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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1922, p. 8

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June Jl 1922 THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE Feversham s Busy Store We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave your order and have us send for your patterns MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, - ONT. ELECTRICITY ON THE FARM BUSIN.ESSCARDS SOCIETIES Dli&'CE AHTHUK IX)DQK, No. SSa.A.Fx* I A U. nieett to the Masonic ball. Arm ' iM-ons'a Block Flertierton. every Friday op ! or balori the (all rnoco. ' . I. Ilella;ny V. M R. 0. Holland, becrvry. BUSINESS CARDS WM. KAITTINU. Icetmed Aoctlcuecr ro the copBtti'S of i.ri-v and Blmooo. "rm aud Block talee a i-ptxlulty. Turnre uodorate. satisfaction (.immnt^ ueuts for ini.'i :. iv BeiuatfSst >fflci'. or Central teler-honi? Office if by address! us Use at I'-cn-i bam. Out. D DENTISTRY nnfi. C MURRAY L. D. B . dental aorgeoo ^ bcuTK Kx&tlnatc of Toronto (JDiverelly aod Kya Collier olDeutal SurKooni of Ontario. Q adnilMutnCYttl for tei-tli extraction fcce tj t t1 tt'Lcu. Toronto Street. Fleeberton. LEGAL I UCAB, A bEXRY Barrister!. Solicitors, * . L B. tuoai, K. C.: \V. D. Henry, it, A. UfflcM, Mara-aale tucae BlixjK, Phone (A. branch ctCtCb at D-.iuJi.ik aud Ourba . . M.TI! Ml . Llcenaed Aactlonee for the County oj Grey. Terms moderate and MMMMMM Kuarare<l. Tbe arrapgerueDtp i :. l flatca of eahie CAM be marie at ThE ADVAN office. KeEi'h : o and P.O., Ceylon. Telcphoire :onnectloo. . fcll. A. TfUNUL'LL. Tt.\.. tl.v.t pradmrte ** from tlio Faculty of Mufllclno.Unlvonit) of Toronto. Office Blcliardion HI ock. Flesh- ertou, Telephone 35. j r . H. A. McKEE Chiropractor Specialist At Park Hotel, H. -!n-t :. Monday, 1 ' i Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 8 p.ui. ; Feversham Tuet-diy, Thursday and | Stturdays 7 t > '.> p.m. Consultation fiee A studypf tihe actual distribution of Hydro-Elactrli: anevgy in the ru- ral districts of (batiu&o already served haa been Bade by ^nzineers of the Provincial CoramMSBoil It ^^U $W*- ttef fcrcirual estimated! cdfct to we farmers ranges between $77.36 Mid $307.84 on a 60 cycle circutit and between $82.42 and' $326.66 on a 25 cycle circuit. The consumption varies from 40 to 300 kilowatt hours per month, accordr ing to the amount of power equip- ment installed in house and barn. Light Farm Service includes the lighting of farm buildings, power for miscellaneous small eo^idpment, poTjr for single-phase motors not to exceed S-horsepower demand and electric range. The range and the motor must rrot be used at the game time. This is the service consum- ing 40 k.w.h. per month arid costing $77.36 per armum. This cost, of course, includes the carrying char- ges and operating expenses of the rural service line. Medium single-phase farm ser- vice peamits a five-harse-power de- mand, and a monthly consumption of 70 kilowitttJrours. The estima- ted immral cost is $97.80. Heavy farm-service permits the range and the power equipment to be operated simul'taneoudy. The eonsurnjrtron is 150 kUowatt-'hours, and the estimated cost $190.31. The higher costs m-entitmed above are for Special power installations from 10 to 20 horse-power demand and wdth double the consumption of Heavy Farm Service. Very roujjhiy, the kilowatt-hour rate averages frwm 10 to 15 c, lu- chidtng the necessarily heavy ser- vice-charge. Considering: the many advantage* in labor~aaving and in living-cTHnfort by the installation of Hydro-Electric standard service on the farm, dw ratea are- uncommonly attractive. That they are appeal- ing to the common sense of rural Ontario Is shown by tie fact that 3,500 rural contracts -were made with the Provincial Oomrrossion from June, 192"1, until the Spring of thia year. The work of eanvasp- ing in districts arilaceiit to main transforming stations is proceeding and there is reason to anticipate a very marked increase in the use of "rural power" within the next few years. f Specials for This Week "Our Own" Blend Teas at Old Price These Teas have met with a steadily increasing sale for four year.?. We handle only bulk teas and insist on buying the best we can get. Teas have ad- vanced, but we shall sell until July 10th our Regular Blends in Blacks and Greens at the old price, 65c. per Ib. After that date the prioe will be 75c. per lb., and our Teas are worth it. Lay in a stock now. Cups, Cups and Saucers Plain white cups only - $1.50 doz. Cloverle if cups only $1.70 " " cups and saucers - $2.75 " Berger's Pure Paris Green The only rHmble Paris green in 1 Ib. package^ ; and lb. packages at 28 cts. each. Fresh Fruits for Canning Leave your order with us for your Fruit for Canning. Strawberries, Cherries, etc., will be supplied at very lowest prices. We only handle fruit to order. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE, :-: :-: : . : ONTARIO ONTARIO'S forest wealth is dwindling. Every year forest fires take disastrous 4oll. Careless campers cause eleven per cent, of Ontario's forest fires. Last summer 112 cases of neg- lected camp fires were reported. This summer be careful. Save Forests They're yours DONT take chance* with flro In OnUrl'i'i forntr DONT throw ,away rlitarette or cluar H>utU>. pipe^'hcrlt" or burnt mutchra until you are 'Vint sure they are out. DON'T nrlt to drown out your (Ire \flU) lota at wat*r. DON'T liuiM your camp flrc ..i .iln.i ,11 rottn 1 or tump nor on windy points ; nor near mc% patchii; nor at lh>' Iwsi- of a tr. Bullil it In o lanwr fin- place, or uvi a (UX rock, or on R aput ^ ^n ^ down to th true aoil IxJ.nv. or by the vAg* of .thi' water. DON'T forget that *t he upper ins. r nt Knnind In the loreat connMt* 'tf Plir- tlslly IM!I,~I WO,H< whloh will burn. When you build your fire to make tea, fry bacon or add cheer to pipe and story-telling time, use a woodsman's precautions. The real woodsman builds his fire on an old fireplace, if there be one handy. Failing that he -scrapes away all litter, moss and fibrous rotted wood down to the mineral soil, or the bare rock, and preferably some place close to the water. He knows that if fire gets into the moss or the upper woody layer of forest soil, or in a half-rotted log or stump, it "holds over," burnt away unnoticed underneath, and unless fol- lowe'd up and carefully put out, is liable to break into a flame later. He knows how hard it is to put such dep-mouhlering fire out. So he makes his cooking fire surprisingly small and compact, and chooses a spot that is absolutely safe. It in a mark of his finished woodsmanship how thoroughly he drowns his fire out with plenty of water when he Is through with it. Save the forests. You may want to camp again. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings, Toronto CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Team Ceylon Duudalfe Vaodeleur Flesherton Murkdtle.. P C .1000 .500 .500 .333 ..'533 Msikddle 12, Flesherton 10 CVylon '.', Dundalk 7 Game* thit week Thursday Markdnle at Dundslk I''iidy- Flthherton at Crylun Markdale 12, Fleiherton 10 Flsherton'a third came in lb ended in s way thtt was unexpected when M ii Iv! iu' slipped away with !. r irtt wiu ut the (oaiou liy ihe score of 12 10 en their homa ttouuds. Hy -ill ouutB t'lesherlon tribe should have oiue through the winneio but H lucky j lit down iht> ri^ht be!<l fuul lice hy Beaton with two men ou buses m.d the iiij{ of the kail in the long grss, which is very prominent, resulted in the a.'uring of the two runs and his own. This wis In the 8:h inuing M ,::'.... were able to et in live more runs before hey were retired, fho tirst seven in- nings were played and Flesherton were leading them o 4. fieslierlou wta able t> (jet in two runs in theeiulith, ^nd then the " Reds" brn'jjjh: in their tiyht tuns I i;ri ]i: -tutically cmchod the game. The Fletberton White Buz did their b-.'si to i pull up in the '.Hh hut were able to get I in thrve niakint! 'ho Kcoru 1210 in favor u( JIrkdile. Alcux pitched grent b:ill until the u'gNth and had rirtt cli.-s hickinu;- 1'ariH relieved in the latter jui' uf tti:- i'jniug and no uiore runs wer<- tccmd. Flesl.e:t(ii is new lied with Mtikdtlc far lust p'itce. Graves, Thurston. Aiiostrouif, 1'nrkf, D.iw Carnne, McTivish, tiownid, AIc^x. Markdtle Bowler, Beard, Oundar, M \l i.-i. Hill, Iteaton, II .11. C Merger, Tuck . Score by innings; KIe>hfiton 1 0200202 3-10 Miiikdale --a 1 1 8 x 12 I'inpirt'.H S. Uuchttnan, Wailing. Ceylon 9, Dundalk 7 CVylon kind of Upset the dope ou the leadership of the League this Mention when i hey defeated Dundalk at Ceylou ).i Thimday afternoon- It *a tho best gaino that Iris been jjlaytd in thin dis- trict this ye*r and Ceylon aru Ihe con- nii'd leaders ttith twn wins and no lusses. " Ft " Muir, who generally re- ceiveH, this time did the twirling for Ceylon and worked thu Dundalk Shutn- Dcks for a fan-. Tha rest of the teams hivu still i chaucu for the cup nuw that Dundalk has been downed as they have been uonttidc red to be the one) to 1 > it for Ihe chainpinnshi| ' Duodalk CUrid^e, J BUckwell, M - tiiuw. McDonald, Armstioug, Moutgom- oiy, C Thompson, M Thompson, Carson. Ceylon B McLod, HI Mulr, W Fargher, It QiUdn, J McLend, S Mo- Leod, J MoMullen, S Pedlar. H Pedlar. Score t<y innings; Dundalk 0032110 0-7 Cayioo 30011004 0-H Flesherton travel to Ceylon this Fri- day afternoon and next wiek Ceylon come here. W understand that r^leahorlnn have I protested thu game with MaikdVie oo r . i^Miunds. tiiNl nut li^xini; Langu* umpirt'ri, und Hucund on the dtcsicn in the Hih ini ii'g hfn they claim Oliver's hit in foul territory in tho <nt*li>-!,l FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump vvor k. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario ESTABLISHED 1872 Hi M Ill Proton Office open lues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 1 2 o'clock noon .HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON tO 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Snb-Manager No other car lasts so long and costs so little. BUY A FORD Ford Touring Car $535 f.o.b. Ford, Ontario H, DOWN & SONS Flesherton, - Ontario

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