KEEN'S DSF MUSTARD 3tves food ct ~ licious appetising ec The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE The Beginning of the Story. Marcia Halstead. secretary to Mrs. Alden, is entrusted with some jewels while her employer goes out to lun- cheon with Kempton Rosslaer, his the turned the thick envelope about in her hands before opening it. Final- ly she carried it to the window. It was very brief, and a little lump rose in h>er throat as she read: stepmother Lady Rosslaer and her son | "Dear: I'm only human, and I've Gordon Ruthven. Marcia puts the . |, een patient five long days. I'm hun- jewels in the safe but fails to find the ! j, ry thirsty aching in every fibre of duplicate key. She consults a noted nle f cr j usit the sight of you! Don't physician who tells her she cannot j k ee p me awa y from you outs'idc live longer than six months; thn any longer, Marcia. Surely there are answers the call of a solicitor to find gome t h.j nffs j can c!o to help you that she is heir to a large fortune on T omens Sphere r anx j ety and strain. Ami- condition that she marries before she j promise _ I wi n b e just as I was AM . e " l' n e , Re t urnin * *? bfoM~M)OM that wonderful ni.,'ht! Aldcns she finds Kempton Rosslaer ( j f . d Mart .j a _f ai thfully at (who K tecretly manned to Araby . J W" Tnusk) replacing the gems which his service ----- * _ .. . ,, stop-brother had stolen. Believing him The throat contracted; there . to be the thief Mar"ia promises sil- was the slow, sharp smart of tears encc if he will marry her within two| under her lids. Again s'he felt alone - days. To shield his father's name i unutterably forlorn. And she was I and in consideration of release within ; so tired so tired- six months, Kempton consents. At a She was inexpressibly touched. restaurant Marcia faints and is assist- ed by three strangers, Araby Trask, There was something of the man him- self in that little note something After the secret marriage ceremony New Ideas at the Big Fair. I syrup obtained by boiling one pound of Rosslaer and Marcia go their several New ideas from within and from! sugar and one quart of water for, ways; her improved mode of living without will be the great features of twenty minutes. This may be given \ benefits Marcia's health; she r.ttracts the Women's Build'ng at the Canadian! "body" by adding a gelatin prepared, the admiration of her new friends and National Exhibition of 1922. They a* for the mousse, or by adding * ! Marda'/^rtrait^nainte iTv bosrin. not very conspicuously but tiftly beaten whites of two eggs when ^^ LVdyRoSriV claims wla- quite radically, nevertheless, in the the ice is half frozen tionship with Mrs. Halstead and in- prize list and from that starting point! lf course, you will have cherry pie. I 8 i sts upon a v j s j t f rom Marcia which work up through every department of j You wi " nel P to save tn * J uice if vou i angers Kempton. The young heiress the building. In the prize list many I s ^ 1 one rounding tablespoon of flour discovers that she loves Waldron. an ancient and modem atrocity, such! with the su*ar. Use at least one big as the fancy woolen waistcoat and the! P ol su K ar f(>r *UT cherries, and put her father, who is an artist, ant! a clean, fine, infinitely patient. A smile wealthy young man, Jasper Waldron. trembled at the corners of her lips CHAPTER XXXIII. crocheted motor bonnet, will be found; P*rt of it in the crust before adding, Marcia sat huddled absolutely mo- want;n- thr> ha. is for such omissions the cherries. It will be well to let the tionless in the car, staring straight for such om,*ions ( . . usually being 1 the small number of <ff entries received each year. But there mousse. Put the pie in a rather cool urc many new things, high in popular' oven favor, in the places of those that are or. the wane, and it will wel-1 rephy the worker, plying her needle on the ummcr porch, to study the Education- al Prize List now obtainable from the offices of the Canadian National Ex- hibition in the Lumsden Building, Toronto. She will firvd there that while some of,_the fads of a generation have dis- appeared, many of the real'ly good things of grandmother's time have been revived to provide 1 fitting com- pany for her four-poster and her tilt- topped table, brought down from the attic and reinstated in bedroom and drawing-room. Th n- are additional awards for carpets, rugs and homespuns. In ad- dition to the famiHar rag rugs, hooked and woven, an ancient effect is se- cured in a new way by the crocheted rag rug for which prizes of $4 ami $2 are offered. This class ha., in all, 16 sections, us compared with 13 in front of her, long after it had smoothly out of the quiet street. The numbness of a great cold was upon her, the intoxicating fire of gladness Be sure to try a one-crust pie. Beatj wai j gone< i eav ,j ng her limp, exhausted, the yolks of two eggs five minutes,] an a w j tn t i, e j^ in ne r eyes of a and gradually beat in a cup of sugar wounded bird. with which is sifted two level table- She was trembling all over as she spoons of flour. Stir into this enough entered the flat. Mechanically she | pitted and drained cherries to fill the crept to her mother's room. A maid j wide, irresistible smile of reassurance, crust. Put in a cool oven, gradually , met her on the threshold. It was balm to her troubled spirit " 1 i _ . * . . , I ' i c T ) Lr j.n -i 1 IT T In l<iit mnan hii nn/1 tr.\i-,t> i*V\f\ stlfirw*Hn/1 her wet eyes were wistful as she car- ried it across to the Wttle wriUng table. But for a long while she sat with pen poised, gazing straight before her still uncertain still afraid. "Forgive me. If you really can understand and care to come just as ji Iriend come. MARCIA.' He came the ne\t day. His greeting was quiet, restrained, cheerful. A moment his steady eyes searched her white face, saw the strain in it, the piteous entreaty. He dkl not wholly understand. He was vaguely perplexed, a little sore at heart. But he realized that she was very weary that she needed at that moment the surene&s of comfort, not the fires of love. He held her hands close; then let them go. He made no attempt to touch her sve for that swift, warn. clasping of the fingers; and he smiled at her at their first meeting a frank, increasing the heat. Frost with the Mrs. Halstead was taken a little But when he had gone she clenched "V "".faint rnon after you left, madam," her hands fiercely ami something of whites-allowing mx level tablespoon* shp ^ ,, shc ^^ y|)U ' not ^ ^ tTa( ,^ y had ^pt into her eyes again. to disturbed. She is aslwp now." "I ought not to let him come, 1 ' she With an effort Marcia shook off the whispered miserably to herself. "I of sugar ami return to oven brown. If you can by the open kettle meth- numbness which held her. Very quiet- od, which is much quicker than cold-' ly she crept into the room, leaned for pack, and just as sure if you use care,' a moment over the bed. Mrs. Halstead allow one and a half pounds of sugar ; looked peaceful, but very white. The to every four pounds of sour cherries. I KJ rl stood . for moment beside her, Wash, stem, and pit the cherries, cov- $ 1 m:)Ve<1 U L ^ ' Tt'"' : She dismissed the maid, assured her er with the sugar, and let stand two hours before canning. I that she hvi.<<!f would keep a watch I over her mother, and presently, hav- If you can cold-pack, blench sourj j nK slipped out of her gown, pulled cherries one minute before canning in wrapper icui.d her and went back to the jars. The> should be processed Mrs. Ha! 'lead's room. eighteen minutes. Use a thick syrup! She could not s-leep. She knew that, mate by bo g three quars of ugar and he uglad o " ought to be strong. And yet- She broke off. Her eyes had fallen upon a srilver framed calendar. The date seemed to leap out at her, searing her brain! It was the same date as that when she had learned of her inheritance the same date as that upon which she had met Waldron the same date as I that when she had learned that she i had only six months to live! Six months! And now now there' were only five! Had Your Iron Today? Toast It Delicious Raisin Bread DO this some morning and surprise the family : Serve hot raisin toast at break- fast, made from full-fruited, luscious raisin bread. Let j - our husband try it with his cof- fee. Hear what he says. Your grocer or bake shop can supply the proper bread. No need to bake at home. Made with big, plump, tender, seeded Sun- Maid Raisins, and if you get the right kind there's a generous supply of these delicious fruit-meats in it. Insist on this full- fruited bread and you'll have luscious toast. Rich in energizing nutriment and iron- great food for business men. Make most attractive bread pudding with left-over slices. There's real economy in bread like this. Try tomorrow morning. A real surprise. Telephone your dealer to send a loaf today. Sun-Maid Seeded R 3.1 sins Make delicious bread, pies, puddings, cake*, etc Ask your grocer tor them. Send for free book of tested recipes. Sun-Maid R*iiin Grower*, tttmberikif 13 000 Dtpt. N-4J-I1, Frano, CiJif. Blue Parkagt o She puhr hand n i two nuirts of water until the "laving up. She pulled a chair, to the her throat. The hal and two qu ,r ' end this intimacy. And then, in ! present, to help to push it through the Dutch term finger-bat became in tnis country lb seem ns, a 10 i r I win-low wii'e ercn to the warm previous prize K.U. Quilts and bed-; -yrup falls from the spoon ,n t"ck ]j ^\ bo^-i"^ up ^^ the sU,,. spreads, too. are keeping up with the drops. gnt . ft ,| t , n . lt it was j m p 0ss jh,i<. to new demand for old things and the; Sweet cherries may be dried and, thjnk c i,, ai .| y O f wnat had happened to- patt.-rns of our ancestor* are being ; ust<1 in place of raisins. Select only j night quite yet. She did not want reproduced with excellent effect. In ' perfect fruit, and do not pit before | t o . She felt suddenly lost, forlorn, this department there has been added j drying as you waste so much juice, wretchedly afraid. Afraid of herself a prize of $5 and a second prize of which contains much of the sugar, i afraid of the one who had brought $3 for the best new idea. j By the way, cherries are rich in sugar, wrtasy, overwhelming bewildering, * -,-L ' I hnvino- about fifteen ner pent. Snread '"to her if e -afraid of^he shadows . I hnvin<7 nhont This prize for a new-idfu innova- ! naving aoout tion runa through the whole prize Iit. I in single layers on trays or platters. appearing three times in some classes, with n prize each for "n new idea in stitch," "a new idea in design,' 1 and "a new idea in purpose." In the clasf for design and miscel- laneous handicrafts the new-idea prize.* are for "a new idea in article for kitchen use," "a new idea in article for general household use," and an "oriirinal ideu in article, such as case f u .1 Avi ,^ te ttoe wnrmlh jjnd dry in the iwn or in a slow oven. ] of tho ni(r ,., am ,. pu , Hnjc thl . lonK> soft They may be put away in paper bags masses of ht-r hair down about ht-r ous look of defiance crept into her; d up suddenly to a ,,uick revulsion of feeling. , he would materia.. The lf hSrd, half feto-fe ^{n K-r ,ou that , ho cou d . or fi llg er-hood not. Such happin as the o fa .. (l jn Sure , yg OWJ(J her came her way she would hug close, something aH of such happiness hi> could grasp, and hold for a short five months ? to ; About , . , sht> J" 1 ^ 1 ' ... . change<J to thimble. weeks later W aldron "thumbbell." from its bell-like Eventualry the word waj was called unexpectedly out of Lon- don on business. He rebelled, fiercely, fUAUTc-D wvtir ^ ' twas unavoidable. The night be- HAHTER XX\I\. f ort , ne wen ( ne ^^ Marvia home. During the fortnight that followed They had been su-pping, after a gay Jasper Waldron came and went regu-' little theatre party, with the Trasks larly every day, quiet, unobtrusive/ n;l Audrey A Hen. Mlnard't Liniment for Dandruff. Electric-Llflhting Project For French Villages. Shell-torn districts of northern France are being repopulated by re- or pasteboard boxes, if care is taken , f w . ei aat vvith her el-bows on the sill to fasten the pru-kagea so us to keep an d her face hidden in her hands. out all dust. Once Mr.'. Halstead stirred. Maivia Sun-cooked cherries may be made by got up and went t;> her, touching her the same recipe used for strawberries, with a soothing hand. She smiled, Allow three pounds of granulated K?*^ ^* B 2S r jy****? sugar and one pint of water for every three pounds of fruit. Cook the sugar , , ever ready to serve. At the moments' Toward the end of the meal Kcmp>- turning natives, and these have made when she most needed him Marcia '<"' Rosslaer had entered the room. ' ^ of tne miscellaneous electrical found that he was there. And only | AuJrey had caught his eye* almost ' e(luopmem le f t there by the different the steadfast tenderness of his eyes immediately, and had signaled him , arm)es _ Generatoril> drlven by gaso . said anything at all of the love that imperiously to join them. He had with every passing hour was burning <<>"!*' a curious mingling of re- higher in his heart for her. Vuctance and eagerness. line engines have been put In use, and the '-pllars of ruined buildings, or the l>oore.-: wooden huts, art furnlbhed them ag in with a sigh of content- , Iver about in a great peace and hap- And in spite of the turmoil in her' sin fe that Sunday night at his own soul it comforted her, seemed to wrap home, and the sudden odd softening with light and power. of his resentment toward Marcia he ment. Marcia went back to her phtce tvdow. had 1 not kept himself aloof either from The smallest bones in the human Sometimes, thinking of it in the : her or from his friends as hitherto. ; body are in the ears. , _, . _ for traveling, sewing, manicure or] 11 " 1 " a Inread forms, then add the Her l>ycs f v \ t not am ) ( i ry! ncr ] <)nK> gi;i;. n t hours of the night, lying He had been more hia oW self, had eeneraJ us*" stoned and cleaned cherries and boil l( . mp i w W ere throbbimg now. A pjinicl wide-eyed and still upon her piHows, l 8ne bout in his old way. i. i _ i _.. _i-ii _ . . . . i L u _ .. i . -i , i it continued.) First Thimble. '. the origin of the thimble? As a matter of fact, it datra back to , , ing nv in- neii, ami something in her Intuition, instinct told her that this, ,, , r)U . , h . Vi,.hr.ia JU.JITC* in making their .wank. It tJwl for summer dnnks or wmter gela- ,.,,,,;.., H , .,,.,,,,, Mal , ia into in . love was the real thing indeed. There >e " r . , A! \^ - N " h " 1 - 1 *' will be a method which will require .'"* " r sherbets. Extract the juice ,,,, NVI , k ,.f u !,. ( .. s . | had been thi- wild fire of passion in it; "wscnoten, al Am.steixlam gold- the services of a larger numl>er of as >" u wou ' 11 to make J'' l! - v ' neal to , A moment later she was lu-ndim? she knew that passion was there still, "'"'in. sent 11 i is a gift to a iudireg but the refults will be much ' the 'wiling point, and then let drip above the bed. Mrs. Halite-ad's ey.-s dormant. But there was something lady with the dedication: "To Myfrou more accurate and' murh more satis through jelly bag. Kil bottles or jar* i were still closed, but she was breath- more. I van Renselaer. this little object which When In Toronto visit tha Royal Ontario Museum U3 Bloor St. West. Near Avenue Bowl l,arge.*t permanent exhibition In Canada. Arrliueolo(ty, Geology. Mineralogy. Pal- How many women are familiar wit.i a eontol<>gy. Zoology Open dully, io u_m. to B p.m. Sunday. 2 to 5 Bloor. Unit Line. Dupont a -;J Avenue Rd. cars. n * t ^ ^ W.l^n^'pr^,^"*;' **" but She was coiling up her hair as she appeared. She aci'-ptl his constant on bel "e matle of lea(1 alul otl; ' er l '- | Kasily Made Trimmings for Chi.dren'. Wash l)re.sneH. . A neat, inexpensive, easily made spoke, and after a quiick look at her appearance at the flat as natural. By, >non metale. "Cherries Are Kipe." If the profusion of cherry blossoms ' trimming 'suiT-iMe^foV'^he^'girrs iirerci !no K'rl set down the tray and went degrees he became more and niorej The word thimble points to the fact ; **h spread over OnUrk> in mrly ,, r ni|thlg ^ n ' m Hy IK . madc , Jy Uiread- ! c *; , . .^ o'herlifr. that originally U.U, .protect ion wa* ] which May can be taken a an indication, we j nc ." r ho bobbin 7>V tliV win^'ml!, i Marcia was use*! to these attacks;; If WaKl-rom sighed sometimes at' worn on the thumb to parry the .re to have a bumper crop of cherries , ' , . a <* "' lulrsci1 ' her mother nrai|rh the unemotional attitude that tad! thrust of the needle, and not. as at **'* "i unit ry M i K i*i iijiy 111 v y __ *,.- , . . 41,,. Ik lj| , , -. < '~' K , . . * > . . 1 Vm> t\it ~ Uus sean Here ure , few lit- all UH> u . thrwi( | , a (]ainty many in the old days. She nursed her Iwen forctxl uipon him le did it in anxious ten days which ^ecret. That lino understanding which C'OIJCEBT RADIO EECEIVINO SETS Write for complete Information and opportunity to represent us. AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES AND TIME RECORDERS. LTD. 140 Victoria St., Toronto, Oat. I T <! . i t '; Man > us , mK ordiiiwiry sewing cotton in the followed, devotedly and without tiring, was his toM him that in this wise bni-f sNison and for storing for win- , nw .,]i . stfu-h near the edges of belts, i She was conscious, despite her nnx- h* ecu-Id come waver to Marcia than! ter^use First of all, they may be served yokes, cuffs, etc., having the right aid* lety concerning her mother, of an odd he could b.,ipe to do by voicing the' t> t *. _ p ._ i * * v\ _ i : L _ - . l_:.. L _L i_ L : of the garment tx>ward the cloth plate, ' sense of respite of relief. Defo berate- I>a-3ion which Fometimns shook him | frc*h and raw at the table. I^ook over ! &Q t ni , colorinl thread will phow on the '^ 8n *' foTi'wl herself to keep her niind almost beyond his control. | carefully and select only unblemished, finished work I ^ n)ln Slt - p ' li ylng backward, |?avt> her An.r, at any rate, he was near her. perfectly ripe fruit. Remove all bits Another iittniptii 1^,-omHnn , t'very thought to t'he sick woman. I For the time being that was enough; of lf ami wmh fhi.ronirhlv Th^n Secretly she was glad of an excuso or he marie himsi.f believe that it was ,u r T ma '' e l>y ll ' -awln ft 1:hrcwl <>f material j to shut herself nway for a little while enough. - and weaving into the space thus matte { ... t( , avoid thcso ne^'-made friends ixf Thus a fortnight dipped by. Mrs. les, with n hit of pow- C o!ore<l threiul somewhat* heavier hers, who wen- sn eiiger to inquire as Hal.-tead's attack had been sharp, but den-d sugar in the centre in which to tluin the one drawn. When the end of! to lh<- patient's progress and to help. 1 brief. She was soon con-valescent, and dip the fruit. The stems, of course, ' tn ,, sipn( . ( . j s r{ . a ,.h^l a Freni-h knot Slve denii-d herself to them all, pk'nsed wiMnm-t fully n-ili/ing it, Marcia! _.U .. . .1 -I I, -^ I _, ^t ' "^ ..11.. 1 !__ 1_ .!.**..] !.__!. !.._.* _!:*__*! fthollld 1 ( li-f t or a dot may he u*nl as a finish. "'"' sll >' l ' lltll(l IU >t I' spared from Uve drifted : gaiety. >a;'k to bcT former life of I As her mother needed her ! Sweet cherrios may be made into a Threads may IK- drawn to form a pat-, i''k-r.oiii. DKMM. Select perfect fruit, wash, tern or muv 1(e HnnorM i PV on,l .,l Waldrmi caim> the next dy -"i'Kvi-, less some of the ol.l feverish rest'ess- xi a . ml j vt ,,. f or t | k , meetintr. Again she JK-T retunvcd to her. moutsse pit and let stand ui a colander until p |. u . ( ,| in pnru \ M rows . the juici .<M-C> to riiip. Whip one pint of cream; a. Id one cup of cherries -|' o Mn^,. | r ,^j -|- ea ami one teaspoon of gelatin which has j lieen Koftcv.e ! in three tablespoons of Bold water ard then merted by setting ,, ,, .... In a dish of hot water Continue to! ,: u., i e^pmg. When minuti-s; pour into a V <M ' ' ''''"''' 1 " aml wus conscious of nn enormous n>li.>f .Shi' did iKit want time to thiivk in. at having .-oine excu>i> not to we him.' Khe wunteiJ evi -i'y moment flllesl; The nu'i-c siiiind of his name set her e.iuerly kept tiro cwp r.-f >ife filled to The tva should be strong (two twi- 'quivering afiv.-h with ilist res..! -panic the brim. Waklron, smng more of to a cup) and be poured off. un t-rt inty. A new, bewndering hor Ihesi- days than hitlwirto, and situation haul l.fpn creatv 1, ami shi- watching her clc?eiy, was ,1 trifle pe-r- beat fur li- mould, ami and salt, foil- nerving Cherry ice cream may be made bj? mixing one quart of cherry juice with cue quart of t.h'in cream and one (round df Mifnr. Fi </.' ;ii any ice !!> ;im. f'hoiry it-" :- iiKide in the proportion uf| .. li(jl to faw jf plexed. not altogether satisfied. To all his p!<-ad rngs php was Her charm was as vivid as ever; the Ml I III! t - , IK fill 111 Ml U i i /i ii > i IF il 1 1 1 1 1 -^ ( ' - ( <>*t 1 1 rp, rut * o.~> <ii u- ' i ii'i* i i n t* <io f*si * i v vu (t i . i f ntx? iml wck in r-qunl imrtM of ice 1 u" J ", IO< ' "'' " l JlMt>es> m"" 1 - sht ' wou!l>1 "''' f nim : > ' llp lovo whk>h lw<l wakened in her tnd Let sti n-l three hours bp ' ''*" " S lo * ; ' anlM ' ri '- v ' urape or orange ,.,,!<( no t. He caKil daily, brought made her mo-re briliant, more lilluring TJ| ' " juice), also improve tho flavor. flower*, wnitnl wislfu'ly,' jinximiply i than ever. It had suften.;! he.- girl- i> . for a mi^siigc frum her. it'hnesy, given her a swev'tne^s that irt ir ice cream may be maila by Th ,,, wal .,i the end of the week, times took him bv tho thn :it and towards the O/ one p.r.l .f j'.ii'-c to the quantity of; Mlnard'a (or Durni. eto. Greenwich, London, is said to have , Tnen ; t( ! wanl tlu l omi " f ^, l> , Wt ' ok ; ti ' 1KM V, 1<lk , hi , m , - by thc thr< :lt " mi lie wrote her a note. Mrs. HfthtWUl! r-hy&i:ca !y hurt him. was better, lying inpon her pillows She fnw f .imeth-ing of hi* bhoirghtjj rather weakly. Marcia no longer hadj in his t-y.s sometimes, ami p:inic' any real excuse to s-liut herself up in] wouv.f s?i:'.s upon her. She wou' 1 tiM' Ihi 1 ?"ii.-k room. Truiiblwd, hi<'uthg, herself lhat somehow anyhow s-'ie "drifU'd" half a mile equator in IH yi:n> AJl'l.TIPUBS Mn I '., cr b, ' FIVE The $185 Tractor (F.O.B. Toronto). Pays for Itself in Labor Saved Spry wheel enables one man to do five times as much cultivating as \\ith a wheel hoe. U; I >: <. the season is u-.c along, Sprywhcel will have more than paid for itself by ihe labor expense reived. \m-ncirs open in nnme localitiea. 52 COLBORNE ST, Dpt. "C" TORONTO c>