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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1922, p. 4

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I July 5 THE FIESHJ5RTON ADVANCE s The 7 Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid in a new stock of ready-made WORK & DRESS TROUSERS !-.; grade obtainable aJtei- al to lit. At lowest prices. Oouae ir and look them over, Overalls and Work Shirts T. C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Ifi-pairin^ Pressing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER .Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario * liiiiiiitiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii * * ' ' ?*! t* * t Right Now ' ' 4 Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush : : THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO *.... ..* t* ..**t ** No other car lasts so long and costs so little. BUY A FORD Ford Touring Car $535 f.o.b. Ford, Ontario H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, - Ontario Boar For Service Part btd Registered Yorkshire Boar (of tenrlo* Vineyard Pkinous 77530 on lot 107, 8. W. T. AS. R., Artemesia. Terms $1. 50, Bows not returned will be charged same s those In pig. .10,4,81 T. J. 8TIN80N. BOAR lor SERVICE Purebr-d Tamworth Boar for serTioe on lot 1117, S W T and H K , Arteroesia.. Term* 11.60. Sown not returned will be oharfffd same M thoM in pig. Fob T. J.8TIN8ON, Prop Somu men bow to the inevitable and som iio'ii try tn argue wi-h the tele- phone operator. THE Flesherton Advance Au ni;l..|.i'iul, u' iii-iv-|. |.-j- published LMch Wednesday at the othee.Collingwood Street. Fltsherton. Subscription price fl BO per wiiium whtfn piil in nHvauca ; 82.00 whon not so paid. $2.00 to United SiateB. Advertising rates on application. Circuhitmn ovor 1100 weekly. W. H. THl'KSTON A PROMISE FULFILLED Miss McPtmil Ime handed back ijili'OO of sessional indemnity, includ- ing 8'JO government tax, and iias only accepted 32000 of a sessional indem- nity, as she promised before election, lucre were many who prophesied that the- promise would not be ful- filled. However, it may be that the act waa only by way of protest, and that in future sessions ehe will accept tue full indemnity, bhe is now "con- vinced that 3250(1 H not enough for a man who divotes himself to serving his country," and no doubt she con siders her cervices os valuable ae those of any mere male member. Transien* 4dvs. dune cu ^aturdin only <ii,ili IMJ Bros. EugenU A ijuantity of hemlock lumber for SI!B .J. K., i.'M, ii, Eugenia. For Sale Fresh lime, kiln open now.- -Wro. BUkey, PortUw. A t -A ton of lic-i class hay for tale A C'>nkey, Ceylno p n Phone. Fur Sale or Rent The old -gg factory in Klesherton, on eacy t, rm^. Apply to : K. J. tjproulc, for Sale Two building lot*, in Flesh- ' erton near the Methodist church apply tn Mrs. M. Thihtltthiraite, Flesherton. > Lost On Sunday, June 11, at Eugenia I. cket with photos, open face, valued as krepsike. Finder please return to Mrs. K Morgan, Eugenia. Reward. A FORGOTTEN COUNSEL The women of today have evi- dently fcrgottcn tbe teaching of 8t. Paul to the Corinthians : "If a svo- ' inan have long Imir it is a glory to her, for her hail is given her for a covering." For Sale 1 H. P. alto 2i H. P. gasoline engines in first class repair. To bo sold at a bargain. H. Down and Sonc, If you are ihinkina ot buying a Cream Separator buy no other but ihe DeLav*!, which is the best and mo*t teliable sep- arator made. Call, phone or write Knot', MarkHale. Warm Weather s here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas Fresh Chocolates, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J . ONT. Meatord In Retrospect \\ f uiij^yid a phort visit to the prett; town of Meiifcrd one dny List week afte i liipM- of ubout fmty years. In t>u boyhood iliijs it was our I. in iiKiike town mid it WHS very interesting to note -ir'ne nf the changed that hvi< taken |>Ucf, and tliuir nanii* i legion, the most noteworthy ' n . . ,.| I,- i miles nf pavement winch the ijovernment has aasitttd in building. In those dUtan days the (irmd Trunk tntered the town up on the hill in vrl at is now known as KIM, I It now coiiii-s in near the I. .if The Uij{ Head nu-r Kiill tlutre, with Hpl'iiiently HS yit/at u vi.lume i<f water as ever, and the old familiar fisherman stil li.-ltes frriii its shore with is much t-ucces< . ! i ' > ) i: ago, feu the one we 8aw hud cipiured s nice twelve inch buss The old ! i in ill, !ii,d run by .1 .-, 1'uidy and bin four s. ns -Seymour, Hi my, LMbert aivJ Kd in still btnhd and IIH k.- outwardly exactly ai it did ii d.iys of yoie. And the iirtesian sprint: lint fhi li'um the null s;i'l produces its ice C"M wiili'i A beautiful ( n our LuyMi )!?() frame house owntd i d oncupit-d by N'ltlmiiiel Hiidli'y, nil uncle of ilie wiiter, I)M completely disappeared at d nuinory was Mulili'iied by its disap peaianc*. We misi'd ji, remembeiiiiK the good times we used in mjny within its UD u b <y. Tlie family h! also nil hum c-illed away, with the exceptun of one daughter, Mis. \V u H'lbmson of U-tkota. A woollen mill neir the ] Ti'suit tine cement bridge has altu Riven nay to 'lie more in ulcni innovation, a ijaraiie. Hii^h Watt ot the Alur.itur wai mi editor in iln -. .|>\ and j uMisli ,1 our lirst scribblin^s Me, ton, has pissod to join the v:mt majority, and is rep'.'icul by Mr. I'ttteis ,n , f the .Mirror :uul Mr. Socuril of the Kx plugs. Th'if l.i n sji.>t on tin- river, n lii'tul xliove tlic lower i >in. uhere the purni nf uiir frllo* towiiPiiiMi, Mi, \V. I'. t'r.isslcy, weiu liotli drowned over tifiy yir an'i An nncli- of the writer, n coimiu and Omndmolher Anna 1'ntdy of t. -verts 1 meniury 'iri> restini; in ihc Me'tfnid i-i-iiii'tcry. The iibovi- ttiiims will explain H cprtnin M-ntimet,tal nueivKt thitt wo have always in, mil liini'il in the pretty lakeside lowu, arn many nonius nn.1 mlfi, . clean ntreu's nuil rheetfnl, optimistic ii'Hidentx, iiolwitliHlandinj! a tax rik'e of : .,.nn'hir,.' like 52 mills on the dollar. The sweet briar, lilooininu wild in the shrtibl e y, ii one of our erly lamem- brances, and its pink blossnmi Mill exhibit their chaste, sweetly perfumed baiiuly. Mullet in spring, striiwherries in Hutiunei, and energttic ex-Warden Sing all the time, are some of Meaford's chief productions but ;aK)nn wilh these might also be mentioned hctl electric energy that comparei favorably with Hydro, tbe Ueorf(inn Bay Qouring mills ad Seaman Kant wood workinu mills. Long may Mcaford flourish ! We only r*gmt that time was too limited to look up some of the other ,11 landmarks. Res dcnce FIT Sale Five roomed frame house, just newly renofated, papered and painted. Good garden lot. Immediate possession. App'y to W. A. Armstrong, Fleiheiton, * * 1 \Vanttd Girl to do Ki-neral house work in Toronto home. Muit be able tu ilo plain cooking. No laundry. Twenty il.Jhirs per month to start with. Apply i\r Thf Ailvmcc otlice. LUUALHEPRESENTATIVE wanted to sell for " The Old Reliable Fnnthill Nurferies.' 1 Ln^est list of fruits and orniM'entals tn ortVr, exclusive territory, highest commissions, handsome free njuipment. Write for parlicularn Stone A Wellington, Toronto. For Sale Due 14 foot power wind- mill, bu/z saw, ona 14 b.p. portable steam engine, one Id inch plate Krain grinder, and ball hearing pneumatic tired hui(y, one Ii ft 61 U bmder.mower, one 12 disc seed drill Cha*. Stafford R R r>. Markdale. \/ir^/^^/v^ ^F\S'9*J*f^ f^^^sV^sf^ ^f\^f\f^f^ ^^^/^\Si^ rf^^^\Sv^^^\^^^^^R^<i^i^^^^^^ \ - Cream - Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Test- ing Station Come and see it tested. JAMES Me LEAN, Paulson's Old Stand. CEYLON . > * Home ind Lot For Sale The prop, erty known an the Ashdown retidence at 1 ' yl n, an ei^ht romtied dwelling, i;ood celltr, stable, etc. ; about an acre of I, would make a uood home for a retired pent'emiin. For terms and fur- I her particulars apply lo W. .1. IJella-ny, Flesherton. I May ft WE SELL The Markets on Carefully Corrected Each Week I^rley OTOloOTO! \ i3tois6MANURte SPREADER, FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES ) Buckwhe,' 080 to 080 1 '"' WAljUN B' 022^024! 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER 23 -o 23 Winter Wheat 1 05 'o 1 05 Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 CO [ >aU . . 45 to 4>"> ' JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Gacus Star, 2.10 1-4 Speed begeta Speed if pare Uwluiitor " Wilde* Stamboul, Hap. ny Medium, registered A. T, R. 4A310, Caiiadwn 1907 enrolled 4562. CIUUM St r will b at the Munshtir Hotel Slables every Thursday for dmnef then goe to Markdalt* Thurt^ay after- noon and back to Kli-shuiton Friday morning, where he will remain unti 2 p. to. and return to his own stable, DuB('aIj|, where he *i>l remain until (he following Monday at It o'clock. I'sinl conditions. For further particulars address Charles Palmer, B, x 142, Dundlk, Ont. Uuly ,: < pride of ownership Now-a-days a man wants, in a low priced car, more than four wheels and an engine and a place to sit. He wants something to be proud of. He wants handsome appearance, high class finish, comfort- able seats, easy riding springs and up-to-date equipment. And he wants all these things to be included in the first cost not to be classed as extras. '.- > f s / The Answer Ir t V / D. McTavish & Son Flesherton

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