of New Brunswick, with whom we intermingle and trade. ' ''overt-l L'.OOO mttva. couducting art In- .Vou \\h-at :iro the educational stand-, tensive public health campaign on Ue- M '- cf tln'51- people? Ontario is mere lm!f " r ininu-.liatfly SUIT ni':Jc,l by t!u' states ( '" l!!u ' i: i-t' New Yurk, Pennsylvania. Ohio and "~ ~ ~ j Michigan th:iii any ether territory. ' Th..- people of Ontario will have to compote with the people of those.' states in all industrial, agricultural an I i-nnj'iicrcial pursuit*. In none of there states is the ago of full-time cr : part-time compulsory emu-ation below I sixkvii years; in Michigan, NV.v Yolk i ii-.\ lilincis it is eighteen year? and ! in Wisconsin seventeen yeur*. We I have as bright imn:ls ani as keen in- tellects in the youth of Ontario as are i fotiiiif anywhere. Let us give them a i square deal. #- Natural Resources Bulletin The Natural Resources InteU licence Service of the Depart- ment of the Inte-ior at Ottawa, says: One of the fascinations of li\-ing in a re\v c.^ntry is the con.-tant revolution of pre\noii3- ly unknown reso-jn-es. It is but a comparatively few yetirs since Northern Ontario was or. the map merely as so muv:h space. To-day from out of that area are minerals whivh make Ontario the largest min- eral prodaoinfr province in Can- ada, and from its timbered areas millions of eords of pulp- wcod are bting cut. It is re- ported that flowing into James Bay are seventy-four rivt : s. each with its banks covered with puipwood spents. Ontario ccitainly has a pr -vorbial "goid mine" in her northern areas. men and 553 boats were employed in the Manitoba fresh water fisheries, with an equiomertt valued at {695,414. Over 1.125.500 pcjnJs cf fish were caught under domestic license, while the commercial fisheries reaJizel over s:ix*<.cn and a half ir.ilHoii pounds. Saskatoon, Sask. Fifty-nine, cream- <;:<? were operating in the Province of S -katchewan in 1922, according to the report of the st-crttary of the Saskatchewan Dairy Association. They manufa.-turi-i 8,901,105 pi cf butter, an increase of nearly ..- 000.000 pounds over the previous year. Lethbriv'ge. Ala. Two large irri- Gets Big Job gation unrfcrtakiiiKs in Southern Al- s j H iir.gerford. who has beeu ai>- rta wi,! be "brought under the ditch" p oint , t vU-Pr--:a.-r.:. !a charge ot th:s yenr. The iarpr of these pro-' the opera .ar.g aad maintenance of rhe je.-t; is the Lethi>n.i?e Northern Irri- rana dian National Railways in tlie r^- gation Dt-tnct, compr:in ? some 220.- organization, ha.- UN B i :iie 000 acres of land, of which 105,000 j, : h .if 1U kind ir. th" world, liavin* acres are irrigable. The smaller is ehargo of Ul'.:0: rntte* of ail way. j known as the United Irrigation dis-| i s a naiive-buru r.viadiun. He Weekly Market Report Toronto. i to $tj; do, com., *."> 1,1 .?.">..")!); butcher Bfaniteba wiwat No. 1 Northern, heifers, choice. S".J5 TO S6.50; do. $1.25%. nied.. So. 50 to $(j; d\>, com., $5 to $0. .">!>; butchtr cows, du.:.e. 54 oO to $5.25; Manitoba oats Nominal. Manitoba barley Toininai. All the above, tra-.-k. Bay port*. ' do, nied., $3 to S4: dinners and cut- i ters. $2 to $2.jii.>: but. -her bulls, 'J American corn -N'o. 3 ytJow, Olc; $4 to $5; do. com.. $3 to $4; 'feeder DR. COVE! Tht> man who d.ies what he pleases is seldom pleased with what he does. For the purpose of encouraging im- | migrants of the farmer ar.J domestk;! ! servant class, an Order-in-('ouncil has' i besn signed removing thf continuous' i journey roMrictions, whereby immi- grants of the above classes who have; resided for a time in some country, other than their <>wn can emigrate ' thence to Canuita. A further i ', in-Council repeals the provision of a, i $5 fee for vi?e of the passport in tJie 1 i emigrant's <iwn countrj". The pass-1 ! ports of ini mix runt* of other than- | British or Unitivi Suites origin are j ileniandc.-l with a view to having a! ! revoivl of their nationaUtios. ' -Petroit News Bu Rye- Pea _ _ __ M'';t'e*-d De'.. Montreal freijchis. S100; i-iml-j. choi.-eVjn l $I~4'; sheep, bajrs includetl: B--an. per ton. $Ji;; <-h -ice, $7 to $7.50; : . [g, $;j . $4 : shorts, per ton. ?2S: mUoKagt, $28.50; hogs, fed and wnu-red. S10.73 to $11: K M ,i feed flour. JS'J. .10, f.o.b.. $10 to $10.1'.".; do, conntrv Onuirio wheat No. 2 white. SI. 14 points, $l>.75 to $10. to $1.10. according to freights outside. Hogrs quotations are i.sstvl on th>e Ontario No. 2 white . ats 48 to 5<>c. prices of thick, smocth hoys. c!d on ft Ontario earn Non inai. graded bas'u, or sc'ccu f^;!.i un a flat Ontario flour Ninety per cent. put., rate. Bacon ^K-c;-, *.v i OH the irrad- in Jute bafts. Montreal, prompt .^liip- ed basis, brin* a pvemiiim of 10 per ment, $5.10 to $5.20; Toronto basis, cent, over tht price of tlrek snioo'h i $5.05 to $5.15; bulk, seaboard, $4.9. r > hogs. ' '" $5. Montreal. Manitoba flour v-l?'- pats., ir c, ;ton t'on \:i;. N . J vc . v Isacte, $7.10 pcv.- b:,l.; 2nd pats.. $t;.fin. Oais Cap. wt-tfrr.'X.i. L'. <!4 t.. 8&C- Hay Kxtra No. 2 per tun. tr.ick. .!. No. :i. ."i9 to (U)c; cxfa Xo. 1 Toronto, $14; mixe-.i. SI1; vtover. ?8 :' \.< ''. No. 2 IOLM! white, .">4 to 55o! to $12. FU :r--Mnn. spring wi!i>at p-*!*., Ists. Straw Car \us. per ton. tr;uk.!; '2n>a. Jtf.tJO: ^troujr bnkens', Toronto, $9.50. St'.K); winter pats., chuh-i-, M 50 Smoked meat* Hams. me<t.. 26 to R-,!'.i>il oat?, bag i(> Iba.. $:!.15 to S3 >? JSj; cooked "ham. ;<S to 40c; smoked Bran, S'Jii to $L*S. Sh.;rts. $28 to $:10 roHs, 2<! to 28v-; cuttavre rolls, ^2 t> Mi '.'.'. i .ITS, $?.;! t<> *.'!.". HMV. \. :!."^-; br-.akfast buoon. 32 to 3:">o; spe- (le-- luii, car lots. $1 1 ;.. .S!:,.' \'ial biari bn-dkfust bacon, 38 to 4lV; Cheisf. linen BMtcniS, t.'T ' . tu 'Sv i backs, boneless. 3t! to 42e. Buticr. .hii-e-! .-reamui \ . Ill to '-itt-' Cured meats Long clear bacon. 50 Kir>fs. fiv.-h, 4S to nO:-. Potato,- . to 70 Ibs.. $20; 70 to 90 Ibs.. $19; 90 1..U. i-r-r ';.(. 9ik- to SI. . !'hs., and up. $18; lightweight rolls, in Com. < ( i a itv i-ows,$3 to $4' ,lo ;baiTi'.s, $38; iu.ivy >v.>ijrhv rolls, ?35. >: -, v - :< s::.ji>: ik>. med. light'st'eers* Heavy steers, choice. $7 to $7.75; $5.5(1; eanners. $1.50 to $2; good vea!s! i.uu'her steers, i-hoioe, Sti.50 to $ti.75; $11 to $12; hogs, stitct's and good '(t>, eoo*!. $t> to ?li..")0; do. nied., $5.50 .:'.-'-> :',:\-liei-s. S!i.:.'f> to $1150 IN RABBITBORO (" BOBBY BUN- VOO "" GO A 5TLP I OUT ToPLW UNTIL I VbU GIVE-"WtS R06 A GOOD BEATtM r ' rn GONNA IT "IN THREE LlCKSV, QUiET CORNER LISTEN TO THE MOCK IN'

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