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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1922, p. 4

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June 12 1922 THE ADVANCE 1 Flesherton Tailor Shop 5 The Place where you get Service Just laid in a new stock of ready-made WORK* DRESS TROUSERS licet grade obtainable altei- 1 to fit. At lowest prices. Oome in ami look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T. C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Kepniring Pressing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario. (Hi iiiM iiiiiiiiliUif Hii iiiUiilf iUU tiiiliiil .;.;;:i. Right Now * Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO jl Notice To Creditors Weber " Not Guilty." . Krom Owen Sound Sun Tinif* j, Weber of the township of A.,.,_ , ... Ar.eme^a, as found " not a ilty " ,, " De f tho four cou f9 "' In the matter of the eotite cf Heury ! Alexander Welx-r, Utt. of the Township of Artemeuia, in thr C<nty of Grey. Farmer. Jeca.d. NOTICE U hereby K lven, pursuant to the provisions of tne Trustee Act and all nlon "F under fn'st- prutences, t tho June tatutes applicable thereto, that nil per- ' Sessions of the I'eac* which openud nt ons and creditor, having claims KaioHt ,),,. ,;, urt u ,. UHe yMturd llftl , rniMin the abovu inuntioned ea.ate are raqUlnd : , , , , . ' on or before the 2Uth dy of Jane, A. D. j befol ' Jud N*MfUMB 1U22, to deliver U> the undersigned,! Weber, who was foreman cf a gang of oUottot for Jofco Weber, the Adimnis- ' ,.. ,, r i,i., n """ *** n CoUDt y rosd(i ID Arf "'- trator of the ,,f the .aid their namne, addresses, descriptions and j ' full particular* of their clnlm, n Ule- | m.-Mt of minimi arid tbe nature cif necur- < laid itlea, if any, held by them. Aod further take notice thnt on >md after the said -".Hi day of Jane. A I ' 1922, the BHid AdnilnbtmU>r will proceed tii distiiuutc thu Assets of the said i-otiito ttmung the pt-ifiouti t-nlillcd tberetu, as alleged to have "padded his pay. " and four at pirate charges were him in tho indictment. Hu y<ar ng'i ( | )U t || (H charg' 1 him was dismisKod HB the jury brought in H verdict that he had "cb Uinrd innuey liy intent i o defraud. " d only I" the claims of which he haw ,., j , j . . . h*A '!.. ...^ !,, *..;A i^ m ;i.. 9 " MI " rint <u ' Bl of interest County of Groy. then h'ul ntt(i-, mid the mt trator will not ! liable- tu any pernon of whose olaiui he nhall not then have received noiicu. Dated at Markdalu tin.- _".ith day of May, A.D. 1' '-'-' - P. McCULLOUGH, Markdale P.O., Ont. Solicitor for the gftid AdiniruMtrator. Cacus Star, 2.10 1-4 Speed begets Speed if pure bred. " CtctiM UUr "\VilkeiStamboul, Hap- py Medium, registered A. T, R, 4R310, Canadian 1907 enrolled 4562. Canus Star will be at the Muiubaw Hotel Stable* every Thursday for dinner then goe to MarLdale Thursday after- noon and back t.. Fleiherton Friday morning, where hu will remain unti 2 p. in and return to his owuscable.Dunrlalk, |>rutences without The ewe bus nx- orer thu THE Flesherton Advance An indapeodent newspopot puliltsbed each Wednesday at tho offlee.Oollingwood Street, Kh- J>rtnji Subucription price 51.50 per annum relu-n piid in mlvanoe ; 82.00 when not si> pid. 83.CXJ to UnittKl States. Advertising ratos on pplroatioo, Circulation over HOC weekly. W. H. THUHSTON KDWOR A COINCIDENCE Otu- correspondent last, week gave sin interesting instance of tbb foolish extravagance practiced by tbe Garou a,ml Fisheries Department of Ontario when they sent u spsoial officer up. to investigate the destruction of a nest of partridge eggs. This in CODJULIC- tlon with tbe case of tbe Depart lui ;if , early last spring, allowing tbe carcase of a doer, wbiab brohe iti leg and bled to death on tbe farm ol Mr. Oliver, to rot for want of in- strnutious regarding its disposal utter being informed and mptvuctijne asked for, would make it appear thu! ' .. i >i I -irtri. i:r is more interested it ti. ornamental than in the useful. Bnt can it be tbat the seasons gang the activity of the gentleman at Tor onto headquarters: 1 Last winter thf weather wa?-bad and railway travel ling a" bore. " Per motoring thi weather has recently beeu ideal, This, of con tee, may be only a coin cidenco but it looks bad and coulc have- been avoided by getting an otlicer on the gionnd to look into the matter without any material cost for travelling. Multiple telephone conversations on the same telephone wire will in the next attempt of science. This will be a good thing for some of the rural lines aroand heie. The cascwastrifd-btfore Judijo Sulher land and n jury consisting of John 1'nik, Jus A. E.nery, Peter McEacbuin, Jamce OillieF, Fred Carsoadden, Geo. Black, Laverne D..uglas, David Illahi-, Wm. Campbell, Sam Tuck, Bm Ken- nedy, Freuintn Moulton. W. 8. Middiflbro K. C., Solicitor for the County of Grey, addressed tho Jury explaining the history of the caie. Mr. John Parker, Treasurer of Comity uf Grey, produced several ptysheets for nadwork dune in Artcmeeia in October IWiJO, under foremanthip of D. L. Weber. The evidtnce i.f J. Orr, Eugeni , Art emesia, as given by him at preliminary trial Ir, i ,i, i\i,,ri 1 1: i - Oreasor, was tcad by \V. S. Mid lebro K. C., to the Juiy, us Orr's evidence. Mr. Orr was mmMc where ho will remain until the folbwin 8 , be prcscnl at n, B , ri ,|. Monitiiy at o clock. Uiual conditions For further particulars arldrers Charles Palmer, Box 148, Dundalk, Ont. Uuiy The evidence said, Orr Imd not worked for Mr. Weber from October 1st to Nov. After that will come tbe instru mont to detect those who listen in t all conversations on tho line. Transien* 4dvs, Di-ck Eijgs for Snle 75c per eleven N. Arubihald, R R 3, Proton. Ch 'ppin done on Saturdas only i'i Bros. Eugenta ~For Sale Fresh lime, kiln open now. Wm. Ulakey, Portlaw. o ing Pigs For Sale, 5 weeke old A. Conkey, Ceylon P. O. 'Phone. Setd Buckwheat Fur Sale Silver Hull also a few tons of hay Ben Mc- Keoz'e, Ceylon, It K 1. For Sale Birds pure wool Mackinaws In black, brown and grey, also knit . H Alexander, Feversham. For Sale or Kent The old egg factory in Flesherton, ou easy terms. Apply to 11. J. Sproul* 1 , Flesherton. For Sale A kiln of fresh lime to be .pen- il i'ii Mon . Inn, 19 J.J. I'urkir, Proton. for Sole Two building lots, in Flesh- 1 erton near the Methodist church apply i (o Mrs. M. ThUtlethwaitf, Flesherton.! For S.ile A quantity o! hay, and alo I a team of horses for 815U, or exchange for cattle John J. Meads, R R No. 2, Pricevillt, Warm Weather 8 here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas Fresh Chocolates, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. W. E. CAHGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Lost On Sunday, June 11, at Eugenia locket with photos, open face, valued as keepske. Finder please return to Mrs. E. M r.'-.n, Eugenia. Reward. For Sa'u 1J H. P. abo 2J H. P. gasoline engines in first class repair. > To bo sold at a bargain. H. Down and Sons, Flusherton. If you are thinking ut buying a Cream Separator buy o other hut the DeLavai, wlii 1. is the best and molt reliable sep- arator made. Call, phone or write Hugh Koott, &lrkdale, agent. Fur Sale One 14 foot mill, I'll/.- saw, one 14 power wind- h.p. portable steam engine, one 10 inch plate grain grinder, and ball bearing pneumatic i .ri -1 buggy, one 6 ft M II blnder.cnower, > one 12 disc seed drill Chw. Stafford K R 5, Markdale. 15th, 1020, and had received no money whatever from him iy Road Superintendent John Johnston, gave details ag to a conversa tion ho had with vVeber and the p; given men and teams who were working on the roads. Emerson Brown, Iteevo of Colliug- ood Township, chairman of Gooc Roads Committee in l'J20 said he hue conversations with Weber on Nov. 19ih David L Weber, the defendant, w,is foreman on ill-- road in Artemusia in 1920. Urr had l>een working for bin with Weber's taam, getting ?3 75 per day and Weber for tho team $3.25 per day. After Urr bad stopped the team, ie kept on working on the road with Bob Smith Hi driver. Defendant said he had seen Kmerson Drown in Clarksburg, where ho had told Urown that a inUta tad I'. "H made, and Brown had advised iim to send a cheque to recover the UDOODti Witness sitid he had no intention to defraud the County of Orey, 'xtmiued by W. S. Middlebr I. -d n,i mi said he had noticed that Orr was not there to receive the money, the bird [ ,y after he had stopped, lie B\\C :e didn't notice tin had 48 75' too much uich wni>k for tho first two weeks, when ie ouldn't lind John Orr. Aflur Webor lad noticed tho mistake ho had put John On nainu day liy day. After hu had found out trio County was iiii|iiirien, hu hid sent tho money buck to the Oounty. Witness 8id hu had forgut'rn Orr tliure for the eix weeks, merely 1 1 m ! , , i . the n n, from one pty- sheet to another. H :.!' 'ii'iu the ttiguiug of il . paysheuta i'li.i that oftun one man signed for a number, and i in WAS the way Orr's iiniiie appeared on the payshoeta. John Uiilnnil, i resident of township rf Arttimdbiu and foimor reoVf, testified to thu ciiarault-.r of tho defendant, tie said his (HUH 'y und intorgrity had never btuni ijvieatioued . (.110. 1'ritchard, a resident of Artein- vain for 37 years, hud known Weber all that time. As far its he knew himself, Wubor was alright. This closed the evidence for the tic fencB. W. H. Wright K, 0., counsel for the defence, addressed the Jury- NY. 8. Middlebro K. 0., counsel for the Crown, also addressed the Jury. Judge Sutherland summed up the case. The Jury retired at 5.30 an d brought in veidict of " not guilty " at 5.ii 8 p.m. Court was adjourned until Wednesday morning ut 30 o'clock. Home and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Asbdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a uood home for a retired gentleman. For terms and fur- ther particulars apply to W. J. Bella iiy, Flenherton. IMayft - Cream - Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Test- ing Station Come and see it tested. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stend. CEYLON WE SELL Boar For Service Pure bied Uegmterea Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard famous 77530 on lot 167, S. W. T. & S. R., Artemetia. Terms 81.50. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. 10.4.2J T. J. STINSON. FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on BOAR for SERVICE Purebfd Tamworth Bow for service in lot It.', . S W T and S E., Arternesia,. , Terms 81. 50. Sows not returned will ' ie charged same M those in pig. Fob 15 T. J.STINSON, Prop MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWSR JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of I: M . H. Hi n- derson, who passed away on Juno Kith U20. Tm only il> who l.<viul and lost, Can iflali/.'i the bntter cost. Loving wife, and f unity. you see them evei'ywhei'e Everywhere you go in City, Town or Vil- lage, you see the Chevrolet Service Sign The sign that means competent mechanics, low priced genuine Chevrolet parts and reasonable charges for repairs and adjust- ments. "Chevrolet Service" Is Not Just A Name It's A Fact." a D. McTavish & Son Flesherton

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