Vol. 43 No. 39 Flesherton, Ontario, February 21, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Osprey Council The Osprey Council met in a special meeting at Maxwell on Fb. 10th to consider the report of the Engineer on drain No I. The minutes of the next proceeding meeting were read and ad- opted without alteration. Practically all those affected by the proposed drain being present, the Reeve then ordered the Kngener's report on drain No 1 to be read. After an exhaustive examination of the report it was deemed necessary to refer the report back to the Engineer for certain amendments, Mr. Taylor then verbally informed all those present that an endeavour would be made to have the report amended and ready to re-submit to them at th<: next regular meeting to be held at Feversham on the 17th, thus saving to the drain the ex- pense of another special meeting. The Clerk was then instructed to prepare a Bylaw for the next meeting to adopt the Engineer's report and to pro- vide for the issue of debentures of what- ever cost in estimated in ten annual payments and bearing 6 per cent interest. The required authority was given to the officers to sign the Township road accounts, and the Clerk was instructed to forthwith submit them to the Depart- ment. The following accounts were then ordered to be paid : The Treasurer, for stamps, $14.35 ; Municipal World asses- sors' supplies, dog tags, stationery, etc., 161.41 ; \V. J. McCutcheon, gravel, 15, the Clerk, preparing township road ac- counts, 915.00; each of the members of the council and the Clerk, $3.00, for special meeting of date, same to bo charged to drain No 1. Regular Meeting, Feb. 17th Members all present,.the Reeve in the chair. .Minutes of special meeting Feb loth read and adopted. In response to a petition submitted by certain ratepayers the Clerk was instruc- ted to prepare a Bylaw for the next meeting to alter the boundaries of school sections 6, 7 and 1O andihc L'nion section of Collingwood and Osprey, in order to form a new section in accord- ance with the prayer of the petition, and the Clerk also was instructed to notify the secretaries of the sections concerned of this intention, and also the Council of Collingwood Township. The committee appointed to itixptct tho Treasurer's securitien repnrted fv-< or ably and their report was uduptad liy th" Council. The TieoMiror WIIH instructed to pluco In the hands of iha bailiff for collectinii all iaxe-< riHii'iiuing unptiid on March 1st, l()2:t. The *ud ; tors' ivporl w,is udop'cd and the Clerk WHS irntructed t.> hnve 200 copies printed loi distribution. The fullowiug m'couiits weio ordered to | be paid : 1V1 swell Orun^e Loduu $<i for rent of hull for special m. i-.'-, same to be charged lo Drain No 1 ; the township auditors, A J Conron Mid M Kii-ld, $20 eL'h, $2 nf each account to ' liu charged to the telephone system. The Reeve was appointed a i delegate '" '' ltt good roads couveiition to i:e lieU in Tu- toiito on Feb liSih and Match 1-t and 2nd, with the authority to ppoint a substitute in tho event that ho - uot alii'- to attend. The Clerk wa<< iustructed to prupitre a Bylaw for Iho u.'Xt meeting fcr the pur- poie of commuting thu &t>,lu'e labor in 1923. The r estimation of I ..ic Traynor s towuship euijiiieer was acvepti.il and By- t'nv 722 passed appointing RC ,">; l\ :"li> in bin stead. The Reeve was instructed to authorize thu preparation ! plaua nnd n.-citica- tions for bridge on the 4th con. oppo- site lot 3. Bylaw No 723, to provide for drainago work in the township of Osprey, and for borrowing i>n tha credit of t.ho muufci- ptity the sum of $.'!Hoi> for completing the same, was iutroduotd >nd given a first and second rending and the Court of Revision on tbe said drain was appointed to be held in Mnxwull on M'u'cli 171) at 1.30 p.m. Council ndjoiirued to meet at Sing- hamuton March 24 at 10 a.m. Judge McCarthy diod at his homo in Ornevillo last week. Andrew Hardy, 70 yenrs of *ge, who lives ftloiieat Kilsyth, received a slight broke Tuesday morning of last week nnd wan unable to help himself until Tliur:)- any morning, when neighbors fuund and eare.l for him. II had -plenty of fn"d and fu?l in Iho house but win uu.iblo tn help h-niflblf and nearly punche.l his oandition was dissevered. FEVERSHAM R P UalUaiy, who has been mau>igur of the Bank of Toronto here since it opened four years ago, has been replaced by Smith of Stratfoid. Before Mr. Belhmy'a departure hta many friends gathered and presented him with a mull token of his friendship with ua. Bob has secured the position of inxpector with thu Bank of Toronto. La Grippe IB still thick in this part, Joseph Barber was in Collingwood. over the week end. llobt Brackeubury of Depot Haibor is visiting with Fred Brackenbuiy on the Hih line. Goo Julian was in town on business over the week end. A very enjoyable time was spent ut the shower aud daaea given for Mr and Airs Jus Ottewell Jr at the home of John Ottewell Jr on the 8th line. R J Whiteoak ia in Collingwood under the Dr.'n care with pneumonia. Chaa lirackenbury of Divide, Alia., has been visiting with friendu in this vicinity. One more of the old timers of Ot>prt>y has passed away in the person of Mrs Jits Madden of the 8 h line. Interment ttt Melanclhon cemetery on Wednesday. Rod And Gun The March issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, t4ie well known Canadian sportsmen's magazine of the out of doors, contains many attractive features and abounds in y storics and articles that are sure to please. "In the Canadian Alps " Sy Campbell J. Lewis, isabrcc/.y, interesting article, while Bonnycastlc Dale's article, " Spudging the Lump- sucker ' is worthy of special mention. Harry M. Moore, whose work is popular with the Rod and Gun readers, is among the writers who contribute rcd-bloodcd stories. H Mortimer Batten is another. C. S. Landis and Robert Page Lincoln are at their best in their cepartmcnts, Guns and Amunition and Fishing Notes,.' respectively, while the other depart- ments and features contain splendid features of outstanding quality. The magazine is illustrated profusely through- out, and in every way, the March issue ' one thut no one will want to miss. Rod and Gun in Canada is published monthly at Woodstock, Ontario, by VV. J Taylor, Limited. 5000 Facts About Canada A pupu'ar and hardy aumul i the " SOdl) Facts about Canada," issued for twou'y years by frank Yeigh, tha well known Canadian writer Jind lecturer. The 19"3 edition is LOJV out. and contains in:iny luldit'iu.a and improvements, in- c'uding a valuable map of the natuptl renourcie nf thj D. miuion. The booklet ,t a wonderful compilation in brief of theslory nf the Dominion under lifty sul'jfc'e, ranging from "Agriculture" to "the West" and "the \ukon," and ia Midispensible to nny educated and intul- iicont Cuoadion who wn(s lo ketfp j>p to data abi u' hii country, or viho wishes to advertise it by sending copied .xwy i .is many d, while it ia widely usod in .schno's. Leading newsdealerB keep Us book in stock or it oiay he had by acnd-- iug 3(Tcenti for n copy to the Canadian F.ic!s Pub. Co , 588 Huron St., Toronto^ Kour hovsc'f, six cows nnd pigs, sheep find poultry perished when the bnrns of Oharlis Vuil, a Mnlmur twp. farmer, were destroyed by fi'c. Mr. Vail was aw*y from hums when the fire occurred, a'.id there was no ono to releiso the itnprii)ned animals. v Administrator's Sale in Flesherton An Auction Sale will held on Thursday, March 23, 1923 to dispose of the office fixtures and supplies of R. J. SPROULE, deceased, at his late premises, consisting 1 ot : 'fables, dishes, letter press, hand sleigh, stovea, large safe, chairs, bedsteads, dresser : also buggy, cart a:nl quantity of hay ; fi shares Osprey Milling Co. stock ; lot 5, (T, 8 and 'pi. 2, 12 ft. strip ; 1 V shape strip Block A and lot t and 2 Peter Si., in the Village of Flesherton. TKRMS Cash. Sale to commence uL 2 o'clock. n'. Mcl'hail, W. A. Atmstrong, Auctioneer . Administrator, KIMBERLEY The I nsi i 1 nt ii speakere, Mies GueRt aud Mr Smith, gave vi-ry much appreci- ated addresses on Saturday afternoon and evening. Owing to so much sickness ebo attendancn wag not as large aa usual. 'Pin 1 annual bnzaar of tiie L%dics Aid has been poslponed until Feb 28th. Snowshocing partian have been quite popular this stormy weather. Owing to the severe storm uur local D3iil carrier was unable to make Ilia trip on Thursday last. Thu Valentine dinco wan p^atponed until Friday night of this week. Miascs Rachel ijutchinson and Myrtle tnt Thursday with friucds in Flenherton. Mis Frank Davis tpent over Sunday with her -nother, Mrs John Flewes. Wui l.i wi'Mi (jf Now Ekitgland was a oaller in the village during the patt vreuk. We are sorry to report Mr William Olark quite ill. Dr Lesch of Unoklyn is u attendance. Mr aud Mrs D A Graham and chil- dren of Vvndeleur sijent Sunday with Mr and Mr* S S Burritt. ROCK MILLS Portlaw The weather prophet who promised us lint- weather for this mouth, lias not been heird fnm lately. Perhaps, like t hi' bear, hu came out and eaw his shadow and has crawled hack into a hole. It ight be -!.' for him In itay there than to appear around there parts. Mi( My Gornheld hits been seriously ill, but all are p'easeO lo hear that she ia improving. Met* W H McXally aud hTrry loinpoti weru down to Toronto laet woek with a <nr li ad of stock. Sirs Clmrli'H Wiuteis lisa been very ill wi h pneuiuouia, but is ropirfced to lie HOinewhit nnpruvml. JHB Cornfinld left hist week for a lenijlhy visit wi'h his sister at Kcrwin, S imttime a^o it was lo.iounced that a ueitain doctor had "identified" the perm if Mr Grippe. It wnu'd have been a relief lo many if ihe doctor Imtl promptly id tha culprit arrested. W A Mortnn U reported lo be very uMiinillv it), and wo hope that lio will BOOH bo restored to health. Amcmg olhr wh j are on t'ie niuk lif t aro : Mis Jus Hoppa, Mrs FnnwicK J Mr Gilbert Little. Boys' Conference Very genet vl interest m Ixin^ evinced in the I3uyn' C"nforc'ucu to be held in >rii|(ovillu on March " ,'i and 4, and promoted under the aunpices of the b.iya' Work Burdliyan Area Coinmitlea rcp- resanlinj! tho Evao{elical Churches and \. M. C. A. Tho Confereuco is for i'uxis K >ys, Pmtors, Superintendent, IJuys' Work Lenders and Older bo)B. It a expected that fully 2.iO b'>y^ and yunug nen will be present. A>eiy fine pro- gramme of itn inspirational charsctur is rog arranged and it is o"nlidently ex- pected that Ihe Uonfeunce will prove IIIIIHIM of effecting much :.-. i The i'akorn and lenders will include Taylor Suitton, becrelary National Boys' Work Board, Rev J H Harris, Sec. of Relig- ious EJuu.itiun, Prt-Nbytory of Toranlo, and C F Plewnmn, Seo. Ontario U<>y' Work Board. Arrangements are being undo for a bai:i]iiet and a part iiflo.-no( n of skating and guinea ut the Urabgeville Arena nnd Iha hi^h school (jyinnftsiuni. Copiea jf the tu'l ]>tut(rnm may I>B ob- tained by applying Lo tho Secretary, J E Liddy, Oranxoville, Ont. rianoTcr fioM *136,000 worth of wate* works Irjndn, 6^ pur cent., 30 year at JD.77. Tenders Wanted Orange Valley School Seated Tenders marked "Tenders" will bo received by the undersigned ip to li o'oli.ck p.m. on Monday, March 5lh, 11(23, for tho erection of A school building in Sue, Nv). 2, Artenicsin, according to plans, epecilications, etc., which inny he fio. n at tho olHoo of thu Murkdale Stai d arrl in Iho villii^e^of Miirkdak 1 . Tho In west i.ir any tender uot neoi 8. suily aceoptcd. -KUWA11D LITTLKJuHNS, S .. I'lUi'iiin-.-; t'oin-.iiittee RR5, Maikdnlo Quito a number in thin coiuuiuuity have been suffering with the grippe, Fred Field of Toronto called on friends here recently. Little Luella Un-'ci! hug been sutler- iiiK for Rniiin weeks will) a very sora arm, but wo are pleased to know that she if) iniprrivmu, This Belts and wife, Chug Newell and wife, and Lewis Newel 1 , spent Sunday with \V. J. Newell and wife-U, the Little Mill. U Akitt is |i. M.I:HU a few duy.-t .- ; li his li-.ii ;!i!i-r in Toronto. A school" nieetinp was held in ihe school here Usi week to dUcuss the matter <>f putting in a new furnace. Ceylon Mr W Bell of Paisley visited with friends here !". > we^k, &1 s (Dr.) Holmes of Oen Sound is ibitint! herfnther and sistt r. who aro ill. We are sorryto report Ben Siiiith ill with pneumonia, but hope for a speedy recovery. The remains of Mrs Beaity, who at one time lived near hvre, were biouuht to this depot Tuesday noon and taken to Meaford Rnad ccmetury for inti-rment. Kor many yearsp^st she has resided with her daughter. Mrs Moore at Stur- geon Falls, to wh'im much sympathy is expressed, Tha many friends here of L)r Robert Tucker of Paisley will learn with regret of the serious illne of bin wife Inspector Beckefc of Owen Sound was a caller in town tho first of iho week. Mr aud Mrs R Guy of Maxwell were visitors t Mrs Bo'tou's latr week. Oil At Meaford Oil and gas have ben struck on the farm of Benjamin Doran near here, but whether in paying quantities has not yet been determined. " Acting on theory that traces of oil in springs and creeks in the neighbor- hood indicated workable deposits, Mr L)oran has sunk lour wells. Wells .vary in depth from 8Ul) to S66 feet and with varying gus p.assurc of from 40 lo '.iOO pounds according to Mr. Doran. Two of the wells have filled up about 400 feet with oil and biine. Oil is said to be high grade crude oil. Mr. Doran thinks his test wells are very close to the main deposit. In two of the wells the oil is of a much better grade than in others. He contends that 'n very porous trenton rock of the dis- trict the oil would not spread v.iy far, this ttcnton rock is <iOO feet thick at this point. No test has been made yet of amount of oil the wells arc capnbleof producing. But Mr. Doran is confident tha! he wil' strike a big How. Cut Off Toe Nearly Died Mr. Milford Johnston, son of .Mr. and Mrs T. W. Johnston of ^Silcottc, had the little toe of hig left foot cut off and the foot severely injured on Monday while working in the bush about half a mile from the house. 1 he young man, who i''. 24 years of age, was cutting wood in the bush and was using u iliffarent axe to the on he had been using. Ei- ther through the latttr cause or frcm hitting a twig the axe glanced iid struck his left foot, cutting through the boot and practically severing the small toe at the ball of ihe foot. Me had hia team with him and mounting ono of the horses rode ut a gallop to his home, the Wood from the injured foot marking his way. He put the horses in thelshed and closad the door and started for the house. Wqak from loss of blood, he fell tainting tfl*the snow. No one saw him ;uid he lay there for a little tim until he re- gained consciounncn and then rwnnagcd to crawl to the house and inside. L'p to that. time he did not reali/.e the serious- ness of his injury, but when the boot was removed it was found that the foot was badly lacerated Dr. Murray and Dr. Gavillcr were called and found it necessary to amputate the toe and the wound was dressed. -O. S. Sun-Tinics. Bargains If you are looking for a good bargain in Sewing Machines AND Phonographs call in and see us. It will pay you. W. A. Armstrong JEWELER a..d OPTICIAN Flesherton, Ont. The workmen in four Hanover furni- plants havn struck bioause of soiru iii-w ii.itliodh[ known as tho Scientilic luiiBi.bivo Prodmlioii System which tie companion iutrodueoJ lat [week. A(. p<i -i. tiy tl.o mi n d'> not. like ( N -. ontitionlly iuducud Lo produce. Bates Burial Co. S USUAL Funeral Direct* : and 3 -ubalmen Phone Hillcrest 261 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager, Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance STEWARTS for FRESH GROCERIES W. J. STEWART 8L SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario TOWN HALL FRIDAY, FEB. 23 MUSICAL ECKARDTS Hand Bell Ringers With a new company of Variety Entertainers ADMISSIO: ,55, Children 25, tax included BREAD BREAD BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, - Flesherton