February 7, 1023 TIRE FLESHEETON ADVANCE JOB - - PRINTING IS OUR TRADE Let us know when you are in need of Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Shipping Tags, or any- thing in the printing line. Give us your printing, don't send it away. The Advance Press Flesherton, Ontario Cleaning Vressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, Ontario just arrived. All reasonably priced. Prices ranging from $28 up Agent for the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owen Sound. Everybody 1ms a chance t:> have their .suit thoroughly cleaned. Clothe* brought Monday delivered Wednesday Clothes brought Thursday delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor THE Flesherton Advance 'An indepmident newpper published each Wednesday at tho ofiie* t 00lllogwoad Street, Kleshertou. .Sub<cri|>'ii>n price ' 31 5U par annum when i"i 1 in ii'lvii)o<i ; 82.00 when not KU paid. 82.00 i< I'mii-.l States. Advert'Hiug rates on I Application. Circt aiit.n^ over 11<K' WOt' W. II. THUKSTOJf XlllTOM Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men' and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. TOO MANY WHITE COLLARS When Premier John Oliver was litist recently he spoke ;it Hamilton bet'oie the Canadian Club, and during the course of his remarks said : ''For one thing, there are far too many white-collared men who are afraid to lose a little honest sweat, but who yet exact H fat living Ironi the grime of the toiler. Men and i women were crying for bread, while countless acres that would produce tood for all were lying idle. The rewards of industry were not eq- ually distributed. Too many para- sites were living on the men who are really producing the wealth of this country." ; There is a lot of truth in this theory. Young men want to get ,away from the country and don the white collar, and there are none to take their places. C'an it be that we are paying too much attention to education and not enough to the manual side of life ? In order to gain physical perfection and guard D : against degeneration vs build gym- nasiums and swimming baths, stadiums tor sporis, make new jobs for the graduates of our col- leges and universities, and taxes in a multitude of ways have to be raised Jo support these while the farming community is supposed to raise sufficient produce to keep the white collar brigade lit and strong so that it may excel IH athletics and the professions. The toil on the soil does not produce an attractive return, and with educational facili- ; ties so convenient, -and returns more assured, it is no wonder so many ! try to get awny from the plow handles to the pen and pencil. But the time will come, if conditions do not alter soon, when things must : change or the result will be dis. astrous to our community lile. in endless procession around the sun, probably in another qiuntillioi of \oars to gradually gain cohesion until another world is formed to take the place of our annihilated- orb. Comfortable thought, isn't iti Well, there would be some compensating features. All th worries that are now troubling th world would be settled, and th coal barons would be sent whirling, throi tjh space along with the! coal. Let 'us hope it would take fire on tlie journey. AN UNCOMFORTABLE THOUGHT What a small thing this world is, t>> be sure. An earthquake occurs ' in Japan or Hong Kong and the seixmograph in Toronto registers the fact. Some scientists think that some day the floor of the I ocean will dropout and let an ocean of water drop through into the in- ternal fires. Then an explosion will occur that will send this old world in minute fragments out through space and make of it star dust ih.it will float through space A NEW DISCOVERY It i.-. now announced that the grippe microbe has been discovered and we are told that the thing ha to he magnified 1000 times before ii can be seen by the human eye It don't have to be magnified U :iny appreciable extent in order to leal the best. Ii is oyie of the marvels of nature that an atomic fiend like this can exert such ai influence on the human frame. Now that his identity has been made plain surely some of our scien lists will discover some way ol hog- tieing his impship and making him impotent for all time to come. Clergyman Dies Suddenly Startlirujly suJdc/i was the calling of Hev. Rcnjamin Murray Smith, Presby tcriun minister ul Walters Falls, who was culled home after a brief illness of only nine days of pneumonia. Just two weeks previously he had been in good health, and took part in the induction ceremony here, when his brother minister, Rev. XV . .1. Gallagher, was installed in his new Held of service. Rev. Mr. Smith attempted to drive home lhat night, but only got within four miles of home when the impassable roads forced him to spend the night in a farm house. Mr. Smith hid two charges -St. Paul'* in SyJenham, anil Knox in St. Vincent. He was almost 65 yearn of age and when sickness came was unable to throw it off. . He had been laboring in the Walters Falls Held for two and a half years.hav- inj; come here from Uromorc. In pass' ing Mr, Smith leaves to mourn his loss a wife and son and daughter \V. (j. Smith, auditor, of Chatham, Ont., mar- ried, and Itabella F. Smith of Hamilton. Death came on Monday, Jan. 28, and the body was lovingly taken to Simcor, Out., tor interment. Mr. Smith was a native of Caithness, Scotland -Menford Mirror. CHEVROLET Why You Should Own An Automobile Man's capital in tho business ol lilt; is -hi--, time. From the beginning of things to this very hour, his life has been a matter of moving himself and his floods from place to | dace. Tho fast or ho could movo the inoro ho could accomplish in a given time. KOI a^es lift usod tho horse, tho currents of rivers, the winds. Thou ho discovered .steam and tho loco motive. Hut the steam train had dis- tinct limitation and its lirst. cost was enormous. Kinally came die Automo- bile faster than tho train find able to take him wherever he would go at small cojt. Man's capital of time was increase* I many told ; in other words his life was lengthened in which to ac- complish his desires, CHEVROLET Why You Should Prefer A Chevrolet The Chevrolet, is built for" Economical Transportation" and delivers it. It is the world's lowest priced fully equipped automobile. Any combination ol cha sis and body which "operates as a self prupol'ed mechanism may be termed ;in automobile but if it lacks important modern accessories or parts, which must be bought to complete it, this cost must be added to the original selling price. As to comfort and eHiciency tens of thousands of Chevrolet owners will vouch for its Superiority. Comparisons are invited for comparisons sell Chev- rolet. Chevrolet has become the world's greatest motor car value. SERVICE More Reminiscences. Tim fullonini; littlu reniinixcHut note from MIHK Kinrim Wright uf Went IV routu o\j. Uina iUelf : Mr. 'L'huntou, -Fatli-.-r ailvinui me to y thankyeu fur <|uotiug fioni the Globe of JHII. I! \Ve i i.- iiilu-i you quoted in full a font.. , ttic!<> l>y Mia* Robina. The church bee mentioned was i build tho first church at liiistkgo at .( Will -I ici.iU'h.'i and the Snideia Chevrolet Owner* are assured of prompt and efficient attention, in caso of need, when travelling anywhere in Canada or the United States. Chevrolet service has grown steadily and rapidly as the popularity of the car itself has grown. There are now over -fifteen hundred dealers and service stations in Canada D. McTavish & Son Che > V ( : V to <ars (thi-ir Ui. I affrnt there) gnve dim is and 'iiutiur. 'lli-it WH iho first church en the Tiiruiiui Line outside .jf Owen Sound. We ei j'>yid very muc-h the it cle on Euxenia. Dad *,iys Smidy Brnw.ilee WHS tho lirnt man to linJ I'.urfenm, Ho lived ulioiil ll;,-ea niilos toward Markdnle from Flfsli.Mt.n. Thure were tliuimt. no net>- lers tlii'i,- ilicn, and mi a Sunday evenii g wlu'ii all was atill he htmrd the i .tine of a wntcif ill unil wont next dy to ...ul ( u[ where ic WHS. Fatlior wpent two cUy and n mulr I'l^uit} ,;,>|i " ;,t l^i^.-nw. Alxiu: thirly others worn ul the same job. Did Chinkx ihut H in ly.V), the ymr ho went into Oroy. Ho N iys the I'uidys ci m iu by way of Mvaiurd. As you know so much of the e'irly d)a I just pu> d iwn whot he talked of H o renil jour ariiule. Ha ivis iutreii'd, huUuw ihe I'unl)' nrul the Vi.ii liunk so well, if fl III ftEAb OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1672 Commencing Feb. 1, 1923 TheBank of Hamilton at Proton will be open in future two days each week : Mondays and Fridays the usual hours Salt the I- !,.,. The beat moans of controlling nous In iiiuMt instances 1* very simple Mean usually orlflnato in tlit> huso- meat of the huuuf. or In some covered PUce auch M woodsheds and stables, to wMch IIOH. dogs, or other aucli anlnuta have access. The remedy Is to glva the baaement. shod, or other breeding place a thorough cleaning. bum the Uttw, and then sprfnkle the oor or ground In the building or bed wttto common sail. Tha salt abouid fee sprinkled thickly enough almost to cover the ground and should then be wet down with water It hould not be wet sufficiently to cause it to run, however. If Inert are about th place any nor .., cribs or (ho Itko built on piles so that liogg and other animals can go under them, salt should bo applied then- 9cnejrally speaking. It Is fairly easy to determine where tin- iloas oii. iuato, and it is usually such a pluct us can be reached by the nail treat- ment, It may be necessary to repeal the operation two or tln-d- lim, about BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRtNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AQENT. FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values in SKATES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels and Forks Ranges and Heaters Simmon's Cross-cut Saws "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. FRANK W. DUNCAN Fleaherton 'Phone 24 r 1 1 Battery Storage Just a final word of warning about your battery. If left in a cold place it will freeze ; if left in a warm place it will sulphate. Of course in either, case the life of your battery is greately shortened. Bring it to us and we will examine it and charge it at regular intervals. Remember, we specialize in braz- ing and welding. All Work is guaranteed. Agents for International Farm Implements H. DOWN & SONS FLESHLERTOIM AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS \ t Choose A High Salaried LLIOTT Future Tonge and Charles Streets, Toronto The way to avoid the road to diiiipolntinent and faHure la to got a aouud training inourchool. If interested, write to-day for our oat. alogue. Enter any time. W. J. li^LLIOTT. PHINCIPU. H. A. McKEE Chiuiprnotor Specialist At t'tk Hotel, FUshertou, Mundny, vVodnostliiy and Friday, 4 tu 8 p.m. Kovurxhani Tnesd-y, TI ' A Gift That U.U Give tlut Boy or Girl of yours a i?ift thai Uca a life tine and pays dividends daily a course In the Basinets Shorthand, Farmers' eeuwes- alo Preparatory course for those who missed the first chance public MjhooL New term oi,ens Jniiiiiry 2nd C. A. FLEMING, K.' \ , IV ;