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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1923, p. 7

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The Only Sure Relief is to En- rich and Build Up the Blood. Nenroue exhaustion It the cauM of ; headaches and dlzxineaa, and It is due, almost always, to conditions of 1m- , povertefeed blood. Tablets and pow- ders for headache* should never be taken ; they cannot possibly reach the root of the trouble, and are ofUn moat harmful. All that la needed to bring relief is a tonic that will enrich and purify the blood, and tie very best tonic for this purpose is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills ha\'3 a direct Action on the blood, and In thla way the headaches, dizziness and outer bad symptoms rapidly disappear. Mr. Mark F. Taylor, Granby, Que.. tells what this medicine did for him. He *ys: "I had severe headaches wtlch would be accompanied by vomiting pells. These would last for two or three days at a time. I would take one of these spells every three or four weeks, and It la almost impossible to | describe the misery they caused me. I tried a number of medicines without getting relief, until one day my mother brought me six boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. When they were used I was feeling much better, and I got a further supply, and under the continued treatment every symptom of the trou- ble disappeared. I cannot speak too highly of this medtelne for it certainly ' has done wonders for me." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box or g<ix boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brock vill*, Ont. Now, a Word of Magic. Thwe Is such a thing aa a statement containing more poHry than truth. "Turn back the uoilveTra ani give me ye*trday," "sings well" and "listens well," but It's uiueaitaj Just the Eame. "Taking a trip on Memory'* ship" Is a-H right Just occaaiwially, but It can become a mental and spiritual dope. The slave* of tiris habit are tctally un- fit for the realities of to-day. To a heaithy mind, all fteaaiTe Is contagious. We have aJl enjoyed hear- ing old people talk of bygone days, but frankry, dldoi't your p-koewe arise , from tbe fact ttiat it gave them p!a- j sure to live those days over ajgaln? This eort of thing is a bit akin to th* truth that "all the world loves a lovar." I For old people to live In the pas* la not only natural, but becoming and lovable. But aa long as "Tc-day" CAN SWING PICK LIKE HE USED TO bring 3 to you duties and task, and bur- . *T tting t<X> ld dens, can you successfully perform lift those Progressing Mother "Mary, don't you tfcink you to play with. Uu Run on Lower Flange. An electrically driven hoist with a capacity of a ton has been combined ' wttti' a trolley conveyor that con be run on the lower asge of a standard I- be&m. * Container for Match Boxes. Two rubber vacuum cups hold a new container for match b<:xes on any smooth surface. thoee las Irs and duties, and burdens if your strength is sapped by an over-indulgence ia the dope of re- trospection? Eater into today as ardently and enthusiastically as If there had never heen a yesterday, and never wxmkl be a to-morrow. Instead of waiting ten years, and looking beck upon it as on of "the good old days," which you may vainly wish to recall, squeeze from it now the gcodly share of wholesome joy and wrenity it surely holds. Instead of sentimentally looking ; back on past days as "the good old days." why not sensibly and optimistl- , cally and practically view each new | day, right while you are living it, aa "a good old day?" And meet important ' of all, make to-day "a good old daj" for everybody with whom you, come to contact. To-day ought to be tbe best old day ol all the "good old days." Why? Because if we have lived truly j and earnestly we have just a littte| more experience and wisdom to put in to to-day. Mary "No, mother; the older I get the better I like them." GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To guard the bab against J>lds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mUd laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stom- ach and bowels are ia good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy and gocd-na- tnred. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Miner Thanks Tanlac For Put- ting Him Back On Job After Illness Forced Kim to Quit. "When Tan Lac helped my little granddaughter so wonderfully I thought maybe the medicine would help m too. and since I've taken It I am feeling One." eaUd John Jone, 19 Sterling St., London Oatario. "I came tare a. year or so ago from Calgary, where I waa a miner, but had to quit on account of asthma," he con- tinued. "I was badly run down, and then I got a touch of pneumonia that knockoJ me out completely. I couldn't get ray strength back, -had no cppetitw, was ucabie to work and didn't know what it wag to get a good nig-.t's sleep. "By the time I took three bottles of Tanlac I was eating Just anything, sleeping like a leg and I have been on the Job ever since. My asthma doesn't bother me go much cow, and It's a race between me and my little grand-daugh- ter at meal time, for we boua hare splendid appetites.' Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 nrintcn bottles so!d. "Cascarets" lOc Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated Classified Advertisements. ANTED RELIAUI.2: At;E>TTS- On commission, for nursery firm with 26 years' experience: free equip- ment: weekly pa; WVIlanil Nursery Co.. Welland, Ont. THE SCARE BCRbLARS ALAR.J Now Invention. A uro scare. No office, store, cellar, or r.y place of vain* v :M be without them. Can b attach- ed to any window or door. $2.00. Agent* wanted. 13n Johnson. Box 1JTS. Wl- land, Ont. To clean out .your bowels without ' cramping or overacting, take Cascar- I ets. Sick headache, bUiousneae, gage*, ! indigestion, sour, upeei stomach, and j all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physics on earth' for grown-ups | and children. lOc a box. Tat<* like i candy. New Socket Wrench. Weighing only 1^4 pcuruia, a socket ' wrench that has been designed for a ; certain trv 8 of autoniobiie fits nuts of ; eleven sizes. HELP WANTED. WE RBQL'IRB parties to knit men's wool aocba far us at home, cither with machine or by hand. Bend stamp and addreaaed envelop* for lnforma>}on. The Canadian Wholesale Distributing Co.. Dept . OrMlla. Ont. WANTED EXPERIENCED KNIT- TEHS wanted to uparata Cotton's 1 patent machine* n.ajclnir h!rts. draws** and combinations. Apply, stating exneri- ence tu C. Turnbull do.. Ltd. Gait. Ont. XT fAGARA FALLS M2MOHI .Ll Hospital Training School for Nurses < Registered) offer* a three (?) year course to students: afflllatlr.s with the Children's Hospital. Buffalo N.T. >"iht-h<.ur duty; requirement*: one year i f High School or its equivalent Fur- ther information upon request TO Mem- orial Hospital Niagara Falls. w York. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach MACHINERY FOR SAL E Mlnard's Liniment for Neuralgia. . _ To Remove Wall Paper. Heat a gallon of water, and add to It a heaping tabieepoonful of ealt-petre. Apply this to the wall witfh- a brush, keeping the water hot all th time. Af- ter a few applications th* paper will pull eft easily. Popularity is more often a reward for not displeasing people than for pleasing them. Surnames and Their Origin BAGLEY Variation Bayly. Racial Origin English. Source A locality. Thw !fi one of thoso family names which might well hav3 sprung up in- dependently In many sections of Eng- land throughout th perfcd ia which the majority of family* were formed that is to say. betwe*- tfc* eleventh and th fourteenth cnturie. Aad all of the available rn dicatlcns in th* form of historical re<x>rdi of ooun- tSee. townshps and villages go to eiow that it did. Tbe "Barley" WHS the kind of local georraphicaJ name which might have *prung up almcst anywhere tu tn oouiitry. As a geographical term H was simp- ly tbe combination of two anolot An- glo-Saxon wo-rde, "bcelge" and "tough." Th forni^r ts the word which in the course of time has developed Into our modern verb "bulge," meaning to well The letter is '^und principally to geographical i:am-s< hi th termlna- tiona, "le.y," "lea" and "leiigh." and it meant either meadow, or uatilled land. The "boeijte." "leegh" or "bagley," therefore. Bimply referral to some local piece uf rlsiug or su-eilfng ground that was untill-ed. Any one- living on uch 1 grrouJi'l was liktly to be d-istin- *^ilshe<i in the speech, of hh com- munHy by reference to It. A New Year Thought. At long last we shall find them, if we set ourselves to look, The answers to the problems in old Time's big puzzle-beck! The why and hew and wherefore of the upe aad down* we meet; The meaning of the comers and the turnangs In Life's Street! At long last we snail learn them all Translations of 'the Bible, or por- 1 tt* l*eoLs of the way. tions of it, are published by the Brit- At long last we shall sing them all ish and Foreign Bible Society in 550 the enrols of the day. We may not Mud it quickly, but at long last if we're true We'll dig it out and finish it that work we're uiant to do! At long last we shall get there to the i tcp of Hill Success ; We mustn't tin> of climbing, we must onward, upward press! Aad when fi* mists have broken, we shall view with clearer sight The reason for the failure* whlob have helped us gain tbe ba^ht. Lillian Gard. Instantly! Stomach corrected: You nerer fee! the slightest distress from ' indigestion cr a sour, acid, gassy stom- , ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's ! Diapepsin." The moment It ror.c'ies the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, palpitation an '. pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. , End your stomach trouble for few ' cents. Pain ? For Immediate relief rub tha JlecteJ part with Mlnard' Liniment. It penetrates faster and further than any other. outhlnK and utuppinc pain. Two eeneratlons hav crowuetl It King of Pain. M'narcTi Liniment The Family Medicine Crest. different languages. RAMSEY Racial Origin English. Source A locality. Ramsey is one of Laos* English names which are distinctly Anglo-Sax- on. In distinction from ttoe which are Norman-French. Still it dc*s not fol- low that all who bore it ia Che first place were Saxooe. A name of this sort givee little or ao clue to the race of thoe who first used it, because it was a place name before it became u family name, aad the Normans, wbn they spread their swuy over England, saw uo reason for reiauiiunf tho lo- cality. Like aK family names derf-ved from p!ace names, its flrst general use was A Quick Relief for Headache A h*ad ache i frequently eaiuecl by bad ly digested food; the guei and acid 3 resulting tharefrom aro btorbeil by tho blood which in turn irritates the nerve* and causes painful symptoms railed headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, arc. 15 to 30 drop* of Mother Seigtl's Syrmp will correct fiu!tjr digestion and afford relief. S The Pleasure of Music. Beauty In all ltd glory can be brought to the lieartB of children through music. The joy received from Hearing huuiful melodies preserves that idealism, which is one of the most pre- cious possessions of childhood. When such music is heard it rwiohe their COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Oi riots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO to indicate the place from which a consehjuscess through rhythm, melody given person or family hod come, thus and harmony, through form and style. distinguUHog a man from other*, who bore the same given najw. Later, names, for the most part, lost through the warnKli of stringed instru- ments or the rich tones of a Krench horn, but It all affords a pleosure sense think When their Ux-aUty significance and became which finds echo within and is a-n in- ' the hereditary names of families. Only flueuce for good. in a minority of case, do such, names The- world can not live without indicate that th original bearers were music. "of" a certain locality In tte that they were the rulers of As a place name. Ramsey is a com- bination of the Saxon "ey." which meant "Isle" or "U!at>l" ami either "ram," or else the word "reoma." The last named n.eant the "edge" or "bor- der" aud was the ancient form o? our modern word "rim." P'.jaor Doff SmevUa Book on DOG DISEASES and How to .'..! Mailed Free to any AoV JrHS by the Author. H Clay Qlover Co.. do. 139 W<wt 24th Street New York. U.S.A. U is uplifting and makes one: of the better things of life. we realize how vital a factor ia in the life of each uMIvidual we will also realize how Important ft ! is to hear good inutile. Taking interest for money lent to* Hebrews was expressly forbidden by the Mosaic Law. Is Your Family United at Mealtime? tlnittnl Poftuui in;/ 6 font, poutplid, for 4o in Mmpr VYV/fo YOU say "No" to the children when tea or coffee is being passed; but while explaining that little folks should not risk" health, do you drink tea or coffee yourself? Your health is valuable, too and their need for a hot drink with breakfast may be as great as yours. There's complete satisfaction in Postutn. and safety alike for young and old. Postum is made from clean, hard wheat and is free from any element of harm. It has a pleasing aroma, de- lightful flavor and thousands who have wisely stopped tea and coffee are finding satisfaction, comfort and better health, in wholesome Instant Postum. At your Grooor's in Sea/od, Air-tight Tins Instant Postum "There's a Reason FOR HEALTH Canadian Potlum Corui Co.. Limit*.! 43 Kront Si, K.. Toronto Factory: Windsor, Ontario Faster Than the Fastest. Orcheshra Drumwr "I'm vis fast- est man rn the worM." Violinist- "How's that?" O. D. "Time file*, doesn't it?" V. "So they say " O. P. "Well. I beat tinw." MONEY ORDERS. It to always safe to send a Dominion j Express Money Ordor. Five dollars costs three cents. Death and Life. I do not know wii-.u may befall to-mor- row. Wt*t stores uf blwing. ; what wi'ight of lurrcw; But this I know, whatever may befall. Whatever Life may he. Dnatli ends it alt. Itui stay' Does DetMh end all we know of Hvuig? Though it. may end th* turs and woe iuul the fcrffiviiiff. is ;t nt>t rath*r. O my Soul. th iluor To I. Iff Ktenial. lif* for evwtnore? No sneei-lnt! doubt* shall qu*-ll my ; li<- - iTt'8 believing. T'.'.ougli hell and furies ply their aria deceiving: The Icy stream uwy o'or my bod.v roN, Huf liith i-awi uevr rob m of in\ Soul. Quite Untrue. The village podtnun, being an IF.VK; rrate gosaiip. cotil I nvpr rosisi rvad- ; ug Uie poati' iMHnvtwi t,> him tv Uellr*.r. and iht-n coiunuui^Miing the tiows Ihud gained t.(S'irs. Tlio doctor muoli buuhevi\i by tltis, and oiii' UKV. in writliug to a fi ieud who lilved uuiltf clvura. h<> a-:ldd: "I would tell you mmk i.njy 1 know : . pcatoitui will read it. " iie than puttied the .-: I in tw ll- r-b<n, lieiu-e it was oo^,-<ed, and ;;ikn l> the io*i olHt-e. u.n 1 *HW out fi r d*livery. Thu po'tnuiu iaini'd up to ;he ! us with th card and knocked .<> t he door. To t'!^ surprieo of the good ludy who npt>ued the door. (ht postman haiiUixl her H, aawl exclaimed angtily: "He's a liar! 1 don't read 'ain!" ISSUE No. 4 . Over Face and Neck, Face Disfigured. CuticuraHeals. "My trouble began with rash which later turned to pimples. The pimples were quite large and of a reddish color, and were scattered ail over my face, neck and furebead. Tbe itching and burning were so severe that I could not help scratching. Iffy (ace was disfigured for about a year. "The trouble lasted about a year before I began using Cuticura Scsp and Ointment. They afforded relief within two weeks, and at the end cf sis weeka I was healed." (Signed) Clarence]. Buraell. 474 Tyler St., Pittsneld, Maaa., Jan. 4, 1921. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. lied. .< >t" rul 81. W.IIUn*i.""gd whvrc Sotp:Sc. Ointment JtandSOe. TUCWJK. ' ^ Soap iharea without mug. BELTING OF ALL KINDS. NiC'.V OR used pulleys, taws, cable. :>,-ae. etc.. shipped subject tu approval at low* ?st prices !n fanada. York Belting Co.. 115 York St.. Toronto. One of the first lessons in life is tx learn how to obtain victory out of defeat. Mlnard's Liniment for Rheurm tism. Rugby fooAa!! celebrates ita cen- tenarv this year. MRS, MISENER'S ACHES AND PAiNS Vanished After Using Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound " Branchton. Ont. - ' ' When I wrote to you for help my action wan mostly prompted by curios- ity. I wondered if I, too, would benefit by your medicine. It was the most profit- able action f have ever taken, I heart- ily assuru yi/j, for through its results I am relieved of most of my sufferings. I have take n six boxei of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I can boneatly ear I have never been so well before. 1 had suiferod from pains and other troubles since 1 was riftoen yeara old, and during th^ 'Great War ' period I worked on munitions for two years, and, in the heavy lifting which my work called for. 1 strained myself, causing pelvic inflammation from which I have suffered untold ajrony, and 1 often had to give up and go to bed. I had doctored for several years without getting per- manent relief, when I started to take your medicines." Mrs. GOLDWIN Mis- ENGR, Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co., Cobourg, Ontario, fora freecopy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text. Book' upou ' .Uwcou vif Women, ' ' o Rheumatism 1-banishpmn! Apply Sloan's. Restore healthy circu- lation of blood through congested tis- sues. Since congestion causes the pain -almost instant relief! " Sloans Liniment ~ kills pain! UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken pack-age" of "Bayer rabteti if AspJrin,"- \vhich contains directions and dose workov! v ohvsicians during 22 years and proved safe by \n\\Mn- or Rheumatism physicians during Colds Toothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis Pain, Pain

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