: UK Sunday Law -What? Why? Or. J. G. Sheerer. Secretary Social Service Council of Canada. Thirty Years Of Trouble Is Now Ended The official title of our Sunday law Is The Lord's Day Act. It Is not an ancient statute. It la very modern, both In time and nature. It came into limit the liberty of some tor the cake "For the paat thirty years," said of the larger liberty of all. Mrs. Malvlna O'Deee, ot 1089 Ethel St., RICH, RED BLOOD NECESSARY TO HEALTH Weak, Watery Blood Needs a Tonic to Build it Anew. i ancient statute. It la very modem. The law also generously Interprets Verdun, P.Q., "I have hardly seen a both In time and nature. It came Into "works of necessity and mercy." Con- well day. I teemed to uffeT from al- Why are we continually told that j {orce ji arcll lst 1907 i t was passed reying travellers and malls Is permit- moet everything, indigestion, head- health-giving blood mast be bright j u jgQg j, v ^^ Parliament of Canada : ted but not public excursions for plea- aches, nervouanee, loe of appetite after months of careful and thorough [ sure, run for gain. The restaurant and even the Mule I managed to eat discussion by both Houses, and after ] may operate but not the saloon or bloated me all up with gaa until I dealing with every conceivable objec- j theatre or picture show, for these "un- could hardly breathe. I was go rest- tion from the viewpoints of Industry. I necessarily" Involve the labor of less I could scarcely sleep, and I business, pleasure, as well as from others. The druggist may sell medl- would get up mornings so tired and non-Chrlstiaa and seventh-day Sab- clr.es an4 appliances "for the relief o'f dizzy it was all I could do to get batarian religion. The work was well : sickness and inffering,' but only for around. I wae simply in a miserable MOTHER! Open Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" VATXVT ATTOBHE Y 3. red? What haa color to do with the Quality? Just thisthe oxyge-_ in the air is the great sup;ortr of all or- ganic life. One function of the blood Is to take the oxygen from the air wfclch It meets In the lungs and de- livers to the tissues of the body. When the blood, filled with life-sustaining oxygen, is sent cut by the heart, It Is bright red. When it returns. Impure end deprived of oxygen it is dark. You will see, therefore, that there are two prime requisites of health, pure air and bright red blood the pure air to furnish the oxygen, the rich red blood to carry it where It Is needed. Pale, anaemic people, whose nerves are on edge, who tire out easily, and who suffer from frequent headaches, do so because their blood Is thin and watery. All such people can improve their condition through a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, thus enabling It to carry oxygen to the system. Among those have becefitted from the use of this medicine Is Mr. Charles A. Stay- ner, Glenholmc, N. S. who says: 'Some four years ago I found myself badly run down. I tired very easily, and found it difficult to do my work. My appetite failed and I slept badly at night. I was taking medicine, but It was not helping me, and I was grow- ing weaker and weaker. A friend who called to see me advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I ?ot sis boxes and before these were done I felt bet- ter. Then I got six more boxes, and after taking them felt as well and strong as ever. Four years have pass- ed siuce that time, and I have con- tinued 'n good nealth and working all the time. I have recommended these pills to others and sha'i continue to do so." ._ These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for J2.50 by The Dr. Willlama' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. The Butcher's Boy Reads History. The subject in English history was the reign of Richard I. One of the pupils, says a Canadian correspondent, writing of his boyhood days :n Eng- land, had begun 10 read: " 'The king set sail with five thousand knives and one thousand skewers together with several thousand archers and foot- meu.' " He had got as far as that when the master interrupted him sharply. "Spell those words, 'knives' and 'ekewera'!" " 'K-n-1-g-h-t-s' and 'e-s-q-u-l-r-e-s.' " was the reply. Then with a swish the car.e descend- ed on the boy's shoulders as the mas- ter gave him the correct pronuncia- 'ore. Not a single amendment haa been made to It since. 1U object was to conserve as a na- tional heritage the weekly day of re&t this purpose, and he may not sell condition, and nothing I took seemed cigars, tobacco and other sundries that to do me any good. it is customary for druggists to handle. "I heard so much good aibout Tanlac Harry mother! Even a sick child When tae object and underlying that I made RiLHjl T * iXAYbl-K. KK->. V tll-tHI. Yong* Street Toronto, Ke*!str4 i ient Attorney*. Send Cor free bookicC TOM EAZ*B. -ARN WONDERFUL VALUES A-\D colgra. cample* rre Oeorgetowa Woolien Mllla Ont. WAJfTEP. LARUEST i.'ijMPA-VY RESOURCES J 10. Out). 000; selling guaranteed collet articles, spices. eztra/cta. proprietary mediclnw. auto supplies, direct to con- sumer over So years, offer* exceptional opportunity to earnest, intelligent men: experience unnecessary; surety re- lulred. Write to-day. The J. R Wat- k!n Company Dpt. R.. Hamilton, One. =^ BELTING FOR SALE from toil of Industrial liberty and of principles of this law are understood, I'm pleased opportunity for self-culture and wor- ' no good citizen, no one who up my mind to try it, and lo^es the "fruity" taste of "California etc.. shipped subj to say that it has only F* Syrup" and it never faik to open ' - SSfS^J BEi-TI.NG OF ALL KINDS. NEW OR u*ed. pulleys, saws cable. ho**. taken five bottle* to make me feel like the bowela. A teaspccniu: to-day may subject to approval at low* ada. York Baitinc Cx, Tomato. ship. j hia neighbor's rights and society's wel- an entirely different person. My appe- Prevent a sick child to-morrow. If ' ....... ... ... .-j -:tr feverish, fretful, stomach is sour. remember It does not aim to regulate tie ob- ' f are will either violate Its provisions tite is so good now that I can hardry constipated, bilious, rvance ot the day in a religious way r complain of Us restrictions. It la eet enowA to eat and rrry troubles have h * s >W. colic, or If which must be voluntary but simp- wholesome. It is liberty-conserving. a l! ly to preserve the day as the inalien- It la worth wttle. able right to every person. The law the general good, of nature imperatively requires one day's rest in every seven in the In- terests of health, efficiency, and life to a normal age. It is not therefore im- posed on human nature. It is written la our members. It is an inward law which we violate at our personal peril and at the sacrince of national wel- fare. It is a social law. disappeared, eo that I'm feeling tongue coated, breath bad, remember fine all the time. Why, I feel 8<*** cleansing of the little bowels a Iris essential to j^t fine all the time. Why, every bit of twenty years younger and often all Cat is necessary GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own T b , ^ d ' ^^^ can never praise Tanlac enough for Ask your druggist for genuine "Call- the good health it tas given me." torn * ^ S - V P" ^'^ bfls \ Tanlac is sold by all good druggists, for babies and children of ail as \dvt. Printed on bottle. Mother! You must A gay "California" or you may get an I The Wood Road. If I were to waJk this way Hand in hand with Grief. imitation 9? syrup. "Cascarets" lOc Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated It seeks to protect The Tablets are a mild laxative that Comi iato Ieaf all toilers In their liberty. It calls for Ul keep the little one's stomach and 1 shQU [ d cote tow the old barrg the observance of the Golden Rote, j bols working regularly. It Is a re- Rot ^ ^ groun(I "Do unto others as ye would that they cognized fact that where the stomach ^ thou ^ h Gri ^ f should ^^ me herc should do unto you." It calls for the an <l bowels are In good order that , ^^Z thP world eoes exercise of self-denial therefore where- . co'd* will not exist: that the health of ever this is necessary in order not to tn little one wfll be good and that he take away or menace our neighbor's "111 thrive and be tappy. The Tablets ^l^Z^l^^ r*l. _j L ii_t;_ _.... ^ m ej-vljl Ji* ni+i.-S l.-ml VIA /9 &v T AH /* Kw While the world goes round. It could not In truth be said This was lost on me: Children and even some adults are TQ ^^ QUC jo ^ ^^ Vltaou being taught how w sneeze correctly craping or overacting, take Caac*- in a London hea^h centre. ^.^ Sick nea(lacc9- biliousness. gases. Indigestion, sour, upset stomach Mlnard's Linlmert for Distemper. aa <i ail sucL dUtress gone by morning. Nicest physic or. ear'-h for grows-ag The world uses 600.000,000 pins a and children. lOc a box. Tiat* lik reek. emndy. right to his rest day. are soH by medicine dealers or by It recofnizee also that ''tie liberty mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. of rest for each demands the law of Williams' Medicine Co.. BrockvUle. rest for all." Rest for all must be , Ont compulsory In order that rest for each I _, . may be possible. There is no other Th l man who a***** P lntin S way. Excepting only works of "neces- ' out ** faults of ocktfrs to **" wl ' 1 sity and mercy," all business, all buy- f* P lret out >~ ur ^ faults *<> others. Ing and selling Is forbidden. The same applies to all labor in one's own call- Ing, or in any other line for gain. If men may work, greed will compel them oos'ts three cenu. to work. Even foods may not be sold ^ on that day excepting only for con- [ Great love has made grit sacrifices : i sumption on the premises. Otherwise , which it required a greater love to the baker and the grocer and their em- : accept, ployees would be compelled to forego Burrs beneath a tree. MONEY ORDERS. It -- always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with "Rape's Diapepsin" INVENTIONS j^1 for lUt of 4a;*a?ion* ittJ >* M*aufc- tvrws. Fortune* ha* :>**n inJ irom impJ !*!. "PmtOC Proccf.oa booJU Ml rquC. HAROLD C. SH1PMAN a CO. PATBT AnORNEYS ?WJS? SSSSi As socn as you eat a tablet or two ! of "Pape's Dtupepsln" your indigestion their rest day that others might be Mlnard's Liniment for Garget In Cows, is gene! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatu- saved from having to think ahead and ! * ' lence. gases, palpitation, or any taisery to purchase in advance what they wCt ! Spool of Thread Paid Rent. 1 from a sour, acid stomach ends. Cor- need on Sunday. So with the sale of j \ poor seamstress in Celle, oear rwct your stomach and digestiou for a news, tobacco, cigars, etc. ! Hanover, received the bill for her few cents. Each package guaranteed But what of pleasure? Why should . quarterly rent. 250 marks, says a Ber- 1 by druggist. we not be able to take such pleasur IJ D d espa tcS. She had no money with I * as we think wise on Sunday? The which to meet the bill, and walked Aunt Jane Was Her Oaddv. Sunday law of Canada does not forbid homeward disconsolately. Suddenly \ It was the flrst day of school and the pleasure iu itself in any form but only sh(J saw a displa y of tnre . a< j in a * in- i teacher was taking the names of the such pleasure as becomes a business dow . Tne price p^, r gpool ha)1 j U3t ! children, those of Lteir fathers ana been moved up to meet the uew drop i the business of each one. Stnal! Lucy gave- her name and tha: of her father COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Car lots TOFVONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Book an DOG DISEASES and Uow to .-j V 3_:v! I*re to 12? \*- lr*u by -.3 Autber. n Clar 31am Co, ta* U* Wast 14th ?-.-; Nw Tort. C.0.X and involves labor on the part of others, aud tfeeretfore robbing these o { (j. e mar fc others of their rest-day, rights that we j ghe retum^ nome aad took from ' but "heVi'ta'ted" and" became sUent ourselves prize so highly. Golf is law- | tne mtte ^^^ bmlgbt long ago a lt came lo hls busine6 s. Urged by the ful. but not employing caddies. Ban i 4poo , of ^ wlng cottoQ Timidly she teacher, she blushingly said: for the mere fun of it is allowed, but tendered It to the landlord In lieu of ! "He is Aunt Jane that does the wo- not professional ball where an admis- , her rent _ He acce , pted u glajlv und man - 3 p^e and the beauty column of slon fee M charged and .t is made a , gave h(?r ten marbs CQange business. This is the Sunday law of Canada. In some of the Eastern Pro- i tie Daily News." tton. Had the master's bump of humor ; T inces the old Provincial laws forbid been more fully grown, the fact that j all "noisy games." but not the Lord's The King's Perquisites. i MlnarU s Llnlrnnt Co. King George would soon bave a ; jentlemn I have i Halifax. N S. Ltd.: M'.-;ard' l.lnl- the boy ws the son of a village butch- er might have saved him from a can- Ing. The same boy. who appeared to have an unhappy faculty for misreading j volve the employment of labor for Day Ac, of Canada. ! grange collection of rather useless -d * l *Fg?& It Is lawful to toboggan or sleigh odds and ends he insisted upon shaken up. having quite a numbr of rtde down any hillside on Sunday, but \ claiming what is his by law. ^^^ ^"-nv'.^^tf'a^S*'" not to operate municipal slides that in- During the Norman period. It was healed the sores aikl bruises ami words, was responsible for r. whole page in his copy book that read: "Hop on; hop over," instead of "Hope on; hope ever," which was .t the top of the pages. And agaiu the cane des- cended. l;i Russia it costs more than twice their operation. It Is lawful to decreed that every' whale or sturgeon m * tnu.-h relief, it is true to its -M-;U caught _ ,. . . : as the King of Pain, for It stopped the off the coast of tie British p,^ a i mp8t at once. I flrst notk-ed the but not to run a commercial skating I I*'s should became the property of a v * *ittie^i?wM**\ Im'n^t rink; to bathe but not to run bathing t ' ie Sovereign. pavilions involving employment or ser- vice. Thus the principle of not rob- bing others of their rest day In order to permit our Indulgence in p!eavivs j sorry, but can say with truth that t am The Whale's head was given to his thankful for It having done all It claim couort so that a sufficient supply '?&^**S?3S'tni~ corset-bones was assured. This strange law is Mill in foroe. al- jean possibly find. That ts my view of It 1 or mere luxuries or conveniences runs though, of course, it is now merely au as much to subscribe for a magaxin* throughout the law. Is It not reason- interesting relic of early days. for two months as it does for one' aD ' e * Is it not right? Is it not essen- month. The publishers have to make tlal to tne largest measure ot rest-day allowance for the expected dpree*a- ; "berty to the greatest number of peo- j e*l for inarRTng. listing- and> counting tk?n of the r.ible. ' Pie? Is it not fair and just thus to ' clothes in laundries. . and 1 think you will agree with me too Yours vu-y trulv. Slgnecl> AI.KKfc-.D 1U.AIN. :>1 \icrk-ola St H ilK'.'.x X S Electric machinery has been invent- Influencing Children in Music Appreciation. ^/ rXANY people, who cannot drink tea and coffee without suffering from the effects of the caffeine these beverages contain, have found health and satisfaction- in the daily use of fragrant, delicious Instant Postum. If you find that you are nervous and restless that you lie awake at night your own good sense will tell you that tea and coffee are not good for you. Then quit tea and coffee for awhile and use Instant Postum instead. You'll find it wholesome, healthful and delightful, with a full, rich flavor and a delicate aroma that never fail to please and satisfy. At your Grocer's in settled, Air-tight tins. What is Ce effort of the public school music teacher to-day? Is it to i teach liie children to siug. even though 1 they do not appreciate what they are I singing .' No. Then wfcat is it? It is 1 to develop music appreciation, for , without that therw is no interest, and . the music they are taught goes no 1 furter than the school room. It is music appreciation that makes ' a musical cation: and how ure we get- ' ting this musk-al aipreoiatiou'.' This j Is Just what the school music super- ! ylsors have been devoting their time to. They have- found that the child needs : to hear good music, so they give lots of good music in the schools by meaus ! of the phonograph. Every child in i\i!>.ad;i should be brought iuto very close touch with the finest kind of music, and this can only be done through the Influence of the pareoL* and the school board authori- ties Cuticura Talcum Is Soothing For Baby's Skin After a bath with warm wa-< ter and Cuticura Soap there is nothing more cooling and re- freshing for baby's fender skin than Cuticura Talcum. WZSc. Outet2S>W5tc. TJ!St Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian LVcvC ' J44 St Pill St. W . IkatTMj. b SOAP sb^ve* without muff. How to Prevent Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drug* and alcohol. "The Extract 01 Roots, long known 35 Hiitlur Scigd'i Cwativi Syrap, has no dope or strong ingredients; itchatesaway indigestion, biliousness and con- stipation. Can be had at any drug itore." Get the genome. n 50c. and $ 1 .00 Bottles. 3 iLn-u OF INTEREST TOJOMEN Nurse Recommended Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege> table Compound Botlxwe:!, Ontario. "t was and raa down, had ao appetite and was nervous. Th* nurse wbjj tools core o' rue told m to try Lordla S. Pi a V ham's Vege- Ccznpouad. now I am set- ^ strong. I r*c- menti your me<li- e to my friends, acd you may my testimonial." Mas. D. R. R. No. .'. BoUk- well. Ontario. Tba reason, why Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is SO successful iu overcoming woman's ttl Is because it contains the '.onlc, strengthening properties of good old- fashioned roots and herbs, which act on the female organism. Women from all varts of the country ar continually t"stifylng to Its strength- ening, beaetic.il influence, and as It cetr.-ilns no '- rootles nor harmful drugs It Is a, safe medicine for women. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text- Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to The Lydl* E. Plakawn Medicine Co., Lynn, UNLESS you see the mime "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all ''There's a Reason" for Instant Postum CaiutilUn Poalum Oi**l Co.. Ltd., 43 Piont St., E.. Toronto^ Factory: Wimisor. Ontario Agcnr?ussamp!tin of Instant Postum snt. postpaid, for 4c. in sutrps. Writ*: No Cheating. A pedestrian was travelling in dse North of IreJaud. He had been tramping all day. and , about one hour previously had been ; told it was ouly one mile to the n*?xt | village. He must have walked at least ! :hre miles since then, and still rbere \\;is no sign of the village. Of t!~e next sotx of o!d Krin of whom he inquired, he was told thui the vil- 'age was oirly a quarter of -t mile down the road. He explained how an how aio he was told that he bud one- inHe to tra- \.ise. and asked how it was that the s -. miles were so mnch longer than Knglish one*. "Why. you see. your honor." replied tho Irishman, "that on.- roaits are not iii very good condition just now. so we give people very gwd measure " Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." which contains directions and do^e worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions tor Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache . Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain -T>ru4git. MHO- "Bayer" boxes of 12 UbJet*- Alv> bottle* of 24 nd li\ Atplrin Is t!v> irnj* mark ,'St,- ISSUE No. 47 '22. mn W1U St,-T~.! i-i r ; ins,'..\' ,.f ;':i.vor .\Un-if u.->.ur . . WhiV It to i :-: >.T '. m.in yr '.v . > asirist thi- public *ssinst \" iltationa. ih T-tt^"!* ct l**y*r Cv>mpao)> tlu*J>c4 lth lblr ga<rrml tr*d* mark, til* h!a> Crvoh