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Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1923, p. 4

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February '-M, 192:) T H<-K FLESHEETON ADVANCE JOB - - PRINTING THE Flesherton Ad vane W. II. THUK8TON IS OUR TRADE Let us know when you are in need of Letter Heads, Statements, Envelope** Shipping Tags, or any- thing in the printing line. Give us your printing, don't send it away. The Advance Press Flesherton, Ontario IS IT PATRONAGE ? 1 1 is rumored in Owen Soimi ! ihnt Major Thomas Rutherford wil be'appointed Clerk of the Count} Court. Major Rutherford was the defeated candidate in last election and as such is apparently heinj appointed to the Clerkship, whicl the Law Association of the county has petitioned should be filled by lawyer, as justified by the duties o the office. j Apparently the I' . F.O. Ciovern muni is weakening on the eve o election and is either preparing 1 reward its servants before it got off the scene, or else to buy the i> newed support of its previous sup ' porters.. In any case, if the rumor is tor , reel, it looks like our old friend Patronage, back again, despite th pre-elei-tion talk of l ( 'l'>. Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men'* and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shi.'ta, Overalls, Smocks, etc. ( 'liMiiiug liV|i;iinn;_' Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER .Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario m AVOID JEALOUSY The Owen Sound Sun-Tinus i> making jjood as a county daily, am the management are to he COM gratulated. Still, there are one o two tilings that might be suggcstcc by way of improvement. The mos important of these is along the line of its already fine correspondent de partment. It has clever corres pondents at Flesherton, Meaford Mopworth and Lions Head, hut the smaller places, such as Durham anc Hanover, are unrepresented. Little towns like those should not be overlooked, while Flesherton hoi; the pages. No doubt Bre'r Fleming will rectify this matter as soon as his attention is drawn to it, other- wise Durham and Hanover might develop a jealous streak. just arrived. All reasonably priced. Prices ranging from $28 up Agent for the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. ot Owen Sound. KvTrylxxly lists a chance i:t have tlxur suit thoroughly cleaned. Clothes brought Monday Clothes brought Thursday delivered Wednesday delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop BUSINESS SENSE MAY WIN A Kincardine paper advocate* church union in the winter months i ' in order to save fuel. This is a practical reason for the change, but 1 it is by no means the only practical ' ' reason, which includes the saving in ''.salaries, consolidation of funds and clerical work. Hut so far the senti- mental side of the question appeals to outweigh the practical. When the burden becomes too great for upkeep and funds fail to meet the required end, perhaps the hard headed business sense of the church i membership will come to the rescue 1 and church union will become an established fact. T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor II O. Turner, lot Jt6, C,.u. 10, Arti. | niecii, will hold credit aucti m 'jlu of ' I'm 111 stock on Wednosduy, fc'ab. 2Hth, o moating (if cattle, pure bredx Hi.d gnidos, mill liro id Hnwa W. K'litting, Hiictioneer. I It Finish - Power - Comfort |- Economy A Complete Car - No Extras to Buy THE new Superior Chevrolet answers the ever in- creasing demand for a completely equipped quality car furnishing comfortable and reliable transporta- , tion at a cost lower than that furnished by any other make of car in the world. Sixty-seven new im- provements in the Chevrolet make it more than ever the world's greatest motor car value. See the new Chevrolet, ride in it, drive it yourself, then com- pare it point by point with any other car. Some distinctive fc.utures of Chevrolet nro : streamline body flesigri with high hood ; vacuum feed nnd'rear gasoline tank on all models ; drum typo hearlljunp.s with legal lenses ; curtains o^tenin^ with doors on all open models ; All closed hndies Fisher built, with Ternstodt window regulators, tun visor, windshield wiper unii dnsh light. The Touring C'oupo is equipped with auto trunk on rear. McTavish Chevrolet and McLauglilin Motor Cars THE FIGHT IS ON / * The irascibility developed in the Ontario Legislature last week is mother evidence that an election is not far a'vay. There ate about six men in the Hous<j wty> make all the noise and who snap and snarl like a pack of huskies, hut as for oratory or argument the less' said about it the better. ^>li!l, the viciousness i; Mostly on the surface just a spar ring- exhibition to tickle the sporting- instincts of either side. " You're a liar," may not be argument or ora tury, but it is said to be a lighting word, and that i* why our ears are offended with it. The fight appears to be on. Profanity Did you ever make a darn fool o yourself f We might have used stronger language, but stronger language would make a weaker question. The man \vh uses profanity and offensive superlatives in saying mean things of an opponent, or ^Tting forth n real or imaginary griev a.-icc, is weakening his own case and losing the sympathy of his audience. The Good Hook was right when it said : " Let your communication he yea, yea, and nay, nay, for whatsoever is more than this cometh of evil." Put n bridle on your tongue ar.d hold it with a tight rein. Many a persbn gels into trouble by talking too much. If thi* hits you it means you. Think about it. It may- do you good -Durham Chronicle. U (Jrtgory ( i pld*nt ol Co!!- fur litiy yon, iuaitw d-aler, died them Ust week licet/, of Ii0]>*:.i-il>, wliu was ..::! to six mouths' iinj nso' iuul for an infiac'.ion of the IV.-nperai ce Act, irlc:tsfdfiuiii custody tfltr putting in thruu moullis H; l he \Vnlkerloii jail. Tlieiepsaed a*y last week at the i-f h.T cnujjhtcT, Wr A Smith, od, o>" ''' 'I' 1 ' u'-d- 8 ' reisiaeiits i:i ll.u jiersi'ii 'f Mis ll.winiii who had ii-uched tlif li .ry g "f 'Jf* yt-.-ii--. : i(.|i'Uriu- (Jiv.iiii'-iy, 1. ifli a- lii tliu l>.->iids nl ihi-.-iliiti-itl'. IUH been s ilJ. TUi> luildina, together with in ichiiu-ry u "'ii-si 8, *eiit t- -I . A. Hut-he* of Liuiei CrnHiiicry. f"f '!,>: ^uui of SK',- [)50 Tlio chopping mil! in *lill unsild. the Silo. Sereral methods of sealine; the Mo after it has been tilled have justillcd their use. What U wanted is a hcuvy blanket of material on top as near air tight aa possible. A Minnesota writer- sayi: Soniu liui'.-d wuuds or heavy treon i rat!, are run through thts cutter .id u inilhlug layer. Souio prefer to j^rk the ears from the last two or tliruu loads of corn used so no grain is "HI, and allow the corn itself to maku :he air-tight layer uetded to preserve the silage below. At any rate, it is a good practice to tramp the <!!..., around the edt;es at intervals of tlireo )* four days for about two weeks. This helps to prevent the scttllus awuy from the wall, which ofteu occtti- 1. Si'- ling at the surface may Ut? pre- enl< d entirely by covering the top of th(V silage when niling 11 complet- ed with n layer of tar p; M r cut to flt - iiuyl.v around the walls and ovei tapplnt; betwat'ii tho strips. If hln is used, il is udvisabl. to w>i(;lit t \v th soaii' srecn material of some kinii or wrth hoards, lltt ,t farracrs. io\\ -vi-r, think the use of corn itaelf, with tin 1 rar-i removed un<t witli pro- per ;r:impliig is more tcoi, iinical than tin 1 i:;i' of paper. I i tilling the silo the usual re- con iifiidatlon is to keep ilio Hiirfuce hii;!'fr at the sides than li; the center and to do most of tho tru-nplug nenr the wall. The last two fe -t had best be kept about level wltli the same amount of tramping iu ;.ll parts of the silo. MARK A COMPOST Hi:.\r. Have the Uarden lUibl>Uh mill Make t i:-.i|i tuiil Valutible Alnuure. Garden wasto, decayed vi -ietabh's, dead 'Viuos, -weeds, and the organle rubbinh that collcrts about the place during a busy summer may bis clean- ed up and put to work again tlinni^li the agency of a compost heap, suu t the heap by laying down a bed of Htablu manuro which has not been burned or heated. Tho sizo of the plot will Tary with the amount of refuse to be used; for ordluary uses, If the bed Is mado 8 feet lout' by G feot wide nud 2 feet duop'il will serve the. purpose. Over the manure spread a two-foot layer of refuse and cover with another layer of manure. Thin last layer need be only a foot In thickness. Hepeat tho layers until all tho waste has been disposed of and Uieu : covor the wholu with a layer of earth. If U Is daslred to add to tb heap fro'm time to time the top, layer may be opened arTd the new material emp- tied Into the'holn thus mado. This is convenient for. tho suburban home whero there is no animal to consume the waste,. lit the sprtug (he heap Is we41 mixed with a fork and ! the, Compost is readv U) be spryad on th* gSrden'fyot. Tii,'1i(fallnTM- uuro will effectively dostroy'any weed iiei'd prcflont and \\l\\ als? break down thft structure of most of tho maWlals i that have been thrown upon the pile. , ^t process may be continued Inde- j fiuite'Iy |)y Blmply adding enough, manure td Insure lieatlng. Compost 1 , i>ecia!ly 'Valuable for use in hot- fiGff ('HEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 Commencing Feb. ! , 1923 TheBink of Hamilton at Proton will be open in future two days each week : Mondays^] and Fridaysthe usual hours BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH--A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager WE SELL TARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values in SKATES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels and Forks Ranges and Heaters Simmon's Cross-cut Saws "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 Battery Storage Just a final word of warning about your battery. If left in a cold place it will freeze ; if left in a warm place it will sulphate. Of course in either case the life of your battery is greately shortened. Bring it to us and we will examine it and charge it at regular intervals. Remember, we specialize in braz- ing and welding. All Work is guaranteed. Agents for International Farm Implements H. DOWN & SONS AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS Clioose A High S.Ku ,1 Futuio Yougo and Charles Streets, Toronto The way to avoid the road to disupnintuiunt ,n il failure is to get a souud tiinin g in our school, f interested, write to-day for out cat. alogue . Knter uuy time. W. J. ELLIOTT. H. A. McKEE Chm>|ir>tct(>r Specialist At P-uk Hotel, Kl-slunton, Momliy, A Gift That Lasts Give tht Boy or Girl of yours a gift that lusts a life time and 1' ij--; dividends daily a ooursa !n the > -ility and Fridiiy, 4 tu 8 p.m. !\ 1 1 IA|VV.II Tiio\d'y, Thursday :nd j s 7 to i> p m. CutiiiiUation frer ! Bus i e ; s Shorthand, Farmers' couuea- ulsi) IV|iu i'i i\ ci.Ul'60 for thuse who missed Ihj first chsn >o, public school. Now torm opens January 2nd C. A. FLEMING, tf.C.A., Principal sinon 1881 . O. D. FLEHJNG, St-cretH-y.

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