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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1922, p. 1

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'.Vol.43, No. 3 Flesherton, Ont., June 21, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. KIMBERLEY " , Rain and more rain. We had the greatest elec'ric storm last Friday night that we have had for years. The light> taing was nearly continuous and thunder was loud. Most of the Valley people got up and lit their lamps. No damage done. ' Donald Wallace has purchased the house on the corner of Front and Centre . streets from Mrs Hammond. We are pleased to have him in the business pirt , of the town, as he is an enterprising gentleman H Lawrence is making improvement* . on his lot. Albert Ellin is busy cutting down the , hill south of the village. Albert is a worker, share, ' Vernon Bishop, electrical engineer, 'has teen engaged by a Montreal company , and has left to take ' up his work. He will be misled, as he was a good ball ' player and a general favorite. Jasper Stuart and wife visited with friends in Burk's Falls last week. Miss Elva Bishop is visiting with her parents. She has been teaching in a university in the United Stales. East Mountain Special Correspondence Preaent weather conditions are ideal for spring crop . Eut Mountain Volunteers ire going to Owen Sound to train this week. Mr John Orr is on the sick list. We , hope for a speedy recovery. A number from thin locality attended Mr Joseph Ward's burn miaiug and ou returning in the woe small hours of the , morning reported a good-time. , Viator Ford visited in this locality re- cently. Prayer meeting wan held ut the home of Obarlee Fawcett on Sunday evening last, when a large crowd was in attend- ance. Mrs Little oi Wareham visited her ' daughter, Mrn Jas Fawcett, recently. Toronto Line North . Wilfred Lever left on Tuesday fur . camp at Saiawak. . Mrs Irwin attended the Wats.iu- McKechnie wedding u, 5Iarkdale on June 9. John blawton, wife and .-vii, of Coll- % Ingwood, and Mr Brownridge and wife, . of Maxwell, were visitors at T Sled's. Messrs Bellamy and Duncan havo the . carpenter work of Fred Brown's house well under way. Mrs Robert Riobardsou npeut a day with her mother at Vandeleur. * Mra Will Colquett aad daughter of Port McNicoll visited her aunt, Mr. Albert Stewart, 1 Will Not Be Published c Tbe Minuter of Education announces ' to all concerned that this year it will in >' * be practicable to yublish in the daily ' newspapers as heretofore the results of ' the Departmental and Matriculation ox- animations conducted io the high and continuation schools throughout the province. This situation ii due partly to the change in the regulations whereby candidates are permitted to divide their examinations over several years iwd partly to the fact that the number of candidates this year has increased greatly The increase in the number of candi- dates will necessarily extend by at least one week the time required i, > reai the candidates' answers. It is hoped, how- ever, that this loss of time will be onV c by the gt>in due to not having to prepare lists for the newspapers. Accordingly, it iajezpected that iho certificate;) will be mailed to the Principals for distribution to the candidates at least as eariy as heratofore. Tbe principals conoernec are requested to make timely arrange- ments to send on the certificate* tc the candidates immediately on receipt of the same from the Department. Notice Any person found trespassing on lo 29, con. 10, by way of hunting, berry piohiflg " r otherwise, will bo prosecuted acooriliiig to law. 8. M. USUOKNK, Maxwell: ROCK MILLS Mrs J Croft, Mr Meryan Croft, and daughter Myrtle, spent Sunday with the former's son, Sam Croft, wif, and fam- ily heie. Mr Chaa Newell and wife visited with relatives near Maxwell. Mr Art Port/ecus and wife spent Sun- day with the former's parents here. J Dargavel, Bob Croft, aud B Field, spent a diy last wues in Durham. Mr and Mrs Gordon Bunt, and J Wedgewood, of Toronto, spent a few days fishing here, and were the guests of W T Pedlar and family. B Field and wife spent Sunday with the former's mother at Maxwell, Ed. Fisher of Toronto, spent a couple of weeks with his family here. Fred Osborue visited recently with bis sister, Mrs Walter Ruisell. Miss Mandy Warling spent the past week with her brother, Gordon, near Maxwell. East Mountain A number from here attended the big day in Kirnberley on June 3 and report a good tioie. We are pleased lo see Miss Winetta McMullen out again after her illness. Charlie Thompson is en<;aged working 'or P. Soiuers on the 8th line, Jitmds Harbottle spent a couple of days with C Martin at Eugen'.a. E. Alorris and sun, Ernie, of Ouu Sound, visted friends lately. The recent showera of ivu were a Brent belie tit to the crops in this part. Our boys are making preparations to ail-mi military oauip in Sarawak, near Owen Sound, from June 20 to 28. .Mi ni. 1 Mrs Dave Genoe aud Mist* Dorothy visited with C H Martin aud : umily recently. Councillor Cmuthers id busy these day* having the roads unproved in his ward. MJK9 Kate Orr of Fleshertou high school spent the week end at home. Highwayman Near Holstein II ..''.. M and vicinity has experienced a "bold up" week. A highwayman or poaaibly uioru than OIIP, has been holding up yniiii:' men ou the township roads it the point of a gun. So in- he hnsu't had much luck, although he has created a teeling of terror in the neighborhood. As far :is can be gathered tbe modern Jesse Jitmes hides In the swamps or buabea. N i fewer than live pecple have beeu face to face with the man, while others hive seen a suspicious cnaracter m iho distance. He is dtscribcd as tall and dark. Elmer Ross was driving home one evening mil had to draw up where tho road was blocked by rails. Then the gun man lUshed hi* weapon and de:nau~ ded the young man's wealth, Elmer tried to bluff him with So ceuts. It was no use, and E uier bad to extract his last mil only 92 bill from Hs jeans before prjceediug. Two little'daughlers of James Kerr, 2nd con,, wore picking strawberries when a uian accosted them and demanded money. Having said they had none tbe man departed aud tho girls ran for home. Walter Fitrrel at .). Stephensjn's, aud a youug man named Bnrper who works for J. Queen, h\ve also had the unpleasant experience of being held up by the desperado but both boys were "broke" at the time And the gunman left them. High County Constable Pembroke of Owen Sound was iuvestigting in tbe neighborhood on Tuesday bat no arrests have been made so far. It is believed that the robber is a simon pure amateur at the hold up game, as his motbods show. To catch this man 28 farmers of North Egremont, aome with tire arms, sur- rounded the swamp where he was sup posed to be in hiding. The raid was futile -Durham Review. Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th Yongeand Charlee Streets, Toronto STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Qiaduates ruadily obtain employment) It |n)H to atttiiid the b. at. Catalogue (mo W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL FEVERSHAM Wonderful ({rowing weather plenty of raiu. John Burns and Mr and Mrs Howell of Toronto are holidaying in our village and angling for the speckled beauties with some success whila here. They are the guests of Mr and Mrs I H Perigo. Miss May Whiteoak of Toronto is holidaying at hr-r parental home here. Huh Davidson of Toronto ia visiting with his pareiite here. Joe Ewing of Sio^hamptou is assisting Rob Whiteoak at the butcher business and is on the road with the butcher 'bus. Mr Smith of Londcu. On?., was a caller in the village this week. Will Colquett of Port McNiooll spent Sunday with his parents here. Don't forget to come to the sports in ?eversham on July I -' , Rulea ( of the Road There are many who are not familiar with the right of way ru!ea. They are worth remembering, and the observance of them may save you a repair bill and seep you out of oturt. They are : At any street or intersection the right of way belongs to any vehicle sppnaoh- u froro yuur right. In overtaking another \vhicle pass to the !.-it. Slow moving vehicles -i; .M keep as near the curb or edgu ol the roadway >s possible. The light i vray of pedestrians should recognized l regular crofsroids. Unnecessary noise or the use of mulHer cuto'iU is illegal In case of uccideiit, if you an) not mown stop aud give your name and iii - to the i.. r- . n cuucerued. Graham Irwin At the Kew, Beach Presbyterian um,.-r, Toronto, on Wednesday, June 14, at 3 o'clock p.m., there occurred th m m-iaga uf Mabel Lilian, Jauuhter of the Ute Samuel Irwin m.d Madlm h-wiii, to Mr. Wilfoid R. Graham, souo Mr. aud Mrs. J.I. Graham cf Vaudo- leur, by the Rev. J. A. Cranston. The brido was vory popular here uud will be much misted whuu she takes uu her residence i:j Matkditle. On Monday evening previous to the weo'ding the Presbyterian Guild presented ihe bride with a hanJsume carving set, aud the alto received numerous other lovely gifts. The best wishes of hei many friends go with her to her new hi me, Charles Ponrose, a welNkuown faruirr iving on the third lit.e, Euphiasu, wts ound dead in his barn late Moudoy evening. When his family left at eight o'clock that evening he seemed to be in good spirits and health, but OD returning at eleven o'clock he was found to be missing, uud a switch revealed iho budy lying on tlie Moor of the barn. Nn marks of violence have beeu found, uud nc in iiL-iti M of poison. An iiivotitigutioD by tlie Corner Ins not revea'od any further d.ivelopmeutB, and it is imimattd that a posl-inoitun will be he'd Review Herald. Home-made Spray Keeps Kites Away. By preventing flies from torment- ing the cows a much greater flow of milk is obtained during the summer .months and the remainder of the lac- tation period. The following home- made mixture has given good results. It is better than several other mixtures tried and quite as efficient as the prepared sprays costing a dol- lar per gallon. It is made as follows: 1 ^4 quarts of any standard coal tar dip, 1 '-j quarts oil, 1 pint oil of tar, 1 quart coal oil, % pint oil of eucalyptus. Mix in ten gallons of lukewarm soft water in which a bar ofMaundry soap has been dissolved. Spray twice a day. In the morning after milking and In the afternoon when cows are Brought in for silage or green feed. When a half-barrel cart with spray nozzle attachment is used, two men can spray a herd of forty cows in ten minutes. This mix- ture Is not j?erffct and does not keep all the flies away and, furthermore, It leaves th cost rather harsh and causes dnst to adhere; however, it is very beneficial ami practical. Shelter from the hot ami' of sum- mer must be provided if efficient and oconomlcal production is to bo expected. SCHOOL FAIRS Grey Cuuuty school fairs will be held rom September I2ih to October 12th. .n endsavor has been made to arrange leni ao lhay would not cor.flict with the 11 fairs. At least one iieek intervenes etweeu a school fail aud fall fair. GRASSHOPPERS During the past two weeks we have een endeavoring to combat the tfrass- oppers in the Lily Oau acil Harkanay ..- H'II" -. Complete organizition is now fected aud some of the laud has been own. This year we aro using the foll- wiug mixture : 1 brau sack full oi sawdust. 3 pounds white arsenic. 1 quart of molasses. 1 dnuble handful of salt Water to moisten 1 to 2 gallons. DESTROYING GROUNDHOGS Several hare come to the i.fh'ce re the estroying of groundhogs. The cheapest ud most effective remedy is to buy onie carbon bi&ulphide which cau be ecured in any drug stjre. Soak a tea- poouful in a i it and throw it into the ole. Cover tho hole with earth, being in the rag is not covered, aod the roundhog will be oinothered. Dept. of Agriculture County of Grey CEYLON S HempbUl aud daughter, Maud, motored to Dundaik the first of the week to visit friends, M rs K .-- Le&lie ;ind little dauuh'er of Toronto are visiting her pareuts, A Mc- lulleu and wife. M my in. i, (is here nil! learn with egret of tbe denth of Mrs A McPhatter, r, of pneumonia. For nr.ii/ years she watt a resident of this place. >hi> passed way at the home of her sou, Owen Sound, on Thursday last at the age : 74 Hi. Tho funeral took place t.> Green- idu cemetery Saturday aftcum n. She e*ves one son, Archie, with horn tho ntii" her home, and three .i '.."i-. in New Ymk Mintiie B McPli utt-r, Mrs I3oi> !.! and Mrs H E Allinger. Mi-;Morewood and wife of Markdalo pent the tiist of the wutk >tt .1 .1 Pat ergon's. Gordon McMulluu i Moticton :md Sluuley of Toronto spent a cciiplB days here last week under the ptrental roof. Mrs G Colliusou and daughter, I, in, are viaiting ii;i n. - iii Port Dalhouiiiu. A very interesting game of bjll wag ;)luyed here n Thursday last I ctwe Dundnlk and Ceylon, resalt i) to 7 in favor ';f thu home team. Atmtlii'i inier- esting game is to be played on Fi id.ty oi tbis week between Flechcrtmi *ni Ceylou. Mi.s A McMullen underwent n siigh opera lion IBS! neck when Dr Ejo o Markdale and Turntull i Flcshorlon were in attendance. Miss Allen, who has speut the pas fortirght with her friend, Misn Uul>; Stcne, le'uimd Saturday to Toronto. Mrs.It-thmit of Notval is visiting he sisters, Mrs Gen \ i :;nlh nH Mrs r Opera House CLOCKS Clocks tell the story of our lives. They mark the coming of our joys and the passing of our sorrows. They drag the minutes from youth to manhood, and clip them ever shorter a* we pass from manhood to old age. May we help you choose a life time com- panion? Armstrong's lesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* j and Hlmbalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . .Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance p H o T o This THURSDAY J Commencing at 8 o'clock Samuel Goldwyn PRESENTS "GODLESS MEN" Educational Comedy I "MOONSHINE" Prices 30 and 15c. including Amuaement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from us. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. 'Shop where you are invited to shop" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seedi, Grocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors 2Uc per yd. Factory Cotton I2ic per yard Ladies' Vests 25e. Printed Voiles 35c per yard and up Organdy in all shade ?:3i3 Printed Organdy .i5c. and up White Canvass shoes 82.90, weie $4 7.~> Fleet Foot Shoes from $1.00 up Men's Balbriggan underwear per garment "w. Peabody make Overalls $2.25 Peabody Smocks $2.25 ileavy linoleum 12tt. $4.00 per yard prices paid for Product- W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 I F RED FINDER, Flesherton

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