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Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1922, p. 4

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NoTember29 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE * :*. :t: :*: :*: :*: >: :+:>::+:. txxxxxxxxx Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men't and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Ifepairing Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merclmnt Tailor Feversham, Ontario . ili :: Vi 18 Rubber Bottoms - SUCCESS AND FAILURE In Railing Young Pigs (or Real Profit. I'ltli) I'nragrnplu Full of Facts About Feeding Them Fertilizer* for Full Wheat Pregnant Ewe Require the Ueat of Care. (Contributed by Ontario Department ot Agriculture. Toronto.) Causes of failure anfi success la the teed I OK of young pigs are point- edly put in the following article: Causes of Failure In Feeding Vouiif Mgs. 1. No one ou hand to see tbt everything i right when piga are born. 2. Exc-8 o fat in mother a mil*. a. Cold, dani|). uuoowforUiblt quartern. 4. Intesliual parasites. 5. Shortage at swet sklui milk at weaning time. 6. Ration out of balance. 7. Ration composed of. unsuitable grains. 8. Lack of mineral matter in rood. 9. Housing conditions unsuitable. 10. Diseases hog cliolera, etc. 11. Neglect to alter mule pi8 a* proper time. 12. Neglect to supply ample fe4 for proper devcJopmeut, regularly. 13. Working with w>>r stock. 14. Treating th pig a a general scavenger. ttiwtM* In Foediiiv Young Pig*. 1. Mother's inilk uortual. 2. Clean, dry, bright, comfortable quarter*. 3. Practice of di-ae preventW* Those~who require new Rubber Bottoms on their old tops should leave them NOW and Be ready for a Wet day THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO 5. Ample yard room, protection from Ji'jt sun aud flies. 6. Ample cleau dnnktug water an4 wallow, during hot weather. 7. Mineral matter and conditions , supplied during winter when on th ' soil conditions are not available. 8. Working witli well bred, vigor- out stock. 1 9. Ample upily ot gren forage, such as alfalfa, red clover, awert clover, rape and blue grass. L. Stv- euson. See. Depl. or Agrlcviltur*. Toronto. THE Flesherton Advance \n iiidrpMtdent ne tup* pur published c a Wlm*inf at the otttee.Oollingirood Slioet, Klc.i hart mi. buUcripttuo price 91 60 per annum when [nil in adviiuce ; *_' UO when not so paid. $8.1)0 to I'mi.-.l Sttttea. Ad*oii.isiii>j rates on Hjiplionliuii. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. H. THUK8TON EWTOK ::: Ktl ;:= f f !'t ! just arrived. A.11 reasonably priced. Prices ranging from $28 up Agent for the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owen Sound. Everybody has a chance t > have their suit thoroughly cleaned. Clothes brought Monday Clothe* brought ThurnHay delivered Wednesday delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor KrUIUen for K4I Fall wheat must have a btroug well-rooted plant to withstand the winter. To insure this there should be an abundance of all kinds of avail- able plant food in the soil. The two constituents tLe whoat plant bai the greatest difficulty in ijettlii*- out ot th soil are nitrogen aud phosphorus. If the laud has been manured aud summer fnllowed, or, II a clover sod has bn ploughed down there will probably b no uefd uf purchasing a further supply of nitrogen And an application ot acid phospliatu alon* will probably b- suBlclent. If, ou th other hand, the wheat Is to fol- low oaU, or IT ihere its any fear that the plants will not develop a good top, thon some form of readily ax#U- abUi nltroguiioiiK lortilixer may b used to advantage. Cereal crop* have little difficulty In geltinK tln'ir supidy of potaah, consequently H will rarely pay to purchaHC a fertilizer CO&talniai Dill constituent for application on th laud to bo sown to wheat. The Department of Ohemtetry at Cue Ontario Auricultural ColU-ife hui found that an application of from lino to 400 pounds of acid phosphate and 100 pounds of aiiiiuonlum sul- phate per acre has very much liicrcua- ed tho yield of wht'iit ou th; clay soils predominating in thf Xi;imiru IViiliiBiilu and iu tho area lyiiiK almis the north shore of Lake Krif. It is probablc.Miowerer, that when tin; soil contains H good supply of organic matter, enough to furnish siitlin.'iit nitrogen, tho ammonium sulphate may he omitted - rii-'inistry I)>'|it.. O. A. College, (iuelph. CANADA'S NEW EMBLEM The powers that be have slimi- n itcd tlie beaver from the Canadian coat of arms, and the reasons given ippear to tis to be peurile in the extreme. These reasons are said to be that the beaver is a member of the rat family- an animal unpop- ular with the world. So the lion must lake its place, the animal holding- a maple leaf in its mouth ! We submit that no justification he- in this reason tor a change in our Dominion coat of arms. Any person who knows the habits of the Canadian beaver will not admit that his honor is in any way smirched by his close alliance with the rat family. His intelligence and in- dustry arc models for human imi- tation instead of being 1 mark* for sneering references to his ancestry, and Canada was honored by giving him a place on its coat of arms. The I'nited Slates has much more reason lor discarding the eagle in 'heir national emblem, because he is a dirty bird and half brother to the odoi iferous turkey buzzard. But he is agressive and has H won- derfully keen vision, and his virtues evidently outweigh his obnoxious qualities with the American people. There are really no obnoxious tea- lures in the beaver and he is a marvel oi industry. Everything he does, and the m.inner in which he lives, is admirable and worthy of imitation even by the men who are responsible for withdrawing this symbol and replacing jt with an African lion holdinjj a leaf in his mouth ! \Ve say with emphasis, place the beaver .buck on his honorable ped- estal and hit the man who dares 10 call him a rat. Let Us Overhaul Your Car THIS WINTER It costs less to keep a car in good health than it does to treat sick cars. Lack of inspection means break downs, high mile- age costs, expensive repairs and loss of use. We would suggest that you leave your car with us this win- ter and allow^ us to make any repairs necessary and have it in tip-top condition when the beau- tiful spring appears again. Our storage space is hieng pretty well taken up and we have only room for a few more cars. Come in and let us ex- plain our winter overhaul prop- osition to you. WINTER BATTERY SERVICE Every owner who brings a battery to us for winter storage is assured that it is being kept IB good shape. We want you to get the best possible service from your battery, and you won't unless it is properly taken care of during tbe winter months. Acetylene Welding Please remember that we can weld tbat broken casting, etc,, and save you real money. All welding work guarantee?!. D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet and McLaughlin Motor Cars Tractors - Newcombe Pianos Samson White Rose Gas. CLEMENCEAU Bx- Premier Clemonceuu ol France is touriny llic United States at pres- ent and in his opcniny address in New \ ork said sonic very plain tilings ID the citixcns of 1'ncle Sam's country about their pariicipai-fd in tlio war and Mibsequonl removal t'lom li u i opean affairs. Consequent, ly I'is life has been threatened wlieii lie makes liis appearance in Chicago. Is this the kind uf de- moa-ao that the I'lired Stule.x bi ';, -is of, when it canr.ot accept straight facts 'i Hut it is just the natural attitude a cotititry would adopt which expects to receive full benefits from a world at peace, without contrihutinir to the result. iMEAO OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1878 TAXES For the Townships of Proton, Melanc- ihou and Ospdey are payable at the Bank 'of Hamilton in Dundalk, Proton ' or Corbet ton. j.. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Urn SUB-MUNCH PROTON-C. J. Forsttt, S*6-J WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. . If You Need A New Range x TACO ranges are giving good satisfaction "Anyone can bake with a Taco" is about the finest tribute that has ever been given to the cooking qualities of any range. Ideas have tyeen incorporated into its construction vfliieh place it above other ranges of this type, and make its operation extremely simple and its efficiency undisputed. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r II WINTER TKUMS OPEN JAN. 3id. LLIOTT Xmas is always on time. It h;i in", cr heeii laje \et. O O O l> \ newspaper report saystliat the deposed hoy ruler ol Cliina IN t wed a princess whoso face he has never seen. If the same tliiny was general in t'anada \\'ithoul a doubt the number of spinsters would be lessened. But then the .divorce courts would have extra work to ilo on divorce applications, o o o o Here is a way by which we n.iijt add considerably k> the luxury tax receipts, and it should meet with popular approval. Tax the speech- es of the members of the House of Commons after they reach a certain length, and maybe then the term of Parliament will be shortened, o o o o Reeve Calder of Durham was presented with a gold handled umbrella lust wtek by the County Councillors, he having- intimated that he intended to get j n ot]t ol the rain- in other words he was we lot going to run for Reeve any " ** Mclvtit more. This gift was evidently in- Chiropractor Specialist cmk-Jasa gentle reminder that Al ^, k 11^1, Kl-hrton. Monday, hey would like to have him Wednesday aud Friday, 4 to 8 i>.m will, them and face the! FcV8Hh(vm Tue , diy , Thursd(Vy .^ I S i".;.'iKj < 7 ' ' ! at- C' .>n-.< iv .<,!. fr A Cold Weather Ahead - * COLD WEATHER MAKES SEV- ERE DEMANDS ON YOUR STOR- AGE BATRERY. Let us furnish it with the pep and power to answer every requirement. Call in and let us tell you about our Winter storage plan. Don't forget your Radiator on a cold night. H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS Yonge and Charles Ktreets, Toronto Thin school gtnds tn<dajr wikh a oleui- cut record fur high gwde woik. Evoiy graduate of thli year emplotypeat. Write (or catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Misted First Chance At School You oau remedy the defects ot your early e.lucti<m in the Prepantory Department of the i None too far back. Individual in- structions. Commence ony day. Particulars free- C. A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal ninoe J88I. G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. - 4 - - r i : : storms as he ha-s of yore.

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