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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1922, p. 1

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Vol. 43, No. 4 Flesherton, Ont., June 28, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. CEYLON R Cook visited feiends at Walkerton Ifist week and was accompanied home by hin cousin, Joseph Cook. Miss Edna and Angus Kearns of Tor- onto are visiting at S and J McFaddeu's. ' Mrs Wilson McMullen hs returned >.,m visiting her daughter in Toronto. ' Mrs Winter is visiting her son in Owen Sound. 1 Alex Knox, who has been attending Normal at Hortb By, has returned home <for the summer holidays. Mrs R P Legate left last week for her 'home at Edmonton. >l John Kennedy attended railwsy tneetiog in Orangeville on Saturday. Mrs Penningtoo and daughter of Tor- onto ate visiting at D D McLhlsn's. ' Mrs Jas Aahdowo and Mrs D Muir spent the firtt of the week in Owec Sound. F Twsmley of Toronto is visiting at R . Gibson's. Dr V I'a-terson of Toronto spent the week end with his wife here, who is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs D McLeod. Mr Yi.-e bis ftarted a Bible study clais which will he held every Monday even- ing at 7. 20., after which Mr Vcse will train the young people to sing. Every one is Invited to join. Walkerton i A WAI nut id out for a fanner, named L'hks. Thompson, of Uth cui. Culrosa, j.esr K'n'o, chareing him with abduoi- ini a 17 year old girl nitmed Jeseie ^truihers and cnnttablee are - jrii _ , the country for the missing pair. Thompson is 36 years old and has a wife ' and nine :hildren, the youngest only fou r 1 dtys old. He lives ou a rented farm. ' It is roicored that Thompson has bead- ed for Winnipeg The nr.-r conviction in thia Jistiict v under the new law which forbids tr^ns-. portation of liquor on the hinhwuy was ' registered on Monday, when Mr. v Albert Boehmer o< Kitchener ws tined f.'i'O mi I oosta by Maxistrate McNib 'for taking liquor to his summer cottag e at Southamp'on. It appears that Boeh had mo'or trouble near Dunblane. 'A bunch of farmers gathered and epying v'the booze, te'ephoned to Pnislt y and as i. a result information was laid in c iurt by License Inspector White. Te'esc >pe - Rod And Gun " Men t f the Hudson Bay Company, ' iis tb title of a new continued feature .vhkh atari? in the Ju'y issue of Rod and .Gun in Canada. It ia by N.M.W.J. ..McKecz ; e, a man who spent many years in the service af the company, and whc, . by reason of his long term of service, is able to present a narrative ot absorbing interest, full of reminiscences of the days nod the events of the North of bygoi.e dtyg. It will ke continued in fuiuru 'issues ot the magazine, and it is certain 'to prove an intensely popular feature. ''There is a lish s^ory entitled " Shooting ' ri-ih, " which is told in humaroui vein, " l.y that HC'I known u nt T, ftlaxiiniliaa , Foster. H. Mortimer Batten, whose ' it has became very popular Rod aud Gun readers, is at his best in " tire point, " a thrilling tale. Then there are othei features and articles which axe well np to the standard. The depart- ments are of generous size and high liuhty, and altogether the July number is one of the best ever published. Rod abd Gun in Canada is published monthly at Woodstock, Ontsrio, by W.J Tiylor, Limited. 42nd Successful Year Practical courses Expert instruc- tioD Individual instruction Employment department C. A. FLEMING, F.C.A , Principal since 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. ROCK MILLS W T Pedlar and wife. Lewis Pedlar, wife and children, motored to Rob Roy ind visited W Bnstow and family. Mrs R obeic Dargavelflf Dornoch spent he past week with her son, Jixtnes, here. John Hargrave, wife and sonjattendtd he Hargrave- Winters weddiug in Osprey nt week. Irene Bales of Toiont) is spending a ew days with Mrs Lewis Pedlar. George Lawler, wife and son, of Max- well, vieited recently with their daugh- er, Mrs Lea Chard. Fred Bunt and a boy friend of To- onto are visiting with W T Pedlar and amily. W Hall and wife of Oeprey visited ecently at John Hargrave's. Alice Mclntyre spent a day recently with Mrs Levi Belts. Susie Chard returned to her home on Saturday after speeding the past month with her sister, Sirs Geo Johnston, lliston Arthur Ayton Bolton ... rhatsworth hesley larkshur; ullingwood Dundalk )urham Fall Fairs ISr-aid Valley I mover Cilsyth vemble I it r 1 ill 1...1. i ilouut Forest Orillia Orngeville jwen Sound Ottawa(Central Canada) . . ?riceville Sl'elburne Para Toronto (Can. National) Walters Falls Wiarton . Oct.. Sept. .Sept. ..Oot. .. Oot Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. ..Sept. . . Oct . .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. ..Oct. .Sept. .Sept. Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. . .Oct .Sspt. ..Oct. .5.. .6 19...20 U .15 .29.. 30 .12. .13 .28.. 29 19 .20 .12. .13 26. .27 .14. .15 .21...22 .3. ...4 ,28..2t) .26. .27 .21.. 22 .2C..27 .5. ..6 .28.. 29 21.. 22 .28.. 30 .20. .21 .11...13 14. .15 .12.. 14 ..8...18 ..5..-H .19.. 20 ..3. ..4 Aug.2t5 Sept 9 .Sept.. 26.. 27 Sept... 26.. 27 Honor Rolls FLESHERTON P, S. Sr. Pr. to lit J McFadden. (hon) A Irwin, (hon) B Patton, B Sled H Bst K Fisher (Equal) E Ferric, E M, Killop, E Brown. 1st to Jr 2nd-F Welton, G McMas- ter. To sr 2nd G Sled, (hon) B. Phillips, A Lever. W Culgan, 1 Lewis, G Stuart 'recommended.) i |To Jr 3rd Ferris, H Thompson, G McFadden, L Carrington, D Wooc's, T Thompson (rec.) To Sr 3rd M Stuart, (bou) C Me Fidden, (hon) J Cargoe, H Heard, K McKee, J Stuart (rec.) To 4th M Sled (hon) E McCallum, M Inni-ter, J Nuhn. In the course of a few minutes' talk wi'.h John Joynt, M.P.P., North Huron, we asked him what exausofrthe members of the Legislature really had for wanting fie six hundred dollars bonus. " Well ' slid he, " they seemed to think they bad eunecl S^OOO.OO ; " but. hd laughed at the idea. Only four others along with Mr. Joynt voted against the grab. They are: Lethbridge and Brown, both from Middlesex; Nickle, from Kingston, and Row, from Oxford. Lucknow Sentinel Residents generally will regret to U*rn that the little Miller girl, whom we re- ported last week as having been burlec under a cave in along the river back in Bentinck, is now lying in Owen S >u Hospital with a broken back and in a serious condition. The little patient was taken to Owen Sound last week and had auX-ray examination, which diacltsec the nertoUH nature of her injuries -Durham Chronicle. Notice Any person found trespinBing on k 1 29, con. 10, by way of hunting, bo picking or otharwise, will be proseculei according to law. S. M. OSBORNK. Mnxwellj PORTLAW Sweet clover haying is the order of the day these times. Mrs James Hill has returned from a visit with her daughter in Toronto. A number from this part went to Owen Sound last week to take in the big circus. The circus got away all the sima. Rjbert Morton, who will soon com- mence his tinal year at the Medical College, Toronto, is spending his holi- days at home. Mrs (Rev.) Cani( bell of Maple aid drs Lockhart of Victoria Corners visited ist week with friends here. Denimore Watson is in military '.rain- ng at Camp Sarawak . Mr aud Mrs Jas Bill uf Orange Valky >nd Mr and Mrs Thomas Whitten of lUrkd ile visited late ly with Mr and Mrs J W Lyons. The service on Sunday I ait was o n> lucrtd by luistit ga League. The topie waa taken by Mr John Duncan and the service throughout was inetiuctive and uspinog to a good sized congregatlM, .nd creditable to the League, and espec- illy to those who took part. The iervice next Sunday will be conducted iy the home League. Victoria Corners Ernie Stiosou is rushing Mi.-- Eliza- beth Ford. Mr aud Mr Leslie BI-OOKB of Turonto are visiting friends in the aei^hbnrbouji T ;.' League took the service at the three appointments ou Suodny. Tie topics tiven ly Ju [ . f ,;i aud Ruseel Patterson were a synupsig ot the ifeofPaul. We are proud of possess- DK such eimrt young people whom we lelievo are second to none. Gecri(e Ludlow has torn down and removed the old cheese factory t the corner. FEVERSHAM Mr and Mrs Richard Hawkins of Toronto visited last week with Mr and Mrs Wm Davidson. \->- Ro.'zeU, '.v.! and s^u, Murray, of Caledonia, were callers ID our village 'as: week. The Dr returned home but Mis. Riszell remained fur visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs S M Osborne, at Maxwell. Manter Charles Walters of Toronto is holidaying with his uncle, C Thompson Samuel H tut n of Collingtrood was a caller in our village on Thursday last. Miss Carrie Kernahan is visitinii her ptrenta here and her best of friend* are glad to renew old aci|UaintinceH. Mr and Mis Elonell have returned to Toronto for a abort time before going to thftr Bummor cntt-ige in Muskoka. An Incorrect Statement Otawa. June 20th, l!22. Dear Editor, I read with aumzenn nt in the Durham Review : " She (myself) and some uf the Piogrtbsives did not want to vote at all on the Budget, but a [aw compels every member to vote un ESI paired and her vot went against the Budget. ' That itatement IB absolutely i\.-. .-.-, I never looked forward with m great pleasure to the casting of any vote. II;. Budget made gome slight reduc- tions in the tariff, but increased the sales bai fifty per cent It eniiio'y failed to lire up to the Liberal platform of 191V, which, by the way, waa largely copy if ours When questioned ly Progressives as to whether next ytur further reduc- tions wyuli be m:tde, the government give skilful evas'ons.' Then came Sir Lotner Gouin's speech of high proteciion without any apology, and Mr. Fielding's declaration that he never diil btlieve in the turitf planks of the Liberal plat f Dim of 191!). Our amendment was thrown i u', HO that uuly left Sir Ueury Drnyion's amendment, which recited much if the Liberal p'aifortu ; said the Liberals had failed to put their platform into low, and concluded with these words : " That the making of such solemn pledges, the utilization of them to secure support, aud their Migrant violation afUr the attain- ment of i tfice, rtveal * disregard of p litical honor and tei.d to lower the stand- ard of political life." The Conservatives were evidently net sincere in their tcolding of the govern- ment, because the Budget was tuth as they would have brought down, but their amendment cintaked the truth. The two votes were separate and dis- tinct, ln-M came tli vote en the amend- ment, when nine or ten of us did not vote until our rote was chal etoged, and then I voted for the amendment beciiue it contained the truth, and I could nit vote against it, although 1 believi'd its nio?eis to be insincere. Then cuue the Budget-, aud with great pleasure I voted against it. Of what us-3 would it be to talk agnintt hiuh taiilt'in . campaign and then vote for it when elected ! Yours Sincerely, -AGNES C. McPHAlL. Escapes Without A Scratch Stubbing his toe while pUying on the roof of Allgra Mansions, Melbourne Avt>., Toronto, six year old Jack Haztou fe 1 headlong from the roof. He turned a complete somersault in bis 35-foot dm. ceiit. landed " sitting down " on the roof of a small play shack and went on through t) thu ground, then he scram- bled to bis feet, blinked his tyes a ' , gjt rid of a " chew " uf gum he had been interested in, and went on rumping at hide-and seek with his pUymates-. ju-t as if the stnnt was n every-diy -ccur- rence. But Jack, oor Jimmy, his elder brr., ddu't tell mother about it, beciube she hadn'c b.<en veil and they didn't wait to worry her, and mother in bathing the youngs-er that night didn't even act- t bruise or a scratch to aak em'jar-ieeir.' questions about. His playmates, how- ever , couldn't ket-p the secret. " I felt just like an airplane, mother, " WiH.Jick'a simple stVeitei.t when the s'.ury cuaieout. His only serious ih.uitht c ime Utter and uuexpjctedly, when be w*s saying his prayers. Ih ( cotr.plet- ed, he turned t> bis raotlvr and said: " I ituess I should thank G f ir saving me, m -ther. " Jack is a Sfn of Mr. and Mrj. Ja.s Hix on. In his uil hj missed n hiuh board fence which separati s the side entrance to the apartments and the adjtceut yird. Ten milts uf Hjdro Elec'.ric line has been installed at Prairie Siding, near Cbilbani. There are 130 cu>t<>iners and farmers have not inly their larns m:d houses lit up, but also their bnrnyatds in some instances. BASEBALL Agricultural Grounds FLESHERTON Today (Wed.) CEYLON vs FLESHERTON Game called at 5 o'clock Admission : 25 & 15 Opera House Warning Those hu htvc been (ircul.itiuu derous stories about mo will l-o proce- ojted if it dof s not stop at once. GRISELDA D1XON. P H O T O This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock Tom Moore in "From The Ground Up" i Torchy Comedy A J Prica 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax !S C. E. WALDEN ~ MANAGER Pipes Our stock of pipes has been greatly added t <> and we can supply you with a pipe to suit your style. The selection con- tains : The famous "G.B.D." "Peterson's" "Kola" "Sea Dog" "Old Pal" and the new pipe " Aonian DeLuxe" Armstrong's Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* . and Embalmera Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. \V. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew Flesherton, your subscription to Ont. J The Advance If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from us. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. "Shop where you are invited to shop' i W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seedi, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors '20c per yd. Factory Cotton l'2ic per yard Ladies' Vests 2f)c'. Printed Voiles 3oc per yard and up Organdy in all shade ?35 Printed Organdy .ioc. and up White Canvass shoes $2.90, were $4 75 Fleet Foot Shoes from $1.00 up Men's Balbriggan underwear per garment 75c, Peabody make Overalls $2.25 Peabody Smocks $2.2.') Heavy linoleum 12tt. $4.00 per yard Hijih<'>t prices pni<l for Produce W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON \ H I Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER . There is no food equal to Bread in food value. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, i 7 lesherton

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