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Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1923, p. 2

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Strong Liquid Position of Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets Stand at $479,3^2,366 Of This Amount Liquid Assets Are $216,048,331, Equal to 49.37% of Liabilities to Public Savings Deposits Show Canadian People Practise Thrift. The Annual Statement of the Royal included in the liquid assets are Call Bank of Canada for the fiscal year Loans on bonds, debentures and ended November 30th disclose* the stocks of approximately $48,000,000; strong and sound position of the cheques on other banks $20,573,642; bank. With its large and complete balances due by banks and banking organization throughout the Domin- correspondents $27,893,715; Cana- ion, the report of the Royal Bank of dian Municipal Securities and British Canada reflects in a special manner F vigii and Colonial Public Securi- the general conditions of the country, i ties, other than Canadian $7,901.927, On this account there will be satin- Railway and other bonds $13,462,068. faction to find that following the re- Profits Well Maintained. adjustment period for industry and The p ron , aml Losts Account shows trado, the general trend of business fchat prt; fi ts have ^ m we n rnaintain- is evidently on Uie upgrade. , ed> tne totai for the yeari a f te r d- Of the greatest Importance from ducting charges for manugement, the audacious Prince asked her if she had forgiven him yet for what hap- pened the first time she saw him. "I shall never forgive you," said Mary, with palpable insincerity. "What a pity," returned the young man, perfectly unmoved. "You see, un'kss 1 knew you had forgiven me, I couldn't explain to you what and how it hajxpened." "Oh, very well then," said^ Mary, resigned. "I forgiive you. Explain, Woman's Sphere , the public stamipomt 13 perhaps the accrue d i n twt-st on deposits, making poleon, 'but no saying is truer than And, after aH, the explanation ( ,^ n army ie no stronger than its seemed almost as impoasfible as the .. ,. rest of the incident. "Why did I do . . it?" explained the airman, "Became Because BO few pedal evtrcimti I wanted to. I shotted you five min- are beautiful, poets have seldom sung utes before, getting your ticket to their prake as they have done of the Let the Feet Breathe. j ment that migrh* help yorr. It is won- Of course, it is trite to quote Na- j derfuUy toeneflcial in many ^ways and somewhere (never dfeami:ng it was to hands. ** *"* e tten They seem to be almost for- servinas 8 * UP " beautifies the foot as well." "What is it?" "Olive oil." "Plain salad oil, you mean?" "Yes, just plain, salad oil." "How do you use that?" "After bathing the feet rub them NURSES The Toronto Hoeplttvl for Incur- able*, In affiliation with BHlevu* mat Allied Hospltila. New York City. offers a three years' Course of Trala* Ing to young women, having the re- quired education, and desirous of be- coming nur. This Hospital hj adopted the el(ht-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School, a monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from New York. For further Information apply to tie Superintendent for fine footwear or when nature with a little warm oil, until it is al- cake or a pie. most all absorbed, then wipe off the "When 1 domestic-science school in the world mother's kitchen. Children like t see things made, and that's why they cluster round you while you make * to cook my mother easy to make mistakes, you mean! I was engaged; I'd been en- It will remove the dry, rough | did not have to teach me, because I round the nails, heal any afore- 1 had watched her and asked question* , .., of ten and prevent callouses and from the time I ws a little girl. My gaged for two years." I ' taken or which pays such satistac- | coms an<J ^^ thft gkin smoother Rnd husband di<lln 't have to eat bride's Well, d'3sn't it show that that tory dividends if a little time and at- ; ^^ strengtherts and nO urish- biscuits either or wind pudding and ,. . A rm _- 1_! _ i '.. i A i ' .. ;,. .ni-.- rnawi " __'_-_ part of the body of which less care! . which pays such satisfac- i fi ^ : manner in which the savings dc-posita full prov j s j on f or a ]i bad and doubt- have been maintained in the face of fll , aebts> naving amcu nted to $3,- le&sened industrial activity. The sub- 958,409, which equals 19.40% on the in g staivtial total of these deposits indi- ^pitnl This amount, added to tho cates that a very great proportion of b _^ ance of p rofit an< j LOS, carried the people have been adding ma- from t ^ e prev i ous ye ar, made the tenally to their savings. This is a tctal amolint available for distribu- healthy sign, particularly in view of tion $4,8(53,514. From this was paid the large amount that small invest- in divi,K-nds ami boi us $2,85fi.OOO; ors have placed in Victory Bonds there was transferred to Officers Pen- didn't count? Theire are kisses that tention is given them. dion't," he informed her. "They don't in during the past few years. Total de- gion p un( j $100,000; appropriation posits amount to $372,003,961, of wag made f OT -Q^^ Premises of of which $277,695,882, bear interest. $400,000; Reserve for Dominion Gov- Bank's Cash Position. i eminent Taxes, including War Tax The Bank has fully maintained its on Bink Note Circulation $500,000; usual strong liquid position, the per- leaving an amount to be carried f >r- certage of actual rash on hand and ward to Profit and Loss of $1,007,514. in bank to liabilities to the public 1 That the Royal Bank of Canada being 28.20%. Of total assets of has come through the period of busi- $479,362,366, liquid assets are $216,- ness depression in such splendid 048,331, being 49.37% of liabilities shape is an evidence of the stability to the public. Of this amount cash of pur Canadian banks and of the on hand and Dominion notes total ' business sagacity of those in charge $63,935,920. Other principal items of them. THE PRINCE'S KISS any more than Che wind bk>w- a diead leaf against your lips. They haven't. Have they?" "Go on, please." "This," went on the young man, "was when I'd gone to get my motor bicycle out of the Left Luggage Of- fice, Instead, I followed you to the The questions of chiropody and i shoes are too large to be entered into | i es the feet" air sauce! Let the boys and girl* "When is the best time to use it?" watch and see how much care and "At night, because more can be left work you put into their daily food; in tfaia article; they might easily fill ^ ^T^^in^ w'^re to bV'worn" . let'thew get lessons of cleanliness and book. jjjgpg ^g some exercises that one neatness; let them acquire that "About what do you propose to tell us?' "Only a little about what can be done every day to make the feet more , , ___________ train. I just wanted to see the last comfortable and to keep them healthy. oW Mercyl who is anxious bo improve th* feet virtue called taking .mins. might use to advantage. Stand, with Have I lectured you to death?" the feet bare, and slowly and steadily! "No," her niece replied slowly, "I; rise on the toes, coming back to the think you have lectured me alive." ( . of a very taking 'asleep' little face." "I'm not asleep." "You aren't nw. You were then. One hardly realizes what those P" son rs are " * . ,. , e standing position. Sitting down, with the legs crossed, describe a circle with the toes. Keep the leg stationary and Boiling Egg8 to Music. certain bishop of an English at a certain home when visiting a small country parish. Upon coming down to break- flexibility of the muscles. Another fast he greeted the lady of the house is: Sitting down, hold the leg as follows: ftg exercises BY BERTHA RUCK. d, atone, as I thought. I thought, , by bed clothing. ****** ^L .=.. .- . 'What a frigihtful shame! Nobody to ' cells are shoes and stockings. Kemeir,-; t ^^ ^ who]e f()ot and a(M to sec her off! Never has been any one , ber that we breathe not only through < to Bee ber off yet; cruite possibly never the nose and mouth, but like !n ^^ ^ _ ^ ^ itflWTO- will be any one in our moth-eaten plants, through all our pores. Disease i stra5 g ht , wHh, the toe extended; "My dear skrter, you have given DM f..t.. nf /iTri.liiTa,hiVkrv whpn we all be- 1 ...^f.,.,. mottor lira <vmt ont ! , . . 11. ' . /-, j . as far as possible, stretching it to a new conception of praise to God hi reach a greater distance. Bring the song. Aa I awoke this beautiful Sun* toe back as far as possible and push day morning, the eun was streaming out with the heel" j hi my window, th birds were singine "They all sound very simple, but I j among the fragrant morning glories suppose they are just the opposite." | and aH the earth at peace seemed to "No, in reality they are easy and praise the great Creator. Then to the stretching is a very good form of complete Earth's Aleluia I heard exercise. They should all be repeated, ! your sweet voice singing 'Nearer My 1 however, a reasonable number of , God to Thee 1 ." times, but none of them until fatigue j "Laws, bishop," she replied, Overdoing an exercise is; the tune I boil eggs by t at all. It is, f OT hard and two for soft. thought I. 'Pity I can't give her one ; not breathe.' reail'ly decent kiss and wish her luck ', "What makes them so white? Wncn for a sendoff! Can't do her any harm, i I take my stockings off at night they just for once in her life, so here goes!' exclaimed and there went." 'With a vengeance!" are sometimes damp." "The pores are constantly active | The feet perspire and instead of parts, the PART IIL I stairway corner, and, sitting AJB this undercurrent, you under- there, he made a row royal. * . " _ . . W _ 3S _ i _ *, 1. indignantly (though she real- "" ^ n /aTwith BrSSra atrflSEffifisb l -* - can'! you see ft* you've completely **** !&* wrecked my reputation for 'being a nice, quiet, eeneible girl 1 ? You've g j ven Cousin Elizabeth a stick to beat me with foT tj, e j^t o f my life. , , stand, surged below ripples of polite I Immediately he demanded to know you've 'crashed' my engagement afternoon tea conversiation appropri- ' what she meant by her behavior; then, ,. To tne dud . and j. ve 8 .h O wn you ate to any country hoiise party on the without waiting for the girl to reply I wn s* t being engaged really means. - afternoon before any diance. Further, to this question, he supplied the Mary became in some curious way wrr. He swipplwxl the truly ^ terrible | ohil<i that two of the young men, fancy picture of Mary 8 cnaracter; - this stifled Mary's pro- O f course we're engaged. , . not onty one, but two of them, were hypoorisy, duplicity being the <ey-j what else is there to be done? We Impatiently waiting for the oppartun- notes. She, whom he had always con- 8nal , 1 j^y^f g e t anybody (except our ky to talk to hr alone. One, of wdered eo different from _the jazzj girl, motnera ) to believe this wild tegend course, w her legitimate fiance. Na- i the modern hussy who h>as no cnarm o f ^r not having met before. Conse- tural enough! The ather was the ec- or reverence or modesty stie was quently we ^y as we n fall m with centric airman, Captain Prince. Ju*t Mke them aid. Only far, " thcira; that we've known each other that he had ophthalmia or night blind . was sailing under her true by keeping on that we may get what we are after. 'One us , we the have , you keep Bpiration has a bleaching effect. They : ^^ ^ have an unpleasant one, too, for the menAerf shoes are soon saturated and an odor results. Much of this trouble, of Which so many are victims, is due to lack of ventilation." "How can it be avoided?" "By absolute cleanliness, air batbs and sighed as her aunt came into the The Kitchen School. dear!" exclaimed Mrs. Grover Women Can Dye Old Faded Things New in Diamond Dye*; Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions BO simple any woman can dye or tint h-r worn. shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coata. and using two pairs of shoes, wearing kitchen. "The children drive me near- 1 stockings, sweaters, coverings, draper- them on alternate days." ' ry distracted whn I'm trying to cook. | leg, hangings, everything, even If he another existence for us from to- i ness or myopia, which had caused him Here he gave a searing glance at her, nig>ht on>> , and h e slipped his arm in- - to taito her for somebody else. ic with I lemgn-urowne. 11 was a i l^nMm /vf fl', rlimr t :i >l(rt-| JM- 7 _-_ _ Never before had rose garden pursued by a gJance^from ' Mary worn any color *>ut Cousin Elizabeth which was the 'or aubdiKd saxe J>luo. This vibrant ox em on alternate oays. ; ry oistracted wnn rm trying 10 VWB.. IBB, umrngprn^, D.C./H .. ,-.<. , .. D "Do tell us about air baths. I have' They crowd into the kitchen and ask! has never dyed before. Buy "Diamond! heard of steam and all sorts of all torts of questions until I get cross j Dyes" no other kind then perfect strange baths, but never of afar. How and drive them outdoors; then I feel' home dyeing Js sure because Diamond; does one take them?" I guilty. John says you are a regutor. Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, "Oh, they are very simple. Bathe happiness expert; so tell me, please,' streak, or run. Tell your druggist and Hrv the feet thoroughly and let what you would do about it" I whether the material you wish to dy them remain uncovered for fifteen Aunt Patience Alden smiled and minutes or so. It lets the poor things . looked round the trim, exquisitely * T" -*" * TI i ***ti* " UI1 fclivt iti7 era uj^pwa mm*m ' ' ' . j frock the one lent by Miss Home- g^tjatingdy about her shoulder, _ At hat she found 1 herself akmc with J leJgh-Browne. It was a daring Jrttle pr^ty different one. For t!he sake of I breathe. When you take your tub; neat kitchen. "First thing I'd do, Henry. jgown of flaring tangerine color; srtow- appj^ncea ]have the water warm, not steaming, she said thoughtfully, "would be to They went into the appropriate ; ing, passionate. " >ere 9^; "Yes. Do let's study those," Mary Use a Wa8h cloth and pure soap and put three chairs in the kitchen." Her i beggc-d him, with a la*t attempt atj wash the feet cajefuMy. With an iv instrument, made for \ hadr. clean under the toe nails "What "In tiie roue garden it was Henry ! her for what he was. Her own couin j whatever the usual time may be. Un- | ** *>und the cuticle Be very gentle kitchen for?" Mr*. Grover aeked in WK> had mot to say. |had let him know the whole story of officially, and in your ear" whdch was about it. Rub the calouaed places on wonder. "I have a white atool to ue is wool or eilk, or whether It Is lines, cotton or mixed goods. meant to confess her awful crime. At last, said Mr. Ferguson, he saw *v ivory brown eyes twinkled under her fluffy need more chain in the I tend to I now.' take my answer here and Having kiesed hia bot/rothedf's flush- Mary's disgraceful behavior a.t Pad>- 1 alirwuly cloe against bia lip "I in- ed cheek and told her once more that dington. the was looking weld, he began to [ "Yea, I wish to explain about that," ask her opinion on the book he had : M . u -y put in. ent her, which, of cowse, was in the chxnimafaancee an unfortunate open- ing. (She hadn't rd a word of it.) It daslhed Mary's spirits. Then he told her about the offer he'd received of a better post, which meant that they could get married ao much oonr than had been antici- 1 , n , pate<L Orriou*! This, too, did not foTe eiate Mary as might have been ex- pected. She thought to herself , "Some- thing's making me feel wretched. Cousin Elizabeth, of course, would My it ws a guiky conscience, but I feel ju* as if something miost die- pressing had happened." She hadn't what it was when the d'rew- thundered out from the ... ^- ~.. , A * Mi d, this ntorv begins with a Useless. Mr. Ferguson would tot kiss. It also ends -with one. Or rath - her explain nothing. He was weM | er, with a great many. into his stride as a lecturer of little, boy; he held forth to Mary as if she were some small defaulter in the Low- ! er Thind. He told her just how "thin" thought her story about only hav- young airman once be- But you can ask him," protested Mary, the pink flame in her cheeks just a* vivid us the orange flume in n- gown. "He will tell you." "Yes, more variations on the same theme," retorted Mr. Ferguson bit- (The End.) Coolly Received. Mr. Jones wua alttlng down to break- fut one morning when he was aston- Isted to see In the paper au announce- ment of hi:, own death. He rang up friend Howard Smith at the sole of the foot with a square when I'm working." piece of pumice. Then with a soapy j "Well, maybe a white bench of a nail brush scrub the soles vigorously, quaint, sturdy design would be better and the toes rather gently. Do not us unless you want to put in a window the brush on any other part of the seat." foot, as it wild break up the skin and "Of all things!" exclaimed Mm. cause chapping. The scrubbing in- Drover, shaking her head. "I should creases tiie circulation and helps to , think three children In a kitchen were prevent corns." j bad enough without" The Exception*. "Would it be better to use coarse | "Yes, that's just it," Aunt Patience Mr. Downey wag holding forth with pumice than fine?" i interrupted her, "without any place to honest pride touching his financial In- "Use fine, by all means. I am 'put them. Of course the children' Dependence, preaching a doctrine of mercy. After, bother you when there is no place for Admiral Noah. Mrs. Xewriche (patronlsiugly) . "Were any of your ancestors men of' note, Mr. Cynic " Mr. Cynic "Yea, madam, I should say so. One of them was the moat' famous admiral of his day, and com-' manded the allied naval forces of tha world." Mrs. Newriche (with altered tone ot deep respect) "Is It possible? And' what was bis name?" Mr. Cynic "Noah, madam." Mlnard's Liniment for ?ouflh 4 Colds. once. "Halloa, Smith!" he Bald "Have eoiv,' "We must fly!" exclaimed Mary. : 'You mean you don't bolicve either of us?" "Ie it likely I diouW? I have your own (xusin's word for the way in you seen the announcement of m> death In the paper?" "Yes," re-pllod Smith "Where, are you speakliiR from?" the 'bath dry the feet and rub them ] them to sit down comfortably and be well with alcohol if they are tired. It educated in homecraft. Stop and think is important that the places between ' a minute, Grace Grover. The three the toes ?huld be dry or soft corns ! children watching you stir and mix Midway on their flight to the house wn i<h you behaved at the station. I tticy encountered the young airman, meet ^ young main himself staying bent on some errand to the motor j n tne house. Too much of a coanci- bicyicle. Idence altogether. Then the change Without preamble he said to Mary,,j n y^, j n yow dress, your manner, "Oun you spare me some dances?" )Vour appearance generally" here "Yes," said Mary. (Well, she lin M^f glance at Mary's quite lovely couldn't very well *y "no," could shoulders. Never before had rihe *e?) Uhown so much of them at any dance. "Will you give me three and nine j^r. Ferguson disapproved of every to etart with, then?" I dimpled ivory inch. He wound up Again ho could slhmv albsowitoOy no ^(j, a ^^ "Q u He enougk" reaeon for refusal "More thn enough," cried Mary As they turned irrbo the hous her fl am i nK again. "You don't expect me, fiance swi<l, "Have you ever met that ^ yoal> ^ go on being engaged to a feMow before?" | , w ho can't tinwt me?" "Once," faltered Mary, and fled uip- ; Henry Ferguson, who had l>een tair, for she saw Oonuvin Eiliswlbeth W0 rkin uip to the climax <xf B*ying, looming in the hall. "You dbn't expect me, do you, to go In her room it suddenly occurred to on being enignged to a jrlrl whom I Mary why he had felt wretched in i cannot tmt?" fourol tho wind taken ttve rose gsitvten, I out of his sails. He couM only hold During ite lifetime the sturgeon lays about 7,000,000 eggs. Mlnard's Liniment for Burns A Scalds. I wiH appear. Sometimes a little talcum Should I powder "My feet are very dry. use alcohol?" "You might me it on the soles and up under the arches, but do not in any case, use it on the top <tl the foot. There is a really remarkable treat- ami brew and bake are not asking questions to be annoying; they are trying to learn things; and if you hang on to your patience and tell them what cinnamon comes from and why you put slits in the pie crust and why you beat the eggB to a froth, they are getting an education in the best "Barring me landlady and me wash* rwoman," said he, "Ol owe no man a clnt." "Look pleasant, phane," Mid th* photographer to his (more or leae) fair sitter. Click! "It's all over,; ma'am. You may resume your na- tural expression." favors Active Immigration Policy After all, sho holm't Hkcd it when Henry kissed 1 her! out h\ s j, an< |, tx> take the pearl ring which Mary, with an unmistakable , Th quarrel the first o^iarrel she'd CS ,ture of ftnaMty, handled bac'k to ver had with her Henry took pltace when a voice at the door said in , at Hue beginning of the dhnce, during a tne not to be denied, "Our dance, numbers one and two, which, of j believe?" It was the airman. ootmw, she'd booked with him. Now the two first items on a pro- fruum are ummlly peaceful if not alow ; people haven't got worked up. Mr. Ferguson, however, had. He wouldn't diance. With a look of pur- pose h M his Mary to a secluded Pre- vents rhappcd hand*, cracked Up*, chilblains. Makes your sklnsnfl, white, u and smooth. .VKI.J. rr Mairy rose and floated off with him, looiking like n flame blown by the wind. Three and nino were the dlances for wflnicli she. had been aslkexl; actuMy the program showed sornetining more i like three to nineteen and the extras. There WWB si) mwh, so exti-aardinar- Hy rnwh to be said by both of them. Perhaps you think Captain Prince be- gan by his apology and his explana- tion of tiha scene In the train? No, the first Ohlng he said: want, "Did my I oyes deceive me or d)M I ee you giv- ing back a ring just now to that chap |wHh trlaeses?" "You did Me me," admitted Mry, , who indeed 1 couM scawely keep from laughtej- as they danced; "but what 'dto you tnean?" ! "What dlo you mean by ever having lioem engaged! to Mch a d*ud!?" I Ry this time Mary herself wonder- ic-il. 'it \< '-n't until number nin*. after j tunny (-'.'vcr IAifuoa had> ben aid, that IMPRESSED with th* fact that Canada'* future progress, and the future of her national railway* to larf* xtmt depend upon progressive and vigorous immigration policy, the Kiwanis Club of Montreal, recently set afoot a campaign in favor of a change in th Immigration lawi of the country. The campaign was a distinct success from the start and through the effort a of the committee appointed, a Kiwanig immi- gration day was observed in most of the Canadian cities Jin which Kiwanis Clubs exist. The above phot* U of the Montreal Klwanis Immigration Committee. From left to right the members are: Hy. E. V.'ebster, Leo S. Tobin, Andrew C. Cordner, Ed. N. Howell, Secretary; Ed. A. Cunningham, J. W. C. Taylor, Chairman! Allan J. Meiklpjnhn, Joe Stanford, Kiwania Club President; Douglas Lrenuwr, Owen J, Gallery, \Vil!im Jt> 11, ' ' A REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM IN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORM*. Testimonial. Dur.das Street, Toronto. Dobson'v New Lite Remedy. Dear Sir: It affords me tuor than mare pleasure to add nf toatimony to the many I am MU* you already have as to the merit* of your New Lite medlcln* tot clatloa and rheumatism. I was a Croat sufferer tor a lone time wttk clatica, and hearing ot your medicine, I procured two bottle* which cured me completely, aft least one year ago, ami have uer- er been troubled since. Trutln< your me<llcln will be- come mil veivul I y known and curt, ae I bi-iiwe It will, all uffrn who take It I am jours very truly, E. SMITH. One bottle for One Dollar. Six bottMi for Five Dollar*, from your naarMJ Druggie t or direct from Bobtail (tfrui Hifr Btmr hy orapa| WMt A4lld St., TorDt

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