I care of." Sh came nearer to the agonized face. "Something for you to keep warm under your splendid old bearskin." She pu'/xd (1-Avn the Muck pelt, watching his face intently. Would it soften to understanding? There was motion within the flannel bundle, a sound and a hand come m! I don't know I don't know what to think! I never dreamed before of not believing in your father's success, but when I'm told, so earnestly, that if I let him harve my last money for his machine I am 'robbing you 'what can I do? What can I say? " 'I am old fashioned,' he said, 'I know you have promised to obey, but forth, pro-pi t>g. Joe's finger tout-bed < I counsel ycoi mow, not only to dis- it questior.iivgly, and the band closed: obey; I counsel you to deceive. Don't, upon it masterfully. Joe 'looked at it I 1jee of you, let him know you have for a long time, then drew the bundle! this money!' "O, my dear baby! I seemed to stand at the e<!jre of a gu&f ! " 'I will think of what you've said,' I managed to answer, ''but I think I The Purple Lady :BY GEORGIA WOOD PANGBORN.r wmi'ld like to keep the money while I under and looked up at his mother saneCy. "How is she?" "Well. Perfectly all rifrht." He gave a long steady look at her face to mke snire she spoke the! think it over. truth, ami then, witih his son's strong "And 90 I came home, trying not band holding him, relaxed and slept., to cry, wi-th my little fortune, all these But now his face was no longer great bills clutched in my fcands, ind dreadful. I've written you about it, and put it Ami AK'hea was s'cepinff. Mrs. here under your tiny things, which I Mack began to realize that she was must put away to-day, anyway; ymi 're tired tired almost beyond what it is so big and old now. I'm goine to possible to endure. Yet one must go think and think. Perhaps I shall take down to the furnace one must cook j it out and give it to your father per- PART III. ! who had heard, God knows what cries! what there was to oook must con- haps I shall give it to Judge Martin The trunk was locked, the key for- and so cowld bear no more. She kept *i<ler whether there was anything hv to keep again, and perhaps I shaW Ju -,t rotten and lost long apo She ffl-ied ?i'nce silence! ] tn e house that cou'd be sold to buy' leave it here, years and years, for you j the old hasp open. Poor,' patient o\l The wires were not down, but a food and wa 1 " J" s t little longer; to find when you have a baby some] drawings! There they lay. So many'cvlder thing than storm thrust her untl1 th d 5** n sh ' ould be aWe to da y and need Eo manv - manv things i years of a man's life -SK> much hope, back when Mrs. Mack sent her call face the P^ in their young, for it If anything should happen to BO much skill-s-t) muvh niM.ish! She into the reg-hl. strong way. She was so old so me before then, I suppose this is the had no knowlcd-g-e of mec-hanios to en- "We can't Uke any more calls from tlr f d ' , j surest place for you to find it, for all bte her to follow ami understand the you," came back sharp and fine with J n thc hal1 she aw lhe * wh 'P h 1 women P kin over bal> y thin ^ s purport of those careful, careful line*, cruel edge of satisfaction in the she h>ad brw K ht down wlth her the , son > time or other. but t'he time, the labor, the hope, the underbred voice. "The service is sus- nlghi before and brightened for a mo- ( "Well, I must leave it now and go ortimate failure there was no mis- pended for non-payment cf the last nlent How P Ieased Alth<?a woo ' d ** dowt * m V preserving and look in reading thes. | three months' charges" (when she woke! Strange so strange! on you to see if you are through with She laid t>he drawing genbly to one 1 "Really!" said Mrs. Mac-k "How' Ilad il rea ' lly been her mo ^ er the your nap ami quite likely to-morrow - id. Under them were boxes. The careless of me. I'M see to that to- ehl!d * scen? !l s ' ha! ' 1 cnan * a m V mind give it to| first she lifted out was heavy. Sh morrow. But I must a*k you to take Ycs ' there they werc ' dalnty W daddy ' ** this sil 'y tetter." knew wrrat it must be, but lifted thc this call, beeau-e" and she went on fashlon 1 llttllc things. What em-j Mrs. Mack, breathing a little quick- [ cover to make eure. Ye*, these were confidently to explain. But she found br<)1<!or >'! Like frost work. | ly, but otherwise calm, counted out, the disjointed parts of a smaM model neither un-lerstendin- nor pity in the And then then she came upon the the old fashioned bills of the seven-! of the machine. Exquisite bits of only ear her voice could reach ' pur J> le Lady's message. For under ties, and slipped the envelope Into her polished wood nd carefully wrought "Orders is orders," decreed the voice ev * r y tmn 'K there w > 3 a book and an little black bag. Th i she dressed met**, all arranged in order like a Well, then, what must be, must! ! envelope-* big maniJa envelope. But warmly and sensibly, pinning up her; child's Imilding Mocks after a day of Pho built up the kitchen fire and thc book " For ni y M'by w * cn she W fashioned skirts. A wood sled play. *hc put this box on top of the put on water to boil. Then she went K rows inp" was written at the top of (squeaked by through the drifts, mnk-j drawing, and lifted the other, a large to the clowt. where M her complete th * first leaf> This wa8 what the , in * " path to the villa e - one, fitting the boLtom of thc trunk preparations for the doctor were kept, m<?S9a e yald: shlC went nnd stood in Althea's like a tray. If there were anything No, nothing lacked. She passed in' " Dear flmny httl * ^"Khter, sound doorway with the box of baby clothes. i in AWhea's vision this must be the lightning review all her knowledge of asle *P in ^ mr crib ' l won<ler how and. "They were there," said rhe, and riirht box. It cme up with suth a 'these matters, and then with her where >' cu ' w rea<1 this if you ever spread them about on the cover, so different feel from thc other box, so 1 calmest f-e, her gen'lest tone re- do? 1>nl so Puld no puzzled I So that the girl coudd examine them with- "yetfuM! Her hands trembled. : joined Althea. i afraid I've done something wicked. I cut exertion. to be out of "I've just been to see dear old Judge, "Joe is taking care of the baby,' 1 ! lijrhtlv "but M ar "tin. an d *t last he brw sold those' said she, "and I m going to tho vil-l heads and come west ern lands for me. I had told himjlaRe. I'M send the doctor. He may! " wanted the money in cash, and there | come before I get back, and Mrs. i must see about the phcne ] Some coal came in She lifted thc pasteboard cover nnd touched tiie yellowed tissue paper. "Mother!" file whispered, "Moth- "Tht phone does order," she admitted we'M keep our through wth flying colors Here's our 1 And tlien, ju*t as she would have chance to show what good pioneer he sat with il "" s ^ rwid out ' but look -i Brady- I must see oked further at the contents, she .stuff we are!" ir> * sad and 9tcni - An<1 when l told ; and order suppliea. t_ L_iii.i ; _*_*!___ __j__ i looked heard herseJf callerl in a soft, guarded >ice, ami there was that in the call in silence. And so they took up their battle wfiich turned her Wood to ic*. God! On a night like thi* now? SUM hoVHng the box and the candlo, he darted to the stairhead and saw fhe knew she should see Al- thea'g face looking up at her. Alt he* alo held a cand'e, and the, too, was vvhitt- as tho drifted snow. Her forehead 'glistened, her eye* were wide ami blai-k, hut a smile fluttered upon her !ip.. "Coming t oiKo. darliiru,'' Mrs. Mack pped down thc stairs like a wtaopiiig bird. "Back to bed. Don't b* troubled. It wHI be all :i>rht a i right all right! "Now I must telephone." "How ever ran the doctor get ' gawpe.l Althea. "Isn't H drifting terribly?" "0," said the clh*r seren'"y, "you don't know doctors Ho won't try to use his *!<?itvh. H,. '; j u ?t get on his little 1 luck coh. I've >c-en them guir:^ about in wor-o v.c;i ,, than thix.'' "Th*- wire? may I.e down.'' "They won't IK-." "I wasn't- -worrying I only meant him I wanted it to give your father/ yesterday, I heard. I must ee 'vhy that he could use it to finish his they haven't sent our share." machine O, dear, how he did lecture! Sometime.^ -when she could speak at all- Althea would say: "Go s'.-e ff Joe is sleeping still 0, mke sure he is all right!" And he always was. At least, he was always .-'.eeping. But his hanl was clenched, and his face the face wm Send Handsome Sjuctacln on Trial of a man who BtiM fights in his sleep. (The End.) UNITED STATES DOCTOR MAKES STARTLING OFFER hatred and takes every chance In the world to cheat the clock unit avoid study and practice. Help You Run the Ball bring home the bacon, collar the blue vase, carry the message to Garcia, etc. T ITTLE Raisins, full of energy and .L/iron, will put the pep into you that makes winning plays. Use vim like it in your business, too. One hundred and forty-five cal- ories of energizing nutriment in every little five<ent red box that you see. Comes from fruit sugar in prac- tically predigested form levulose, the scientists call it so it goes to work almost immediately. Rich in food- ijon also. Try these little raisins when you're hungry, lazy, tired or faint. See how they pick you up and set you on your toes. Little Sun-Maids "Between -Meal" Raisins 5c Everywhere Had Your Iron Today? to Anyuu. An:l at last at last the saow! A Prescription for Long Life. The gathering of centenarians which There are several mines in the Lake Superior copper dastrict nearly 5,000 i feet deep. >uuvi| Kvcrvoni- who wears glas<>8 or surfers I , ... cease! fa! :ng, and the wind was quiet, from >>< strain will lj inu-rf stcd in the took place t'^e other day recalled tlie and a faint pink stole into the east, frmSu^'chli-iu^eve^tniVn * elYi'il'm "to l ' 8lSe of tllp nlin eut German physician, an-1 onecan-e who did not know of any *"n<iT| 1 alr < Mf hia'hun.lsonip'Txtra luru? ' Ur. Flsrhweile- --"- ' - reason for silcn-e whn l>r.!i.,.,o,l sl2e " True vll<1 ","" Tortulcc shell Spec- 1 the age of 109. - e> tUma lai-lfs Kre on trial, to any reader of this 1 . earnestly that lungs and voice were PIPIT who wrltna him. ,.i.:-.- ;n.- his 'he possessed i intended to be used to their . . ">* z.iiii \\uini|.iK Miinitnua. rnedu ipunoia Afrain anil again he filled his mighty ' !Ine w| H enahlr unynne tu n-inl (he !n-- u'itli a'r an/I />-., 'i,,i :i u I HinalleHt print, threud thf finest needle, rag! with a.r and ex-t'jled it by way s ,. e far ',. n , ur . and ,,,. ( . v ent eyestraln I Ills powerful larynx. A fine baby! or headaches. Thene Spectacle:! are said A fin'rr-liJ )>"l>rt <i.,..u ., i j'' be einiul to anv sold at retail at from MO?1 Such a one as had $i 2 .no 1( , $ir,.no a pair. ar very hand- never come into thc world before some In appearance and will last a llfe- Kven Jco had not been able to cry so'}'?"' Th<>y "^ V T r> bl-l '"{ 1 , 1 '" K ," ml your - Inud as that, Joe's mother assure:! v-ui- Impr^od l.ppean.ncV Don ; t send Horizontal position. Sleep solidly with Fee's J'i'iv'* iiir ( h.n- (any money. Simply your name, address, closed fists." *', I III, I IJ^T 1 . t__ .. ,r.. , . ., .1 u .. t .> I, .> 1..II <v t V. rtf flma Flschweiler, who died recently at He often declared that an Infallible rule for se- curing longevity, which fre would re- veal to the world In his will. Upon his death, then, this formula w:i- dis- closed: "Put your bed. orloiitlng It by means j of a compass, so that you will have your heud placed north, and lie In a Grave Humor. In the ceruete:.' at South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the following sign ap- pears: "Persors are prohibited from picking flowers from any but their own graves." Minard's Liniment for Colds. Etc. if Ihey should l>c---i!un't worry. Wei on his elh-ow ami his innil Hire, and state the length nf time Tlil. m>,ur Thio An! Altheu, having looked at him >"" liave worn (clnsseH ilf any). He will This l tlie. wliole seciet. Phis post just once to make sure that he really ? - end - th - *. la ^'" >! ' at once b ? 1>r<1 i'? 1 ' 1 <i"ti. it Is asserted, brmRa tbe body In was r,uml and straight, whispered: "Take him to Joo--to cure him." ne a , n e very way and want to keep' , Joe wan awake. He was raised up! them, you are th.-n to pay the small i a for you to wear, examine r-nmrniinirntlmi wllh HIP urpat tal and Insnrrt for u-n days In your own : communiiaiH tue great tel- nrrel I'ost. snrrt absolutely froe n e< ay i t you are satis- , lurlan currents coming from the north en get aloujr. Other women have." Then ihf shut l.er lips tight on a cry that almost came wail r. jT any But neither thnt eyes were ter- M.<9, otherwise return the j circulation. il I ' . and you are out nothing. If you I his offer at once, he will enclose i Airing t of Joe, ho;- lip*, ground, rible. Woukl it be cafe? she thought, quailing. Who knew what wild fancies . , . . . . _ -no iiiit-11, ir.il ni-1 iri ir, n|,i innifcn ,, |r\>;iwi- might ?<>!,:> him? Rut she s-Sood her 'o,k, cnld-li-ltered Speetacle Case, which beautiful velveteen- thi.t but; 1'e of llnniiel r-:ght. For the sake 'which Althea h.id sent t.i Joe. dreaming terribio things in 1 "Little ion." v'io said softly, "here's the next rcoir; for t!u" s:ike t.f Joe, ?-jinetliii:g Althert wants you to tak - j Rl.isyfs and accept hlM ( the glasses In lined leatherette. Kprln(clia-k. pooket- ! to bi >ours, free of all cost. 1 ne trice lag ilunwme wme The price tag on Stanfield's Unshrink- abl Underw undcrwearya best enables ju^ft!o ot Making hi menf^eacl of production. The stead^^r shrinkablfe^u of the IDpftiinion.l marketing expense) Thus, Sfcnfield's I wearaQresents the besfjjuality at _ best service at the lowest consistent prices. Made in combinations and two- piece tuiu, in full leofth, knee nd elbow length, and ileevr less fcr men and women. SUnfleld's Adjuitble Combination* and Blceperj for ywinf children SEWIEUilS UNDERWEAR Foe ttmpSe book) ihowing weight! and textures, write LIMITED, TRUKO N.S. Music Education and What It Is. What is music education? It is easy to describe what it has been to a large decree in tho uH.st. Too often it has consisted in taking lessons anil after many hours of painful effort uncl practice the pupil achieves the doubt- ful goal of being able to play a few pieces on the piano or sing a few songs or talk Intelligently about Haofa or Beethoven. To-day, however, we know that the HIM and all-important thing In mualc education U learning to listen. For generations past music educators have been putting the cart before the horse and tiavo stressed perfonnam-o and totally neglected hearing. Of real musical feeling, of the ability to har- monize a simple melody, of the joy of real lf-expreetilon through music, hardly a fragment can be discovered. For this reason the world la full of so- called artists W!M> can play a Liszt Concerto but cannot pick out a folk song by ear, who have the technical facility of a mechanical Instrument, but cry out In dismay If requested to harmonize or transprwB the simplest tune. The I.iti-Hi word In music education is that performance Is not t.h first but, rather, the last step. Listening must precede performance. Music edu- cation no longer means pumping gome- thing known aa a system or a method Into a pupil from tha outside, but It means developing the latent music which Is already there. It means self- expression, not a parrot-like Imitation or a techtcal achievement. Muelc should mean health, joy, growth and self-expression. Too often In late years It has meant for the artist and teacher physical and mental collapse, while In the Held of children's music the average boy or girl who has had music lessons hutes them with a loyal At Grandfather's. (Krom Contemporary My -mi. upon this curving stair Whose balusters are slim and white, Yum mother scurried from the bear Tl. rometime.i follows you ar night. And later (though you do not care) Shu kissed me here by can-lie light. So shako the spindles with your hand Anil pound them with your chubby list. But I would have you understand, You, with your eyes of amethyet, That this Is an enchanted land Where bears have lurked and lovers kissed. John French Wilson. Dye Dress, Skirt or Faded Curtains in Diamond Dyes Each package of "Diamond Dyes" oontalna direct in. ao simple any woman can die or tint her worn, shab- by dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stock- Ings, (sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind- -then perfect home dyeing is eure because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, cotton, or mixed goods A REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM IN ALL IT3 VARIOUS FORMS. Testimonial. liuinl.is Street, Toronto. Oob^ou's New Life Remedy. Dear sTr; It affords uie mure than mere pleasure to add my testimony to the many I am sure you already hare as to the merit* of your New Life in.-liclne tor sciatica and rheumuti-T. I wan a great sufferer for a iuiiK IIIUB with sciatica, ami hearing rf \<uir medicine. I pruciuod 'wo ii.i.l.'-. which cured ina conuilPle . ;u least one year ago, aud li.-.v-_- nev- er been troubled blnce. Trusting yt ur inadicitie -.vi'il ou- come univor-.ully ki-own aiuli-ui-f. aa I believe it will, all nf-run who take It. 1 am you i-ii very truly, H SMITH. One bottle for One Dolla-. Six bottles for Five Dollars, from your neareet Druggist or direct from Fishes' ears are beautifully formd pluics of pearl-Uke substance, which lie close to the lirain. Cleaning THE postman or express man will lirmg Parker sen-ice right to your home. Whatever you send whether it b suits, coats, dresses, 4ace curtains, tapestry draperies, etc., etc. will be beautifully cleaned by the Parker process and speedily re- turned. \Vc pay carrisi're on way on all orders. Wrilt for fall purticular*. Parker's Dye Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyert 791 Yonge St. Toronto H>UJ Hit r DrtbBan 7* WMt Adelald 8L, Terw>t Canada W'hen anything' comes eaisy there is something the matter with vt, for good tlhrinigs come hard. "Nver be in * 'hurry with a bee," is an export's aidvioe to bee-keepers. "It resents this, ami will probably sting you if you do not move slowly, but witih oonfVderkc*." If crusty rolls were substituted for the owlinary form of loaf, our teeth as a nation would be improved. Ketp Mir.nrd't Liniment In the houii. For Nervous Headaches 18 THE RELIEF from head- ache or neuralgic pains worth one cent to you ? That's all it costs for an application of "VaseHne" Mentholated Jelly. With the first indication of heedacha rub small amount of it gentlv on thr forehead and temples. 80 convenient, effec- tive anU economical I CHESEBROUQH MANUFACTURING COMPANY Vaseline Trad* Mark MENTHOLATED PITROLEUM .if meunmlimi! lagging pains cease when congctlio',] \s relieved Remcmher: p-.y.st of the pain and inflammation <.-t rheumatism comes f rom eonj, r estio:i. Start ihe congested blood flo\vin;; freely and even chronic, nagging pains cease. Sloan's does just tnis it penetrates without rubbing straight to the congested spot. It warms up, itinmlates the circu- lation. It stops pain, brings <|uick, comforting relief. Many uses all in one 3Sc bottle. Ki>.-Kun'haDdy. Il ilia;* uAin of all ni hi; .; nuiclM Relaxes anu t-nHca tired, nrhinv? barln. F.n^s ncnrAJifi-i. Haiti cold in chpt. Rllcvcll casoful congrstion. ila , ff , , - aHafia Sloans Uabaeat-kilk paint