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Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1923, p. 7

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Canada from Coast to Coast St. Johr s, Nfld. It is reported that Timmins, Ont. It ia f ,. *....,,...,*, ^..*. .. _ understood Oil and Mineral, Lim-j that the Holliuger Consolidated Gold tted, cap.! .7.ed at $2,000,000, has been Mine* is beinj iriven the right to pro- tocorpo-- '_ 1 for the purpose of de- ceed at once wtJi the development of veloping .-id operating oil and other Island Falls, where approximately 16,- areas on ' lie west coast of Newfound- 000 horse-power may be generated at land. T company a English, In a cost of between $3,000,000 and $4,- tltt ome 158 mining locations of 320 000,000. The plan of de-elopment on acres each are said to have been taken Island Fa'iLs by the Hollinger is toj up and levies issued by the Govern- 1 erect a transmission line, cutting men*. ' across the T. & N. 0. Railway at aj Chariot . own, P.E.I. It is esti- point about fourteen miles north of. mated thr. about 5,000 barrels of Cochrane. oysters w-'M be packed on Prince Ed-| Winnipeg, Man. Dairy production! ward Islanrl this year before the sea- 1 in the Province of Mnnitoba in 1922: son closes . increase of 1,300 bar-: was valued at approximately $12.434,- rels over 1921. The demand is good, 223. The production cf creamery but- the pricp ranging from $6 to $8 per ter, reported by 44 creameries, am- b&rrel. Some fishermen have already, ounted to 10,559,601 pounds, which is landed fifty barrels each. i 2,009.496 pounds more than in 1921, Sydney N.S. The British Empire ; an increase of 23.5 per cent., and the Steel Corporation has in prospect a' selling crice at the creameries was very considerable building equipment! $3,695.8<50. program, according to announcement.- Banff, Alta. For the first time in There is contemplated a compdete re- the history of Canadian winter carni- newal on a large scale of the coal vals a one hundred mile world's cham- carrying ecjuipment, which will prob-' pion dog race will be run in full view ably comprise an order of 200 forty- of the spectators at the seventh an- ton capacity steel cars and 500 fifteen- nual winter carnival here, February ton wooden hopper cars. -,24 to March 5. Five thousand dollars Frederirton, N.B. A surplus of has been contributed to finance this| $70,576 over current expenditures is race, and already seven teams from! recorded by the Provincial Govern- The Pas, Manitoba, have been entered.] ment during 1922. This does not take In addition to the Dog Derby, other into cony'deraticn the Valley Railway sports will be: ski-ing down the natur- bond interest and other indebtedness, al slopes of Sulphur Mountain, skat- and which. is not regarded as a tegiti- ing on the Bow River, hockey matches, mate charge on the revenue of the swimming in the hot sulphur springs, province The receipts from succes- and attendant water sports, sion dtatces 'a-rt year were $261,597, aa Invermere, B.C. Twenty-two dol- compared with $151,S25 in the pre- law and fifteen cents worth of gold, viours year. taken from the craw of a defunct, Que. For the purpose of goose by a housewife here, has caused interesting Canadian importers and a mild stampede up Brady Creek. The exporters in the possibilities of trade goose was fa-ttened in a barnyard that with the We.n Ccast of Africa, an ex- includes the creek in its boundaries, hibition of West African products will Thirty-five placer claims have now shortly be held in the quarters of the been filed on the creek and mining will Montreal! Board of Trade. commence when spring permits. THE DUKE'S BRIDE COMES FROM ROMANTIC STOCK If It is true that "All the World Loves a Lover," It is also true that a bride is an object of keen and sym- pathetic affection, especially when she la a charming and natural young girl wtcm fate has chosen to live In the shadow of a great throne. Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who consented to become the bride of the Duke of York after he bad proposed three times, comes of an ancient Scottish family. They have occupied Glamis Castle for ONLY 12.230 TONS OF COAL SENT TO FRANCE Food Scarcity Threatened While Prices Constantly on Increase. A despatch from Essen says: The total number of coal trucks the French have taker: out of the Ruhr from the occupation to midnight of Feb. 12 ai 1,223, according to reliable sources. Each truck carries ten tons of cool. These do not irrrhide the trucks which were in thi: Rhineland on the way to Franc* vAmn th invasion began nor do they intf'ode a small amount, of coI sent by river aiyi canal. To create the hnpresTJon th-at a con- tinuous supply of coal trucks have been going to France the French hav been sending leaded trucks back to repeat the trip. The methodical Ger- man have been checking pretty care- fully, however, and the ruse did not work on them. So far as can be learned seven men and one little girl have been kil'-ed so far in tie Ruhr "war." German and French counts vary o widely it is im- possible to fix individual responsibility for the incidents. A despau-h from Dueseldorf says: The threatened food scarcity and eon- stant'y increasing prices of necessar- ies are causing anxiety to bo*h French and German officials in the Ruhr, due to die-ru-pted transportation. Meat, bread, butter, eg-gs and other daHy re- quirements have doub'ed in price within a week in various district?, par- ticularly the industrial centres, which, are without railway service. Fresh over six hundred years, and are descended frcra the Stuart kings. Glamis castle has teen the home of early Scot- i mfflc can hardly be procured. CANADIAN GOODS AT BRITISH EXHIBITION i TO ASSIST POLAND AGAINST GERMANY ti&h kings. Lady Elizabeth, it Is said, withheld her consent to marry Prince Albert because of her natural disl'ke to the formalities of Court life and the high associations her marriage would bring her. She is a retiring young woman, who loves the outdoors and all outdoor activities. The Prince is an airman and previously was with the navy, having served on Beatty's ship at Jutland. His hobbies are associated with tte social and industrial con- ditions of England and their bctternif nt. The picture shows Glamis Caatle, and the parents of the young couple, the King and Queen, and the Earl and Countess of Strathmore. the Girl That Was Kept Home Trom School. Many Lines of Manufactures French Parliament Voted to be Shown for First Time at London Fair. the class, die extra effort to master the subject matter he has missed, and at the same time the new material The Germans contend the specu'at- i ors, taking advantage of the helpless populations, are as much responsible for the mounting prices as the oeeu- 1 pation is for the abnornraJ conditions. f The newspapers are urging the auth- : orities to take drastic measures to halt than formerly and is, no doubt, owing the soaring prices and punish th to the valuable services of School At- speculators, tendance Officers. We may not hopej based on the facts he has not yet ; for 100 per cent, attendance, although ' acquired, discoflrapes hir.i and he gets' Japan can bcest of 97^a per cert, and, A despatch from London says: 400,000,000 r rancs by I^arce * * *" * ..** m^^^^^ui - M*;-; v (Educational Association m Bos* ^ at sehoc-: is to get every lesson that is I 10 ] majority. j lafit Ju]y> re f erenC e is made to a little taught and master each day's work as $70, A despatch from Paris says: A girl who fail behind her class in anth- ; t Come9 . BY W. M. MORRIS. In an address delivered at the An- a t ij staste f or gc^i an j school tasks.' yet if the average is 10 per cent. Convention of the Na ^ The only way fcr a child to succeed] than it might be, the province is losing; per cent, of the interest on thej '0,000,000 capita! investment and 10 ! ner cer.t of the annual $30,000,000 expenditure or approximately $6000,-' experts to Britain are' confined to bulk on Thursday- It is officially described ro eT ,.tary school. She was a pupil of ture of die elementary schools of On-: in face of a situation ke this, would foodstuffs and raw materials may be ?*_*, '"'^'^H;"; average intelligence and her failure in tario. Add to this another $30.000.000 immediately cnga?e an efficiency ex- surprised to read that there will be ^"^J -Tmay\^me<ts 'proper place arithmetic so ar-used the curiosity of spen t annually on the maintenance pert. There are fifteen thousand em- exhibited at the British Industries j n t }, e European concert of nations and her *<*er that the case was made am i up keep of these schools. Of course ployees in tie educational system of Fair, which opens here next week, the D lav the role to which its ireojrrapliic- ; the subject of an investigation. It the greater amount of this investment Ontario and an effort should be made That Cerge section of the Canadian tean of 400,000,000 francs to Poland metic when she reached the sixth ( There is an investment of $70,000,- publk which believes that Canauian ^as v ted by the French Parliament grade or senior third class in the el- QOO in the sites, buildings and furni- from the Dominion: i Tho vote on the measure was- 515 to metic pmcticaMy ailways came in mul- Canned milk, paper, wood, fibre, 68. Many of th,~se who voted against : tiplication, in the 7, 8 and 9 tables. carvings and mouldings, boots and it declared that the loan, while destin- Upon learning this the teacher imme- ahoes, breakfast foods, whiskey, soap, *d ostensibly for the organization of diate'y took ste^s to correct the weak- a special Canadian section at the Fair for the first time for the loan wu under-' ot her accordjng to enm - in i is history. A recent cabte, in which tnfcen by the Briaud Government in; register the oUd was out of school the ccrrwpondent recorded the growth 1921. I during that time. The parents had >f Canadian export trade to thiscoun-j Opposition to the measure in Par-; obtained a permit from the Attend- try in uch unexpected lines as sugar ! liament was based on the allegation; a nce Officer allowing her to remain balt xides wire nails tat the danger of an attack on Po-, at ^ me for a few weeks She was <*** now was sole leather, cobalt oxides, wire nails, etc has been criticized as over opti- ten<1 mtiic^TheD^S trade s^tSs now to hand confirm the statements in ver>- particular. During the last six or seven months there has been ft m .,r,,^r, ,rDir"rv marked revival in Canadian trade with SUPERIOR VARIE I I rhis country. ta y f a OF WHEAT TESTED University of Alberta Proves That New Strain Surpasses Even Marquis Yield. A despatch from Edmonton says: Three-year wheat tests, carried on by the Department of Field Husbandry, of the University of Alberta, have evi- dently resulted in the discovery of a high producer. The ne\v strain can even exceed the promoted with the rest of the class and left with that weakness buried under the accumulation of the new things studied. The results of this absence from school became apparent to pupil, teacher and parents a few years laicr. How fortunate the child was to have a teacher who took the trouble to investigate. It goes to show how some parents may keep their children home from school for a day, a week, or a month trustees, ratepayers and par- ents to secure the hijrhest possible average attendance that the most divi- dends in intelligence and character may be derived from the capital in- vested. British Air Ministry Orders New Airplane Engine Irish President Cosgrave of the Free State. He announces that he is willing to W. M. Morrw Ontario School Trusted and Ratepayers' Association. and expenditure is in the towns and without thinking of the tremendous : cities. The city of Toronto, for in- lossto their own children and the rest! stance, has $13,389,927 invested in the of the class. Go into any school and I public elementary schools and spends yo* will almost invariably find some 1 annually $6,260,612 on their mainten- pupils dragging along, keeping thej ance. The investment in separate A despatch from London says: i The Air Ministry has ordered a new| airplane engine, two cf which are said to be capable of carrying an air liner leave the settlement of Ireland's futur* with eighty passengers across the to tie vote ot tne Ir ' sh ' to Decide Atlantic in sixteen hours. whether or not the present gorern- The engines wiH develop 1.600 ment win he replaced b X a republic, horsepower on a semi-Diesel prin:iple, De alra declares he will accept the burning oil instead cf gasoline. i Weekly Market Report Toronto. Manitoba wheat Mo. rest of the class back and making it necessary for the teacher to repeat taught the previous week. schools in Toronto is $2,363.995 and | No^ 2, 89 4c. the annual expenditure on the same $514,626. The cities of Ontario have ,. Marquis yield by as much aa nine; Many parcn t 3 think that attending', made great progress in the last decade is similar to doing any other in providing schools. These free e\c-\ They harbor the no- menuaiy schools have been estn'mijii-' bushels an acre. It is quite evidently! a superior variety to Marquis, judg- | J^Tp o f ing by the yield reported for the last Miss Canada \Vinnl tred Blair, :i charming Professor Cutler states the test in 1920 gave 49 bushels to the acre for Marquis and 59 for Marquis III., which is the new variety. In 1921 the yield was 41 and 50 bushels respective- ly, while in 1922 it was 26 and 35, showing thai in each year the new strain far exceeded the yield of the well-known Marquis wheat. M ycuug woman from St. John, has been elected Queen of the Provinces, as "Mtea Canada" at .Montreal's wlntor Constitution of Free State festival. Sie Is nineteen years ot age, tall, dark and graceful, with lustrous oy8, which are her greatest beauty. Moulded on Canadian Status She Is an expert dancer and proficient to most outdoor sports, particularly winter sports. She is the daughter of a Canadian soldier, who died on ser- vice overee"?. m~f- Britain Putting Military and Naval Affairs in Order' A despatch from London says: Further evidence of the frewral tight- ening up of the British militaiy, naval and air crganiaaitions, which has been going on qufetly for some months, was revealed here on Thursday by a now order of the army council to the terri- torial anti-aircraft units of the air de- fence brigade*. I't was officially an- nounced tJiat mentbera of these, bri- gades would be recruited to serve dur-j Ing n*tiorsil emergenries, when called upon, even though no order calling out the territorial army for actual military ervice is in force at this time. Success is not sold on th? instal- A despatch from London say: That the immunity of Ireland from British aggression against new liberties is based on the im- munity of Canada, is the interesting statement made by Michael Collins, the teto Irish leader, in a book which has just been published posthumously in Dublin. It is, of course, a matter of history that the constitution of the Irish Free State was moulded with an eye to Carmdian precedents, but Col- lins makes it evident that it was the object lesson of Canadian liberty which convinced the treaty makers that they could find an acceptable compromise within the Empire. "The treaty clauses constitute a pledge." gays Coll'ins, "that we shall be as safe from interference as Canada is safe, owing to the fact that her 4,000 milas of geographical separation. Our im- munity can never be challenged with- out ohiaiilengiTiig the immunity of Can- ada. Having thp same constitutional rtatua as Canada violation of our free- dom would be a chTll-onge to the f ree- mcnt plan. You must pay for whatldom of Canada. It &ives a setmrity jiart of it \fM tnk. ; . j which we ought not rightly to despise." tion that a boy or girl who is absent ed and are maintained by levying a b:\rs included: Bran, per ton. $26; good, $5.50^U> $l>; do. ml.,j5;> *9j>5.50; for a day or two may start in again school tax on the property of all the shorts, per ton, $28; middlings, $L'8.50; Jv^ m . just where work was left off. They ratepayers. In the days of Dr. Ryer- good feed flour, $-'. S5c; breakfast bacon. 32 to 35c; 1 Northern, cl brand breakfast bacon, 38 to 40c; .28 1*. backs, boneless, 36 to 42c. Manitoba oars Nominal. Cund meats Long clear bacon. 50 Manitoba barley Nominal . ! w 70 !> -. ?-": 70 to 90 l->s., $19; 90 All the above, track. Bay ports. * F"d up, $1S; Mghtwe:jrht ro^fa. in American corn No. 3 yellow. 9lc; ' bbla- S38; heavyweight rolls. $35. - Lard Pure- tierces, 16Vc; tubs, 17c; ;ing. 59 to 61c, accord- ' pails, 17V,c; prints, ISHc. Shorten- outside. '"' tierces, !4Sj to 15c; tubs, 15 to Buckwheat No. 2, 78 to 80c. ; 15Hc; pails, 15^i to 16c; prints, 17V4 Rve No. 2, 84 to 86c. i *o 18c. Peas No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50. Heavy stiers. choice, $7 to $7.7?; M ;l : feed Del, Montreal freights, Wtchr steers, choice, ff. to $6.50^ do, -"i to $6 ; do. n $4 to 85; butcher heifers, to $ti.50; GO. med.. $5 to ; choice, overlook the fact tha-t the class h"M moved on in the meantime and that the absentees are being promoted with a handicap or compelled to spend an- other term in the same grade. We do not appreciate the serious- ness of the gap created in a pupil's school course by short absences cf a day one week, a few days another week and then a few weeks nt a time. For one pupil who is backward- in spite of rcjmlar attendance, there are hundreds whs are lagging behind and keening the rest cf the class back be- cause of absentation. The greater number of fai'Iures to qualify for pro- motion from grade to grade is directly traceable to irregular attendance. When a purnl falls behind the rest of son, the found syste-m, when provided, men tafS; my oxen field as take my children." people yet who theless the non-resident ratepayer and to ^$5. the childless ratepayer are both taxed to provide free elementary education for all the children. It is unjust, therefore, to allow indifferent mercen I suppose there are some ment, $5.10 to $5.20; Toronto basis, stockers, pood, $4 to $4.50; do, fair, irho think that way. never- $5.05 to $5.15; bulk, seaboard, $4.95 82.60 to $:j.50: calves choke, $12 to $1 '. $13; do. med.. $9 to $11; do, com., $5 , $70 to $90; $100 j Iflmbsj, -.,..,, .,-. ., r~ -., ; choice, $12 to $13; sheep, choice, $6.50 , $14- mixed, ill; clover, $8 to to $7; do, mils, $3 to $4; hogs, fed and , watered, $10.50; do, f.oi>.. $9,75; do. ary parents to defwt t!* end in view Straw Car lots, per ton, track. To- country pcrinta, 39.50. l . i- '.,>,' Tt . 1> . . ; > li i i ' !, i -> 1> , < .1 t'f^ \TM . . . rt rt r T . nr j ' v <-*" .->?; al by keeping their children home from ren Hogs quotations ar on th school without good and sufficient roa- Butter Finest pasteurized cream- ' prices of thick, sntooth hv>g, soM on a sons. It is very gratifying to learn ery: solids, 42 to 43c; prints, 43 to graded Ue, or selects, sold on a flat that the average attendaix-e for the 44c; ordinary creamery, solids, 40 * o |^ c ?' Bacon selects, so.. I on ihegrad- nrovinco lias reached 86 cer cent, of ^^ c ' pr" 1 ' 1 *' *1 [ *-<'! dairy, 29c;| , S J province lias reached 8b per cent of enrolment. This is 6 per cent, hvgrher K to 18c cent, -vcr the Hce <rf thick, smooth to isc. t Egg? Fresh iratcvr^i. 36 tx> 38ci n*?^ held. 26 to 29c. Montreal. Live poultry Chickens, milk-fed,; Corn, American No. 2 yellow, ?6 to over 5 it*., 22c; do, 4 to 5 W>s., 18c: 97. Oats, Canadian western, No. 2, do, over 5 I**., 18 to 20cj do, 4 to 5 64 to 65c; do, No. 3, 59 to 60c; extra 18 to 20c; do, 2 to 4 lib*,, 16 to. No. 1 fe4, 56 to 67; No. 2 local white, s., 22c; do, 4 to 5 54 to 58c. Flour, Man. spring wheat "rniiur AH - THPY 4iD WERE GOING A-MILKING, SIR, THEY SAID -From the News and Mercury, Birmingham, England ' 18c; hens, over 5 libs., , . 1'bs.. 23p; do, 3 to 4 lb*.. 15 to 18c; ! pats.. ftrsts, ?7.10; seconds, $6.60; i roosters. 12 to 15c; ducklings, orer 6 strong bakers', $6.40; winter pa'ts., fts 5 to 30c; do, 4 to 5 Ibs.. 22 to 25c; ' choice, $6.50. Halted oats, hag 90 Jba., tuirkers. young, 10 Ifls. and up, 26c; S.i5 t 13.25. Bran, $26 t $28. do old 15c. i Short*. ?28 to $30. MWrilingn, $33 to Dressed powitry Chickens, milk- '$86. Hay. No. 8. per tons car lots. fed, over 5 Ibs., 28c; do, 4 to 5 lb*, $14 to- $15. J 24c; do. over 5 IKs., 25<; do, 4 to 5 lb.,! Cheese, flmm Ea*terrw, 254 to 26J. ' ! 22c; do, 2 t 4 Ibs.. 22c: hen, over 5 BulUr, tlwk-eat creamery, 45 to 45V4c. , Jbs,. 25c; do, 4 to 3 its., 22c; do, 3 to 4. Egg. fre*A. 44 to 45c; selected, 36c; , lb?.. 22c; roosters, 22c: duckling^, over No. 1 stcvk. 33o. Potctt-es. per b8r. ! 5 lb*, 28 to SOc: do, 4 to 5 Ibs., 22 to 'car lots, $1.03. j 26c; turk>-9. youn-g. 10 l"b., and up,: GCIH. c!r,ivy t>-p cows and heifers, 25c; do, dd, 20c. ' $3 to $4; cumwrs and cutters, $1.75 to Potatoes On track, Toronto, 55 to' $2.75; com. buHs. $3 or better; better ! 60c per 90-1'b. bgr. 'quality bulls, $4; calves, good, $10.50 "Smoked meats IIani3, mod., 26 to! to $11; com., $9.^>to $Urrass carves. ^ ^^^ han) 3g to 4Qe . gmoked . $4 . g^ ^^ $llr 2 6 to 28c; cottage rolls, 32 to $10.50 to $10.75.

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