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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1922, p. 5

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June 29 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE 1 - ' - t i . . ,- > * . I- ,*.!> * V - 1 v > The Investor's Safeguard CAFETY is the first consideration in every phase ""^ of this Bank's business and we are in a position to render a complete investment service. Our nearest Manager will gladly advise you regard- ing any securities you may contemplate purchasing. Lrt STANDARD SERVICE tt your Invntmnt Saftt**r4 THE STANDARD BANK * or CANADA. FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches abo at WiUianuford and Holland Centre. Struck Three Times I Do*s lightning strike the >arue place twice? The following i: a. the Wiar'.on \ Canadian K ,h would teed to ,-hw chat > i: does: During '!'"= worst electrical storm, j accompanied by a hey rainfall, which ; has occurred in this district for many -i, the solid stooe residence of W. J. i )iudsoD, oo the Oliphant Riad, was i truck by lightning three times Kriday CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station as A cumber from here attended a circus in Oven Sound on Thursday last. Mr. R. Paton, student at Belleville college, is viaiting the parental home. Mr. A. S. Thurston of Toronto is visit- in town. Mrs. G. B. (Joldsborough and little son cf Irn.|uois Falls are on an extended visic with the former's parents bete, Mrs. Jim Bowler and family of Tor- and Mrs. W. VICINITY CHIPS 1 rains ollows : Going South 7.55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 9.30p. m. The mails are oaea at Flesherton ae follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and on , &re vis i t i Dg :it Mr 8 p.m. ; and the afternoon maH south at _ n -_i B _', SJ.40 o'clock. Fcr morning train south I vl mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. j Mrs t'.G Karstedc wis taken seriously ill one day last week, but we are glad to siy she is progressing very favorably now. Dr. McWilliam cf Dundalk will make weekly professional visits tn Priceville on Tuesday acd Friday, from 2 to 4 p.m. Fred Bunt and bty friend of Toronto ' are holidaying here. Robt Meads of Toronto is speeding <*; a aamp | e at their garage fcr inspection, couple of weeks at his home in town. I y ee j f Mrs. C. T. Bitty and daughter of | ,' .. A frot on bunday mgl.t did consider- Oshawa have loined Mr Bitty here. , ; able damage to tender garden stutf souih Work on the county highway between | o{ thg VI | lage No damage was done in Hanover and \Valkerton was held up by town that me h4Te heafd of _ a strike for higher pav. Mr. and Mrs. Akins are visiting U. Down and sons have taken the Mi. and Mrs. Wes. Buskin and Mr, Mrs. Liwrer.ce of Toronto visited friends here over the week end. Mrs. Wm. Miller and little daughter spent the p9t week with her mother at Houeywjod. Master Jack Ottewell of Toronto U spending a couple of months with his grandparents here. Mr. Yemen Sneider of Waterloo frienda in Toronto and Fergus, also at- tending th wedding of Miss May Reid in Gaelph this Wednesday afternoon. The County Council passed a resol- ution of thanks to to* ladies of Flesher- tcn for the entertainment given them on the occasion of their visit here. A few of the booklets printed at) icuv eoirs fur the opening of Memorial Park are still on hand and can be had at this motored up and spent the we*k end at office or from Mrs- Henry, price ten ceow the home of Wm. Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoocnr (uee Mr. and Mrs. D. Fairey tod daughter Irene G udlo > " the arrival of . of Toronto .pent the week end with the 8on - Geor S e Erne - on Sunday, Jutae former's mother here. 4ch - at Grace Hospital. Winnipeg. Prince Arthur Lodge. A.F- and A.M. Tlle P*UyieriM of Maxwell will attended service m a body at Priceville hold Mdet P* " the honle of M _ r ' r. i A n anm \T r ^ j , f\n \V 1 ->, I * v .1 n^ V .1 on Sunday evening. i Angus Morriscn on Wednesday, July football, piogram acd supper. See bills. The annual picnic of the Flesherton Methodist Sunday School will be held in J' Lever's grove oa Tuesday afternoon, Ju'y4-h. Everybody is given a cord- Mr. George Mitchell, Aleda and George ill mvitaticn to attend. Jr motored to Toronto over the week Megar3 Ken Lwg ^ Gerild end. Miss Lulu Mitchell, kindergarten Frank Bunt aca V \ e9 . Armstrong pUyed The Entrance examinations are on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this w :ek. Mr. I ' ihiil presides here and Mr. HulUnd at Priceville. teacher in Toronto, returned home them for the summer vacation. wiih their Hawaiian instruments iu the Classic Theatre in Owen Soucd the past few nights and were given a gx>C Pool room owners are now liable under the Act passed last year for a pro- reception. vincul t ix cf $M) table in addition to Messrs Ward and J*trothers, the 1 ccnie paid the municipality which thj;y reside. W.A. Armstrong has a small patch strawberries bat the fruit is oat small by repres- in enting the Department uf lime ace fisheries, were in town on Saturday look o f into the possibilities of starting fhl hatchery somewhere in this district any means. Two specimens measured They will return at no distant dte. 7 and i>i inches respectively, and many Warning is issued hy provincial police | to the effect that any person or person ' allowing their ca'tle or horses to graze others were nearly HS large. The Anniversary service will be held unattended on the sides cf public high liable to prostcution. It iu Chalmers' Presbyterian Church next Sunday July Snd. Rev.A.E Fhornley **** sre " able to F^cuticn. M. A., of Shelburne will be the peker. l' oiott ' d out llwt thi " P ractlce Is on ' Services, morning at 11, evening at 7. A special d-lkctien taken at both services. | lally at Dlyht< Farmers are advised when boing solic- i Ited by .'tgents tor lightning rids to de- i o the utousc danger to motorists, espec nd instructions are U prcsecute ny such olfenden A inao named Stephen Sutton, w li works fur Mark WiUoo. got a blow on the head list Thursday that < . --U ex maud to te their license. For their protection against fraud or worthless . WL-I i tmguished h - Uoip. While drawing material, the government has rtquired! , . , u . M I stick of timber fruoi the bush on . wagon the >!_,. U>wed and the bin Mi hub struck a stub, breaking It off. Suttin who w.'n walktui;, was struck 01 I the back of the head and knccked again : t the . .. i whtel. He drove the ' home but afterwards bec.itae insensible ' in which condition he remained for som tht every agent fur hghtniug rod equijj n.i'i '. must carry a license bearing the signature of the Ont-irio Fire Mart-hill. A c*r occupied by a .lew merchant of I Vit ,i:n u.iuied Levine and two others was struck by the noon passenger train at ,s crossing, north of HoUteiu. The oar WHS wrecked and one of the men time, buMs apparently all right *gin h*d au arm severely cut and broken. ! The w i_ wiu , ueet Ht the hotne t He was taken on the train to Durham Mrs , v . A. Hawkeo on Wedueflday where his injuries were attended to. , July 5> , lt 3 30 p-m . Urs H> Down wll Dr. Em Armstrong of Cobolt risited ] K>ve a paper, suoject " Cneerfulness ; ' relatives here on Friday last. He, with reading by Miss KiU Bsllamy. follows his wife, intends to sail foi- Kngland oil i by competiticu buttor. holiery, the prizi the first of July, to bs away tD months, i a pair uf sqisiors for best wi rk ; Curren He will vi-it the battle fields in France' Everts, r.y Mrs. K. Patton ; social hal and Flanders before returning, and has ' hour. Baking Com. Mesdames Ed premised The Advance a letter de*crih j T-est, L. Fishsr, S. deCuduiore ; sand- ing the condition of atl'i ; rs over there wicb, W. Turney aud W. I. Henry which we know ouv readers will swait 'Judges foi c.'mpetitiou, 51rs. \V. Sttwart v. i h keen expectation. Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Thuraton. A weddinit of interest to the people of Evny person to Kevenhnu or this district took place in Toronto on Saturav-, Ju'y 1st, ,-ind help to auki Tuesday of latt week, when Alfred and successful raynsier celebration cousi.'t Albert McClocklin of Durham, who aie inn of a baseball gam?, Flesher on and twins, were united in marriage to May Kavenun. same at -' p.m. sharp ; and aud Kale Henderson of Toronto, who football match, Kirnb-rley and Feve- aie also twins. The grooms arc c .usins shm, C.-l. Caruiichwl to umpire, th jf Mrs. Mark Wilson of town. The interval between games to be enliventd H )-er tfitls were twins, and to keep the ' by hunMa racins; aud boxinu in barreli d 'Uble idea going the young coupU-8 are and other sports. Grand moving picture living together now and expect to move ' conceit in trie evening Cut. Ctrmichne into a semi-detached h"Us<>. They went ; to addiesj the concert Miijienoe. Flesh- on their honeymoon t >gethsr to Detroit er'on Ci'izen's Untl in sttendanc*. Ad- wnd Rocky cmp ner Durh\m j miss-on t > i, unds 2." ona 13 eenis. Oue bolt entered a window on the econd storey and started . tire m the , :ur(ains and in some clothes nearby. ?hese were >jaickly thrown outside and fire averted. Another bolt .s' ruck the chimney n.d insiderable damage waa done to the eiling and walls of one room, while a hird bolt struck a screen door down- Uirs, split the casing, entered the itchen and split some base boa:di. Hid the house been of trame constiuc- icn it Is doubtful if it would be standing oday, and as it is the damage will be Dut ooe hundred dallars, which is . ver- d by insurance. Hargrave- Winters A very pretty June wedding took )Uce at the home if Mr and Mrs Dmd Winters, Opiey, on Wednesday, June 21, when their second daughter, Rebecca Hyrtle, was united in inirrisye to John largrave, son of Mr and Mrs William iirgwve of Wareham. The ceremony ws conducted by Rev H. Shannon of Mclntyre to the strains of Lohengiin's weddicg marah played by Mrs. J. Small of Alliston. The bride, who was given ay ly her father, entered the drawing room *nd looked pietty in a gown cf crepe de chine with bugle trimming tnd veil and carried . shower bouijust of Ophelit roses and sweet peas. The groom's gift to the bride w^s a handsome necklace After the ceremony ths gaests retired to the dinin;; room, where a sumptuous dinner waa served. The house was artistically decorated with roses, sweet peas tad frns. The bride aod groom left for Toronto, Niagara and other points imid the good wishes cf their many friends On their re'.urn they will reside on the groom's farm near Wrehrn. NEW PATTERNS IN OPEN STOCK CHINA We are now able to offer some new patterns in English open stock china, which have been on order for a long period, but owing to adverse trade conditions have been delayed in delivery. The stock is clear semi-porcelain, the patterns are very pretty and the various articles are quite new. The prices are based on direct import values and show a decided reduction on previous quotations. ________ Full 97 piece Dinner Setts special $33.50] Full 40 piece Tea Setts special 13.50 Some new ten piece Toilet Setts $10.50. LADIES' SHOE SPECIAL An assortment of Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps and Strap Slippers, some Dongola, some Chocolate Kid, some Patent Leather, some with French heels, some Cuban and others with sport heels. All perfect goods, no shop-worn or defective pairs included. Sizes well assorted from 2i to 7. Regular values from $4.50 to $7.50 Clearing at $3.79 pair All trimmed and untrimmed millinery selling at half regular p rices during balance of the seison. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO J Public Notice The fo'lowin? atoree will c'.o?e M ; - days and Wedaesdtyi at 7 Dm. during July, August and September Mrs. J. Henderson and Eli Robinnm, Fever- sham ; S. Osbcrne and C, fieron. Max- well ; Frank Curran and A. S >rnbenjer, Mclnlyre ; Jacob H .... : i.i^eroa ; B. Heitmai), Maple Valley : J. Hammill and ThoB. Hall, Sicgharnptno. Whitten McClelland The marriage uf Miss Faim e E. Kit- McClelland, daughter cf Mrs. ani the Ute James \V. McClelland,' to Ernest Wilfred Wbif.eo. ion of Mr. and Mrs. John \Vhittec, took place Saturday after 1 noon, June 24th, Rev. C E. Manning (.fficiating. The bride wore a bacdiome French crepe dresa cf blue *cd white crepe de chine, with large, white hit to m*tch. %nd waa attended by her sister. M'i- I. i::?e, who were can'on crepe acd white hat. Mr. Jimes Htrrmon, ccusin of the groom, acted aa best man. The happy couple left for a motor trip. On their return they will reside in Toronto. r Notice The p&rties who bad a net coutUcited by me on or about M >y 3rd are hereby re<{Ues'ed tj command claim their prop. i eriy t occe. R. Plantf, Constable. Gilts For The Bride Many charming and acceptable gifts are in stock for your inspection. In Cut Glass, Tableware, Silverware. Our selection contains varied lines and are in quality perfect and in price reasonable. The New Records "Pick me up and lay me down" Trot "Kitten On the Keys" Fox The above record is a hummer and the best we have received for some time. Harry Lauder's Record 'The Waggle O' the Kilt" j 12 inch and "Bella McGraw" | $2 00 is having a great run and proving one of his most popular. W. A. ARMSTRONG ONT. Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON, I Financial Strength 'T^HE principles upon which a Bank is founded, the A number cf years it has been in operation, and the policy followed during these years these features, com- bined with its present standing, from the criterion of the strength of a Bank. The Bank of Montreal began business in the year 1817 with a modest capital of $350,000, and for over a century it has followed a conservative aggressive policy until to-day its capital and reserve fund total $54,500,000 and its total assets are in excess of $650,000,000. BANK .OF. MONTREAL .HEAD! OFFICE -, ^MONTREAL;; Branches'* in' every important city and town in the Dominion and Newfoundland New Perfect ionflil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch -match to the burner in 1 it is ready in- stant!} STEADY Set the name where vii wnt it. It s'sys there. CLEAN Does not blacken pots or pus. The long blue chiuinuy lurna every drop of oil into coi'kinii heat. HOT -- For eveiy cooking purpose there is always abunnioce of steady clean intense heat. OVENS N P. overs aie superior to the ordinary ovens, quicker and more uniform remit* i'i baking and n a<ting are si-cured with them. Come in and . them, or better still, ask a uer. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 1 Flesherton Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th Tonsorial . r^z^zcn Parlors * e Aim to Give Entire *atifacti,-o j Y and char , eg streetg> Tor0ttto LAUNDRY B-isket close* Mund..j ,ight. delivery Fnuny ev STRICTLY FIRST CLASS CLEVXIN-3 TTbYBtSG- Wear r "'l^ fcs dily obtain empK-yment. .gent, for Parker's Dv Works- C'othe, lt ^I 9 to HtteDd the besf ' ^-"'"S"" leaned acd dyeii. fathers T FISHER- W .1. ELLIOTT. PBINCIPM.

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