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Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1922, p. 1

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^.i I If I 1 k U ej , - r, Vol. 45. No. 30 PROTON STATION Don't forget the Christina* concert ro ba field io the school on Friday evening Great preparation is being made to make it a success. Mr and Mrs Woods and family of Cha'sworlh visited at the hurae of Mr nd Mrs Hergott. Met-sri Blake McKay'aod Felix Me- Manamsa viiited with their friend, Lloyd Wauehope. Mr and Mi Carrulheia and Miss Maud Warling ritited with the Utter's aiater, Mrs Sam Badgerow. Geo Hutchinson of Kimberley visi'ed with Ins brotherinltw, R G Acheson. The UFO held their annual meeting on Thursday last when the following; officer* were elected ; PCM, W Black- burn ; Vice Fres, Ed Uaucan ; Sec Rebt Robinson ; Shipper, Wm Black- barn ; Directors Jus McMillan John Winters, Thoa Bannon, Robt Watson, J J Little, Robert Acheion. The L L held their annual meeting 0:1 Thursday evening last, when the following officers were elected : \V M, gamuel Sbersoo ; D M, Milton Banuon; Chap. Manfred Achesuu ; D of C, Bdw Slioson ; Rec Sc, Roy White ; Fin 8ec, Jack Ntflsoii ; Traas, Clias Moore . Lecturers, Clarence Kerton ani Lavan Lockbart ; let Com Robert Bates, aid Com Ths Wauehope, 3rd Com Lloyd Waucbopr, 4th Com Wilbert White, 5ih Com Herbert Staygle ; Tylers, Ernest Lyons and Thos Wyville. Mrs John Roome, who is seriously ill iu Toronto, is expecttd to undergo an operation on Tuesday. Mr Roonie has gone i .< n to le with hci. We tiust that ih* may beteatored t health. Tlesherton, Ont., December 20, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. Arteniesia Council This Council met on Dec 13, members all being preeent, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous aieeting were read Mid confirmed. Conimunicatims pre- sented : Xortb Ontirio Relief ; Burt Taylor, re asseisments ; Dr Turnbull, nuiiirv report; S Bachelor, repoit; A 1'arruther.s. report ; E Stevens, dairn for sheep killed. The following accounts were ordered paid : A Hergot, bolts and repairing chain, (1.15 : (he Reeve, phone tuei- 8ges $.", Mr Batcheler [.hone inessiges fl.05, E Stevens sheep killed 87, Uo Fritchard rep grader SI, WJ Hull-bin? --n refund 2, Dundalk Herald adv. fl.CO. H Foester rep grader $1 2.\ R Plantt valuing shc.p f->, R PUntt $2.10, Mrs WiUm refund f 1 20, R McMullen ivfund |a, J A Hogarth phons message* 40c. Burnct -llogarth That Mr Batchel* r'a repoit be received and he be paid 12 50 com on $25 expended in his division. Osrried. Burnett - Batcheler That Mr Ho- garth's leport of expenditure in hi* division bo received and he be paid IS.B.'i com "n $85 45 expended Carried. Hogarth- Batcheler That Mr. Carr- Bther*' report on town line A. & E. showinn eipeuded 17.50 bo received and he be paid $4 fur services therewith and $2 for half dy oveiseeing wurk 10th c>n. Carried. Burnet Batcheler That th report of Dr Turnbull, MOH , on sauiiaiy C"n- dilions of the Township be received and h be paid $38. 36 salary from I-', ot M IT to end of jrear. Csrr'd. Carrutbers Hoaaith~-Tho Raeve be paid f4 oii day nverseeing on Valley Roid. Carried. Batcheler CarrutKera That report <>f Mr Burnet on work in his division be received and he be i*id 92 eta com. on |9.SO expended and 45o phone inewage*. CarrUd. Hogarth Balcheler That this COUM ril dosire to extend to the Ueee. Mr. McKeoaie, their beet thanks for hia able and impartial attention to the bimae.s of the municipality dating the year now kt>out closing and trust he may b lon| spired to give the township hi* services. ^> 11*1 Toronto Line North Mrs Albert Stewart spent " couple of days with Mr Terigo at Feversham. Mv Henry Ricbardsou of Dixts bitd tit brother, beie, icently. Mr lloy Woodu and wife moved to their home near Markdale. We wish tno editor nd Advance, staff and reader** a Merry Xmas snd a pros per ua and happy New Year. Both Can Vote Now At the last session of the Ontario Legislature, an Act was passed by which the wives of those having property enough for two to qualify on were given the municipal vote. Incase the prop- erty Is in the wife's name then the husband can qualify for a municipal vote on the wife's property. The name of husband and wife are bracketed on the voter's list. Only one of the names count when it comes to the *eckoning the number of municipal electors so that there will not be any interference with the County Council act which says there shall be one representative from each municipality 'which has less than l.OOO voters and an additional represen- tative for every municipality with an additional thousand names. This act givmg wives equal municipal rights with their husbands comes into force on Jan. 1st, 1923. This will mean at least half as many more names on 1923 lists as on previous voters lists and will add considerbly to the cost of municipal printing next year. When assessors begin their work in 1923 thpy are _com- pelled by statute to add the names of married women. Spinsters, widws and married women withi property in their own names have had the municipal franchise for many years now. Women are eligible for trustees who are til years old, British subjects and are entered on the assessment roll. / Flesherton High School FORM :< Litersbure E McLean 86. P Laiimer .'. M Muir 78, H McLeod 77, D Sichol 75. E Sproit 73. V Roberta 74, M Nuhn 7'.', J Lewis 7 '2, M Paralow t>8, L Crgoe 68, R Whi'taker 65. A Dow 65, A Pedlar 6l'. I Hinks 61, A Mac Lean 58. E Ferna 3d, \V Martin 55, P McMa.ster 36, J White .")!, G Lerer 51, E Walters 50, J Akins 50, S FiudUy , E WiUou 40. FORM 1 Algebrm-F McFadden 100, H Black- burn '.17, RSmuh W, R Cameron 82, L Boyd 73, V Thistlethwaite til, S Mac- Douald 70, T MacDcnald 08, LI Gibson 87, M Duckbtt 74, K Findlay t>4, G Pinder "I M Siinsou >'>, I Lockhurt til, M watsou HO, L Lever 58, T Wilsou 58, W White 57. M Walters .Xi, V Mac- Dt nald ."'_', H Allen 4.">, H R'elmdsun -.'7, M MacDonald 24, . Spelling S MacDomld 100, L Lever 100, F McFadden 100, I- B.>yd 100, M Stiusun 100, G Pinder ICO, M Walters 1UO, W Martin 95, V Thistle- thwai'e !J, J Lewis '.'3, H Gibsm 95 H Blackburn 95, R Smith '.'5, K Findlay !)0, H Allen !>0, R Cameron HO T Mac- Dou..ld SKI, 5i Duckett !tO, V MacUonald 90, M Wats.n 83, W White 85, T Wihon 80, U Richardson 70, M MacDonald :."', I Lockhart 40. FORM 3 Physics P Latimer 85, V Roberts fi7, M Parslow ii'), Wild* Martin 5 ESprotB 59, E Wntters 51, S Findlay 4S, G Lever 47, U MacLeod 45, A Mac-Lean 44, G Akins 44, H Whittaker 4:<, R Whittaker 42, D Nichol :?8, I Hinhs 36, K V\ tlsou 31, L Cargoe '-'7, E Ferris '-'4, I' Me- Master 20, A Duw I'.i, E Oliver . Lemon Broa. of Owen Sound hav e this fall shipped lllti barrels of apples from the Georgian Bay district to England, Ireland and Scotland . Turning out to pass another car, the auto driven by A. K. Henry of Horn- ioga Mills went over the Gulp bridge on the Pcince ef Wales road and turned over endwise. The occupants eve gin- ned under the car and were shaken and badly bruised by the accident. Mr*. Henry was taken to the Orangsvill* hospital but is improving. Nomination Meeting Notice i herrby given the electurs of the Township of Artemesis, that a meeting of said electors will fee held at the Township Hall on Friday; the 2v.'nd day of December l'.*2, at 1 o'clock In tb itternoon, for the purpose of qoiaioatiug oanddates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reve and Councilton, to icrre during the year 1983. U more thin t ho retimed number of candidate* is named lor any particular orBce and a poll re'iuired, \>"l\ will b opened in the stivers! polhna subdivision* at th usual plaot* *t 9 o'ik-cli a.m., for tha election of said otBoers. D*ted this 12th day of D*o. 1922. W. ^. BELLAMY, Township Cierk. KIMBERLEY Mr Kussel McMullen, accuiupauied by Mrs !i ,...:::, MIR Stuart and Miss Fltstoaky, visited wnii Mrs McMullen of Eugenia, on Sunday last. Mis* Alsna Ciiinack is home HUH Tor- onto over the, Christ mas .season. The lumbermen barn itarted cuttiusj in tlid swainpa io the noith. Mr Mi-.Kii; i of Flesheitun is dcing some plumbing for Mr Dnve Weber Mr McC^rrol uf Thurnhury, was also in tOwu miking some repairs ' o the school. Mr Scott, of the Bank of Montreal, b%s goue tn bis home in Owen Sound for his holidays. Mr Ern Proctor uf Du^vnia made n short visit with In- mother one dy : .! week. Miss Feuwiclc has retui'iied to her home in Eugenia. Some ptuple think seven is !ucky. It isn't with a Ford car. If you don't believe me enquire at trn bauk. Miss Rachel Hutehiniun spent the week etid at t.'herry Oruve. Mr G-eurge (Jornrield baa discnered the iecret uf mitkioB money on the firm . He brought in nineteen Urkvys and re ceived one hundred and uiiieif nj dollars 11. a aix'y ceutn. Beaidfu this he sold two turkeys for teu ciul'itrs a ciecc. This is the product uf one turkey lieu. Rock Mills Your correspondent wifhes The Ad vauce stalf, and its iuny readers a very Merry Chiistinns. MratCjBrdine, a" i-tsideut uf Durham, died on Tbuiadny st the i. m- uf her daughter, Mis Richard Hoy, the es- teemed lady was over nighty years ol The remains er<! tslieti tu Varnej for burial on Suudiy. Much sympathy i-> extended to the relatives m their t>ereivemen r . We are syr ry to repnrt Thoa. Fisher very ill, but hopn for a speody mojvery. Sum Osburne and fiiend visited with Mr and Mis Riky, at the Club House, . There WHS a goodly attendance at church and Sonday School i>n Sundny. Rev Mr .Juuea of Turonto, preached. Beit PurteouH has been sufferinx wiih a sore hand, which we h.'pa will soon be better. Stephen Priddle On Sunday, December lOtli, S'ephi u Priddle, one of ilu pioneers <>( Usproy, d awy in his WO h year. The de~ d losiJed on thj Centre Line for upwards of nfty yer mid though of n quiet aud unassuming nature, he was h'gh'.y respectol by all who know him. Ho was lorn in Somersetshire, Enn- luud, and came to Canada as a litile lad wi'.li his v-ftrents, when they first settled in Markhain. Forty-seven yat8i;j Mr Priddle married Miss Il:lm Miller, who survives him with four tons anci four daughter.', namely : .l<imei, .lulu, Chan, Koy, all in Oprey, Mrs, Jos. 1 nJdlo, Centre Liue, Annie at home. Mis. W in. Allen, Primros.-, Mrs. Chii-. TupliiiR. Honeywood. The fuueral rs held on Tuesdty afteniwcn in Bad.ieros cemetery. Collinijwood Chamber, of Commerce has reverted to us former name of Bord of Trade. Egypt sent 100,000,000 engs to Kug- land in the Brat aix luun^hs if l'.'^.'. The election betns on may have increas- ed the demaud for e(?RS from the home of the mummies. Canada h the aistinclion of winning 6ret prize uf f 10,000 cash given by the Chicago Board of Trade at the Interna- tional Grain and Hay Show held m thai city, J. W. Bigland of Alberta taking the prize lor oatslhat weighed 4fiA Ibs. to the buikeJ, atd R. <>. Wyler of Sas- katchewan seeming first prize for sprinp wheat, VANDELEUR Oeo Shannon >r.ent H week in Turtnto Jus h*s returned home after atteuiiiuj! the Kit Sleek Show at Guelph nd tha U.F.O. convention to Toronto. W A Weber attended the I". F. O. couveutiun in IVrouto laat week -13 a delegate frn.u the local tiruiera club. T.iu Heuiphill family of Ceyluii visited with Mr aud Mia John Wailing the first of the week. A public meeting was held in the school house on Friday evening of last w<H;k, when the matter of securing a p'aygrouud was discuastd. It win de- cided t,i jtij il.oiid wi>h the scheme. Committee^, wens appointed to c;irry c.rj the work. VuitJ numl:er V tended the funeral of Mr Ben Carruihers of Duncan on Thursday 1,-itt. The NYciuen's Institute hald their monthly meeting >it the home of Mrs J K'chnrdsoii aud M : .s< K Cluck on Thurs- day of list week and a shuxer of XUHIH presents was tki.u by the uiem'ueis. Mr W A \Veber had an auction iwle recently. I* McPhail was the auction - eer. TTie Fi>retorH and their wires had a very pleasant social evening and fowl supper io the hall <>ue evening recently. The December meeting of the V*ude- leur Fanners' Club, recently held in the hall, was very largely attended and considerable impoit . business- wag tranaac'ed Mr Cooper f Ma'kdale was present and gave a splendid adirets, "ti'li'iii .; the work of the Department in Mark J tie. Til reso'tri >'n to c-jme before the I F > cuiireiitimi were rend and discussed. \V A We'ier w elected delei>:ii to the cmivenuin/ A report as read in in the Club shippejr ci.ver" m_ the }u- i work. AiranKements were ;n ije for shipping a cur load of oats to the fire sufferers of Northern ' 'ut.iiio. Nomination Meeting FLK-SUERTON Notice is hf by jiven tlmt a meotin^ of the elsct us uf the ,ald Villu-jc lull be held in the Town Hall at TuVi.-ck p. in , i Friday the 2'Jud day of December, ''^"_', for tin 1 noiuinatii u fur the i trices f Reeve, Councillors *nd nu mliors of h' 1'ublic School and if i pnll i.s rei|uired the sMiie will be op. n 'il at my .'Mice ->n Mondity, tlie 1st d y <-i .1 m- uiry l!'i;i it '.' click a.m., f. r tlie olcc- i n t the ^atno. D..tud this I'J Ii diy of D.o. 19-J-.' \V. J. BKLLAMV, flotk Santa Glaus' Storehouse v. Our store is crammed full of Christinas ifoods from which our customers can make their selection. Make your choice now we w ill be very glad to keep any article selected until Christmas on payment of a small deposit. "GIFTS THAT LAST" W. A. Armstrong JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont Bates Burial Co* BUSINESS AS Funeral Direct* 9 and Embalm en Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. f7 MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, ' President. . . Manager. Xow is the time to your subscription to The Advance Christmas Trade Whatever it may we always try to keep in .stock what you require. Best quality of Tobaccos and Pipes at We have a full stock of fresh GROCERIES ard RUiT for CHRISTMAS TRADE reasonable prices. All Kinds of Feed Shorts, Bran, low grade Flour, Oil Cake, Feeding Molasses, Purity Flour, and good line Stock Tonic. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed. Seedt, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario I '*, '^T" ' *' ^f^'j^ '&' &''*4 l^tf &.*&. --A- - <& *" ^fl Boys and Girls ]L% **' r^ i Santa Claus i We wish all our Customers and Friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year RICHARDSON Drue Store tfk i left a choice a?sortiu >it <-t Jp ^ PHONE S FRED PINDER, Flesherton Opera House To till :li .r i ' In is! in .- ,^ SiockinK JC. Vnu can select a Chris . J^ Gift here. Kodiks, *" Fountain Pens P o H - i io This Thursday Commencing at 8. 1 5 p.m. "Golden Dreams" ((Nothing dreamy but the name) Lfi COM1DY Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aiui to Giro BDtlre Satisfactlcn J LAUNDRY Basket dc-pes Moudaj j night, delivery Friday ev OLBA.NINO and DYEING- W a ar I agents for Parker's Dy Works- Clothes j cleined and dyed, feathers r*iuen(d TFrSHER* -PIN)PRIET4)B \tf Xm8 Candy. Toilet Gtud', Perfumea, K;o. Oitll early and ^ct the best selection. i*i :::- ..u ; M !'.:.. C.N. RICHARDSON FUskrtrton, Ont. "The Skipper's Last Resort" p WED., DEC. 26th L ^Thunder Clap w $ special Fox prod not ion, also special short snbjectfr Special prices 30 and 5o cents % HMml S C. E. Waldcn, > Manager

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