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Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1922, p. 1

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; Miss J Cook, teacher near Swfnton Park, spent the week end with her friend. Miss Maud Bemphill. Thomas Gilchrlst attended the'fuoei-al of Mrs A Beatham at Toronto Sttarday. Archie Sinclair spent the week end iu Vol.43,No.21 ^i^i^BBmsnBBB^nMMB*OTMM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Steering Ge ar Locked | Ceylon Car Went Over Bank Feversham Correspondence What might have been a serious acci- 1 dent turned out with nobody hurt on i Friday last while a car was being taken j from Bremner's garage. The steering Toronto. gear locked and it took a drop of six feet I Mrs(Dr) Hawke of Medicine Har, over the bank at the north end of the I A ib er c, and Mrs W K Buckley of To- bridge in this viUage. The car landed rootj , rrive(1 j sgt wee |j at tna bedside wrong side up with a broken wind 8 hield ( of tfaeir nlotheri Mr , Jaraeg M3 MuIleu, butane driver came off without a i w ho is very ill. Mr and Mrs R J Spicer aud family left week for their new home at Ham- ilton. Mr .'uhn McDonald, who with his was a large frame sided one and is a j family moved ab< ut a mouth ago to serious loss to Mr. Ferguson at this Durham, has seturned to Ceylon, time of the year. The contents were mostly saved. We understand that overheated pipes was the cause of the Flesherton, Ont., October 25, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. Another bad fire occurred half a mile north of here on Friday evening last; when Alex. Ferguson's frame house was; burned to the ground. The building! first flre. ! W Archibald was at Durham the of t he week. We are sorry to report Mr M Fergu- l son on the sick list this week. Mr. Louis Whewell of Ladner, B. C., | was renewing old acquaintance* m !his lr _, _, . o , vidnity last week. Three Grain Sheaves Harry Thornbury and lady friend and ' Hugh McLean and wife motored to Or- ' angcville on Saturday evening and spent Arch Gl . e(jr O f UmRMt Mulmur Sunday with friends m that town. , ^^ WM recently agUed uy , ha Mrs, Duffield of Maxwell and I Mrs. j Direct>)r , Oolonizition, H. A. Boyerar.d daughter of Bracebridge vis- < a|d ^ e ^ ghej exhibj( . for ited last week with Mrs. R.J.Colquett.j UotarioGosBrnment (o bfl |hown M The people of this village and the sur- i,i m g t on, England, some time thu month, rounding country sent a large bale of i Mf Greer waA rec oaimended to the D.r Bring $45.00 the clothing to the people who were so badly scourged in northern Ontario. The ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. H. Alexander and made up clothing bought with money contributed. Thanks are due to Miss Francie Alexander and Mrs Spencer, who went uround and col- lected goods and money for the lire stricken people who have lost their all. iector of Cotuuiyuion l>y J. Lockie WiUon, Ontario Agrieultural SUJP' . as ' one capable of prepairing i It- sheafa. . Mi. Ureer reluctantly accepted the offer ' and prepared three sheafs one each ol.Dawion a Golden Chaff Fall Wheat. Maiquis Spring Wheat, and Kfgistftrd i l; T O*ts, and made shipment of the about S*pt. 1st. List week he , being Chris Thompson and wife arc visiting with hi. brother John at Agincourt ,nd > Mc " iwd s chei l ue for with friends in the Queen City . ! for hl " trouble In PPi8 th . ( We were shown a photo of the Alultnar iun' display, (he ahoafa being tightly Hog Grading Portia w j bound with ribbons and except ionaMy ,____ ! we " P ut to g et her. The exhibit is being Rumour ha. it that ho K radi D|{ will! ' B in England for .d.ertmmg pur- Uke.tff.-ct on Oct. :<0ih or soon there- ! P0"8.-Shelburue Free Prew. after. Several men are iu tram ins; at the I ui' n Stock Yard* at present. Be therefore prepared fer the change. It _ will improvn the reputation of Canadian ) bogs on the British market, turner' prices and greater returns for the far- a<T.i. Breed the best type ; Fetxl them well and hogs will pay y n ia the tu 1 . ure. Preparation* nre liciug made for the aimivor-iiry services to be held next Suud:i\ iii Mount Zion church. There will be three services at 10.30 a.iu , - 30 ;ind 7.30 p.m. Revs, Wakefield *cd hi ._!. and Mi- Eigla will be the preach- Just last year 79 Grey County farmers e ' S- (j ool i ums i c will be furnished at all 111 the diets of worship. The League held their rally lately ;it which two young men^ave very thought- ful addresses. ' who had never used a pure bred ram their Hocki took the advantage uf the Ptemium Policy of $10.00 given by the Dominion Government. Lettiri were recently sent out to them that the second part of ti:e premium wmld be aent if The Sunday School observed rally day on Sunday last. The service throughout wns very helpful and interesting. The pastor'* address being particularly ap- propiiitte for the ucca-ion, Mi tud M -.- J Arnott and sou of ' i S|u lu/rdiil-j visited lately ap the home ' they signed the applictioDs at rnce and returned them to the Department uf Agriculture, Markdale. A- this policy is (till iu force fr this year farmers are urged to take advantage*^ of this policy. There will bo advances, First the faimer will eecure $5 00 this j m U >' Ior - year snd f 5 00 nest year if they buy a ' Mr llnd Mrs w J''c s on and two pure bred and lastly, which is the most j visited liu-t week at the former's broth- Inportsnt, they will see the advantage et " nolllc nore - iu using a pure lired sire in the better i R llannah and wife and W Jamiesou qualities vf lambs which they will secure, motored to Chesley and visited with F H The Department o( Agriculture, Mark- dale, have all the neceisary rnrms Seventy nine farmers took advantage of thin policy last year. Thompson and wifo. Robt Taylor visited Brain pton and Toronto. last, week i: Card of Thanks Mr, George Myers and sister wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during their sister's illness and death. BURN LARGK Bornto Mr", and Mrs. J. Edwin Large, Eugenia, on October lltb, a daughter. WOOD At Cadillac, Sask., to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wood, tbe gift of daughter. TO THE PUBLIC I wish hrby to notify Jth public that I m new ia builn*** i* Jas. McLc**'* stand i* Ceylon and eamostly solicit your patron- ago. Civ* us a chance to pleas* yo. W* hall aim to supply your wants at lowest possible price*. Albert E. Haw CEYLON, - - - ONT. House Burned Near MaxWell Maxwell Correspondence Fires in Ihi* neighborhood have been more numerous than for imuy years. The laet to meet this tu-isfortune was Alex Ferguson, lOih line, when his large frame ncu- w*i buined i * the g>ouitd on Thuriday of last week. The tire started frum an overheated pipes. The Hunts of the houe wa saved, but the loss is heavy especially at this time of the r e*r. Alex Findlay aud family intend m-.v- ng tu Angu* Morrison's farm f.r the winter, as he sold his farm < n which the birn wn bucnud by lightning a short :ime ngo. Mrs Long Sr. is Runeriug with blood ooiaouiug in her hund. Mrs Thus Beatiy the h line i nursing her muthvr. We sympathise with Mr nnd Mrs Robe rlcIntyreJr. io the d>>aih <.f their littis laughter. The funeral. was held tu Ple- nty re cemetery Saturday afternoon. We were sorry to learn last week o 1 leath uf Mrs Jas CUrk, Collinawood. Mi and Mr* Clark wers resident! of xiveli for very many yearn befcre moving to Cillingwood. The ynip*thy this community gue out to the sorrow- ng husband and suns. Vandclcur Mr and Mrs Will Hutchinson visited 'ricnds in Kimberley recently. Mr and Mrs Reid and family of Mich- gun arc visi'.inp with Mr and Mrs J ritchard Mrs Joseph Buchanan is spending a week with friends in Euphrasiu. Harry Baker had a very successful sale of live stock oti Wednesday of last week, y.f-~ Quite number from here attended the anniversary services at Ebenc/er church on Sunday. Rev Okc of Flesh- erton preached both afternoon and ev- ening. The W I had a splendid meeting at the home of Mrs Frank Davis last Thursday afternoon. A flood program was given and lunch was erxed. The members are very busy at present sack- ng bales for the rrc sufferers up north. The Ladies' Aid are making prepara- tions for their pie social at the home of Mr Geo \Varling on the evening of October 31st. Mrs Mitchell of Toronto is visiting with Mrs L Johnston and other friends. Mr Will Hutchinaon of Toronto is isittng his father, Mr Geo Hutchinson, r or a few days. Mr and Mrs George Buchanan, Mrs L lohnstonind Miss Florence Davis spent a day recently with friends at Chcsley. Tnteudcd for List Wk Miss Nesbitt of Fieshetton visited recently wiih Mr aud Mrs .1 J McGee. RUT Mr Eigie of Holland Centre ac- cupied the pu'pit iu the church here on Suv dy and preached an excellent i er- mou and also favored the congregation with a aolo' S Hemphill and t uui'y visited with Mi' aud Mrs J Warling one day recently. Mr and Mrs Fritchard spent a day with friend* at Rocklyn. Mr and Mr* VV 1 Hutchinson, uleo S Gilbert and wife visited at W. J. Alcox'H at Ortnge Valley recently. MUs Edna Buiritt of Kimberlty i.- visiting her sister. Mm D Gralum. Mrs S H Buchanan aud babe accom* pauamed her mother to Owen Sound Mid is spending a f<sw days with friend*. Rock Mills We are sorry to report Mts \Vm Uiffkma under tin <!.<*. .n care again, but ws hope she will l> a'lle to be aut 80OD -n;.iiil. Mrs Kennedy ol Toronto, tpent a few d.tys the past week with her brother, J hn Robertson, wife and family. She returned home Saturday, aceompau'ad with her two children, Catlialeen and Kenneth, who spent the summer with relatives here. Fred Taylor and vrile of Mt. .'i. i. visiied with Dick CUrk and wife. Mr and Mrs Cecil Meldrum visited with the latter'a patents here. Mr C New -Jl and wife spent Sunday with relatives at Maxtvell. Mrs Fred Field returned to her home in Toronto, after spending > coup!* of weeks' with her father, Mr U Akit whu was ill, but is much belter now. Mr Saoi Croft and wife attended the funeral of a relative at Mclu'yio on But. Mr John porteoug and wife visited relatives near Fevershaiii. Arthur Chard attended the funeral of his brother, Fred JeiiVy, in Toronto, on Saturday. We extend our nyrrpa'.hy to the Cluird family in then- beroavemmcf Mr and Mrs Fred Taylor and Mr and Mrs Dick Clark and family, vUiud with the former's brotlur. Frank Taylor and wfe on the 8tll line. Sam Croft, wife aad family, vUiud with relatives at Y.indeleur. Messrs Thog \\hitmore and J i.u lieury, of Durham, *\>i : r.' i day reuenL- ly wiih^he brother-in-law, \V in Newell at the little Mills. Our Locil Sportsmen are prepniiing to /i> on their annual huut to tbe uoiih- ern wilds. Mrs John Ottewell and daughter ited with the former's sister, Mr* Phillip*. "Say It With Jewelry" Flowers Wilt W. A, Armstrong JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont Bates Burial Co* BUSINESS AS LiUAL Funeral Direct* z and "1 .nhalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road | Toronto, Ont. ^ MOTOR EQUIPMENT , J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, ' President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to J The Advance ' Sydney Smith'* Death Eugenia Correspondent Mr Sydney Smith, whu hat betu In poor health for the past month, passed away Monday morn tag at tbe home [of his brother, Adam. Mr. Smith WM one of the old residents of this part and wai hel* in high esteem by all who knew him. Though, of a >etiring disposition he had tn-uiy wtrin friends and he will be greatly missed in ibe community. He leaves to niouro his low two listers. Sirs Andcew Btet> of Toronto, and Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson of Guelpb .: and one brother, *daro. at Knyeni i. tt ws 72 years of age, DIED iiYIUSS There passsJ **>.? at her lat* residence, I2tii lloe, Otprey, ->n Oct. 10th. Harriet Mjer )n hot 58th year. Kimberley Hiidden liutchiiisrn relumed home after spending four yen* in France and Ger.nany CD reconstruction work. Geo Burritt had it very satiifactry tale on Thursday laat. R D CurrutheiH, the auctioneer, worked hard and received good prices for the s'ock, etc. Jin- \V I received a circuiti' iag library from the Department of Education. The local library will alio be opened in a few days. Mr* McMillan is visiting her sister, Mn Ueo Hutchinson. .N >;mii! Burritt fell fiom a tree, while picking applet, and severely npraii^d both wrists. Mr Carrol of Thcrnbury ia installing pew furuare in Oeo Pi odor's residence. The peace at our village was ' token on Friday night by a serenade > n old lit) pans. The object of the huliois. Mr and Mrs Dillon, bad just returned from their hooey moon. M:SH Acheioti i>f S!ii;o spent Sunday with her cousin, Kaohel Hutchiiikun. Mrs Allen, a widow living on the Cfossway, lost several ducks la'.uiy. We should like to know the thuf or thieves so we could claim the reward uilered. People's Grocery Whatever It May Be, always try to keep in situi-k what you require. Fruits are now in season \V"e always carry a full stock of fresh gro'-'erias, and men tind our tobaccos, cigars and pipes to be of the best qualify ami at reasonable prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED All kinds of feed. A carload of Five Uosea Flour has just arrived. Get your's now. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Groceriei and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario iHlLLINERY i Millinory We have a selec'sd stock of the up to date hats shown, * hat to suit every lady. New hats coming in every week. Just give us call. We will he pleased to <thow them. \V. L. Wright'* corner store, entrance tide door opposite OUyton'n h<>e store. Toronto Line North The young people ga,ve Mr and Mra Rjy Wood a miseoll.tuenua show or *i the bride's home latt wetfk. All l having a Koud time. Geo ' of Toronto vitiicd at Robert Swanton's the past week. Mr Ki-iJ, wife and HOD, of Oxford, Mit'h., vwited at Kobt Richardson'i. John Beectofe of Owen Sound called on friends ou the line. Two ears collided betwen Chat Stew- art's fend town on Sunday ftfUmoou, no one wan hurt, but both cars were more or lens damaged . T Sled and wife and J A Lever and wife?isited with Will HoUey and wife uear MarkdiiJe, whoce little son, Carl. | had hit luff broken on Thursday I*st. | A ousting of Farm Wonitn will be hl>l inOlayion's 8*11 uu Than, ' 26th, at 2. p.m.. fu* the porpoeu o p-:k'-in A bale for our fire sufferers ii no-thern Ontafio. Anyone baring any- thing in the way of women's or ohildrsns clothing, booto, itc t If not al>!c ' > )>e> Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER rhere is no food equal to Bread in food v V fnll line of Groceries, also Canned Ooods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Fletherton

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