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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1923, p. 5

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w T January 31, 1923 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE To Everyman THE first and most important aim of Everyman who desires to succeed should be the same as that of successful business and financial houses the formation of a Reserve Fund. A reserve is not only invaluable when reverses or emergencies arise, but it is a guarantee of strength and promotes self-confidence. THE STANDARD BANK fLESHERTON BRANCH, or C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branch*. alia at WilUanufofd and Holland Centre. ANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. Train* leave Flesherton Station as allows : Going Sooth Going North 8 05 a. m. 11.53 a.m. 4.80p.m. 9.30p.m. The mails are osea il Flesherton ti follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and <3 i.m. ; and the afternoon mail south u ; 3. Do'clock. For morning train south snjul close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. Local Chaff Optical Co. Comprehensive Eye Examination < iUiMte* desiyued and especially made and giound for individual iml requirement. Branch at Meaford -Johnston's Drug 5toro in charge of Dr. A. G. McCouiK Those adjacent to Meaford are as- sured of out efficient optical IK. l>). ap(or (Optical Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD Established 13H2 See Bank of Hamilton adv. this weak. Dr. Murray w%s in Toronto lait week. Corns to the .iioccasin dtnce tonigfet, Wednesday . Mrs. Krauk Yunduseu of TuroiitJ is visiting Mrs A< S p Vndusen in town. The County Finances A- the County Council last week Mr. Johu Parker. Couuty Tressurer. gave a j brief outline uf t he standing of the county i as far as finances aie concerned . He gave Mrs. W. A. Armstrong spent the week I a most reassuring statement and the fact end with lier daughter at Weston. 'thu Grey county s finances ara m almtst For good printing The Advance is up perfect condition ihauU be a matter of to date. Phoue 18 and let us give you a ' ( gratification, not unly to tbe members of price un any printing jol> you have. the county council, but also to the citi- Mrs. Ge>. Stewart from \Veyburn,( zens of lne county. The bonded indebt - Sask., is on a with her sister, Mrs. \***a of Grey county amounts at tbe T- Lewis Ipieseut tuna to 8333,000, and the siuk- .. ..... r '' n !5 funds to cover theae bonds are all in Cejl>n I . F. 0. will inset in C.ayton s _,. , n-ui . ' goJd condition . Mr, Parker Hall, Fleelurton, on Thursday Fab. 1st 8 at 8 o'clock p m. Remember the bia cirnival in Flesh-, crton on Wednesday, Feb. 15th, the date * Mis A. Keith and two childicu and an instance of sorns thousands of dollars worth of debentures coming due in I 1 .'."'. The Mnkiui: fund is already e tual to the P amount which must be paid in 1!25 and all the money in the sinking fuud is bearing interest at the rate cf 5i per Mrs. Aikenheid of Toronto are the per cent, while the dabeututos unly draw guest* of Mrs. F. H W. Hicklmn this|4 p er c<iiit. interest. At the beginning week. i of this yeac Mr. Parker has in sight ihe The sale of ho u-* hold furniture ad- j whole of the estimated expenditure for vertised by Mr. Trimlli for Friday of . this year, wlrch is i veiy pleasant slate this week his been postponed indetinit- 1 " f affaire ely ovrinij to Mrs. Trimble's illness. There are absolutely no overhanging* Thu meeting of Osprey U F. 0. will ; M the finances of Grey county and-the b- held iu the Methodist hall. Maxwell, ye r was started with a cX-au sheet and Fr.ihv, Fcl>. 2ad, at 2 [ m Everybody all i hat has to be don* to have this con- welcome H Spoff.rd, Sec. Jditiou always is for the committees to The Women. Institute are holding a' kee P ""bin the appropriations of in n,y ichool this Friday ! lve " ^ them for the year's work. , *'**" C"ncert in the high sc uight when a rel uooJ entertainment is expected, consisting of mainly 1 cal * Ulent. J. Variion McKeu/.ie, EiitT of Mc- Lean's Mast-*'-'''!!. wll > K' ve an aJdresa in tin-in for the year's work. Mr. Uteil ih;it iu 1921 it was ncces'- borrow SiiOO.i'OO in order 'o finance the wotk of the c> uuty until the government grants came 'hr^ugh. This cost Sd.lW List year only fCOO.OOO , will be even Kss. Mr Parker spoke of in* next. Feb. 5th, his sublet J *"' j lhe corju i reUtion3 wuich exist K> , ,,,; ' My recent tup t, j ^ oUj of O(ren Souud ^j lh(j CdUU<(y Mr. HolUud is ii"w domiciled in the m the u.*tler of finances. Altluu^h it handsome nev rtsidonce which he pur- ' 13 hard to esfiina'e the expenditure in chased recently fiooi Mr. AruisUorg. | certain piiti cf the couuty work for a R. Down is taking possession of the whole y-nr, Mi . Parker sakl it w.s |.'oor Straiu residtticd which the farmer l>s bu-iincss to t>verrun the estimates. Un vacited. monoy burmwed by the county uuti! the v. a, t i provincial returns come In tho counly A meeting if tbe teachers of Aite-jr * .. . . TI \]^..j must iiy I>A percent, which makes the niesii. Eui)hrsi, OtottMg d Holland , ii M 1.11. o>rro*ui"of lurte sums exijeusive. Un townships will bo held in Olitkaalo (U i v \ T r,r ihn tne wholethe nuciuci's of the count) are Saturday of this we. k, Kb. .-, for the e i i ToiMiur*' ln excellent condition, purpose of orifaa^zmK of locil leacliets j Institutes. Tha Christian Guardian of this week announces the deaih mi Jan- "of *lu. <Rev.) G. SyJr.ey Smiih, wife of the pastor if WooJbridge Methoi'ist chuich. J> SiuUh was biou^ht up in Flesherton Markdale 9, Flesherton 6 and icceived his early education hi-re. We notice thu Mr. Elwyn N. J^ruie- Tlie return game vnis played in - Moudty ureuiug and resulted in one of tha best JOUR'S h_ld"Ior a long time. No penalties were handed out th>) first two pci i- d- iiul JIM d clean hockey . pluyed. i'ii started the seining by bu!i;- son of Owen Sound has been appointed jinji the Red Skin's net twice in quick treasurer of the Western Outarto Bat- suo.-essi.n. Tl>o period ending with bers 1 Association. This Associatiou IB j Mikdale in the lead 4-3. which lead being formed to correct the alleged ; t hoy Kept for the rest of the game. Tbe abuseB which are mUiuR iron* the setting second period opened up fa*t with up in business of barberiiig practitioucra , Flashortou attempting to regain the lead who have not served apprenticeships In > but in vain, Markdale getting three and their ttade lutticient to train then, in Flesherton one Markdale mtu were i.eii.Uir.ed for illi'uil offences in the last tne business. ' i period but with two men ott rleshertoa The regular monthly tpeetiog of the ^ ^ Me to . Lgert ^ ^ uM ^ Wl will he held at the home of Mrs, ' ... u i_j > s.WiM , later getting another. Warkjsla also Hioklin* Wsdnesday, Feb. 7, 2 30 p.m, ^^ twioo Program: " Girls' tights and duties in * ., E. n M,,,-.. . ' Itwusagaod ((aoao from the spec, the home, by Mrs. fi. t, Murray , it. i i-t v ..,,, ,i" tators !.iudp 'in', but some of the " Little thing* that make life bsautiful, TU i 01 vi,. v T .i. .' players we ro badly used up. Tha I'.ne* bv Mrs. Oke. Salo Mis V. l^ewis , tf w R^Una-WHs Kva Munshaw. Every. >P f f Warkd.le was tha s*m as the Beadiog Mis. va u M ,.,,. p t . T ious game whila Flesherton had, body w com*. Baking Oom. Mesdamss }" W I am,.r E Munshs*. I Owal, Patiou ; defence, Graves and C McTavish, right wing P Hart, subs, Muir Roftree, Geo. Me- Real Estate Deal i A real estate deal of considerable pro- pottion toak place last week when Win. Stewart purchased from H. Down the block east of the grav, ino'uiiuij the grocery store, residence '<d iwWr shop. These buildings w^re bu' 1 >'' ^es K ; mle tji H. Do*o 11 Belts, Tarih. PRESENTED WITH TABLE LAMP A social evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. deCudmore en, Tuesday, when a beautiful library table lamp and cut glass vjsc were presented to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston, recently wedded*. Mr. William Miller prc- . oiiti-d the article. The bund rendered music at the house. A Priceville Boy Who went West The subject of tha following sketch taken from a Calgary paper is a brother of Mrs. HichaJd Parka of Bugenia : Captain McLiu^hlin stands lecond on the list so far as seniority is concerned in the Calgary fare departmeor. He joined the force n June 1 J, 1893, and has seen continuous service ever since. F<T eighteen years ha drore a team for the department, and still claims that hti charge* cou'd net to a fire quicker than the 'notor apparatus. Bow July fl, 1857, Cipt. McLaugbim is i-'~i years of age, aod ii the oldest mem- ber of tha department. He is still bale aod hearty and carries on his duties it headquarters with a vigor which is an intpira'ion to the younger member*. For a number of years he ws a fanner at Priceville, One , but ia April, 1890, he got the western fever aod came ti Oal- tfary. Three yearn later he joined (he hre department. He was one of the first paid te'rntcis. f irtt he drove ihe single chemical wa^ua then the old nook and ladder truck, ami when the motor apparatus caoie in he was driving three horaen on the aerial truck. de was appointed <:ap-aiu on February 24, i '1 :. aod is now the senior captain of the brigade. lu the early dy- Capl. McLuughliu wa.i one jf the lient nchletes in the we-t . Ue (xcelied with the heavy weights and made his record in the shot put and hiiiniier throwing Ci)nipetitluni<. This veteran tireinan can tell many m'en.'sting stories i the early days of ilie fire depurlnietit. With his 20 years if continuous service ho has seen many chinas, not only in tbe department but in the c 'y and district. Ambrose Saigeon Was Electrocuted Former Resident of Osprey Instantly Killed A despatch from Cbilliwack, B C.,i gives the fulloini{ particulars of the' death of Ambrose Saiigeon, a Ute reii , dent of Osprey township : C'hilliwacic, Jan. 13 Ambrose Sai | ge. .ii of S*rdi* was rli*ctrocuted laat ev- \ ening wbeu he picked up a lira wire ; o*rrying 2200 volts. He was killed in- atantly, the body beiou lid'y burned. Mr. Saigeou had returned horn* from i fishing and on tiudmK there was no elec- , trie current in the house started to look ' for the ciuae. About 5 .10 oo hi* not returning to the house, search wag made, his body being found ne*r the stream of water which runs iq front of the property, which la known as ihe Stuart place. He w about 50 years of ate ud with hi wife came hire abuut two yenri ago. SHOE BARGAINS We intend handling only Greb and Williams' Shoes every other line goes on sale at LESS THAN COST. If we have your size the price is right. A. E. HAW Cash Cream Station Store closes Tuesday and Friday evenings General Store - CEYLON Flesherton 7, Markdale 7 UarkdaJe seirors played their lirtt game on Fleshertun ice on Friday eve- ning of U-t week in which they were ab'ii to hold the Fietheiton crew to a 7-7 tie. Dow i he tie counted is mystery to us, as our eagle eye only counted six uf M uk ! i .- . i!-. The The first period ended with the locals in the lena .'! 2, th<> second Flesherton su'.Ti'd four to the visitors one and in the thiid and hit period the red skins tallied three. If that toura reads seven we'll have to go back to school again. Maybe we were mistaken in the goals thit went in but we h:ive uur doubts on that- The inline from btfgiuuir^ to cud was fairly rough, il; h 104:1 no ~ serious casualties resulted. Fuualties were freely given on both sides by referee Ridley of Dundaik who wa;-- a coed ally tXr the visitors. The line-up i r each team WH.S : Mirkd.tlc tyodd-irci, goal ; defence. M Henry, El Beard. M wnu, 1> H-tm.ltnu, centre. P Kelly, Left wing, ii Ymk, ub, Mclnn'x. Hesherltn dual, P.itton ; deiVuce, Graves. 5 McTavi-h. light wing, P 11 irr, centra. I' McTivish, left willy, S Mc'L'avUh., Thurston an I Ann- Mrs. Rebecca Cleland A Snow Automobile .Mr. Geo. Brackenbury, hesu! mechan- ic with D. McTavish and bon, has > evolxcj u snow automobile that ap- ] pc^rs to solve the problem of snow travel by auto. This machine has made 3O miles an hour over the snow, and will maintain an average of eighteen miles. It can be turned anywhere on the roaJ, in fact where a car in summer I would not attempt to turn. It will mount and pass over snow drifts or pass through two feet or more of loose snow. These facts prove it to be of practical \ value. The machine is built on a Chevrolet small truck body, but Mr BracUenbury purposes convcrtinK it into a conpet. The sills are of maple. There are' double tires behind with specially built chains and drum wheels with Jeep Hangcs outsiJc the tires. The front is held up on two runners, outside Of which hang two 16 ii:ch toboggans capable of being raised or lowered by the driver. The ordinary steering gear is used. The < two outstanding features of this car, which make it a decided success, are the ' drum flanges on the hind wheels and the ' narrow toboggans in front. The car has attracted n great deal of ! attention as it travelled the roads, pas- ! sing teams with us great ease as in summer time, and even en its tirst try out Jid not develop unv weakness of any account that had to he remedied, which fact is solid proof of George's mechan- ical ability. HENDERSONS STORE Cream -:- BRING ALONG YOUR CREAM WE ARE PAYING THE Cans supplied PRICE Mrs. R. H. Henderson FEVERSHAM, - ONT, Latimer - Richardson Amulet weddiui{ took plice H' 'ho Boon Avenue B.ptli>t church, T<>ront , on TliLusilty. J;in J5th, wlie.i ll-.-v \V. F. K M .:i. :!-. united in nianiage Miss' Josepluue X. Bkriuurdl n, yomui^t diuuhtei- of the Ute W. K itich-irdson. till Mr<. \V. K KiclurJson. Flfshertop, to Mr. John Latimer <.( Toronto, Mi.-s t'hris'eeu McK'un.ui < f I'ricevil'e and T T' n' >, in Messrs. J 'hn -in 1 ,! s ph Blackburn of FU. --her' iMi :iutl Nlrs. Wither Simmons of the 4 h !iue in 1 ' th l> >rc!ivement lust weok by the il,at!i if thtfir eldest sisler, Mr". Rebecca C eUnd of Stouewal), M in , widow if the lta Samiit;) Cle'.Mul, who died at the home of her dtuchter, whi re she wjs vuiiini;, at Cypress Kiier, .111 .l.inu irv '21st in h'.r Slst year. Her hushind dud twelve years am and was buried at St 'iiowail where her remains were a!s > t.-iken. Five Uaught>>rs survive her. Cho late Mr. and ftlrs. CleUnd were icsidents of Arteuiesia ou the east back line fifty yem* iji>. but about ten years later moved from Luther township lo Manitoba. The Advance wi.-lH the h.ip;.y couple abuDdABM of happiness auJ prosppri y, and a loni{ life t > enj y r . THE FLESHERTON Hardware Store MOUSE WORK IS MADE EASIER where the kitchen is e<juipp<.'tl with siiL'h utensils as ours. Even wash ami ironing days lose some of their terrors where our tubs, pails, dipper?, irons, wriugers, etc., are in use. How about your kitchen outfit? Does it lack any- thing it should have! Come here ami ::et it, right in price and dcc-idedly ri;ht jn price. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario I Flesherton L O.L. 2835 is holding a box social on Thurs. eve., Fvbiuny '-"2 Full particulars later. 'RONCHITIS IIXTURE 1C3 in Fleshvton by W. J. Stewatt ASons Sold in O>!on by Misa Millie Cook. > A Special in Men's W ol Underwear Men's unshrinkable Ribbed Wove Shirts and Drawers ; Shirts are double-breasted, with ribbed cuffs : Drawers are satin faced with ribbed ankles. All are generous sized and perfect goods in every respect, sizes 36 to 40 SPECIAL . A GARMENT A RUBBER FOOTWEAR BARGAIN Men's Black 12-inch leather top Rubbers. Tops are of heavy black leather, strongly sewn to black snag-proof, first quality rubber soles, sizes 7 to 1 1 . SPECIAL. . $3.75 New Laid Eggs If you have new laid Eggs for disposal you should get particu- lars of our Individual Egg Carton system if you wish to obtain the highest price. You will find it very satisfactory. WE ARE FEATURING Special values in unculored Japan and Blnck Ceylon TEAS at SOcPER POUND! The cheapest package Teas are con- siderably higher in price, but our Teas compare very favorably with them. Take home a pound today. Your money refuE'led if you're uot satisfied, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO

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