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Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1922, p. 1

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Vol. 43, No.28 Flesherton, Ont., December 6, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Plrop. Burned Ontario Needs FJelp Many weeks after the big Hre the people slept on boards and 'n a few cases mattresses were available. The picture shows the first bed to be given out at one of the Relief Committee's stations. Huadrcds of families in Northern Ontario needs beds, clothing and food. Artemesia Council About Advertising Council met on SttuuUy, Dec. 2nd. The members were Reeve in tha chair. all present, Minutes read the and confirmed. Report committee oil re- ii'-wiug culvert near Cheeneville, expend- ed 1104 ; S. Batcheler, Commiesiooer Div 2, expended 930 ; J Burnett on Gillies' bridge fd'J.25. J i. \\hytt-, claim for sheep killed, $23, reported on by M L Mcfntyre. A Bylaw appointing Rev, Father Brennan of London speak- ing at a banquet at the TccumachjHouse said there is no question that advertising properly conducted results in increased sales. Who pays the cost of advertising, the manufacturer or consumer? We ask. It stands to reason that successful advertising promotes sales, which causes an increase in the volume of production. Then, because production is higher, the cost is reduced and the transportation the following deputy returning officers I cogt ls rcduced ., 8 we |j a , thc sc iij ng nd poll clerk* was passed. Di 1, W J ! cogt . Therefore, ultimately thc con- Beatty, W G Cockburn : Div 2, A B^sr, 'sumcr gets his article cheaper, and the II Sharp ; Uiv. ;*, M Baunon, C Moore ; advertising pays for itself. " The three Div 4, J McMnllen, 8 McLeod ; Div. 5 commonest forms of advertising today J Olirer Jr, A McMullea ; Div 0, E , are thc newspaper, magazine and out- Warliog, O Baker ; Div 7 E Hoppsr, H j door advertising. Once you brand a Tudor ; Div. 8 W Jtmieaon, C Me!- line of goods and send it out to the drum. 'public it is thc object of thcie three forms of advertising to embed that The following were ordered to be pid: J Burnett, four days' overseeing work Gillies bridge 116, and 13.25, commis- sion on expenditure of 922 50 ; S Batcb> eler ,98 on expenditure of 980 ; the Iteeve 94, tervices on Cheeseville cul- vert ; S Bitcheler services re Cheese- 'ille culvert, 910 ; L Lktimer, refund, error in taxes, ?'_'. 11 '.J Dargavel, refmnd dog tax in error, 92 ; W A Armstrong, war slump, and postage l'.21-1922, 8-0 ; Beaver Valley Fish Club, gravel, $15. ''' M L Mclntyra was paid 92 for valuing sheep killed by dogs. brand in the public eye and make it stand for something, Dundalk Pioneer Dead Vandeleui Mi Albert Buchanan c,f Owen Sound Bpent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs > >> Buchanan. Mrs Hudson, and daughter, Margaret, and other friends ipent a couple of days with Mr and Mrs Frank Davis. Mias Lillian Buchanan visited with Mrs Erskin of Uiverdale recently, Mr and Mrs Lundy Johnston, Mr and In the] death Saturday this morning of Angus Macaulay r. at the home of his son, Angus, one of the earliest pioneers of South Grey passes to his reward. The Mr. Macaulay was in his eighty- teventh rear and it was nearly eighty years air j that as a boy he came to Cin- ada from Scotland, his birthplace, to ettle with his parents near Dundalk. His parents, the late Mr. and Mra. Nor- man Muciulay, passed away a number of years ago. Fifty-three years au ho w mariied to Miss Margaret McGillivray, who, with five sons and live daughters, i-urvivts to mourn her loss. They are John, Daniel and Angus of Owen Sound, Joho of Oaprey, Duncan tf Toronto, Mrs Jarnts Mclntyre ol Melancthon, Mrs Perry Uerrard of Toronto, Mrs John Jackson of Toronto, Mrs Walter Harrison of Mrs Geo Buchanun Mr Frank and Miss Toronto, and Miss Mary McAulay. Thera Florence Davis, attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr Mel. Davidson of Chesley, on Saturday last. Mr and Mis Joe Buchanan left on Monday to attend the funeral of their ister-in-law, Mrs S Buchanan of Ham- ilton. Mr and Mrs W R Graham visited with Mr and Mra recently. J I Graham and family art, also two siUers surviving, Mrs Ra- chel Trudgeon of Dundalk and Mra Katharine Bonar of Bolton. The late Mr Macu'ny was very well known and highly esteemed in tho di>- trict surrounding Dundalk aud his many friends there learned of his death with deep regret. He was a Presbyterian iu relig'OD. Spring Hill Durham Band The pupils of Spring Hill achool will The Durham Furniture Company wil take over thc Citizens' Band, pro- bold concert in the schoolhouse, onjviding, of course, that- this is Th piogramnie ' satisfactory to the citizen* and to thc reoi - 1 > b r8 o! the Band. Thig was thc g B8 1 decision arrived at this week. Deo. 29od t 8 o'clock. 10 to consist of dialogue*, drill*, tations and iong. Some very music wilt be IJIT*H by the Onhestr* of Pleaherton. The sum 25 amd l.ic. The proceeds CEYLON Mr and Mi- .) Cummins, who have been visiting iliei-i numerous friends hare, have returned to their home t Mr and Mrs A Haw mid Mrs Knox attended anniversary servicei) at Salem on Sunday. T Chislett left Monday to visit his son at Listowel. Mrs Hoyden Gibson i.nd dau^hten, Helen, whc have been visiting with 'oronto frieodb, have returned home. J J Patteison and wife spent the first f the week with Markdale friends. Levi Coutta and his mother weie visit- rs the first of the week at Haiherton. U Piper and wife visited the h'rst of he week with their daughtfi *t Laur- eton. Mrs Archie Sinclair was in Owen HI i i.l on Saturday. The church intends holding its anui- ercury service on Sunday, Dec 10. The castor, Mr Vose, will preach at 11 o'clock nd again at 7 30 in the evening. The lioir wiil nive speciul music. The Sub- 1 th Hchool also intend holding their lection uf officers >i - the echool hour, 2 'clock, tor the ensuing year. R C-jok and Miss Millie visited with rieuds at Ebordale the Irsi of the week. Mm Ros Leslie and two children of oronto visited her parents here last eek. will be given to kid the sufferers ern Ontario. in North- Perth Mimty has 40TO Mtmobil bvrKe of one for errj thirteen deals. rM i Tonsorial r\ | r fUlOrS company stated that they woald grant the sum of 1500.00 annually for a lead providing the Town Council would start thetr ueual grant to the Band. It is intended that the Band shall be run by a omittee of citizens and a comittee from the Furniture Company. In do '*' * n nating the annual grant of $500-00, th rem " i company will insist that the Band b ' put on a strictly business basis and run as an institution of this kind should b run. Chronicle Hugh Armstrong, of Rosemont, hi i bin barn destroyed by fire, toother wit We Aim to Give Bntire Satisfaction ' part of the season's crop, implement; LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday five horses and three thoroughbred bulls night, delivery Fnu*y ev ,Tho cwisa of the iko is unknown. Mr : Uuj>h Moirisen left the barn about CLEANING and DYEING- VVo at i > ok)[!k( at wn ich f, me thete was no sig agents for Parker's Dy Works- Clothes of nl . _ Tne nre WM nrgt noticed nbou cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated ,. .^ ^^^y, but had too good a start fo T FISHER- -P BOPRIETOR anything to be dons to save the building KIMBERLEY George Pioctor hits gnue co Toouulo to tako u\t his trude there. We are sorry to report Mr. James Hill on the wick list. Mr and Mrs George Burritt of Orange Valley were ple&asnnt caKeis here this week. Mrs Myers h:id the misfurluuo to full and scrape her .shin. JuHaimnution set in and she is unable to be about. The children are practising for the annual Sundiy school concert. Mr and Mrs Hob Stuart of Thornbuty and Mi- KreJ Stuart if Plesherion spent a day with their mother, Mrs Jiiraes Stuart. P'mltiy fanciers are lining their chickens up for (he big .slio* on Janu- ary '.) and 10. They want in make this an extra year in size aiid ijiirtliiy. We are sony to hear of ihe death [of James Knott uf Thorn bury, anil bn (her uf Mrs Hammond, Sr. Honor Rolls Kit slier; on School llvport Clasa 4 M Sled, M Patton, E ;Mc- allum, C Belts, J N'uhn, M Tnkster. K IcKee. Sr 3 Jl Stuart. C MeFaddeu, .1 Car- oe, J Stuar', H Heard, E McKee, K tatts. Jr 3-L Ferris, G McKadden, H hompion, D Wood, B Feuwick, I 'hompson, L Carrington. Sr 2 A Heard, B Fulton ana G Sled lunl, E Kenwick. B Phillip?, A Lever, Lver; G Cassidy, G Stuart, W Oolgan. Jr 2 L Batty and M Feuwick eii'ial, 1 Bibby, Q McMaster. 1st Alrwin, J McFadden, H Best, ) Fisher and B Sled equal, B Patton, E IcMulleu, E Brown. 1 A N Fowler C Browu. Pr B-D McFadden, D McMulleu. C hiatlethwaite. Pr 0-V McM'ister, B McKenxie, L Joyd and V Pton equai. Kimberley Junior Rjom f-ir Nov. Jr ' Camieta Caniack, Uussel Ham- nond, Uuth Stuurt, Mcrvyu Hammond aba), Laurie Lawrence. Jr '_' -Dorothy Beny, Stuait Ellis, Stanley Harvey, Myrtle Cornfield, Ivan Wickeua, Ellis Wuber, Gladys Wickene, Kenneth Gilbert, Myrtle Flond (abs). Jr 1 Jean Abercronibie, Oral Weber. Sr Pr Clarnnco Soul, Mabel Flood, ra Harris. Bob Berry, Ernie Harvey. JK Pr Nathalie Stuart, Gordon Tur- ner, Arthur Wickens. Pr A Hazel Harvey, Gladys Corn- Held, L D Berry, Carman Lawrence, Kitchener Flood. R. Untuhinson, Teacher. S.S. No. 10, Artemesia 4th U McLachlau. D White, M Mc- Mullen. J C McMullen, K McLachlan, M McDonald. Sr 3rd V Stewait, M SincUir, 15 Mc- Donald, E White (a). Jr 3rd I Snell, J McMillan, D Stewart. Sr 2nd BGenoe, HGenoe, J Stewart. K Stewart, M Suell, R McDonald. Sr lit G -lanes, M Daley. Jr lst--J McLeod, L Piper, U Mc- Donald, J Sinclair, D Snell. Sr Pr B C*irn, E Genoa, M Piper, J P Stewart, D Stewart J McDonald. Jr PtK Mathewson. V. A. Lewis, teacher. S.S. No 3, Proton Jr 4th 1 Brown, (H) F Allan, J AlUu, E Blackburn. 3rd M Honarth. (H) G Beard, M Ferris, A Brown, H Akin*. 2nd A -H Ferris, F, B Board, L Black burn, W White. 2nd B G Allen, A Brown, J Beard, A A kins. p-_C Allen. Georgonn Ai . Beatty, teacher. Newell Beits November utheruU in H very pretty i;n \\'ed 'J'.Hli, when iho sun shone forth its golden rays which is a g:>ud omen for weddings. At 4 o'clock, the marriage was so'emnized by Rev. Mr. Oke, Methodist Minisu-r, Flpsh eitoii, of Miss Annie Ktsella Belts, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos R. BeUs of Sunny Brook Farm, Pleshertnn, to Mr. Win. J. Newell formerly of Ji>rrow, AlU, and second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newe'l, Durban). Fo the strains of the wedding chorus which was rendered by the bride's sister, Mi.-- KUtii Belts, the bridal party entered the parlor which was prettily decorated In pink and white streamers, and took their places bonuath an ever- green u :h tr MI which suspended a large' while bell, with b&ck ground i Autumn fl Mirers. The stately bride louked nice in her gown of flesh colored sulin chiv uuuae with overdiess of silk indium lace, with rosebud trimming, ain! a pretty embroidered tulle veil, held in :!.,. by A wreath uf orange blossoms and carrying a shower boutguet of piok and white carnations and maiden hair fern. Miss Mabel Betts, sister of thu bride, was maid of honor, wearing pink organdie. After the ceremeny and good wit-lies, the company numbering :35 entered the dinm^Toorn, which wore a festive air for the occasion Oone In pink and white streamers and flowers. A beautiful three story cnke ueutertd the table. When all had (MI tkcn of the sumptuous wudding dinner. Rev Mr. Oke proposed a toast to the brido which was responded lo by the f^room. Mrs. J. Hirgravu and Mrs Edgat Bells presided over the tables. Duiiug the signing of the register Mrs. Walter Akilt sang very sweetly. The bride s mother wore i indeer colored satin. Mrs 0. Newell, of the briddi, received ttiu guests wearing ivory duchess satin and silk c:cpe-de- chine, and Mias Edith a naiid colored ducheas satin anu x cor -i e t le bandi'd in amber. Those urefcunt from a distance were . Mrs. Quo Jiewoll, the groom's .notlior, Mr. and Mrs. John Newell and family, Mr. and MFS. Thomas Whitmuro and son, Messrs Geo. and Lewis and Mar- ghrtit Nuwell, all of Durham. The bride received many beautiful gifts showing 'the lull esterne in which she in held. The young people of the community ga hend at the bride M home on Thura il iy evening and gave a large kitclu-n shower. They will be at home to tbeir many friends ftfier Dtc. loth, residing at the Little Mill which the gro 'in re- cently purchased from Mr. P. Loucks, Flesherton, The bride s going away dress was of brown chiffon velvet beadtd in au.l'.'i shade with hit uf brown plush and jj'ilil cloth. A host of friends joiu together in wishing Mr. and Mr. Nwell a huppy and prosperous voyage through life. Santa Glaus Storehouse v.v. Our store is crammed in 11 of Christmas jfoods from which our customers can make their selection. Make your choice no\v \ve \\ill be very glad to keep any article selected until Christinas on payment of a small deposit, "GIFTS THAT LAST" Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS rsrAI. Funeral Direct* ; and .Imbalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Flesherton, For Sale By Tender The property known us the Turk Hotel, situated mi Lot 5, no Durhmn Street, iu the Ville of Flenhetton, now I nccupied and run as a hotel ; 3 blories. ' 50*50, containing approximately 13 bed- i-ii. HIM. Tenders will be received by the uuilcrsigued up to Thursday, December 14th, H'22. All tenders must, bo ncctim- patiied by a Taaikod cinque fur ten per cent, of the tender prioo agreed sue! settled 'tnd '.idilresscd to W. A. ARMSTRONG, Christmas Trade Whatever it may we always try to keep m stock what you require. Best quality of Tobaccos and Pipes at We have a full stock of fresh GROCERIES and FRUIT for CHRISTMAS TRADE reasonable prices. All Kinds of Feed Shorts, Bran, low grade Flour, Oil Cake, Feeding Molasses, Purity Flour, and good line Stock Tonic. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeda, Groceriea and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Opera House p o H T O This Thursday _ Commencing at 8.15 p.m. Ward Lascelle preients THOMAS JEFFERSON - in " Rip Van Winkle " Special Notice On and after Thurtday, Dec. 7th, a show will be given in Flesherton every two weeks until further notice. The next show will therefore be on Thursday, December 21it I Prices 30 & 15c. including tax S C. E. Walden, - Manager Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton

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