THE DEMON OF THE FOREST = BY COKIN'XK ROCKWELL SWAIN.r NURSES for Th Toronto Hospital ._- b M, In affiliation with Uellavu* and JMltA HoapltaU. New York Cltf. offers a thre yearn' Course of TralI ln to young women, having the re- quired education, and desirous of b- nurses. Thl* Hospital has PART II. I proach the cave is to climb down from S.-P.T Alvarez questioned -overal of ' J{* top of the hill in order to avoid his men, 1-ul |ttered little that was the jungle a!on# the hanks. ' helpful; but tho next day, Randal!,! ^ ^hereThT' stream" Tnter^f the Sn'A"? Jom" STff o!taf^.mKM "^ A.^W^g thei r with a view tw possibV <U-U>.'t ive w~'< s ' lc " ( 5 , arul rollmfc' up their trousers, of his own, came in with the news that * tart J on th . e ^ tcr tra ''- So - de , n .^ die? Uv.> c f MiRiu-1 Carva's chenshe i waue was the ovcrnan^ing archway of foli : . adopted thy eight-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School. a monthly allowance and travel II ng expenses to and from New York. For further Information apply to the Superintendent back here and hid my boat. My father you when I was a little oibout this cave. Now, I have confessed all; must I uvo i i Mifii:;-! i Hrv.i s cnerisi v .. , r: * ., , . uut i.n;> norns, me cars, tne summit !u.*s had boon stolen and that his ?*?< that a dim twilight ^ prevailed and ,,, lUnAdl interrupted in his halt- <,>;, i, :i /i/vo. KO,I v,.^m u'im.inii iii a it w as dt ten necessary to thrust aside .-_ p nl . fl . m . ..._ _^. t ,,^^ * ,.!, u;. a essary th <: bushes ln or< ' er to I""- * * n fa wh T- ft 1111 ?* ' L h " d nn . upon a white feather which faillilul dog had K-en wounded in cotrha! with the ''demon." "His dog-?" queried the planter, with renewed interest. "Did Miguel tell what the wound was made with .l:i\v.*, teeth, or what?" "He descrrbed it as like the thrust of a '.iroad knife, behind the shoulder s,;" r ^TfJss^iu^ i sr that ~ are on the right track; .M.rou* twinkle coming into his Thc.r search was rcwai "Th P n,.YnWl faSLd i t lat . or bv several feathers in PortuKuese gesturing to make his meaning clear. Bonaventure waved his ?" "and toward his retreat with a wan Senor Alvarez guarded STnile ' the prisoners, Randall scrambled into an Impressive frown as he held out his hand for the fragments of punk. "You are indeed a rascal, Bonaven- ture, and rV>serve to be jailed for star- ing iny men ami stealing their food unit Mian, c on Carlotta, who told you no doubt where to find everything! But I am greatly in need of men for the . timber gantr just now and so I will (hire you, if you will promise to pay back to each man the value of what you have stolen, and tisk them all, and the padre, too, for forgiveness. And you must &how them the <?aifskin, that, they may see for themselves how harmless was tlve 'demon' that fright- ened them fo much." "Senor, you arc good!" stammered Bonaventure, while Carlotta, the minx, wept effective tears of gratitude. ''But have ycu forgotten fi-bout Jiminez ? I shall be arrested if I come oat " "Be comforted," said the planter, not unkindly. "Your Jiminez fell be- cause he was &o drunk and your rnat- chete only scratched 1 his arm because you were so drunk, and he is now :, eyes The unexplored forest is not "/ ; , K tuf fc of down ueh had lodged against tho left bank thc p avern ami fm]nd it a snug , iule workillg for &,,. Mendez on the next .istl . A goose or duck feather! exclaim- refllge) wilh stones aml .boards built i plantation, and wishes to find you and r ,,,ed Senpr Alvarez, and white at that. jnto a platfol . m for the ru(le house- 1 ask your pardon. You might have | Look sharp, for if we find more it may ket , ping . cf the fugitive*. There were' known this long ago if you had not ... > mca that we are t the right track provisions for several days, including, hidden so well. Now you are going to rewarded a little. 80me canne< ) goods from the store, work well for me, and if your wife it h/j-t? oniHolirrlo, .' , ., . ., . , , iny inilos distant nnd one can in . i : tell what new wonders our prim- i ' wilderness will show." tho bodies of al! water-fowl. s underneath In the i wishes it, Carlotta may go back to corner lay the hide cf a young steer,! her work in the bouse." At last the opening wa * , . with horns, ears and tail attached, and ^ reached. this Ran . dall brought out with him. "Heaven be thanked for all these i * . v\ i . r : i j t a v. i . i .- II . i w . rwn f fc**o Aca u u<4i i iji if u ^ i . i . i , .-, , ; : i mill, i 11) ('T i ' , J4"i 1 '- 'K"i , I 1 1 t U' LSl'llHVI'! 1 . tUTt", "Do you suppos.. w<- *hall capture , y r uml ll lar ^ and high enough , <So that was why the ove rseer quite overwhelmed, it?" KandaJi's voice showed the ex- ' . r 8 ?Y? n ' teron horseback, but ^y^t fiml the skin> .. muwd Senor l , <Yol , may well say so," agreed citement which any right-minded! 1 - ,22 ''"ninisned in size " nt " Alvarez. Bonaventure took from the! Senor Alvarez. "Now we must hurry youth feels in the pi esencc of mystery . some , ya , , ro . m , 4 !' f ' ntranve . er * pccket of his ragged trousers some home and lift from my men the ter- Mure. esptjially whn there ' v i a8 , barei y "eight to walk without bits of whitish, pithy wood and held.rible curse of the demon del foresta! * ni*.*. ,,i ,. rt fc , . Af+W.r.*-,rtiit 4hr* nn*c*nFff\ , IF " in th, :.ffair. SSS *"&* had len this point the passage I by u thin slab of slate, ..A bi n H f < i . . i p < i f , ,. . . - .aAitiiiiiui ' ' - ,* ' ' "I am going to try, for now I have . stand "! g 2?S? gS S nd cx . tc '* lln f? f t r om glows in the dark: wi clue to follow; and vou shall ?"? R , !d . c .\ l ll> , other - , A M !" e , the e y s -" Scnor Alv W,. must first find the hid- &^&***Z2*&t ^ ^"^ nij,' puicc of the thic-f. loosened Randall, you shall have the fiery eyes for your collection, and the story for this I made! your notebook." Alvarez summoned | (The End.) wnt out several of have alreiHv 'Y erosion the e<I K 1 ' hafl fallen ' com - a , y pletely damminsr thc stream. The i to __ i__j j.._,,.. found a channe | btst t!u-e miles, but they found no hiding unat ' r t , l n's W. oui apparently , e, or anv trail through the woods. , NV ' as l , he J ', 6 . entrawe - Hud ]t J e . h:a Juan search tho onlv cave becn * or t . fimlln 8' . . ... h . tl=c mouth of the tunnel ^amjnation would have satisfied the nonirta where the great ^"hers that there was no h.dmg flowi out into the mil! pond Stff 5f ?.^f ^ ^S^* 11 * t h ne"ar!y 'a hundred"^? biTtVuan fll! *, cr l ilny , I? th>e 'T^ aml PrC "' " D n ti.. Randall grasped h;s compan- - !\ Woman's Sphere To Fruit Cake Lovers Some Short Cuts In Sewing. when ering, lengthen the ma- No one could pass the rock he crawled under wate.." i charm. Over Randall's face flashed a look of blissful eagerness and he followed up this new bit of informa- tion hungrily. ft ,- f the upper left-hand corner ch ine stitch and make two rows of th . at rcv , ea!c(i a sll ? ht <llff ? r ne e ln stitching about three-eighths of an rm been deU^ed ^ c, Id, t ch row nnd you have neat gathers ' that will not slip out of place. moved back silently for a few' When putting on H straight facing "I npvirknew there were rav,>* i paces and held a whispered conference. 1 or binding, let one edge be selvage. " doonvay confirmed the This saves much time and bastmg. independent nature, detested the habit, felt a sweeping scorn for all who indulged in it and was outspoken in expressing her disdain. With the few who shared her honesty, she held herself aloof from her mates; she toiled with indignant fidelity at her tasks, never complaining, never tell- ing tales, and accepting with a feeling of exaltation rather than of discour- this part of the country. Caves are bul v fun' What makes thi* onp nml T> lnlon hel(1 ">" Senor Alvarez smce : The less particular things may be j the wounding of Miguel's dog, that the pi nnc< i instead of basted. If you are her mental inferiors attained by agement a rank lower than that which where docs it spring from?" "The deep vegetable moti on the thief wore _. !" Hc was fo ' careful to put the pins in at right Angles to the line of stitching, the ing through the unJtriying gravel, c ^ m . ellt - I 4 H\25?I ""T S"? with no trouble form channel* in the rock and comes n l' 'iesperate leaping forth to. h no r( \ u ^ out in s-pring-i at the base- I think I tMv thelr u " lte(1 strength ami mgenu- A little tancy stitcnmg will take a look TmjTelf to make "we ^^ Senhor Alvarez drew an efficient- to the appearance of some that Juan has searched the place thor looking revolver from its holster, an plain looking things. Wii cnea ting. She was regarded as a person apart, who had strict notions, did not flat surface of the kitchen-agrden ab- peeing the auji<.- i ^"^ o.. e " sorbs the rainfall, which, after sink- Rf"<!l^ agreed with a thrill of ex- y f t will pas , s over them as he vitalized some fierce '".",, min<1 work> 9a i d sharp things and adds much 'shot contemptuous glances. Her af- ome otherwise! ^irs were of no consequence to the re looking revolver from its holster, an plain looking things. Wind floss on; rest of the school. She did not care oujrhly and you shall go too if vou" action '" litated b >' his friend. Then the bobbin of your machine, loosen the for their opinion nor they for hers. wish. ' Juan fays the best way to an- th(x F'anter, speaking in Portuguese, shuttle tension enough to allow the With her brother it was different loudly commanded the presumable in- fl osg to pass through easily, and 'He was an active, companionable and ; mav to come out, but there was no ] cnRlhen tne stitch. Ordinary' thread i sensitive boy who disliked work as ! is used for the needle. Stamp the ma- 1 much as he loved play, cared im-i t.-rial and work on th> wrong side. ' niensely for what the other fellows Now you can buy a fruit cake of the kind that you would make at home and save home baking. a rich, fruity, luscious cake that doesn't crumble and dry out. a tender, almost juicy cake with that rare flavor of the raisins and thc spice that makes you like fruit cake. a cake that you'll be glad to serve to friends a prize fruit cake, in fact the most delicious you have ever known. ' e e e - *" *** " These plump, tender, Juicy, thin-skinned raisins arr ideal for cake. Taste the cake you get and see. ^*v s You'll enjoy fruit cake more often when you can secure such good cake rtady-made. Mail coupon for free book of tested recipes suggesting scores cf other luscious raisin foods. * Just ask your bake shop or confectioner for it the cake that's made with Sun-Maid Raisins Sun-Maid Raisin Growers , i Co-opftlivt OrjalUM.'ijn Cumpn;ij 14,000 Oower Altmlitrl Dept. X-533-30, Fresno, California. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Biu.- Pttlttt I Sun-Maid Raisin Grower*, Dept. N-533-30, Fresno, California. I Please send me copy of your free book, I "Recipes with Raisins." j NAME.. I STREET- rKDVIN'CK "We are armed and will fire unless you obey!" was his warning; and after you obey! ' was Ins warning; ami alter l V tK,<,Kr ,>f Km, ^IO-MA,! in rloin<y a another brief r mse he flrVd into the This stitching has the appearance of thought of him, delighted in doing i j^r toshow (hat hJ'was fn earne.t. M couching.-Mrs. H. R. W. turn for anybody, and demred this there was a startled rustling be! When cutting childTen's garments, always to be like the persons he was Pre- venti chapped hand s, cracked lips, in i l.l.i i in. Makes your skin, sofi, white, clear .mil gniooth. S SELL IT hind the barrier, and a quavering voice from a small amount of goods and wl i, and to do as they did. replied: | piecing is necessary, piece where trim- He thought it mean to cheat, but "Have mercy, Senor! I come!" The mln , K wou i (I look most effective. Cover, e could not think meanly .ol. all the men looked at one another in amaze- {j, e soam w ith a bit of braid or a P u pi' s w ho cheated. Some of them rnent, for the voice was unmistakably . p j e ( , esif , n h) wnbroidcr y work or | were very "good sorts" in most things. SiCdwttI" exclai ,e,l Ran n few fancv 8titches ' tta the ^ n ntl<1 ! ^^ t' Ven ? l'\ hi "I have ^ of ten hc-Ar " thi I rs lace 1 sh< > rt s titch, or feather stitch. On' cheat, how was he to ke Barmcnta for grown-ups wool yarn.or, POHN'S X DISTEMPER" 1 COMPOUND keep from help- others to, when his bost friends with a dry smile. "Though I had not beads can be used in charming effects.) woul<1 k him tnc answers to ques- s:pe;-t<>J that this fnn---t demon To do punch work hy a short-cut. tlon " s ;lml thlnk hlm a P r ^ lf nc dldn '| there, the !-ark pantl has been moved method, use a design such as a wild, tell? aside!" | roso or butterfly, baste n piece of; He tricd otl(> da >' ^ Wjtal Up A lleodor, girlish figure emerged, strong paper underneath then a piece K ' Mttir with his Difficulties. She was clainberc'd down backwi.r.1, then turn- (> ^ t . ()a * .._j ed and advance.! toward them. As the brighter daylight at thi mouth of the . cave revealed her face, a second sur- ; lnff vcr y care f u ' n l t pris;e sv/ept over them both. I out paper, leaving net, which greatly <':irlotta! My wife's runaway ( resembles punch work. This can be hunifipd. "Why, Tom." she ex-laimed. "Do to tell mo you'd like to 'M ','!,;.. -i I ' <- In sj . . of Dttmper, In- fluenza, K' Cold*, Meave* and Wormi among horsei Mid inulcn. p*.i and ndorscd by l<adlnc (took farms and veteran driver* of U. B. nd Canada for thirty yaari. Bold In two slsei t M druc utorei. SPOHH MEDICAL CO. f.OSMfN.IND. U.S.A worke<l to great advantage in mend- maid!" exclaimed Senur Alvart/.. "The girl of the dance hall!" mar- veled Randall. The culprit stood with demurely downcast lids and fi.Mecj hands, un- deniably prx-lty and childishly iippoal- ing, in her coarse white blouse, black skirl and red .warf. Slowly she misc.] a pair <'f dark, pleading liquid eyes' can - l do ver >" lilt le basting and find her former employer. Senor Alvarez 1 <'an make the work look just as neat . rsow> that was exaetlv whllt Tom did mean - Hp woul(t havc liked to The two are still at school. The aggressively honest girl still main- tains her honorable oddity, and still wins no one to her side. The boy still refrains with difficulty from doing r-s the other pupils do; lometimes he helps his friends when it would be bet- ter for them if he refused. But his own work is still honest, and some of his mates are coming to do as he does, half from love of honesty and half from love of him. Perhaps, a his moral nature grxrws with his physical and mental growth, he will be as sturdily and naturally honest as his sister and more sympathetic than she with the weaknesses of others. It is a fin? thing to havt a nature superior to common tempta.ions; but when virtue assets itself so vigorously that it crushes or alienates the feel- ings of those who are less hardy mor- ally it links itself wuh a fault. Com- mon honesty and lommon kindliness should go hand in i.and. - ing thin breaks in lunch cloths and' 1 ' 1 "* 1 - He felt the temptation and al*o to cover staina. Work thc dc-i' "** 1 ' for lhe < 1 mfrt*ble result. Yet sign over the stain or hole and cut away. Mrs. R. R. I have a family of seven to sew for, ho had not cheated. But he stammer- ed and hesitated and felt so ashamed before the bristling virtue with which MOTHER! MOVE CHILD'S BOWELS "California Fig Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative of every-day clothes on the sewing machine. I put a patdi on the knee of a pair of over- rtaarud his thrnat. and tried his best, as when I baste it. to look as stern as he had looked five I do my patching minutes before. "Carlotta, what does this mean?" he demanded. "Are you the thief who has made 11 this trouble?" The girl shook her head. "There is sonic one else hiding here. Whoi* it?" "My husband, Senor. Ah, do not harm him! We had to hide and he, , would not let me go hungry. And the! centre where buttonhole is needed, other- the stabbing it was not his This is then cut, biing careful not to fault. Do not let them arrest my cut the stitching. I Honuventuro! TI ~ ' -~ *"- -~ strong and , I have to us, all the short-cuts f hia sister ^"ived his confession that he never finished it. He dropped the, subject as soon as he could, and so forfeited thc strong and bracing help that he needed. If only the nature that was so nobly honest had been patient and gentle too that sisterly alls by ripping up the inside leg seam]! <>PP<"-tunity would not have becn sewing the patch in place ami then thrown away resewing the neam. In making buttonholes in every-day garments, I sew back and forth three or for.- times, leaving a small space in < alous He is so 'brave, so Jimiuez made him In making plain garments I cut out several garments at a time. Then 'I onguc Shows if Bilious, Constipated Hurry mother.' Kven a cross, sick child loves the "fruity" taste ot "Cali- fornia Klg Syrup" and It never falls to "Let your brave Bonaventure come! 5 titrh a " 8 as so as to havc them and speak for himself!" thundered ready for pick-up work at odd times. I Senor Alvarez. Promptly a meek-j To prevent ripping in tablecloths, 1 looking little brown man dropped out| sheets, or towels at the ends, I sew' and sidled toward them, his hands up-! back and forth two or three times in 1 'raised in surrender. Senor Alvarez the same place instead of tying the BtrogglM visibly for a moment be- threads. I tween anger and mirth, HO strong was the contrast between the ony speci- men before him and the atmosphere; of terrifying mystery which had en- veloped the ({real plantation. Both recognized him as tho girl's compan- ion in the Santurem street light. "W'ho are you and why do you hide here and steal from varez demanded. my men?" Al- "I am Borca venture Santos, Senor, ami 1 have stolen that we might not starve," explained the captive simply. open (he dowels. A teu&poonful to-day ["Ami I was. forced to hide becmise, as may prevent a sink cMId to-morrow. If , the Senor knows,, I have slain a man constipated, blllou, feverish, fretful, ! 'y friend Jiminez Moreno. It was t has cold, cullr, or if stomach is ?our, I H dance, and we had both drunk much tongue coated, breath bad, remember cachuca - " e ?" ^ e would carry off a good cleansing of the little bowels Is often all that \ necessary. new w " Cl DMMPtWI that I was too little and too cowardly to keep her. Now, as the Senor sees, I am some- ' , , - A>k your HniKKUt or Rnu ne "Call- wha t.' , m all, but, especially wfon I an, lornla Fig flyrup which hae directions tlrunk> u ia , U)t always wfc to tol) me for babies uml children of all agea O f j t . I stabbed him in the heart with printed on bottle. Mother! You must ! my matehete, and he fall, so I knew bay "California" or you may get an I ha<l killed him. Then Carlotta and I imitai' 1 >> fig . hemstdlohing wears out, Ij stitch serpentine braid across the worn edge. This makes a neat finish j and lasts a long time. When I get new underwear 1 stitch! two or three times around the button-! holes on the sewing machine. This prevents them from stretching or los- ing their chape. Mrs. L. W. F. Two Kinds of Honesty. A certain brother and aister, just promoted from one school to another,! found that among their new school- j mates cheating was prevalent. It wasj apparently a point of pride with tl^ pupils to deceive the teachers as often as possible and to invent new ways! to do It. Neither of the newcomers yielded to the fashion, but they resist-! ed it in very different ways. The girl, who was of a strong am were scared, so we ran off and paddled Mlnard'i Llnimont for Burnt A Scalds world'! greatest .M.I , . . Million* of mil -M,..I. ..I , needing roii&taot service: millions or baiiorlea mil tiros to repair; mllllona of imrU) to rebuild. Pre- aundoai npuortunUleii await tl.n trained auto- mobile man. That'll why It p:iy to leant tbe automobile btialneiu. -ami Iwt.-n In Detroit, tbo auto renter n( the world.- tho Hour! ol tho Auto Indtutry where 79% ol the uutus ore made. Make$2,OOOto$10,OOOYearly Hivi a Business ol Your Own Thousands of our i in uiuney In tht> auto t ore ra.iklng Kuntt uf '. .1. ' ni&klng more mi.ncy than b ex- [iCtitcd; Pcttlgivw (Uuchec) appointed In- structor at ') ei'h. Hchool; ('nltette (Alberta) In buglncw and boa oil he ran do; Merklo (Trim.) 1T09 crttlng $|A weekly, unw mak- ing S100 per ..,-. I Mc.i (Ku.) Bftvc* 910(1 monthly above ex- \,<'i..-<- .i.'i.u ,"M <ohlo* himp- >"i from "ncurll pudMf at .1:1 - wppitly to auto me- rhaclo at 142 5f> pur weeX Huii.i-, i more like thorn. Complete Course Endorsed by Big Auto Factories very liraurh et tho auto bmlnwn in uiucht- oAnrucHOQ, opttfttUm, up-kMii and repaln auun. i, i v. i. irartora, farm I'.iuilng |,;a..u gaa t'n<1nea. All uiaolilug by actuill [.::... No t ,i. .1 work. Student* Icani liy actual factory methods. II!K auto lartorlrfl holuPd outllnn our COUTBM nnd Rive our student* futtaflt ro-opcratlon, also heartily endonw our Hchtwl. Special Courses In Datiery t, M^.t.inctih'op t'ftafc*. ' Goo* PO.UI..MI Await Our Gradualsi -Inrlorlea. K- 2njoMl3 r \ s'tlftnoir^en. 4Ufll, I Corns Now! i:..'.* 1.1 Hrtt ' donet"- but "Op cl.te r. Kt*-l " Oon'l t Wslt Tharasn who "Rets Michigan State Automobile School U72 Auto Bldg. f Detroit, Mich. Dye Old Wrap, Skirt, Sweater, Curtains In Diamond Dyes Each rtackag of "Diamond tlyes" contains dtrectione BO simple any woman can dye or tint hr old worn, faded things uew. Even , blie has never dyed before, she can put a rich, fadeless color Into shabby skirts, dresses, waiste, coals, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hang- ings, everything! Buy Diamond Dye no other kind- then perfect homa dyeing Is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye U wool or stlk, or whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed goode. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run. Canada's Message. My Foresta march from sea to .ea Eternal In their pager.ntry; The wi. >. i.'.if l poplars sue. for rains, Th birch a maiden-ghost remains, The maple Uameu In a lono hour, Ever the pln's a secret tower, HlrJ and beast do so abound, My lonely lauds seem holy ground; Edens at evening w'ltre God stood And saw His . orfcs th nl! wero good. E. H. O^born. Sea Monster With "Human" Face. A sea monster has become strauded oji the eea-shore near Bombay, India. U measure,* ovw 25 feet from hoad :':o tail, arid It has a liug face ronicwhat rescnibliug a human. The mouth runs Inwards for over three feot a&d lit would be pc, s;b!e for it to swallow three men at a time. It has created consternation and alarm amongst the fishermen In tfce neighborhood. M"v.-cis Liniment for 'oughs Jl Colds. Domestic Science. Tbe iascpectoy was paying lii- usual visit to tt village schcol. Every face shono wl<h v.l-eanHrtess, (Mrery coUar 8tC'C.l stiff wllh starch, all ears were strained to catch every word th. Ins'pector altered* every hand wa itching to be the first, raised In reply. The examination was coming to an unusually successful clos'8 whn tho great man askel: "What la a lake?" There waa a lou.g silence. Nobody ccuM answer the question,. At last Willie's chance had ccnic anil hia hand &h,ct up Into the ailr. "Well'. W'tll'e," B,-vke;l the inspector. "W.;at la It?" "A hole in the Vett-e, s-ir," was the answer. Ivory on Islands. The most valuable desolate inlands In thc world are the LJakova, iai thc Arctic Ocean, off the mouth of tho Lena, In Siberia. They are frost- bound and utterly barren, save for j Arctic moss; but they contain each ' enormous quantities of fossil ivory ; that thny are exceedingly valuable in j fact, although uninhabited save for i tho ivory diggers, and of themselves j Incaixible of supporting life, they pro j duce a revenue of 1,000,000 :i year, Hop-a-DoocUc. Tie' together the logs of two p lay- ers so that to move ahead they have to hop. Furnish each of them with a smooth pole, about ten feet long am! well paddwl at one end, and then let them see which can first push Ihe other over with the padded end of the pole. The roosterliko contest will provide plenty of fun for those who look on as well as for those who take part. The fish in the lakes of the Mam- moth Cave of Kentucky are blind. Through Ion? disuse of the eye the >pedes has ceased to have anything but the outward form of thc eye. After Every Meal WRJGLEft and give you stomach a lift, Provides "the bit e sweet" In benefici form. Helps tO C fee teem and k , tfcem healthy,