I 1 1 1 1 i p T * . > * rV* ft I M . > s f S / S / July 5 J922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Hogs Cattle Sheep "THIS Bank is prepared to make advances to responsible farmers who desire to enlarge their flock* and herds. If you seek assistance in this direction, the Manager of our nearest branch will bf glad to discuss the natter with you. STANDARD SERVICE Encomragii Pngrm. STANDARD BANK ~ FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches also at Willianuford and Holland Centre. ANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station June was certainnly tho wedding month this year. Fred McTavish of Uibawit spent the week end at his home here. W. Carrlngton spent the \veek end at Harriston. Cherries for sale Cheap oa trees A. Graham, Clarksburg. Mrs J. W. Davies of Prince Rupert, B Going South Going North 7.55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.80 p.m. .aOp. m. , The mails are osen at Flesherton j C , is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sullivan, follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at Miss Lillian Bunt, teacher m Toronto, S.40 o'clock. For morning train south ' is home for the holidays. mail close at 9 n m the previous evg. Mr. John Tucker, wife and two sous, ' cf Toron'o, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Belts. A number from here attended the ( diuce at Wasg% Beach on Saturday evening. Priceville is planning for a big celebrps ..-/,., . , . -,L Garden Party bills, etc, done artisti- tion on Civic liohday, August an. Clarence Fisher of Toronto spent the week end at his home bere. VICINITY CHIPS cally on shortest notice. Leave or phone yeur order to us. Miss .'K.I Trimble spent the n-cek end The Advance is agent for all Toronto j wjth het eiscer) Mrs w T Hodgson, nt dallies. Let us renew your subscription, ] 3 ii nt4 ton. Mr. Tom Wardrobe of Toronto i ! Mrs Lunn aud duughter Agnes, of holidaying with friends here th's week. : Harriston, spent a week with Mr Chas. Mr. Thos. Bentham spent Sunday at i Moore and family. Chesley. Mickey, " the picture you'll never Mr.Jas. Bowler of Toronto .pent the \ **" will be shown at the town hull 1st with his family here. Dr. McWilliam of Dundalk will make ... motored up from Toronto aod spent a weekly professional visits to Priceville on ; * l ; few days with relatives here. Tutsday :ind Friday, from 'J to 4 p.m. P^v C A Belfry- former pastor here in ' Mr ' and Mrs ' VV ' Hrt * ^companied by Howard McAuley and wife of Dundalk the Methobist church, has been appoint- ed chairman of the Barrie district. and Mrs. I on Monday evening next. U. U. Heudersou, wife and ti.ui y Mr. Jeff Tlrstlethwaite, wife and "' Mr.. Or.ii, and children, of Toronto, spent a couple of ^dtng a couple of weeks *>**.. Gram s parents Mr. and Mrs John >uhn. days with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. UcGeoch .-tod Mr. and Mrs. Leader and children, of London, spent the week end with relatives here. The speed cops were active around hare again last week and fined a number of speedst.-rs. A i: if i'. ri'i tea will be given by the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church ou Friday, July 7, in Memorial P;trk, from 4 30 to 7 o'ciock. Word was received Tuesday aunounc ing the death of Mr. Mark Snowden cf Guelph, Mr. Snowden was a brother of Mr. Joe RadUy. Mrs. Kadley, Misses the Ute Mrs Alex ^tewsrt of Flesherton. Pearl anl Ruby Radley motored from Toronto to take a month's vacation en their farm here. Rev Mr. Fowler if tha Presbyterian church leaves text Monday for a month's holiday with his family in Indiana. He Joe Armstrong and family of Toronto l)reae h eg u , the Orangemen here on have taken up their residence in their Sunday afternoon next, summer cottage. In the south end, for the summer months. A banl concert was held on the lawn cf the Munshaw House Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Whitten, accom- ; and W . IS appre ciated very much by the paoied by Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Crossley, am jience. The music was good and ju>t all cf Toronto, motored p nJ pent geem ,,,j \\ )j times, when a weekly bnd concert was somethmg U. look f >rward to. t!u> week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs lUrry Stev.wt and their three little sors Georgs, Kendall j Mt. and Mis. K J. Smith of Toronto and Jim and Mrs Wood, all of St. | antl0 unce the engagement ':f their second Pauls motored up Saturday, returning ' daughter, Kalheriue Gertrude to Mr. Suuchy afternoon. .Robert Gordon Pattersou of Toronto, Wm- Caswell has moved into hU res- i tlle wedding to take place this Thursday, Uence acres, from the high school, form ! afternoon to St. John's Presbyterian erly belonging to the late John Hales- i cnuren - and Mrs. Ju'Un is occupying the one he t The Advance has been snamped with vacated on Elizabeth street. j correspondence this week and finds it J necessary to hold over a lot of matter, TheC. P. K. has definitely decided, .. ' including a splendid budget from ' to discontinue the morning train on tBl _ k , !..;, ,. n .,^^j,, n |. n Saugeen branch in an'l out of Wiilkertun j for temporary period at least, the i ; c-tpable Eugenia correspondent, Ospn-y Council minutes and two or three oihtr budgets of news. We regret having to Siinetotake effect shorlly. This will 1 .. i hold anything over, anil it does not often leave only the afternoon train on the n.DWn these dajs brunch. A very enjoyable evening was spent, We notice that the people in western , ffben the aw>y friends Hnd , ll}ighbors Euphraai* are still allowing their live j gathered at the ho|ue of Rev _ and Mrs . stock to run at large ou the public high- wiy. We also notice that the road destroyers are st woik in seme sections endeavoring to make the roads impaps- able for automobiles. And they are succeeding. For the past couple of weeks the town council have been gravelling the streets of the village, but it wasn't put on before it was needed. The market square his been built up a foot or so with first-class gravel. In a few weeks the reads in town should show a marked Improvement. The anniversary services In the Pres- byterian church or. Sunday last were well attended, the speaker beinR Rev. ' Tbornley of Shelburne, who preached two excellent sermons. The Methodist service in the evening was, as is usual on such occasions, withdrawn. Rev. Fowler, pastor here, took the Shelburne work. An exttoardioarjr rainfall occurred here the end of last week, starting Fri day night about 10 o'clock and lasting with a steady fall for fourteen hours. 'The land was saturated. Those who had sweet olovei forage cut, and there were many, did not bless it, neither did the sports committee or business man of Feversham, where a splecd.d program of sports had been prepared and hd to be called p(f. Brown. Maxnell, on Monday. .Tune 2ti, befoze they Uft tor Iheir new home at Homings Mills, and presented Mr. and Mrs. Brown with a lovely casserole, Miss Bertha a cut i-lass dower basket. Miss Velma i silver berry spoon, and. Matter Dougall a silver kuife, fork and ipoon, accompanied by an address. IN MEMOR1AM In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Hugh R. Himinond, who passed away June 23, 1931 No one know* our silent heart ache*, Only those who love can tll Of the grief thai'i borne In silence For the one we loved s well. Wife, lit* le Sons and Daughters. Public Notice The following stores wilt close Mon- di? and Wednesday* at 7 p.m. during July. August and September : Mrs. J. Henderson and Eli Robinron, Fever- sham ; S. Osbcroe and C, Heron, Max. well ; Frank Curran and A, Sornberner, Mclntyre ; Jacob H-uniltoo, Badgerot ; H. Heitroan, Maple Valley ; J. Hammill and Thos. II%I1, Sirghampton. Centre Grey. Dist. Annual Meeting A The annual meeting of the Centre Grey Women's Institute was held at Hnpeviflu Tuesday, June 27tb, and needles; to say all delegates and non- delegates who came with a view of re- ceiving benefit and induction, were not disappointed. The meeting was opened at 1 o'clock with the District President, Mrs Thomp- son of Mill Creek, in the chair. The President spoke briefly on the year's work. The minutes of last meet- ing were read by the District Secretary, Mrs. W". A. Ujwken of Flushertoo, after which a full repoit of the work of the district and the branches was given, showing a combined balance on hand of $1125.52. Total receipts 84,621.63 ; expenditure |3,4tf6.11. Each branch represented gave a report of the year a work, all shnwing increase*. Officers : Prcs, Mrs H H Thompon, Mill Creek ; 1st Vice, Mrs W Buchanan, Vandeleur ; Sec Treas, Mrs W A Haw- ken, Fteshertor. ; Auditors, Mrs W Moore, Mis \V P Crossley, FlehertofT ; speaker for Centre <jrey, Mrs McClure, Williamsford ; Rep 1 1 Federation, Mis W A Hawken. The Ravenna ladies extended m invi- tation for the next district annual con- vention to meet in Kaveuua neit year, which was accepted. The H'peville htdies pruvidtd a splendid jjrot;ram, also Mies Harcuurt, Government speaker, I gave a short address on "Health." At the c'ose a Vote of thanks was tendered the Hopevtlle Branch for the kmdnets and hospitsli'y extended. MARRIED ftlEGGOT DESSISOX -At the Methodist parsonage, FUsherton, on Weduesday, June 'JSlh, 1922, Georjje Luuis Meggi.'t,son of flr. Robert Meg^ot, Flesbertoo, to Miss Mary Dennieoii, daughter of Mr. Thomas Deunison of Berkeley, the ceremony beinsi performed by the Rsv J. H. Oke. McDOl'GAL WILTSHIRE- lu Duud*lk by Kev. Ueo. Kendell, ou Wednesday, Juue 21st, l!)2l.', air. Angus McDougal, cf Priceville, U> Mrs. Mary Ann Wiltshire, of Proton. ( They hve Heu up residence in Duudalk. WR1GHT-SPEER Wednesday afternoon Miss Aunie Willis Culenntn Speer And Mr. Thouns Frederick A'right, both of the township cf Aitemesia, weie united in msniage at the parsonage by Rev. Frank N. Bowes, B.A.B D. pas tor of th Markdale Moth. Church. Mr. aud Mrs. Wright are honeymooning for a short time in the vicinity of Wiu^ham and after their return will take up res- idence on Mr. Wrinht's tarm near Ceylou. UAUCL1FFE McliEE An event of much interest to the people of Vandeleu r , took placj June 27, at the home of Mr. am' Mrs. John McGeu when their daugh let, Delia, was married to Mr. Wm. R;n'- cliffe, who for some time has been living in Vandeleur, but whose patents nre livin in England. Kev. J.ll. I'ke, of Flesherton, performed CUUKVOI81EU- HAWKINS At Buiks F,lla Anglican church on Wednes- day, June 21H. by Rev. Mi. Yeomans, Mr. Hirry J. Courvoisier of Mugnetawan village, to Sadie A. E., eld.-st daughter of Mr. und Mrs. S. 11 iwkins of tho ^h line, Artemcsi*. An Apple Specialist The Advarce had the pleasure of a yiait to the home of Mr. K. A. Putch of Giiersvilk- mi Thursday last, Mr. Fetch is ui apple spucUlist, ni. i hag an orchard ol 21 acre^, mostly spies, tu which most of his time and thst of his son is devoted. Spraying, pinning plowing and mulch ing take up most of their time. No stock of my kind is ktpt on tho farm with tho exception of two cows, and horses to do tho ntceoary work. Chick- ens, pigs aod sheep are all absent from that farm, Mr. Fetch claiming that they are not north the trouble involved. Needless to say a special price is secured fur the fruit of tins orchard, aud owin^; to the cire taken of it he has a crop uveiy year. It u a beautiful sight to go through this orchard and ante the clean healthy appearance cf these old trees, esptc nl'y on a hot day in summer. Then the visU of shadtd aisles reaching as far as the eye can distinguish between field and oichird, is something to be remem- bered. Mr. Fetch is what way be called a live wite in agriculture, s*ill he tinds time to eoj y lir>, is a crack nrle shot and goes hun m.; in the fall, thus constituting himself a man after our own heart . Mr. Fetch still has apples from list year's crop, and presented The Advance man with a paper bag of spies aa perfect aod solid as when they were picked. We have a, sample on exhibition. Come in and see it but don't hope to eat it. These wer kept in M ordinary cellar, but well a/red. The tar u>J feather episode in Ornngt* ville is now closed, with (our young men being fined ?2i"> and costs. Summer Specials - ^hite Canvass Footwear, Silk and Lisle Hosiery, New Pumps and Oxfords, Negligee Shirts, Soft Collars, Straw Hats, Bathing Suits Light Weight Underwear, Coatless Suspenders, Wash^Dresses and Skirts, Whitewear, Muslin and Wash Goods, Dress Ginghams, Rain Coats. Every Requisite for Preserving Granulated Sugar in 10, 20 and 1 00 pound bags. Jew Jars half gallons, quarts and pints. Perfect Seal Jars quarts and pints Jar Rubbers, Metal Jar Rings, Parowax, Preserving Kettles big range of sizes, Jar Fillers, Jelly Strainers, Cullen- ders, Long Spoons, Fruit Presses, Measures. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO Should Work Out To Public Benefit The bill iutroduced in the < >ut:ir:o Legislature with reference to the holding I municipal elections at an earlier date is now on tho statute bucks of the prov~ nee. It is not a mandatory law, the :n uti-r of a change in the date fcr holding :iiunici|',il elections beiui: left optional with the municipality .- For years it S bten Afsert>.'d that the holiclty season was not a ijord time for holding the municipal election* It was contended that the last Monday in December and the tirst Monday in January did not at- ruct people to cousider the many nuuicipal ideations in the lis;ht in which iuch ')uestions should be considered. The seciion of tha amending Act providing for the change in time of Mnm elections states that the council of any lo:al municipality mnv by by law passed not later in the year than Xuv- ember 1st, provide that the meeting of electors for Humiliation of candidate* tor mtyur, controllers, aldermen, reeve?, councillors, aud in urban municipalities r pupBc school board, and board of ed- ucatioDBsru 1 be held on last Monday of Novemder, and that the polling shill take place i-u the first JJ'>ndiiy "' l-'V*.'- ember, and thii'. the by-law >hall remain in force from year to year until repc-tliM. Anoihei amendment to the Act pro- vides for uute-datiuK the statutory meeting of councils ;is follows: " The council of eveiy town, villas and township in which the nomination meeting is huld on the last Monday in Novumber, and polling 'ii thf last Mon- day in December is provided !> section "3 J shall hold a nu-etini! on tho 15th day of November in ech year and shall iiHHliittely thereafter publish the de- tailed statement provided for by sub- tion !l, uml a similar stiitement raepeoting the last 40 d,ys cf t 1 !.- next precedti.u' year, nd iho time for publish- inj;, postinu up, printing and transin'ttini; the statement's as pr.>vid<l by sub- sections 11 and 1'J slnll 1-e thi> -'4th of November. Opera House p H o T o This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock Samuel Goldwyn PRESENTS "Be My Wife" (A REAL COMEDY) Educational Comedy "Man vs Women" Gifts For The Bride Many charming and acceptable gifts are in stock for your inspection. In Cut Glass, Tab[eware, Silverware. Our selection contains varied lines and are in quality perfect and in price reasonable. The New Records "Pick me up and lay me down" Trot "Kitten On the Keys" Fox The above record is a hummer and the best we have received for some time. Harry Lander's Record 'The Waggle O' the Kilt'*| 12 inch^ and "Bella McGraw" | $2 00 is having a great run and proving one of his most popular. W. A. ARMSTRONG ONT. Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON, New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch a match to the burner and it is ready in- stantly. STEADY Set the name where you \vut it. It s'ays there. CLEAN Does not blacken pots or pans. The long blue chimney turns every drop of il iut- cooking heat. HOT Kor eveiy cooking purpose there is always abunoauce of steady clea tense heat. OVENS N. P. ovens are superior to the ordinary ovens, quicker and more uniform results in baking and roasting are secured with them. Come in and lee them, or better still, ask a uer. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 11 Price. 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax C.E. WALDEN - MANAGER Flealierton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes. Monday ntght, delivery Fimay ev CLEVXINJ anlDYB IKG- Wear igents for Parker's Dy Works Clothe* leaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th Yooge and Charles Streets, Toronto STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Graduates readily obtain employment. It pays to attend the best. Catalogn* free. W. J. ELLIOTT,