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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1923, p. 4

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January :n, !0: J :{ THE FLESHEKfON ADVANCE Some of Devers' Bargains Fine larj-e li^lit roy hlankcts made This week we are paving for fat Oo I'lotim wool. 8 Ibs, tins week | uW Hens :- over 4 Ihs. I7c.. over 5 7 .39. i Ibs 19c., over Ibs. 21 c. \Vc also . , . want Geese Feathers. Some of the bargains for last of] the week Thompson's sH\llcss raisins 15c Ib Choice Sockcyc Salmon 45c tin Pork and beans tc Tomatoes, torn and p. as, 'J 'o:' 'JV 4 bars sorted soap for I'Sc'J Sib tins syrup for 3Sc 12 Ihs frch oatmeal tor 500 12 Ibs oyster shell '.'Si- Robert's cou.<:h M i j;> '.tie Dodtto kidney pi;U . First F'.iiu exterminator 35t for2ic 6Oc Mulsifii-J LOLiiunut oil :(4i Any prkv tiNith paste c have, 2lc IS abso'iitch nr\\ Tires :I\:U Thursday. l-Vul.iy and Satur.'.ay only nly heavy Susk. Robe of 918.00 , vain for |I3 ML Sleigh bcll-i I -4 off Heavy solid inch 5 ring leather i halters this wcekJl 39; firing 1 1-4 i inch fl.49. i 12 iach leather top rubbers, lirst quality, Dominion and Lifebuoy ' stock. J3.69 ; 15 inch top, 4 19 i Children's moccasin style, up to size 10. fl.2S. Kihbrd wool underwear for men, use a garment. The biggest cut wr i-ver put into men's and boys' cm eaters takes place Thursday. l-'nday and Saturday. Real roller towelling in the store tins week 2lc yard. Flour below market value. DEVER BROS. Proton Station, Ontario THE Flesherton Advance An inilepeiidmit m'w*[>p*r ptililinh IMI:II VVudnewlay at the JflUe.GdUingwoad Stioot, Klcsherion. Subscription price ' 81 DO per annum whon \>>i 1 in n'lvHiicn ; 18200 when not so piiJ $2.00 t> Cnilwl &Htes. AcKoit'sinu istes mi [ppUwHofli Cirri ulit.n ncur ll'K' won W. H. THUKSTON \IHTOTI SENTIMENTAL SATISFACTION Whatever the success may be for !' ranee in its invasion of the Ruhr, there inusi be u deal ol sentimeiUa satisfaction in knowing Iliitt theii tioops Ivive :i Ki' ! within its borders. p on (ierman) Man French- Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirt*, Overalls, Smocks, etc. l.Vpairin:; Piv.ssin^ All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario men now livinff remember the hum- O iliation their country suftered at tlu ; hands of Germany after taking o the Sedan, by the entry of Germar troops into Paris and their hold ur 'of the gay capital until the whole immense indemnity demanded \va I assured. Ill this connection we believe thai (the question of peace undweturn to I rationality would have been im . mensely expedited if the Allied armies had marched to Berlin in- .stead of bivouacking on the banks I of ihe Rhine. Force is the out persuasion that Ihe German people iiiiow. They tiled to force the world to its knees and are noxv '.squirming and twisting in order to .escape the penally? ''he -' r > l 'f ; "canierade,' 1 heard in the trenches, is now being emulated by the Ger- man governing element. France , is tired of listening to the whine, and if she is not successful in silenc- ing it she at least has Ihe best nishe.s of a wear\ \\orUI. as good, and sometimes better, than those which are imported. o o o o The Advance never makes prac- tice to collect its subscription arrears by items in its columns, but nevertheless the money is always welcome. o o o o Dm in,' the past few years we have been giving a free local for any concert for which we print bills, and also a write-up of the affair afterwards. \Ve will continue to do the latter, but we cannot see Our way clear to give a free announce- ment \\ithoiii any remuneration, even of a free ticket to the show. o o o o A number of robins have been re- ported from time to rime this year as Wintering in Canada. Mr. Jack Miner, well known naturalist, sa\> that birds which used lo migrate are no'v wintering in I'anada. These also include the crow anil Canada goose. Mr. Miner attrib- ute* the presence of these and oilier wild birds to the abundant crop of wild fruit and lomparaliveiy mild winter weaiher. NOT PRACTICABLE The Owen Sound Sun-Time* snys, "It shiMikl i KM he possible lor the .'wrier of a car without a guaranteed speedometer u> ali.eiMe" This is quite imprac- th just arrived. A.U reasonably priced Prices ranging from $28 up fur the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owen .Sound. Everybody has a cliancc- t have thru- suit Mioioiiglily cleaned. Clothes brought Monday delivered Wednesday Clothen brought ThurHciay delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop ticable-. Speedometers have peculiar htbif of beini^ jjiKtraiiieo- ! able one day, while the next Jay It hey couldn't he i;iiaraiiteed " on a ibet." Those things tlo not .cem I to be any more reliable now than peilonu'ters were in the Jays of Mark Twain. His experience with I pedometers li.i* been Jnplicalcd thousands of times iih the in.'.l- ern spefJoineter. 1'hese things CHiiiii'l be relied upon am more lli .11 a mule or a politician. No, it . won'J. not he wisi: to malic :i in. in , responsible lot the Idiosynchrssiei of his speedometei as it is mami- fdCtured to-day. This opinion is ' form e il n actual experience. T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor EDITORIAL NOTES Will l-Vancc- Ruhr action / o o o o\ concerts hv local talent ;;re f Why You Should Own An Automobile 'jj r;i|>iliil in the business of his time, l-'rom tlu; beginning of things to this very hour, his life has hccii a matter of moving himsi-ll und his <, f ni)ds from placu toplaci-. The f,ister ho ronM move t.ho inoro h could ftOQOQ>pUih in a given time. Koi a^cs he used the hurst;, tho currents of rivers, the winds. Thoo io discovered HteAm&tid the loc-n- motive. Hut the steam train lutd ilis- tinco limitation and its first, cost was enormous. Finally dime t.he Autotno liilo faster than lh train and aide to tako him wherever h would ^o at small co^t. Man's capital of time was increased many told ; in other words liis lifo wan lengthened in which to ae complinh lii - df'sircs. CHEVROLET Why You Should Prefer A Chevrolet ' s The Chrvrylut is built for "Keonomind Transportation" and delivers it. It is the world's lowest priced fully e(|uif)pe'l aiitomnhilr. Any combination of sis and hotly which operates as a self pnm-'i'fil mechanism may lie termed an Htitoiiioliile but. if it lacks important Mimic rn accessories or parts, which ir.nst be bought to complete it, this eost must be >u'ded to the original selling price. As to comfort and ellieiency tons Of thousands of Chevrolet owners will vouch for its Superiority. Comparisons aro invited for comparisons sell Chev- rolet. (Chevrolet has become the world's greatest motor car value. SERVICE In the i>suc of July 2<.tli, 1922, The Advance received and publi.shed A personal letter from Mr. R. R. Fawcetl of Turonro on lii.s trip to Irelitnd \\here ho >pcnt a couple of months early last sumnu-r. Two weeks attliis letter was published in the Dundalk HeraKI as its own and in last week's issue was re. printed in the Markdale Standard and credited to the Herald This IS surely a new species ol journal- istic courtesv Dept. of Agriculture Excursions to Model Farm Guelph A letter from President .1. nalds, (. A. C. Ouclph, . Key recently Chevrolet Owner* aro assured of prompt and efficient attention, in case of need, when travelling anywhere in Canada or the United States, Chevrolet service lias grown steadily HIM! rapidly as tlie popularity of the car itself has grown. There Hro now over fifteen Imndnd dealers and service stations in C'annda D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet and McLauglilin Motor Cars received announces the fact that the June Excursions to the Model Farm will be returned in the reootb of June this year. Uy special arrangements with the ui.idian Passenger Association ihe rates will he one fare and one third for the round trip, l.i aHjition, lunch will he provided lor the vibitors if the sched- ule is pre-arrantfed. The Department of Agriculttre, Mark- dale. ouKi hr' K iad In ;issist any Club Society, Beard of Agriculture, etc., to il;, .irranj-cnunts for such excursions. These arc trips \\hich ouM be patroniz.-J 1>> L -vci> farm. Write about these tups early. U'c will lp Short Court Work l>unni> the- past week unh OIK special ipcakcr, Mr. Ci. ||. I >i J, M .n. I'omdoKist pcuali,', Vinlai.d Hcrticultuial Rx- crinicnt S'.ition, was present. Apple O.xhardinj nail it^ phased \\as il>-- :us;c>l Many points of practical hcrc- it to the : pple men in the district \\ere iven and the >OUHK men were ^t\m ointers i i the matter ol Martini; onh- irils. \'. : ictus ID select, etc. Th<: vunelicM suggested are as follows-, Uuclu-ss ; nd Wealthy as tillers: Snow] Spy and llrccnings for the mai.i crop with a feu Stark and MaMwin. Son-e i>f the men thought that it was not drUabte to gt TOO far from tli,- Hen Davis (nvi.ig to the possibility of devel- oping an i-xport Trade with South Africa. It ma) V interesting to the people 'f Drey County to know that there are 30000 acres in th Georgian !?..> Dis- trict which is lie for apple production. Very little of this is actually prodivmg at the present. The potentialities of the district is thus almost unlimited there- fore possibilities of the Georgian IJay I'istnel for the young men of (Ire\ County arc worth while considering u hen they arc contemplating tluir l : fi. Presbyterian Church Notes Why wait for the undertaker to bring you tn church. The annual business n.ccting of the congregation will be held in the base- ment of the church on Thursday after- noon, Feb. 1st. Important business is jeing transacted and everyone interested n the welfare of theJChurch is request- ed to he present. Prayer meeting this week in the Meth- oidst church on Thursday evening. Remember that the ladies of the vil- ugc under the direction of the Institute, arc having an entertainment on Friday evening. They urc working fn the im- provement of Fleshcrton. Let us help them as much as possible. Don't forget to come to church a little curlier next Sunday afternoon so that you may .ittend the adult Uihle Class. A goul program is being arranged for i I,. \ '., ; Pc,>i>lc'b GuilJ nc.\t Tues.lay < \cnu.y. i si rrE,.r,T,rii :HEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1672 Commencing Feb. 1, 1923 The Bank of Hamilton at Proton will be open in future two days each week : Mondays and Fridays the usual hours BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDAU BRANCH-A. M. Cartbew, Manager SUrJ-BfhISCH PROTON C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager . WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values in SKATES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels and Forks Ranges and Heaters Simmon's Cross-cut Saws "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 11 Let US overhaul YOUR car - - Bring in your car NOW and let us overhaul it, and put it in first class condition for next summer's driving. ' Locating and dissolving car trouble is our Specialty. Any make of car, any kind of trouble. DON'T neglect your Battery, bring it in to us. H. DOWN & SONS FLESMEFtTON AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS Choose A Kuturo Youge and Charles Btreela, Toronto Th way to avo'd tht) road to clititp Jtntment And failure In to get a souuO t ruining ioourMcbooi. .If iutertHlPit, write lo-Jiiy for our ot. ulogue. Knter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. PBIX-CIPU. H. A. McKEE Uhhopriiotor !S^lCci^^^t At F^ik Hotel, Fl.nheFton, Mondiy, Weduuidny uud fiiduy, 4 U> S |MII. A Gift That Latt Give tht Boy or Girl of yoan k(ift lli.i tut* hf time unit pays di iUeods daily courw lu the froe Qusii eia SborihanJ % RmnerV courtea- aloo I'tepiraKiry courhe tot (hose who misseU (he tirst chn:e public school. New term oj.ena January 2nd C. A. FLEMING. F.CLA., IVincip&l siucB 1881 . . D. FLKMTNO,

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