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Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1922, p. 4

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October \\ TO-:-: THE FI ESHEl SWON ADVANCE Strayed I'i'om Lot 17.1, 'JnJ ran^e west of T . und S. H., Artemcsia, .ilmut Sunday. Sept. -2-2, \*2. Oxford Down ram :i us. old, one horn. I-'iiukr pleftsc coivmiun- icatc with 1 M-IJT 15 VIKiliKOXV. Proton K K : FlesFiorton Tonsorial Parlors THE Flesherton Advance An IndMMfldtDl newspaper each XX'ediit-.sday ut (lie Qftee,CoUiogWOo4 Stroe 1 , Fli'hi!rion. Sul>cri]jiion price 81 50 pel ii. i Hi'. nhiMi [i 1 in . i ' -.1; ; #2 00 when not so paid. 92.00 to I'liiteil Slates. AilvertiHin^ rate* "ii i. Ciiculatinri over 11"0 weekly. XV. II. TIU'KSTON' East Grey Fair Prize Awards e Aim ti' Ui\e t:nlre LAL T SD11Y U.iH'.-ot cl s inht, delivery Kim.ty ov Mtiabotkio i>s Mnnrliy THE COAL QUESTION The coal question is ono of OLSXN'IS r ,,' ')VK INii -,'on: fdr 1'ark.r's Uy \\,nl: Clollie* ind dypii. ffHl TFISHFR- retnventtod one ot vast ititorost to the village public just now. In orJer that all ma) kirtiw just how 11 tilings arc working out in sistei towns we inilii stale that XX'allu-non will gel its coal at $10 for anthracite nut anil stove coal. A Meafonl dealer - i advertiacs it at $1 fi.50 <hish and a>ys :-i YiTiil riirs will lif- tn Land at once auii ariive continually during the \viiite.i. The provincial Fuel Con- trd'cr 1ms notified tlii mayors) of Farm Stock of Implements towns tliatuot mnre than a month's Oft Lot 20, Con. 14, . \rtciiu-si.i, .supply of coal can ho supplied Tu-sJa\ . ivt . 1/th. liii'.' ODD person at a time, Hnch a ruling' I i LIVl- STOCK -M:irc S years oiU, I wjtild not work out here, as the car SALE marc 7 years ;ineil, HUT cow oKI, lnd,.,n pony, horse ; , j , , fe distributed when, iged. yearling colt. Hereford! . , , . Chaid, Turner tn he in cnlf two->i-;ir-rdd tlic) come, our dealers tefaring to heifer. 2 cows 1 years ol J >,,rps, d to be i gt k u ( , Qa| , )0uU1 bc sold hprc in calf, hcifci TIMII^ '-' supposed to he in ; calf, 1 vcnrlinK voting cues sup cattle, J calves, 24 .at not more than 81 1! per ton . sou. 7 store pips. ______ _^_ _^_ -^ hens, turlicys. fjccse ;n-J dtiL !;.>. IMPLEMENTS-McCofmic mower, MqCprmick rake, MasscylHarrw disc. >i-t Si-otcli Diamond Harrows, \\iiKm . . son plow No. 7. saittk-r. ua.-in jjocvi ;l s Hydro Elcctno C uinnuteHon on I'rulay AN UNGUARDED AOMISSION ],, c,,,,^;,,,, bforo the Provincial new, set bobslciKhs, cutter good as new, i ast Sir Atlum buggy, fanning mill, h:iy Fork, pulleys andrope ; set douWc harness, set single men * lll!lt harnew, roll hog-proof fir.ti-, ;i i|u:m- tity of hay and grain forks, chains.cant- hook, fitohcbout. s;, : ,,- U-ttU-. : Kick niiidc the stutc ... ., Wel1 constructed plants hke Hydro's will hi.-t IIMI" .. ,-,, Vet ll0 utlll/ - tc " l )cr ctnt ' tn oin tllls I-LKMTL'KI-- L:,, K - yooj kiicheii \\:ish>taiiil, cup .oD tbiB system every year, thus foic l. inj< us to build a new plant every tcu nearly new. 'J il<>/. IK -\ sap r-utkcts. 1'iiol.cyse, '2 churns, kitdicn table and innny articles too numerous to meriti"ii. I Terms- I '2 months' credit on approved i joint notes or 5 per cent. oW for cash in per cent, go to'.' Jicu of notes. All must he sold. cilahlc. Fi-obably the above adiniesii n ,,,IC.IIRI WM made ln an lt "K ual (l( c nicmcnt. If it be eorn-ci where does our ten HORSUS , Ili-ivy Jnif: To mi A Ut'nlop.brm d mire U Swai ton. sprii g colt Swantcn. Agricultural Team .) Eihnon, A Oil- I'e.s : I yell 1 oM D Miloball, brord nitre <!i lii', FprinK e ill. Oi I'es. Uenenl 1'uijHise 'IViiiii H Ridl-y. C .1 Fow'er; 2 your old A Gillies, L year old O Akins, brood maro C .1 Fowler, cult L Hells, C Alkinsoii ;a Team.) Fa*ci:it, I yr:u cM Fowlrr, Icond male C Atkiiim n, i-piing I colt PowUr, vinglo drirvr P .1 Sullivan, ; (.' A kinvoi'. j Etoidnter1 year old L IJ-fU.s brood I male H Mitchell, spiirg cjlt Miiehell, ihiiigli! driver L Ctmd, D King ; liuiy | driver C'ininl, UN..- ; Simpson';, -: ^, j Clmid, (j M LMIOII'M spujitl J KiiU'ni, Etluon ; Chrii4ie Biowu hpecinl K'.Vm >i>,;*!) Oil Co t-peuul D Mnhell, an J 1 Stindard Bsnk vpecUl U Switiit r, H Kndley. CATTLE Shoitborn bu'l It Turner, bull oif L co Meads, Child ; 2 year old heifur Turner, l.i-iffi r.ilf Tur- nu', Mm'.!-, ; h^rd Turiur, beat bull my aui- I, t;ii u'l. .li'1-.-.ey- I' .A o 1'lnlhi.h? II Klein Jsull C M .-, bull calf .' n.'i i ..-, en.!' ll.ri,.- n, Il.iiiin,i ; U yeai "d hi ,h'i .'il.i.n, il,i'iihi<n ; 1 yen old In-, fu M'xjri-, MM >ii! ; hi-ifei cuil, II ,ni I -i n, Mum.- : lujij, .MuiTo. lliicf'itt Hull \V 'nu,l, liuli u.ilf ' (.'luird, L'.-iv 'luird. iiaiU't. f-n I',.-, f Jj.-.if ',K1 81-^ti L Ch.11,1, I. Cii-ml : 1 y.r i.M h(.-u W S:cw,irt, fluid ; _' yt-i- u!,l Imif.T C Sti:;ni, Ch.nil ; 1 y.wi nld bell". .. K Uiown, Ch.inl : lii'ifu- i-B.f I. Chard, T Sled: eU-< i i-;i f \V S'l-w.irl, S:e:ist: rn* >alc at I o'clock sharp Auctioneer. U'. F. OIT , Tin- garment ihut covers tlm most t-m tory on ihe Inki- >hnri> i* H c< at of tin. -^ iirur rn just arrived. reasonably priced. Prices rangipgfrom $28 up Agent for the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owen Sound. Everybody has a chance to have their suit thoroughly clouiied. Clothe* brought Monday delivered Wednesday Clothe* brought Thursday delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor Cow 11 lUUIi-y, W Sli-H.-iit , '_' juir cild htnfcr F Hioni:, Sled. ; 1 ye.-it heifer . <" iMniiif, hnifer clf Mtmre, Bunk of ' Monuvitl HUCC l L i.'hHrd, T Sltd. -SHEKP C-tiiHtt-uM- All pri/.e t<, J H Nicln.llN. I Leiotlieri, nil priv. ?s to J H NichelU Bbropthirce, all pri/i-.s to HMcLiut;bi> jOxfoie' Down run Akms, tlanix.n. Jdm shetrlin^ \V Mi'*,!s, ram lunil) Him-, in, lUriiKon ; iijji-d owi-, Me;td Mi-MiJ ; ihr.ii liny *> Minds, Mi-ds ; ewe Umb, Mi-itds, Iliirris.'n ; bt&t pen 'Minds. SWINE Barkthite bout- aged c Stewit, ** ^>^i'ii .Stftii, Sti-ivnrt : aow I'.tJO, Sti-w 'nl, Situ ut. Yorkihire- Hu.u r.'^i' i! Hi,ss , Tcmworth Bor i<ed Ho^s, >' LoUifliry, &IoL>iUjjliry ; Iwc'in Al fjou^hry I Mid L' POULTRY Btric-d II' ck Mule Harbor, Birrpl Rock fcm*'u KislKlt, U-ii oil li'ick C'X-kcrul Akint,, Ktrwti-dt Hurod ll'jek- pulton K trstf dt, \\luttf H.vk ni'ilo Sk-d, U,irb,-r I'.nrii-J ll;,ck fi-nmlc- Ktrber, Sli'd li.irred liook cooken-l Kiri-;dt, Sli-d Wiiit,- Hock -Pnlli-t. KariieiU, Sl.-d I'ufl' Knck - cockt-r.'l l<i her ; l>o; r Mr. Car Owner We carry the best Fires, Inner Tubes, Oils and other Automobile equipment. We believe in selling the best merchandise that money can buy. Our customers appreciate ii. We make a specialty of battery repairs and guarantee a satisfactory job on any make of battery at a reasonable price. We have the best and most thoroughly experienced mechanics. Bring in your car and let us give it a careful inspection free of charge. We correct all defects effectively and inexpensively. The sooner we do it, the less it costs, f<>; a little defect today may mean a bigger one tomorrow. A Painl Shop Has Been Added to our Service We have recently added an up-to-date paint shop to our service and can make your car / look like new. Bring your next job to us whether it be for equipment, re- pairing, painting, oil or gas and get the same satisfaction we are giving our steadily growing list of customers. D. McTavish 81 Son Chevrolet and McLaughlin Motor Cars Tractors - Newcombe Pianos Samson Wbite Rose Gas. Silxer \VyBiidnlltf ft male Httkur ; (J>l'cn Wym, ddltt ma'e Barber ; (luldt'ii NVjrundi'tte fem tie liarber, l!i> bti. \\hi'o Wyitiidotle liubur, Knritvdi White \VyBud(.tte--fenmle lUi bcr, Br- ber ; White Wyandotte eockert-1 Ksr ntidt. Barber; Whru Wyandatte im ' Kiuetedt, 1'nrbei ; Li^bt I'.i.-il.iiii male Croosluy, Ligl.t !;:'., u-i pullet Crosaley, \\hite L^<lu,rn S C mitlu Ktiatedt. Ki. "It-ill ; U liil-i L'^Jifirn- ftiintle K:II- 8tt?4t, Ltrbt-r ; White. liCghurncockerel Kd'stt-dt, Kursiedl ; Wnite Leghorn pu l)t Kurstedi, Knifledt ; liluck Mioonw-Hntlfl Barbie, B!ek Minurut - fenwl- limber, U-irbrr , Blitck Minorca pullet Barber, lt:trber ; B'uu AudnlU8Kn female li^rlei! Uiin- An-Jitlusinn cockerel Uirbi r, ll'tib-r: Blue Andaluoion pull* Oitrbar, Ancoini - umle Cros>ley, K irstedt Aiiu.nn ftjina'n Urossley, Kurstcdt Ai c >n cockoiiil lUrber. Ancona pul- lot B nber, liarber ; Kin, do Is'iind Kvd cockerel i,d )>ul let ull pii/.jH fur ThutHtDii, Uijikiiij; niul BuH' Orpiii^'nn ;i Iprix^i for Bit her, White Orpington Mule, feinalu and c -ickeri'l, L-HCti liari.i'i'. OuldeD L lUmbur^r in i!i- ltu','-r, (Jfildeii L HuiiiUurj;--fem l e I! 11 ln-i. iii'^e ']' u! ftmale -I J.-n-r, < i A V mite W Stowail, L A Kisht-r ; ah- ill -v.Mtt, Ste*rt ; ujkh Pekin nm' ll:rb'i, l!ai!u-r. ft-inalr Bartt^r. Ituuen- -loikle Bnber, f, in ii.' Barber, l.ili-m Itunnir nmle limbec, CroMli-y ; female Cn.sslt-y, Cms- sleyiOA V--ui.Ve \VStowart, I. A Kihher ; tV:nl.; \\ S-_ t .\vrt, L A Fisher. Turkt>y.s Mule II Kniley, frumle H K idk-y. I: IT' .i, - GKAIX AND SKtlJS Winti-r wlu-a' red Atkinson, .-[.rm^ lu-Ht reJ AtlMiiHon, barley Atkinson white oats H fhitrd, J Lever; bUck utttH Atkinson, pelts rinull A' kui.v.i , , -u, large RicliuuU,,n, K Chard : eoll bears Uiw Johnston, Atkinsun ; timothy seed Ki'tiitid, kluikt ijlewnrt. flax I Lover, Atkinmm ; Ki>et A'kii.B'in. FIELD KOUT.S I'ntitto, M 4 v^iietit"), W J Moon-, lii?b Cobblers, L A Fisher. K 1 Ainenctn wundeiK, C Akin, potato K O A V, W A, K Kiclurdfoi, ; Swtilnh luruipo, .1 Barbt-r, T Sled; CurroU wlnif, J Brber. L Atkii.Moa ; Vliiii^,>lda Globe, J I in I , i. Muni,,,!.]-. IUOL', -J I' Otlewvll, W .1 Mcorc; Corn ei. silage, O Akiiis, L A Fisl.-t-r ; Carrol* l,>ii|{ red, I. Alkiiifiiin, J A Lever ; VEGETABLES CuliUxe lU-d, W A Uan-ken, 1, A Fisher , tUl ilntih, It Kiciiardsion, J Btcbti ; ^rutnhemd, M Wilson, winning- Udt. \V A ll.iwkon. Mrs U MeKeehnTe*; A V M Wilson, H KarsUdt ; Cttu'i- fljwei, MIN MeKechuie, II Lever ; Carrnts dhoit led, A Thistlo'hwaite, 11 Lsve-r ; inu-iini'ditii.-, U It'chardsun, H L-ver ; tiamiiips, C Siewtit. L A Kiohtr : Cel ,y, W A lUwkfii, L A Fitlier ; Tonvi --e.s red, L A Kishur, J I Orah'tui ; pi-How, L A l-'isUer, C Stew,irt ; Bevts uni;, L A Fi.-her, L A'kin- in : lir!8 Tun, p runt IK), L Abkiusou, \\ J ; Onioi.a from k t- , .1 I Orahan , T SKd ; poti o ouiui.s, T Sled, L Atkinson ; Uid .,h Mack, L \ Fmhur, J ! Grslinm : IU'l.-li white, L A Fuller, J I Urahnni ; Uar.i.'ii herbs, J Attain?, W POnwfilsy : Pumpkin yellow, W H Thu^tou, L A Fis! ,-i , I'uiiipkin All'' L A IMS! or. S | - hh hulihuril, LA IM.S!H-, A O V 1' (Htuueil, Ci'im ... .1 A I.eVL-i, L ttl iiM.n ; Cueiimbei'S pukii ijj, .1 P (.)[. fi-ll, \V A Hawken Ciu.imber ii(:P, W .1 Mooi-f, L A Fisher : C rn A t) \, L A K:.-hei, J I' Oltewoll ; Ttblo coin, .M WI'M.II, K Thistle' h iv ...iu- ; Col.i.f getiibl s, L A t'ielier, W A ll.twken ; DAIRY ll-ioy, LA Fiher. 5 ll/s butter, T Slfd, iliss .liihn.sun, L A FisluT ; ih"> Ibg :ub buttt-r, Miss JnluiHlon, tl irK Stew ait, L A Fishsr ; 15 Ibs en ck butter, J ins. U (,'iins, L A Fisher; Kz-*, T , H Kaiutfdi ; Fiuit cake, L A t'ii!- er, .Mrs McKeelmin ; Bread, A Gi'chriht, J Ailimi', W J Mniiie ; Tait.', XV A liiuvken, T Sleu ; L-iyer eakf, K Clinrd, M St. -watt ; Jolly nil, T Slwd, A Gl.'- ohiist ; 1) .iiujhi.ius, L A Fisher, W M. uro ; I'liinykin pn-, Wm Mume, Ij A Fikhei ; Lciiinn |iih. Win Mixire, W A IliWKi-n ; Ciutiud pin, Win Moorr, lj A Fi\hi>f . Apple pie, H|( lunl, L A Fiaher ; Minor pie, L A Fisher, Wro Moure ; ' ! Raspberry wine, XV F Crossley, Mrs l: >,! ; Orapo wine, L A Fiaher, J P OttwL-1! ; Canned truitu, Mies .lohnstoi, R Chard ; Mixed plokles, W A Uawkvn, L A Fiaher ; Maple syrup J A Lever, M .Stt'M-.irt. ; Colleotion cookien, W A I Ian ken, Wro Moore ; Ci,ll. canned veget- ables. Mis M'.-Ktchuie, Miss Johnston ; Potato talsd, L A Fiih r, Sop, L A Fi.sher, XV P Croesloy ; Scbcwl lunch, T SU 1, W .1 Moore ; E'ttons 8{noial, 10 Ibs but lor TSKJ ; TLANTIIS H cut fl)*t>ia, J P Ottewell, L At- kwion ; Table bouque-, XV A Hiwken, (O'j'.-tlnnuil on Pupa H) 5TABLISHED I EAp OFFICE 1 HAMILTON THERE is no farm auknal which grows more quickly into value than the Hog. Never was there a better time to raise high class stock than the present. Increase ycur stock but be sur that your animals are high-grade and selected ,' to meet market requirements. If you nod a loi'i, c j m!t oiTi; Local SJhnager. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNIULK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SlIB-BRxiNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, 4 WALKING PLOWS, WAGON MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. If You Need A New Range TACO ranges ;ire giving jiood satisfactiuu % "Anyone can bake with a Taco" is Jii. out the finest tribute that ha.s ever been given to the cooking (jualities of any range. Ideas have been incorporated into its construction which place it above other ranges of this type, and make its operation extremely simple and its efficiency undisputed FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phonp 24 r 1 1 t t DURANT "Just a Real Good Car" After building more than two mil^on automobiles W. C. DURANT has developed a culminating motor car that bears His name. All that this might lead you to ox| ect. is roali/ed in the car itself; now to hi 1 scon in our salesroom. MODEL \-->. KdlU fVl.lNDKK TOUKINU . $ I 395, Delivered (FREIGHT AND SALKS TAX PAID) Dealer H. Down & Sons Flesherton - . > . P.TE-^ARE for a Bl S1NES6 CAREER LLIOTT Yonge and Cliarlea Ktreeta, Toronto Every graduatu of the \Mt twelve ' month* h'ts promptly obtained em- ployment. Kilter any time. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL FARM FOR SALE Lot IM, Con. II. Artcmesia. contain- ing 120 neres, half undw cultivation, balance pasture ami bush. Good bnrn and atabMng, frame house, and small orchard. Well watered. Apply to Phonu BEKT MAKB, Eugenia. YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY became our instruction is individ- You nre taught if fust as ual. you . in leimi at the ... Cxtalogue Frcu C. A. FLEMING, K.O-A Prinuipal wic O. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Small lou life is very pk-aMir.t after you learn not to care how mue-S pcop'e 1. 1 'i abou' you.

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