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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1923, p. 1

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\ Vol. 43, No. 32 Fiesherton, Ont., January 3, 192^ 3 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. t- ROCK MILLS Died -Wai. Oaborne, at the age of "' year*, who has been livii.i; with hi daughterTMrs Walter Russell, and .hat been a sufferer from cancer for the ftaa few monihs, passed away Sunday even' ing, Dec . 'list. The funeral tuck place from his daughter's residence on Jai 2nd. Service was conducted at the church by i<ev Vose and Mr Mills. Inteiuiei.t took place in Salem cemetery beside th%t of hU wife, who preceded him a faw^ears ai<>i. He leaves to mourn his departure two daughters and seven sonc, all of whom were present at the funeral but two, a daughter living in Michigan and a (on in Icaho, Much sympathy is extended the sorrowing family in their bereavement. . Binnington aud wife, Levi Ducket, wife and babe, John Hargrave, wife-and ROD, Edgar bel'a and wife. Herb Belts, wife and son, Thos Gillilaud. W .) New- ell and wife, and C Nuwell and wife, all made a j )lly house parly t Cue residence of Mr and Mrs Thos Belts on New Yeais M'ISS Gladys Topliffd of Bath spent p*rl of the holidays with her sie.t, Mrs James DarRarel. Mra Ross Glassfo'rd t Saskatchewan is on an extended visit with her si-fter, Mr. B Field R Hoy and son, Sandy, made a bn.i- neaa trip to Durham one day last week. 51n Robert Holley and two daughters Edith aud Frec'x, of Theo, Sask., visited with Sam Croft and wife Naw Yeais. Mft Bert Beet of Wallard, Suk., ar- rived Saturday to attend the btdside of her father, *lu u ill. The first of the club daices w.-s held lact Thursday night at tha home f id- wood ParUidge and a very enjoyable evening was cptmt. Will Brown, wife and two children, and Mrs Brooks of Toronto, spent the holiday week'with their sisters. Mrs A Partridge tnd Mrs K 1 Fiher. Miss Vii:let Monre, a former leaclier, and her mother, of McTntyre, visited Jno Hargrave and family. The school meeting was held ou Wed- r sd.iy when George Johnston was elec- ted trustee aai Arthur Chard Sec.Treas. Victoria Corners Mi-wOttillieLockhart spent a couple of days at home this week. Mrs. Robinson of Bethel and Jack Robinsm of Jarvis spent Christina.-* at Milton Banuon's. Mrs James L'lidlaw sp.ut a week at Shelbuino, including Christmis. MiasLfi Marguerite and Edilh Stinson visited with their sistor.Mis B Bduen>w Mrs NVciodltw of Smithviile visited a week with her daughter, Mrs Charles Moore. Master Jim Biinipii spent the woek with his grandmother afc Bethel' Mr George Moore Imd tl.o usual ChrUtmas gathering. Death of Osprey Farmer One of the old and highly respected farmers of the Rob Roy section of Os- prcy Township, Mr. John Banncrman, died on Sunday of last week. His death was due to paralysis from which lie had suffered for some time. Mr. ' Bannermau was seventy-three years of age. He came to Osptry many years ago and until a few years ago ifarmed on the Twelfth Con. on the farm on which he died. He is survived by his wife, two sons, William and Adam, both on the farm and two daughters, Mrs. Hy. Butchet of Gibraltar and Mrs. Mat- thew Connor, who has been living with her parents while her husband wus away sailing. The funeral took place Tuesday after- noon to Rob Roy cemetery, the service being conducted by the pastor of the church, Rev. L. Pickering. The deceased was a quiet retiring man and never took part in public affairs. He enjoved a wide circle of warm friends. Card of Thanks Tu the E'ector* f Lidies and Gentlemen, I take this opportunity of for the eeu- fldencB you huve plaa.'d in me auJ I will do iriy utmost to maintain tint conn'* * dencc. Wishing you nil a happy New J, A. KIMBERLEY Intended For Lust Week The Clu-isl mas Tree Concert Thursday night was a big success. The children were well trtiue J. The proceeds amount- ed to over thirty dollars. Mr Squire S uait spent a dy in Fleshertun recently. Ain#-ngthe visitors m town over the holiday are : Miss Klvie Bishop of PiCtou, Miss Dell Abercrombie nf \V ,<!- ville, Miss Nellie Burrett of Annan, Mr liobt Abercrombie, Tillsonburg, Mr John Hammond of Toronto, and Mr S auley Iywrenco of Walkerville. Mr -nid Mrs V dor Ellis, Miss Winoca and Master Kuuueth Stuart, cf Colling- i "1. are hoiidnyiui> with the former s parent*, Mr" ai.d Mrs W T Eilis. We are sorry to report Mrs Alex Fw- eett ill. Dr Turnbull in attendance. Mra Ernest Morwood, *nd on, Lavern, are spending the holidays with Mr and Mrs HiwkiriH. The village Trustee nieetiug wai held u Tuesday night. Messrs George dutehinBon, Juiui Ctmack and Donald Wallace are the village fathers for the Doming year by acclamation. Mr and Mra Cbas Stuart and children, of I'vii y Sound, are at Mr Jus S.uart's. Mr D AGiahani, itj and children, if Vacdeleur, speot Chriatflms tt Mr and Mrs S S Burritt'H. Mr an 1 Mrs Frank Davis of Vaode- eur and Mr and Mn A B Andrrwi uf be power house spent the holiday with >Ii ud Mrs Piewei. R Chtrd, wife and &on, of Fleahertou, i-itedat W T El;*,'. Mis* McMullen of Toronto and her me t her, of Eueeuia, holidayed with Mis A S;urt. Little Miss Shiiley Siuart has been u te ill from the huit in liar knee. We re t>lii(l to report her some better. Mr Proctor of !VronU>, E'nie Proctor ad MIM Latinier of Eugeui*, spent hrislmaa here. The village Council is very like the enate appoiuttd for life. Thy' the en'e h alan during good behavior. Mrs Saul Fawcett and children luve eeu ependmg a lew days at her home on le third line c f This Week's lume The Women's Institute held birth - y party in the Community Hall on ew Years night. Misa Mina Fawcutt uf Maikdale and lis Marion Fawcett of Toronto, f.i*ut tiristmat a >-k with their parents, Mr nd Mrs John F.'urcttt. Mr aud Mrs U J Stuart of Thocnbuiy ud Mr Fred Stuait Flceherton. spent fw days with Mrs Jas Stuart. Mr Krneat Prtictor, accompanied by li.--< Etta 1. iMi:nT of B'iftenia, spent the eek end ^u.-.-t of M.-s Geo Proctor, Mr and Mrt Harold K:lis aud son are e Year guests of Mr and Mrs Win Bib. Mrs M R Hammond and Mis Plewis ive gone to Toronto tc vuit friends. Mr E'trl Dillon auii wife spent a uuple of diiyu at Mr Dillon's htnio iu very An Owen Sound wife beater wns fined 25 for his activities in ilnl. line. Dr S. C. Lannard of Hanover, w&s eut up for trial by County Police rate Creastr on Fiiday last, on a etious charge of seduction of a -ul 17 ars of age. lie lud sold 1m household feets and was about to move awajr from lauover, wheu lie was arrested oil this erious charge. The ose was heard on Wednesday and also oa Friday last and Fler tti* evidence was in ha wa sent up ir trial at the next court of competent uriadiclhu which will be at the Spring f s /,ei in Owen Socnd iu March. Dr. ton aid has been released on bail of 1000 cah. Card of Thanks To the Electors of Artemesia : Ladies nd Gentlemen, 1 take thin opportunity <>f thanking you for Ihe very liberal support you havo given nn>. i appreciate the cont'Jaucs you h*vo I'liccd iu ,.J nj will endeavor while L hav thu p iviloge of serving you to rutaiu that ncc. Wishing you tho ocmpli >f tho season,! nuiiiin y. uis'ru^y --Alex, CarrutUrs. CEYLON Mrs Geoiyo Arrowsniith and Mis Archie MeMullen lefc Wednesday to visit their mother at Gucluh. M ; ss Margaret ml Master Jimuiie Sinclair spent, i few dys the pi'.st weelc with < )xvcn Sound friends. Miss EHio Chisleit left Tuesday for Toronto. * Mrs Coltman and son of Owen Sound were Christinas visitors at Mrs F G Colliuson s, Miss Helen Gibson and Mr Oliver Smith of Toronto vUitel the former's parents, Mr and Mrs J '5ibu>ii, over the Ciiristmas holidiys Mr Arthur Whit'aker of near KJmon- tm arrived Thuisday ni^ht to iait his aged father after au absence of tevtu yoa-8. Mi> (Di) H kwUi-, who has been visit- ing her fdi her for the past two months, left Tuesdr.y to visit her sister in To- ronto before leaving tor her home at Madiciae Hat. Misa Anna While i.f Toronto spent Nsw Years under Ihe paien'al roof. Miss Myrtle Uemphill of Toronto spent Nw Years at her home here. Mr and Mrs A Sinclair and children left Muuday for Hamilton t < attend :hu funeral of Alt Sinclair's father, who patsed away Saturday. Mrs H Piper is visiting her mother, near Murkditlf, irho is ill. Willie Ptti.ion of Toronto ind Alex Knox, teacher at Belleville, aie visitois with the Utter's inoiher heie. Mr Cllahn >>f Torrn'u tp.-nt the week end at A Whutakei's. Miss Kat M ! in'.i I jft~ Tuesday for Toronto. Frank Stew.-n i returned this week to Normal at N^rtb Bay. Mr and Mrs Jackson ot Toronto spent the holiday with ih tatter's parent*. Mr and Mrs D M !,> >i Mr Vuse ui'cuds upraWnn to thy >un- d*y ohuol Fcholais on Sunday evening and presenting priy. s to th >. in bent attcoditnce. Alex ColliiiRon, who has be^n vinitiui! his mother here lelt tliis week for D.\\- enport, IOWH. Price ville The isio on i>undy, Die .'list, fiilliiw- eJ by frost nt nigh', left the ruad? very icy on Ne Years day. The ufticerc ami directors of Pricuville Fall Fair aie in hopes of seeing a good 'ndtrce (i^nienjlnrs and otheis t the tnnual meetii)}', which is proposed tn he held on Saturday p.m., Januniy 20. Let thcra b>! a good attendance anil dNeus-s cerium i|Ut;sti<)i,.s cf iuti-rest. Tlwn the directors will be in H posii i -n to make the Fir more natiafaduiy to till coiicurntd .lin McMickin lias rrccttd au addi- tion to his dwullini; house, which adds much toils appenrnnce and t.<> duuht will inoreasB the 'Jinfort in<ido. M. Alclntyre, VS., his liL-en very ill witli poeuinonin, but i imuroviuij. Nurse McKiuilou h.ta beo caring fur him. G. VV. Try >n lias been v'siiing at Dotioit, nhero sevei.%1 ,,f his KUM and dauuhters will nn>t during tliH holidays. t!. L. and Mis Watscn of Oxen Sound viMted friouds here during- the holidays. Stanley FeruUKou <.f the Hiijli ijchoul of Commerce, Tonmtci, wa^ hi.inw fur the holidays. Ilia mother has been in poor health lite y 1Miis IliixxtKi mil son-, him- completed a line barn ami *tahle, which talio-t the ptace of tho one destroyed ly riie neverxl weeks *n. Card of Thanks Tu the Electors of Aitemesia : Luiiea and Gentlemen, After) so tunny years in your service 1 nssuis you n is a great satisfaction to again he as- sured of your confidence, and I Hunk you heartily for tho generous way that you expressed yourselves on Monday last. 1 that DO action or negluct of duly on my pit will cause you (> regrefc your choico, Inviting your CD- operation that the public (ifi'airs of the town-hip may bo dminislurad in an tffloiont ant] . n. nr j way,rm,;l wialiinK tho best [jr all .*ur a.'jjt in for ;hiH and futuro years, eiuc^wly y^u x.-rvant, -T. !(, M-K..-uze. VANDELEUR Ton Ltto (jt Wei'k A happy and pro.", pun 'in New Year to Yu Kill tor utid Advaur.ti readeis. lira Daris lias returned home after H three me.ilhs' ^visit at Ches'ey. Her daughter) MM Davidson, accompanied her aijd will spend thu winter wi friends heie. Master Nurmaii Martin and Leonard ;:\J.iniMi'>. sp^nt thu Xmas holiday with friends iu Toronto. Mr D,;ve Graham, wife ami family, also Mr ai.d Mis Frank Divis, spent Chrititinhs t Kuuberley. Miss Juan Wright, ti.-iuhur at Eugtnia, is Bpeudu.K the holiday witVher p-trentf, rand MisGew Wright. Mis Hire, aud children, KvereU and Ouruthy, of Markdile, are speudiuij the Clirmmaa holidays with tlie f riner's imithei, Mrs JoLiij-.m. Mr George Bowles, ami daugh'vr Mary nulltid with .Mr Jacob ll<jl:ey and wife. Mr Albeit LSuchanaii ut < )weii Collegiate, la tuuudui:; ChriHtnias at his huiua here. Mr Kibkin > t Kiverdalt*, -(,. n with Mr Jue Buchanmi ana wife. On Thursday afiernoun kbl, Purvis giie a social aftcruoun l., h< r pupil? and frieuds. '.' i.-e a uiee pro- gram was }>iven by tile uiiildrun. Mr ml Mis Will liutchuison spent irutma* day at tho tatter's home in \iniLieiloy. Robert It chardbun, wife and son, rliruld, "I KleshfVton, xpent Christinas Mr and Mra Gorve Pritchatd. M'es Djiis M i .- .- IH home . in Mark 1 1!- high .1 ;, , , f'.r thu hulidiiyN 8th Line Artemesia eek X.nas Miss out, U bells, ring silver sweet o'rr hill and in' ii 'i i and fell! n mellow oclnes U-t your ohimes their hopeful story tell. : iu M I,I. ring out, ul jubilant, this joyous, gltd irfiaiu : 'A bright New Year, gin.'! New Year hoih cowu to us again.'' Mr .Mm Wood and wile of MarkUale, .ccompauied liy her neplie.v, Mr Mac- )ould c)f Troude, .Sask, spent >'ew Year's Day wiih Mr I>OIM!U MacUoiiald id faintly. We extend our syinpmliy t> the Os- uruu family in iholuta ot tliuir father, Win Ut)orne, who pH.senl away at he homo of Ina dughter, M > \\'nlter , I\ ick Mills, niter :i pioloi^ed IlKflS. Hrold Luver of Flei-lier'i n uid .sictur, urnuerite of Toronto visiti d ilieir h^ter, Mrs Martin. tljbt furviii is hating t ,o ulctiic hts insul'cil 111 his ic. i leucu and UbH;s Fred Pedlar aud nifo spent Xmus a*. Irs Pu-lliir's p.ireiilal l.ouu', .Mcnford. Mia Win Cudirore of Dum'alk spent n ew dys with lui liri't^.ur, LVmiild R.'ac- oim!il <ind family. Mrs MacDonalU of MarKiulc, lornicrl) a resident of the 8th line, u.r.wcrcd the ast roll cull on Saturday, December tith, 192'2, at the use of 74 \ ours Dur- ng the two weeks previous to h:r Jcatli he suffered with hc;irt Jt rouble. Her naidcn name was Catharine .McMillan iiul. \\licn u smuh clnlo, she came uitli er parents from Nova ^coii.i aiul set- led in Olcnelg Township. At- the age I '21 \ cars she married .Mr. John Aluc- )onald and niovcJ to Proton Township ; hence to Ai'teinesia Tonnship, \\hcre he resided until ahout 17 \c.u\s ;:go. In 901 her husbard dicJ -Sh-j sjicnt about scxcn years out west with her sons and the last ten years -Oic spent with her daughter, Mora, in Marinate, as \\hose home she passed peacefully away. The family pastor, Kcv. Dr. Gray, preached the sermon at the IVDUSC. 'Ihe casket was covered with hi autiful lloral offerings. The pall bearers at the house were : Messrs. Mark Armstrong, Ben Waldcr., A. Harvey, St|uitc Brown and M. Wood. Those at the Grave were Messrs. Sherwood, McUce, Duchett I ,.u line r, Park and Wood. Interment took place on Monday at Salem cemetery beside the remains of her husband, the last rites being conducted by Rev. Fowler, of Fiesherton. She leave* to mourn her loss three sens, Neil and Archie, of FrouJc, Sask. : and Donald. ' on the old homestead, 8th line, Artcm- | csia ; two daughters, Sarah, (Mrs. VV. | Cudmorc), DunUalk ; Flora, Mrs. Mat Wood, of MarkJa'.c. Another daugliu r, i Mary (Mrs. Hartley, of Marhilale), pie- | deceased her about 18 years. Two sisters, also suruivc her, vi/ : Mrs Hoi- : land and Mrs Nul'on, of Hoston, >!... ' We extend our deepest sympathy to thcs in bereavement. Money Gifts v.v. ou W(?re lne rci .j [; i LMU , f (l g'ft of ,ou,-y nt t'hrutmts Of oi.iire y.,u will wniit to use it to a suitab'e purpose as the jiiver would wiili. Why not mvast it iu "GIFTS THAT LAST" We on show you m , llly us ,. fu] , ut _ icls to invest your mom-y i,,, a n at reasi)iiHl>Ic prices. W. A. Armstrong JEWELER :- : OPTICIAN Fiesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS r-it.'AL Funeral Direct* i and ^ -nibalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. ' MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, ' President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance STEWART 1 S for FRESH GROCERIES - ,- " W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed, Seedt, Groceries and Confectionery Fiesherton, - Ontario I _ BREAD BREAD BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Fiesherton A New Postmaster For Owen Sound Owen Sound, Dec. 2s.~Capf N F.. .\\cDonald, who has been Acting . Post- master in Owen Sound since the death on August 28 of Postmaster George A. Hoss, received notice totl.iv from the Assistant Postm.istcr-Gcneral that he hiid been appointed Post master. Capt. McDonald is a natirc ol Sydcn- ham township and is a nephew of the late Hon. A. G. MacKay. He first en- tered the postal service at Owen Sound in 1911, and in 1315 enlisted with the f47th Grey Dat'.alion amJ served over- seas with distinction, winning the Mili- tary Medal and his commission for ex- ccp'ional service. He was wounded the \VCCK before tho armistice was signed, but hwi.fully recovered. After his re- turn he rc-cntcJcJ the postolHcc service here as ::s>sifitaiit postmaster. Capt. McDonajJ is Adjutant of the Grey Rcjjimrut, is captain and one of tho hacks on the locul W i-.O. cham- pion football team, and Junior Warden of the North St;ir M. '^Igc. His c'H >;:. LA v:ry i>oj-;'l;r one BRONCHITI MIX Y BACK GUARANTEE Sold in Fleshctton by W. J. Stewart &So Sold in Ceylon by Miss Millie Cwk.

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