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Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1923, p. 1

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Vol.43 No. 37 Flesherton, Ontario, February 7, 1923 W. H. Thurston, Editor and Prop. FEVERSHAM Special Correspondence Who says the bear did not see hia nil ado w : Robert McAlister of the 8th line is bom* from the Collingwood hospital, here he has been for five weeks with a fractured knee- R J Whiteoak and ife are in Cjll- ingwood The latter's mother and sistar are very ill. Fred Hawton aDd wife of Stayner were callers in this vicinity over the week end. We are glad to report that newly nil en the sick list are on the udward elimb. Eva Spencer has returned home fier a visit with her sUur. Mrs J Belt of Colllngwood. A Jery enjoyable time was spent at the kitchen shower and dance for Mr and Mis Jack Smith on Tuesday last. Sam Roberts of the lOch line i slowly recovering from a serious illneai. John Irzard of the 12ih hne in still very low. A goodly number attended [the annual eeting of the Osprsy Farmer*' M i'.lini< Company on Tueaday last. George Moore, son of ft! Mooce of Troasack, Sack, it down with pneumonia Little Billi* Butke is very ill at pre- i-n: with a bad case of flu. Kimberley L* gr>PP e i 'till prevalent in our community. Wm Abercrombie of Rocklyn spent a fVw days with his sister, Mrs Thos Abtnerurubie. Mrs Earl Dillon visited the past week with 'I'h- Tnbury friends. Mr Albert Ellis bad the misfortune to loea a valuable horse while drawing lum- ber to Harkdale, MrsD A Graham and children xpaut the week end at the parental home. Mr Harry Cornfield bad his leg injured in the swamp when a log rolled on it. We sympathize with Mrs Plewis it) the loaa of her brother, Mr Thompson, who was well known here. Will Be Interesting Sheritf Jermyn attended the Wiarton Vair last fali. He was there with hi car and was crossing over the race track whcnji speeding or rating event was on. Tie stopped, then a sulky driven by Arnott came along and there was a collision. The Sheriff is being ueJ for $120 bedause of alleged dam- ages to the sulky, harness, etc. The dtf ice, we understand, will take the ground that it was not speeding in the ring at all, but horse racing, whieh is not allowed on a fair ground at all. The case will b decidedly interesting. Board of Agriculture MEETINGS Ceutre Grey Board of Agriculture will aold meetings as follows : Walter* Falls ........... Kehiuary l.'i fticklyii ............... " 14th Htthcote .............. " 15th KaTenn* ............... " 16th Kimberley .............. ' ITth Maxwell ................ " lth Hopeville Speakers A. R. G. Smith, new Ham- burg : Mrs. (.'harles Mscoun. Campbell- ford. Subjects The Dairy Industry in t'.in i.! i H. ,_[' Caitle 'url Milking Field Crop* and Rotation* Seed Control Act and Inspection Work Subjects for Women's meeting* VV, ni.'ii * Responsibilities to horselfj Family and Mankind Rural School Fairs Pat, present and the ideal of the fu'.ure The Farm Home Consolidated School* What the Women's Inititute his done for one rural community Co-operation Separate meetings will be held in the afternoon at 2 p. m., joint meetings at night ai 8 p.m. The Women's Itvtitate are requested to provide music, All welcome boys and girls. H. H. ThcmpfOD, Prtiident ; Mrs. H. Thompson, Pres. W, I. ; J, I. Grahmn, Sec. Hoard of Agriculture ; Mrs. W. A. yaw ken, 8e. Women's Institutes. CEYLON Miss Jean Collinson, who has been in Toronto for a (reek, has returned home. F. D. Cairn* and Snorden McLeod Ijavi a dance in the hall to their frienda on Friday evening. We are lorry lo report Mr. Fred Wright quite ill, but at time of writing ia alightly improved. There are i .!. i laid up with severe colds. The teacher, Miaa Lewie, hud only six pupils prejeut on Monday. Quite a number from around here took in the hockey match at Shelburne Fri- day evening while otbors r it in the concert. Many wili learu with regret that Mrs. Simons, nee Viola Telford, had passed suddenly away at her home in Kingston on Wednesday. S<> particulars are to hand. Mrs Simons whun a liitle girl resided here with bur parents. Her father was section foreman here. Much sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing ones. George Hansard spent a couple : day* last week in Opray. Mr John Cairns, Mr Stevens, Mr KiUheo, Mrs McNichol, Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald and daughter. Isabella, of McAteer, were visitors for a few days with F D Cairns and wife. Mr 1 1 Jaynes, who spent part of % week tt A Rutledge'a, left for Toronto and other points before returning to his hoiou at Lathbridge. Alberta, Miss Wyville of Markdal* ia a vititor at Mr Mal4lewsou'. PORTLAW ROCK MILLS R. Wickans and wife of tCiutberiey fiiited orer th week end at \V. T. Pedlar's. l^aae Smith attended the funeral of a relative at Uob Roy last week. B Field Tisited with friends at \i n - well an>) atetnded tho bedtide of his mother, who i eurfertug from a stroke. Twc leigh loads f young peop'a from Rim berley drove up to the home of VV T Pedlar and tpeot a very enjoy* able evening on Friday last. John Porteous and wife spent a day recently with their daughter, Mri '' It appears that one of our budgets ef news mailed some time ago must have gone aatriy as it has failed to reach The Advance urh'ue. It contained gome int- eresting items which are now ; i !. i late to give at> news. Mr J W Lyons is almost recovered frotn * severe injury received some time ao. He and Mrs Lyons were returning home from visiting their daughter on Ui. Collingwooi road, and when opposite Thos Fisher's, the horse shied at the ejection ot a lamp light from the house, which caused the horse bolt under a a trail box, with the result that Mr face was cut so badly that L'i Guy called and dreseed the wiund which required eleven stitches to close. Mrs ^yons also receive'! a heavy ttroke, but ortunately escaped serious injury. TUis coanmuuity received the news of he death of Mrs \V J Hendemon with ad hetrtv. She was a resident of this >art for many years, -tiid ettoemxd by everybody. She with her husband and amity were alwayx aoiivu in ohuicn work or in anything for the betterment of the community. Their many frienda lere i-xtend their lympathy to the bereaved husband and fumily. We are sorry to report that Mr Ry Pedlar ii atriously ill with pnuuurjnia. Mrs Fred Taylor hax been ill fur some time and under the Doctor'* care, and complete rest was ordered the is being cared for at the home of her mother, Mrs Wright, 4th line. Mra Robi Lianuah lias beou >|uite ill the past . i K. but are glad to hear she is on a fair way lo recovery. Ray t'edlar had ;he misfortune to lose one of his matched team of horei. The animal dropped dead on the road. Ue sUo loel a line beef animal. Mis- iottunei are not coming singly to lUy. Mr .Urues Cornfield his beeu vi-itiog with fiiendx in Toronto and upon arriv- h n ,. was taken i[uite ill. All hope :hat hu may 10011 be restored to hii usual health. Flu in very prevalent and (\uite a number are down with gevert< attacks. We are pleased to tee Mrs Sam Croft, who has boen coutiued to ker bed for a time. Hois Ulasiford is attain viiiting nith hia liiter, Mrs B Field. The Club danea was held last wet>k at the hcine of S J Bojrce on the 4th line and all enjoyed i good night'R danc : ng. Charlie Wilkinson and sister, of Dun- urn, ipent a few Hays the pnt wavk with their < - . r. Mrs Krn Russell. There was uo service in the church hers ou Sunday owing to ihe vtry oold weather, ^'though Mr Vose came out. Mrs W T PedUr ; - suirerlng with a terere celd and bionchitls. We hnpe t hear of her recoveiy oon. Presbyterian Church Notes The I'ustor will have the pulpit sup- plied next Sunday, *i he has been exiled away to preach near Ingersoll. Prayer meeting on Thursiay eveniuf; at S o'clock in the Presbyterian church. Tho Bethany Girls' Mission iUn.l will meet at the manse on Sat. afternoon. At a meeting of the ett-cutive of the Y. P.S. on Monday evening it was decidrd to organize a fortnightly newspaper and Rev. F. G. Fowler was itppoluttd editor. Me will be glad to receive news items from the different orgnixiiti<>ii3, The following reporters weru appointed : VilUge, MI-.M Amanda Stewart ; W.M.S Mra Frank Duncan : Sunday Sehool, Mill Mary Paton ; Lviie* Aid, Mrs (Dr) Turubull , Bethany Giil, Mrs Fowltr ; Y.P.S., Bert Sparks, Jim Stewart, Eltie Ferris, Pearl MoMaster ; Choir, Mrs. Blackburn. The first issue will be read on Tuetday evening, Feb. 20th. All news items rauat be in Hie hands of the editor by Saturday the 1 7th. D. Stumpf, an old Eloiwood boy, who had been iu Graventiurst sani- tarium for several years fur tha treatment of tuberculosis and who was no far gone in this disease tint he hnd lost his voice, is In robust health agMii and wiih Uev. S. Ha'.srtll is CDiiducliut; evangelistic ncro v. < this month iu Southampton Bnptiat church. Gt-oige's spleniiid teu-ir voice ka corao buck to him. A Sarcastic Lord Lord Northbunx, \\tio recently died, was evidently a cynic of the most pro- nou'iccd type. His analysis of the British races stands out as a partic ularly strong sample of the sarcasm which he indulged in when he said : " The Englishman loves his beer anc Bible ; the Scotchman Ueeps the Sab bath and everything else he can lay his hands on : the Irishman docs not Know what he wants, and is never happy til he gets it ; and the Welshman prays or on his Knees on Sunday and preys 01 everybody else the remainder of th l week." Mr. Jacob Thompson Mr. Jacob Thompson passed away a his home on the cast back line on I'ri day, I'cb. 2, after a lingering illness, a the ugc of to> years. He was born o the farm where he died. He was mar ried about 44 years ago to Sarah Irwin sister of the late S;'inucl Irwin, wh survives him. There were two boys and tsvo ijirls ir the family Robert of Osprcy Mrs B Ferris of l-lcshcrton' Mrs.VV. Holley o Markdalr. and Charles in Gergovia Saskatchewan. The funeral took place to Meafon Road cemetery on Monday , with seme at the home conducted by Kcv . Mr Fowler. The pallbearers were Richuri Bentham, Joseph McKce, NV'rn. and Charles Stewart, and James Beatty. The brothers and sistcss of deceased are .lames in Michigan. Win. in Dulutb-, bRocrt (at Kiinberlty, David and Mrs. Charlc* Wickens in Flesherton, and Mrs. John Plfwcs at Kimberley. Two sisters Mrs. Good-all and Mrs. Harris are dead. PROTON STATION Intended For Last Week Mr and Mis Montgomery, Uuiuialk, iiite/d with Thus Wyvill and wife. Harold Tip. in(i-i!ii. Dobbington, spent few days at the huiue of his father-in- w, Till-* Wauuhope. Mr Urovrn and wife, Mt Forest, r hu guests of Mrs Still. Mrs Elmo 8. evens with her little aughter, Evelyn, :* visiting her mother, Ira I. Acheenn. Miss Ella Hemphill visited with her unt, Mis Robt Batts. llobt Achesou went to Toronto with tiir loud of stock today, Monday. Two very interesting hockey matches ook place here uii Saturday last. Dun- .ilk and Protuu Juniors played a name which resulted in a score fi 4 in favor fDuudalk. A jolly little school boy earn was met at the Station by school oys here mid were served a warm lunch n the school room by the Proton BHII- ams, chaperouJd I')' their techers. A lively game was played by 'he yxung- te after the Juniors had finished wl ich esulud in a score 41 in uvor >-f Pri>- on. Ju lior liue-up - Jundalk (jSoul, Stevenson ; wings <-'!r dge, Lockhart ; centre, Ucintyre: de- : ence. Aoheooc, Wellwood : nub, Mic Proton Goal W White, Win*", L Lyons, S Lyons, cettre, E IVkn, dc- ence, S Carson, E Lyons. School teams Dundalk- Goal, Hood; defence, Bradley, McDuff ; ceutre, Stafford : wingx, t'og y, Montgomery I Sub, McMaunamon. ['colon Goal, S Badgerow : defhnee, Hergott, L Hodgiim : centre, U While; wing*, G Acbeaon ; K White, tub, ,J Surace. Tliis Week's Items Mils E Conalcy, teacher at Kedick ille, spent the week end with her parents here- Mrs Gen "Woods and children. f Chatsworth, visi'.ed 'he home of Mr ieraolt. The Yuan* People's Guild took a sleigh ride lo Fleshes! oi< on Tuesday ast, topeudtho nifrht with the gu there. 'L'he evening was spent in games. Short programs weie given by boih guilds. Lunch WAS served by the home young people. (very body had -a rea joud tune. The Junior Hockey lu.ys iuurueye< to iSwiuton Park one ni<ht last week but reui'iied with tin small end nf 102 ore. Better luck next tinu' boys ! Earthquake Started Clock EMBLEM S Ve carry a complete selection of udge Emblems. . . . Orange - Scarlet Blue Mack Knight, lite. Rings *7.50up. Masonic Rings in very pleasing- designs from S7.50 up. i Pins, Brooches, Charms, etc. lor the different societies. ASK TO SEE THEM . A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Flesherton, Ont. A despatch from Orangevillc says Nor ycurs a clock has ailnrncd the wall of the Carnegie libru-y at l-'crgu Strange to say it would never go. 1 was always kept wound up and visitor would often gi\e the pcnJulum a -swin but it would soon stop u>;ain. The othc day there was an eart! quake rccorde somewhere far away, and, strange t say, the clocU was set in motion at tha time. It still goes an.i is only tvvcnt minutes fast. Flesherton 8, Dundalk 2 The Duudalk juniors cam* up to Flvah- erton on Tuesday evening and playod s game of hockey with the intermediates here. When tho gunii) arranged a mis- underottndiug arosa which team was to play. Ti wa!i hopeless for the kids from the start, but nevertheless they put up a gamo buttle and scored their twi goula iu tho fir-it purioil. The g.nie ended S-2 for Dr. Mahan Missing A despatch frmn Vancouver, li. C. , d dute Fob. 3, says : l>r. .1. \V. Mah,tu, brckeraud spurtJi- IIIMI, llh been niit>suiK siuco \\edneniUy moruiiiu. Ur Muhan was subject '.o illness and it is ffred th -.t he his met with iiiisiu.Kei.lure, '!'!> Di. J. W. M i!> i' reforrod t WHO the only son of Rev. John Malmu, Method st niiuiater, wh > vras stationed on the Fleihartou circuit number of ji-ns ago iintl haii since died. 1'rie young man wa? attendinij imiversify at Che time. I ' he -named a Mi;s Mclnlyreof Uuihuin and went West- He wa something of a Incr.'ss player in those days. The man wh brags) of ruuiiiug at home cun usually bo fuun<J qpei-tling the washing machine. Ucaidenrs of Trafalgar township re)ut seeing n nmoh larger numbpi' of rc'jins and metviowlarkj remaiQinu there this winter than iu any previo-is year, One gonr,'eni:in tij'ls of tlvck of 50 me,id, * larka which vinain about bis ^ru n:id are sen daily. Bates Burial Co. W S1XKSS AS USUAL Funeral Direct) . and 'mbalmeni Phone Hillcrest 26g 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. " MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance STEWART S for FRESH GROCERIES W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Fted, Setd>, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario f'l LOOOC BREAD BREAD 8 BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, - Flesherton INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY Owen Sound vs Flesherton TUES., FEB. IS Game called at 7 o'clock sharp to allow players to catch the night train. This should be a real fast game. Don't miss it. ADMISSION;- - - Adults 25, Children 15 4 4 ' *,

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