4 A December 20 1922 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE : ~ , . * ;\ ' * > I . 4 V , .' 'p> 1C o* ;tt I * I " Banking by Mail MANY and varied we the type* of men who conduct Ihe.r banking with The Standard through the post Biuy men who live far away from any bank find that our plan of banking by mail aavet them making ipecial trips to town, and U satisfactory in every way and quit* strap!*. We pay interest at current rate* on such account*. Write or call for full particulars. THE fLESHERTON BRANCH, C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches Uo at WiUiamtlord nd Holland Cntre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Flesherton Station as allows : Going Suuth Going North 7.65 . m. 11.52 a.m. 4.80 p.m. 9.80p. m. The mails are -Hen at Flesherton et follows : For the uorth at 10.40 a.m.and 6 p.m. ; and the afcernoou mail south at S.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous' erg. , Local Chaff Optical Co. Comprehensive Eye Examination Glasses designed and especially made and gruund for individual uul requirement. Branch at Me*ford Johnston's Drug Store in charge of Dr. A. G. McCoinK Thivje adjacent t Meafurtl r as- sured of 001 efficient ]>cical service. Ml. ii) tEaplor (Optical Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD Established 1SW2 Efcpect Election In Artemesia Township Artemeata To Have Deputy-Reeve No Prospects For Election In Flesherton The nominatious will take place on Friday of this week. In Artemesia there will probably be a lively tima with ilr. Meads again after the scalp of Reeve McKer.zic. 1 his year Artemesia is entitled to a Deputy Reeve, and we have heard the names of Councillors Burnett, Hogarth and Batchelor men- tioned as possible candidates. \ v e also understand that Mr. Latimcr will j again be a candidate for Councillor. But the real truth of who will be in ) the field remains for Friday to decide. I In Flesherton it is likely that Ree>e Dan McTavish will be unopposed as usual, but a new man will have to be appointed to fill the vacancy of Council- lor Walter Cargoe. The nominations for afferent offices will be held in the town hall on Friday evening at "o'clock. If a council doesn't suit it is only the fault of the ratepayers and if anything is to be said or done let tt be voiced Friday evening. All ratepayers ire re- quested to attend. Three school trustees are to he elected for two years unJ one for one year. A merry Christmas t->il uur readers. Geo. Mitchell, Jr., returned home on Saturday from Toronto I'oiverjity. Brad McMillan r Dundalk was a visit >r in t >n on Sunday. Friday next will be uuuiin*tiuu day Mr. R. Dowu hv secured thn con- tract of oianagiog the rick ' M- reason. Mr. C. E .Jeimett <<f Hamilton U vii: 41 r. KusstiU "f Moose J*w arrived last ; in* old friend* iu town. week tu visit her mother, Mrs. \V. J. ; li-.-' :!--. who i* ill. ; MU Alcda Mitchell left on Friday to ' *pend a month with her L>ter, Mrs. Geo. Mr. John Thistk-lhwaite is in Tot- 1 Goldaburough at Iri-ijuois FalU. onto assisting hii brother, .Kif. in the' Sir Wm. Sanderson left on Monday building iudriutry. I for Chjo(lgo ^ ?pendirx tha I1Mt two Miss K.;r. Ferris, Toronto Nurual, ] year* here- > shtrpent J with an oil and Fnnk Stewart, North Bay Normal, are holidaf ing at their homes. Mr. and Mr*. Ueoijfi 1 Allou o' M*rk- I tjniah. J ut the same price H. Dowu A. Sons. dale ipeiit Sunday h^re with the Liter's The ^ ^^ wig up f , f ^ fcy mother, Mrs W. Wilcock. I tender last week hut the tender* were Doii'c miss " Thunder Clap ' iu the j nil. Towu Hull, Fleshertoo, Wednesday ev'g' The Ceylon Farmers' Club will meet P. 27th. Admission :U) and 55 cepis. j , Clayton Hall -Thursday. Deo. 21st, Mr. Dave Adams i *l.!e to get around jt U o'clock E. Wickeni. Sec. nicely now afcer hi* accident two month.! ^ ^^ ^..^ , rft Mu|iday ^ ago when hfc leg WM broken just K> j IliD(J to uke charge , a CMe in th . the ankle. i W alktan hospital. Wm. Orr Sr. of Dund.lk. formerly of; ^ m of Tocooto ^ fd hig the Toronto L;u. South, ha, purchased . ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . g ^^ jn the butcher business of Leslie Copemanj^ Sund4rd Btnk at Durham for one in Duudalk. the .'.-- taking place . ^ )at we*k. A cooort will b given in the Spring- Mrs. G A. Hiii^iubuihtiii ind liUle .... .,.... *, gs> u k ( jj ,1,^ lnu| y r ,j 4 , evening. A zocd daughter, GoigDa, of V\ inuipeg, re> turned noaio on Friday afier attending Ui funr<l of the former's father, the lata K. J . Sproule progrtoi i bviog prepared ad everybody It invited to attend. Mr Met. K. M. Htnderaon of It will J.V jou to get full particular, of i hanw * t " * f ^nihf. .it with th.ir onr Individual Carton Egg Syteo,. j " Uti " 8 Md (ri nd8 here - Price this week, i>!) intt. F. H. W. | Tb high ichuol held clanes on Sarur Hickling Flesherton. ' day and ahi>ul will tlitreby clos* a day Bnjroine Crruth*i*. highly tt* \wliv thu week, Thursday inHtsad sf apeuted resident uear l)uaitu, |>*1 1 Friday. i,wmy en Tuesday jf last wek aftar an , .. Df B-rt , p-eUHtt tn j^,,,,, o f illness Mteudiug over a lew week.. Th. i ^ fjf ^ nos> Md ^ t ^ t wi ,, ^ ^ funeral took place on Thursday under , Jhe Ml|nl , hl4W HoUMj FlMhertoo. W*d. to 4 p.m. Eyes Roy Campbell Not Guilty Weber Charges Cleared Up After deliberating for less than three minutes, the jury at the General sess- ions of the Peace which opened before Judge Sutherland in Owen Sound or. Thursday of last week, brought in a verdict of " not guilty, " in the case of Roy Campbell, charged with breaking and entering J.C. McMillan's xaruge at Dundulk and stealing a shot gun, auto tires, tabes, repair kits, blow out patches and auto parts. The case resulted from the finding of a gun stolen from the garage on the night of September 25th in Campbell's possession when, he was arrested on an O.T A. charge here on October 4th last. Campbell's evidence was that he had bought the gun from a man on thcroad south of IMeshcrton on September 30th undoubtedly influenced the jury to bring in their speedy decis- ipn. Campbell s-.vorc, and he had wit- nesses corroborating his statements that h.- was at home all night the night the theft was committed. The case of Re \. vs \V>ber vus Jispos- eiof very quickly by the jury returning a verdict of " Not Guilty. " No evidence us submitted by the Cro-.vn attorney, who told of two previous acquitalls on two cases tried on four that had bcn entered. The cases disposed of arose out of charges made of misappropnstion of funds in connection with County Road work I Deo 27, from 10 a.ai. to 4 p.m I te-'fil and glaasee supplied." Mri. CorarJiu, 80 year* of age, died atthehoaaa of her daughter. Mrs. K. I Hoy, Collmgwocd grarel, en Thursday ( last, Tbu remains were taken to Varuey ' ou Sunday for Interment. but was "tmguwhed Masonic auspices t > Thornbury cernttury. The Kimberky Mthodit Sunday school are holding their annual Christ- . mas tree aud concert m the Cuniniuuity Hall ou Thursday, December Slat. A good program will be given. Krerybotly come. Mr. Ut'i'ii -iVi'.'.i i ns.-ii. son of Mr. John Williauisou uf the O. D. 11. and a ' Au "W*>* tir frtal stovepipe in former pupil of FlesUertou hih school, I McKillop's tin shop at rear of the hard- baa passed his Junior Exam at the Tor- *" 8tor M*** liule ctt*oient on onto College of Pharmacy. Ho will tty ' Monday his Senior in June next. j " iUlout much Msj'ir Jack Morrison, commander of | A j jiat meeting of the Eugenia and the local " U " company iu the Grey [l^prey U.F.O. clubs will be held m the .Begiment, has been appointed European Orange Hall, Kugenia. or. Thursday, rt-preseutative iu England of the tiriu of , D. c iUt. at 2 p.m Al. those ; nter- Beatty Bros. Fergus, aud left lust rfeek- ietedin livei'ook shipping are requested Majcr Morrison ia well and favorably 1 to attend E. Linton, Sec. known here ana his frieuds are pleased i \vj nter Storage of Batteries When with his ppolutmtt. through with your car for the season The Coy ou and Fevershain I' FO.'dont neglect your battery- Remove Clubs loaded a car at Ceylca last week ! from your car, bring it in to us and we for Northern Ontario. The oar contained ' will give it the pP that ** "ceded for 858 LusheU of oats from the two club*, [ next spnng.-H- Down & Sons. * as well as U bags of potatoes, 1 bag of Thtt 47^ IUDU ai Sbb*th school en- rlour, 1 box of fruit aud 14 balea ''f tactainru^tit "f t'haluieis Preshytsrian . clothing frnui the Feversham Club. The ' c \w K h wl <i be held ou Christmas even- vOr was billed for New Liaktard. j i g A choice pro^rm of addres-ses, Mr. Mark Wilson, butcher, putob- \ solus, duets, recitations, dttlis, -Ins-ru- Med ten turkeys from a farmer thia i iiuntal music and churuses by the aehool week for which he pmid a little over $67. i and an additional attraction will be a These wr dwtiutd for the plutocrat* 1 uay .ut.tled > Lovebird's Matrimonial .o Toronto and awraged uearly sevn j Agency." The anniversary tmou will . dollar* tach. The tksyi one itbiu of; be preached by the pastor on Sunday, i farm produce that cannot be aid to mil ' Dec. 24. at a low price. They tre a rapei-luiary Kuurt-* have been pablished from ti.n* tuJeed. j to tiMB showing depreciation on iou>le- and 8ou ituported ne* ; meoU from laclc of shelter aud care, sti'l _^_ , n d a Cnerrolet new model ' many fm. T wintot their JmplnentH wr fromOehawa on Friday of last week. ! in th* field where they wet* last used, fis roads were first olaw an* tb* run;ot io*Urd about the farmyard. A was made from the centre of Toronto in ] manufacturer, if he is to prosper, must . fuurhouis fifty minute. gr,s lime, with 1 ke.-p bis production c-st at the lowest three stop. The average M Umt 20 ywblo Ugure. The s^rne applies ta the miw.au hour. Thi^i, ra.ikaM- fcr h.mcr. whu is m. less a minufacturer, the fifteenth of Dec^wber O.J.J- the ! and one of the ways in which he c-n new pr.<Tii.cil hivhw^y unde MM* trip m^teriaUy cut i?o*u his . -euse is . I Methodist Church Notes The Sundty ichool ha> pr*ctisini{ for 'h- annual coainincd Ntw Ve*r ' be butter than ever. Mr. ChrU Oke, ituJ.ut at Victoria College, Toronto, and son of the pastor, took the service en Sundty evening. A meu't cd tr gare two .-',..;%. There waa 2 lir < : ntceudanoe %t Sun- day Kcliooi ou Sunday th tn there has bees for some tuu. Nobody ie too old to go to SumUy school, o let us all attand. The Y t\$. had a treat on Monday eveuiog wheM Rev. A. Bu^hell, Method- ist minister in Priceville, gare an addrues ou Mission;. During the past few montliM the Young 1'eople't Soviely have had rval good meeting *uJ there will 1 <i more of them cooiuieatfag Jauu.try 8;h. Next Sunday morning Ruv. J. H. Oke will i;ivt> a Christmas seruiou. Specul music by the choir. Tha evenius; service will tke the form of a lecture, when pic'uree of th ' Holy Ltud -itid the life of Jesus will Presbyterian Church Notes May ihU hristiuas scasi n be thv bippiest you have ever spent. Prayer lueBtii';- in tne Meihuuist church ou Thursday oveninj; at 8 p m. The Sunday School anniversary next Suuday, Due. 524th. A special children's aJJrufs will be ^ivrti by the paster. The 47ch annual Christmas supper and KuterUiuuitfiit on Chrislmax uight will be given by the Sunday School. Supper 8>rvtd from << to Sp.io. after which the children will gire an interestinn progrrm of v^ga, reeitati.'M, drills and dialogue. 35 and 2& ota. are the ottfaors f<>rOhsJnter'$ church Sibba h school a elected rt>r the cowing year : Supt. , Jos. E. VcKe* ; Asiiotiint, 0. Sewatt ; SBC, Mrs. J, Stewart ; Ass-atsnt, Chos. Stewart : Ot- gsnist, Mrs. McCalluin : AssLstitrvt, Mi* Amanda S'ewart ; Tv-.tf>it-r, Mi-s Fi'W. !er. Mrs. Irwin. J'ts Win. Stewavt, Mis Hsrrisuii. Chvt Stew.rt, Josepu M K . K. 'hard ; S.ip . f C' \dle Hull, C .r' .- s .*-: Genuine Pleasure Christmas This st>re is full of hundreds of real gifts and every one will afford you that genuine pleas- ure and satisfaction which you like to have when making a gift. Look over the list, or better still, come in and we will be delighted to show you our large and varied stock : Ladies Wrist Watches Pearl Necklaces Brooches, Lava Lieres Diamond & Gem Rings Brownie Cameras Ideal Xuias (iit'cs $2, $2.50, $3-50 FRENCH IVORY IN COMPLETEISETS OR INDIVIDUAL PIECES Brushes, Combs. Mirrors'. Photo Frames, Jewel Cases Why not have that VICTROLA this Xmas We have a sizfc to suit every pocket Moderately priced Terms arranged RECORDS MAKE VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFTS For the Smoker A Pipe, Pouch Cigarette Case A: Holder Smokers' Stand?. Ash Trav^. Etc. Lovers of good clean cooking utensils will appreciate a piece of PYREX ware. Tableware Community Wm- Rogers A large stock to choose from CUT GLASS Every Lady admires good Cut Glass Electrical Appliances and Library Lamps LEATHER GOODS, PURSES, HAND BAGS AUTO-STROP. GILLETTE and EVER-READY Safety Razors W. A. ARMSTRONG : J ori E ciAN and f XMAS Gift Suggestions Ladies' Heather Hosiery, pop. shades 75; to 1.65 " Silk Hosiery, plain and clocked $1 to $J Men's Facv Svks, cashinerc or silk 75 to $1.50 Ladies ^ituntleted Kid Gloves $3.50 Ladies' Suede or Silk (.i lores $1 to $2.50 Ladies' Corsagt Bouquets ^ . 65 cts Parasols and t'mbrellas, special line $2.25 Men's and Ladies' Felt Slipper-; $1.25 to $2.75 Wool Sweater Coats and Pullovers $3 to $6.50 Boys' Pullovers and Sweaters $1.50 to $3 NK'n's Wool cr Silk Muffler* 75 C u -> $.; Men's Silk and knitted nock wear. .. .50 to $2 Men'> Fancy Suspenders 50 to 75c Men's \rnikts and Garters.. . 25c to 50c Men's Kid Gloves and Mitt.- $2 to $o.50 Men's Fancy N'egflig-ee Shirts t .50 to $-*.50 Men's and Boy?' new Cloth Caps $1.25 toS2.75 Hockey Boots. Men. Women. Boys $2. 50 to $5 Ladies' Camisoles $1 to $2.25 Ladies' Fur Scarfs and Mufts at reduced prices Ladie>' Fancy Handkerchiefs 25c to 75c Bath and Linen and Damask towels 75c to $3 Dr*ss Lengths in Duchesse Satin, Paillette, Habut;ii nd Tatfta Silks, Black and pop- ular shades, yard wide, per yd. $1.50 to $100 Stamped Linens tor Lmbrpidering infant's wool Jackets, wool Bootees, wool Mitts wool Lcg^in>, wool Tuques. Wonderful Assortment of Fancy Jap China Biscuit Jars. Fern Pots, Cocoa Setts, Cups and Saucers, Bon Bon Dishes, Nut Bowls, Tea Pots, Cake Plates, Spoon Trays, Salad Bowls Berry Setts All Reasonably Priced Open stock Kiiglidh setui-pyrcelain $ J*7 piece Dinner setts CQ ~" New Raisins. Currants, Figs' Open stock English siMni.porcefjun $1 Q Cn Sultanas ' I)at(>8 - PrnD ^ Cnd- 40 piece Tea set is .............. i 3* v ietl F*eh, Shelled Almonds, Shelled Walants, Iciugs, Jellies, " Mixed Nuts. Oranges. Lesions, Japanese China, open stock $g 59 Mince Meat - Gra P es - Qra P 40 piece Tea setts Fruit. Cranberries. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ~ ONTARIO