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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1923, p. 1

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N Vol 43 No. 35 Flesiierton, Ont., January 24, 1923 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. i CEYLON Mary and Georgina McLiughliu have ! returned to Toronto after spending ten , days under the parental roof. Katie Muir left Saturday 10 visit with Toronto friendi. Jimmie and Ernie McMuiln have alto gone viiit friwndi in Toronto. A ftleighload went f;m here Mmdiy night to tha concert at Rock Mills church, which wan a very enjoyable affair. M. Cook tad Allie McMullen | auiifced in the program. The Ruck j Mills ladies served lunch to those from a { diitauce and their kiudnets was much appreciatid. S, WaJdroo of Mono Road is relieving on the section here for J Kennedy. Premier Oliver and wife of British ffoluiibia arrived her* Wednesday even- ing of last week to visit ihe f nmi They left for borne (Monday. Muir spent a few days of last week in the Queen City. Mr and Mrs McLauchlan gave a danee on Tuesday evening of last week to their niighboM and frieBds. Mr Ben Smith went out to Cohing- wood tovnihip last we<-k and has re- turned to wide at C*ylon. Mr and stia Koydtn Gibtou gave a party *n Friday evsain* to tha young pujjil*. whts a vary tojoyabU time wti pent. Farm Help The bureau of Colonisation aud iiunii gration eipecl* a large uamher of hrl elaas men from the Old Country during the latter part of Uath and succeeding months, tome experienced ; tome partly rul *oat experienced younft men, and iperienced married men aod partly ex frlenced married with and without f milieu. Farmers with vacancies will kindly write 11 A. MacDonell, Director of Ooloolzttion, Parliament Building, Toronto, or to their Agricultural Rcp- reientative for information and appli- cation forma. Applications will be dealt with as far as possible in the order in which they are received, preference being given yearly engagements . J. Stewart Cooper, Agricultural Represen'ative. Letter From B. C. The 'AJfaca recently received th following letter from Mr. W. U. Sloan, who sone lima ago raioved from Kim- beiley to Oaliforais, but more recently tame to Lalner, B C , and writes from there : Mr. iii. i. Yuur paper to hand last niqfat. we asre apprtciata Tin Advance. Wa are now in Ladner and like lhi airrj. the climate and the people. We hav a lot of Ontario people here and they appreciate iiti| iay one fioin the old proviace. We had Chriatmaa dinner with Mr. and Mrs. El^iu Brodiu. About our town : we have four churche* Mi'lhinli't, I'reibylerian, Bapiiit und Auglican : 8-iwniill, plaiiing factory, Iwo blackimith thopa, three hardware tor**, three dry good atorei, flight froceries, bake ahop, two butcher shop*, two koteli, aud a large milk condenser : printing office, high ighool, public ohool, ferry boat every two hours from Tanoouver aud tmin from Wet Mini- 'r. We have good fruit apple*. piar*, plum*, amill fruit of all hind* ^in abundance, splendid gardens, vegatables f all kind). They grow about teven ton* of potatoes to the atre, some hd ine tons ; oats, 180 baahel* per acre, hay , from three to four ton* per sure. 1 aiaasured *oui mangolds that niausurcd lhre feet long and twenty-seven inches round; ucaraber, twelve inches long, f >urteea lichea around. (lad to get back on Canadian *oil It seoms more lik* hme to me. .}*! Jokn Biraie, K.C, , of Collingwood, wa* ommittcd for trial at the General Ses- sion* in .lane, charged with *eMfflg lire to his own HOUM on Nortmbtr 19th. Ke i* under bond* of $10,000, of which tS.OOOwis furnished by himself, and four other* ef $1 , C$0 each . Stock For Sale Two pure bred T*mworth SOTS twenty pigs one week old. Three sons duo to t'jiro w March 15, nil in line con> ditloo find will be priced right to make room for others. H. D McLiiUKtuy, H. K. *, Markdale. Phaue 30, r 181 VANDELEUR Miss Phronzia Carson of Toronto is visiting with Mis Lillian Buchanan and other friends. Mr and Mi* F R Bulaud and Dora spent a week with friends in Toronto. Ernie Flynn of Heathcote is rmitina his brother, J Flynn. The Ladies' Aid held a very successful social evening at the home of Mr aud Mrs L Johnston on Thursday evening of last week. The evening w\s spent in music and games. Proceeds amounted to $10. The Farmers' Club gave an excellent debate in the ball last Monday evening. Reiolved, That co-i.peration is better than competition. Good points wete given by both sides and when the judges counted up their [Dints it showed that eo-operation had three points to the good. Quite a number of ladies were preseot. It waa decided to have another debate on Feb Bth, when the subject will be, Resolved, --That taro> women have fewei opportunities than the ui- nier. Side-, were chosen and it was decided to let the women argue their own points and the men thein. This will prove a vury interesting debase. Captain?, Frank L>av' and H I Graham. The members of tha Ladieti Aid are holding their meeting this Thursday afternoon at the Methodist parsonage Flesherton. Mr Robert Buchanan, a former re- spected resident of this commu- nity, aud elder brother of Meairs Jos. and John Buchanan of this place, passed away at the home of his daughter at Meaford on Wednetday, Jan 17th. Mr Buchanan spent the greater portion of his life iu this ueinhborhood and lived f. r many year* ou the farm oppnsit* the church, where he raised a large family. Some years ago he moved to Saskatche- wan, where moat of hia family now ro- tide. The funeral took place Friday afternooD to Meaford cemetery. Friends aod relatives have the sympathy of the community in their bereivement. Arthur's Unique War Memorial (Toronto Star Weekly) The town of Arthur has uuder con- struction a war memorial which for ori- ginality of design and beauty of concep- tion cannot be equalled as yet in the province. Many towns have decided an what they term a practical war memorial, such as a public I uilding, % school or skating rink which the community badly needed, but "which tlu-y were unable to secure except with the sentimental aid of the dead boys of the village. The town of Arthur would huve none of that. Neither would it have a gravestone nor a bronze statue. It evolved something of its own to mark its respucl and lore of the boys it knew wlu never . unu homo. This beautiful cenotaph i> made of tield stone selectad from the countryside about Arthur. It i - to stand in a little park, 130 by 100 f ". ; , right In the centre of the town, at the crossing of two highway*. From the inner corner of the park, it will face crossroads, the central motif being a wall, '21 feet long and 8 feet high In which will be sot :t stone cross and ou the cross in inverted sword of bronze and the victor's laurel wreath. Two flanking walls, at an angle, are 12 feut long aud _ feet high. Before the cen- otaph, beneath the symbolic sword, is a tomb. And concealed by shrubbery, will be low stone bunches. The whold scheme will In- backed by dark evargreen treea and Lombardy poplais. Uickson Rafter, editor of tho Arthur Enterprise News (who, though blind since his boyhood, wont through (jueens, and is now a leader in his community), n one of the most active promoters of this unique memoral, as are Mr. and Mrs, Brockle> b ink and Mrs. D. T. Small, president of the women's social organiKation, The actual construct inn of the memorial has beu entrurted to Eddie Doherty, a man well pust the three score and tea, and a master mason, who is now scouring the eountry about Arthur for granite stone, much of which will tie actually carried in by the people of th: town, so that tha memorial m.iy bo peculiarly their own, It is Arthur, not ;i contractor, that is raising its memorial. The aichitecturitl design i . by Walker . Gibson, Mnjor Gibson having commanded rn.iuy of t.hc Arihur bi,yn overseas. PROTON STATION Congratulations to the youn Editor and bride. That they may have a happy and prosperous j<>uruy through life and every bltsiing li world can ifford is the wish cf your cor. | |The YounL' People'* Guild conducted a Mock Trial ill the church ou Friday, Jan 12, which caused much interest and merriment. Rev Kowler as proBfcming attorney, and Mr C*du bs counsel fur the defendant, mide able and clever lawyers. Oscar Patterson ably filled the judge's bench, while Jack Neilai a was being tried fiir setting fire lo his barn. Many witnesses were called in the role of insurance agents, detectives from Scotland Yard, automobile experts, etc. A jury of twelve mature minds pronoun- ced the prisoner " Not guilty." Several real estate purchases of interest Ate : The building kuown i.- the Paoton Hotel has been recently purchased hy the C P R agent, &ir Still, from J C Wright. Tw > building lots have bceu purchased by Mr Vauiu from Mrs PmLs of the village, Sam Badgerow sold his bnilding to (J<ro JLudluw, 8r. T Wauchope aud fa.nily have moved to their new (arm home at Saugeen. S Batchelor's chnpping null seems to be kept bim : ug. The Latter D*y baiui preacher nho has been holding services here for several weeks, immersed Neil McKechnie imi wif* Sunday afternoon last. Hockey it again the order of the clay A mixed team of Seniors and Trail Rangers went to Dundalk last week aud were defeated 4 to !'.'. The 1' R have won one gaim* frum Fleshrrton, <> to 0, and one from Spring Hill, lii to 0. Ou Saturday noon train a merry band of about iiu children from Shelburne, ioci'injitir.H'1 by their teacher, Marjnrie Acheson, laoded at Proton Static:) and spent the alterr.oon i.n toe rink hare. Two match tM were played with our public school, one with the older Shel- burne boys and the Proton Bantams, score - to 3 in fator of Proton ; another between the smaller shelliuniu boys and Proton Brownies, (cure '2 to in favor of Shilburnc. I- U a pleasuie to eutertaiu the Sli^Iburnn children. They art jolly. ell behaved little nportn. Mrs. Clius Krucgcr of Carrick slipped on some ice at her back door and broke two bones in her leg, one at the ankle and the other three inches above. Eugenia Boy is Prea- Toronto Board of Trade Mr. A. O. Hogg, new president of the T-ironto Board of Trade is head nt the well known i(r&>n linn of Hogg & Ljtle. and i- a former <jrey county boy, having liyed many years at Eugtuia. tio was in- terested iu the first large power company that attempted to develop electricity at Eugenia on * large scale, and run a tunnel through the mountain beside the Falls. Hydro policies' y killed the scheme after extensive work had buen carried no. Mr. Hogg attempted to interest New York capita! in the enterpiise, and li.i i almost closed the deal, when Beck's Hydro proposal came before the legisla- ture, and whou it emerged, inch drastic powers were eoutaiued 111 the legislation, that the New Yorkers withdrew, not earing to develop anything that would l.e fair prey for the Hydro OonnnlMton under its wii'ii powers. As a result, development of the Ku- goniu p'ant was retarded fur several years at least. Mr. Hogg lias, sicicu leaving Grey county, become a successful grain ucaUi, and has exteusivu interest.* throughout KiMei n Ontario. He is a 'man ; force in the ci y, and has "P.ngressiv.'e inclin ations politically. Oprey District L O.L. The annual meeting of the above District Lodge was held in the hall of L. 0. L. ""><'>, Sioghampton, recently. Oil account of the weather and roads the usual number* were not present at this meeting. Still, ihere was a very nice turnout of lucal brethieu and a very nice meeting wai held. After the usual ill HI. it "'Hi, e'C., had bam dispoied of, the retirine Master, Bro. Bazel NefT. requested Bro. W L Taylor, Ueevo of Osprey, 10 take the chair and conduct the election and installing of ctiioers for hich resulted as follows ; - District Master, Fiancis Seuley Deputy " Thos W Conr-n Chaplin, Kav. Goo. Vroomni: Rec. Soc., A. J. Coiiron Fin. Sic, Gso. Priestly 'l'i .MBUrcr, W L Taylor Dirconir uf '"Vr,, James McKeuzie 1st L' cturer, George Long i!,. .' I. ::iuior, Willieiu Kercon. KIMBERLEY Mrs Plewin ib home after spending a [in !- iir \ ;,-,] with her daughters,-* Mrs Good and Mrs Graham, Toronto. Mis \1. M ;...-i. of Eugenia is visiting with Mrs J A Stuart. We are sorry lo heir of the death of Mr White, Thornbury. Mrs Myers is a daughter. % Mr Carroll of Thornbury is doing v in- repairing on tho plumbing at the school. Mine Lottio Ward has been with Mrs HXrvey, who hai> been ill. We are ulad tn report her improved in health. Miss heue aud Mis Hutcliiii'on, of Wudehouse, visited with Mis Hawkins last wuek. The Athletic Club met ou Saturday night for election of cfficern. R Clark. Pret ; Miss Ruth Myli-c, Vice Pie ; K Scott, StfC-Treas. Look for ^ood tunes in thu near futuie. Mrs K Morwood and , .-i i-r Luveruu, of Aurora, who have Luen visiting with Mi .,: : Mrs :i>--.iis over the Christ- ina* holidays, have returned home. Thursday next in the . _'i. .. meeting of the W I. Tne pi'igrani t'.ll call, " A book I have recenily enjoyed,' " Some points iu Baking'' l>y Mr R O ark, " The Realities of Friendship,' 1 Mrs S S Burritt. We are sorry to hear Mr Kliner Smith has been off work, Kick, wiih the cold It is the complaint of many arxmud hre just now. We are :M,I to < Mr Vuali able to take bis work oc Sunday after being one Sundty unable t take his per- vices. Portlaw Intended for Last Week Mr* Wai Fiiher b:m been very ill the ptst few weeks. We ail hope for her speedy recovery. Mis (Rev) 6-iudiu, uuJ two sou*, of Toronto, visitei recently v iih the form- er's brothers J J and V H Little. Mr Leitch from near > iwa is the teacher in our school f iho present, year. He possesses a mill > machine, ha expect* to jjet the newx in- dependent of tho " Sjwiug Circle.' At our Annual Sjhojl Meeting Mr Cecil Meldrum watt elected trustee for three years. The other mvuibsri of the board are Mr K ibert b'i-l.ur and Mr Fred Tyler, with Lewis Sherdown us Soo-Tieas. Priceville Titos. Armstrong, uf Maunlielii. had his house destroyed hy liro Saturdny j miming last. Tho cause of the tire, wo .' understand, wan an ovorheatrd stove. ' Very little cf the jontents of the builJ- ii<K were saved an the family eoncen :: < .1 thoir attention on tuhling l:u tire until it WAS too lato to SATS the lioa e eh'.dd goods. Eooiiomtst EMBLEMS \Ve carry a complete selection of lotlg-e emblems Orange Scarlf'. -Blue Black Knight, etc., RINGS $7.50 up Masonic ring's in very pleasing designs I'roni S.7.5O up. Pins, Brooches. Charms, etc., lor the different Societies. ASK TO SKI-; THEM W, A. Armstrong JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co. UUSt NESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* 3 and Smbalmers Phone HlUcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. " ' MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . .Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance The January tlmw we hml ! i.ii. week, did not continue lung enough t'i wel tho sii'iw to the ground, Some flln ire slil| short of a proper supply uf witer. Bid colds liuve been lli>' guiiu ailment about here, but the i. >jority if pjuple are getting b*ck l > noun*! health kgtin. Mr tido Rulhoit'ord, \.i Shelbuine. iusuriucu agent, w;i iirouml here lust wank ou bosiBSSS. The annual mueting nf I'riceville Aglicultuial Society was field i, Saturdny of last week. The ailend.kiici was no: is large its it should have bi-.-n, but the numbers present did aoiuudcrabll busi- DC88, Tin' fiimnciiil r. !'..i i.s read by tho Auditors seemed to pleuse ihu meet- ing, in i the diraolon ' - oummHided t) rovisu the priza list, and ft ihoio i.s a good substantial buluice iu i! treasury, they intend to iiicrciitsu the uu.-li [niy-.s in classes of live -luck exhibited ut the Fall Knit next October 4 ind .">, 10'2:!. ] T*o Field Crop Cumprtitidiis me on the prigrainfo: this KUOBOO. The regular fi:ld crop ui in, ;iiii ud d!s) the com- bined tield crop und thrui-hud griin competition, wbioh i. tiers J'.'T^.OO in seven prizes rauqini; fium $7*'. to 81". T..I- totol prizes for the two oonpotition will total f.350.00. Mail acin' At once to Secretary, Fall Kair, Priceville. asking for full Instructions where to gut pure s?ed and all othur particulars. Ha hw a limited cupply uf inntructions on hnnd, nid will get more if necessary in n ftw duvs, so go to it and make money. STEWARTS for FRESH GROCERIES W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seedi, Groceriei and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario BREAD BREAD BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton The Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's Church, Maxwell will hold their annual BAZAAR on Saturday, January 27th, 1923 in the Methodist Hall, Maxwell There will be on sale fancy articles, useful articles, such as work aprons, etc., also homemade candy, cooking, and bread. The Fish Poud proved such an attraction laM year to the kiddies tbat it will be enlarged thii^year. Lunch will be served through our, the evening. Bazaar to commence at 4 o'clock p.m. i

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