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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1922, p. 3

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TBL1 BLOODED PEOPLE Need a Tonic to En rich the Blood and Restore the Health. Some people have a tendency to be- come thin-blooded, just as others have an Inherited tendency to rheumatism. or to nervous disorders. The condi- tion in which the blood becomes so thin that the wlio'.e body suffers, conies on so gradually that anyone with a natural disposition in that di- rection should watch the symptoms carefully. Bloodlessnesa, or anaemia, as the medical term is, can be correct- ed more easily in the earlier stages than later. It begins with a tired feel- ing that rest does not overcome, the complexion becomes pale, and breatb- lessness on slight exertion, such aa going up stairs. Is noticed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a horn* remedy that has been most successful In the treatment of troubles due to thin blood. With pure air and good food these blood-enriching pills are the correct treatment when the symp- toms described above are noticed. The Talue of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills In cases of this kind id shown by the statement of Mrs. M. Chase, of Tren- ton, Ont., who says: "I can highly re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all wbo suffer from anaemia and ner- TOOS exhaustion. For three years I was nearly always troubled with head- aches and until 1 began taking these pills no treatment seemed to do more than give me temporary relief. I had s h ej regretfully. "I should like to, but Point of View. East, west and north and south I turn! And there is naught to see Save hills and other hills that rise Beyond them endlessly. Like water all my tittle thoughts Go seeking for the sea; They have no peace and no content, They wander resttessty. My thoughts are aH of tali, green waves That lift and faH and spill; I hear them sucking at the sand Their tongues are never still. I se*_brown sails of fishing boats Against a metal sfcy; I see proad ships that need no sail, And white gu3s dipping by. 1 IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? b there a baby or young children In your home? If there is you should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood ailments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly light them. Baby's Own Tablets are ttoe^ ideal home remedy. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach; banish consti- pation and Indigestion : break up colds and simple fevers in fact they re- lieve all the minor ills of little Concerning them Mrs. Molse Cadotte. 'SALESMAN GETS BACK HIS OLD GRIP But these are dream* here on the bin I herd my stupid sheep, I And day runs into endless day; I work and eat ami sleep. I wonder if some sailor ted, Who sees but sea ami sky. ! Looks out across the erwHess waves And -wishes he were I? Abigail Creeson. * No Danger. Birth of Tennis Bails. Few articles are tected more sevew- ly by their makers than te*ini baits. and there is very M'ttle chance <yt a' defective boll being offered for sale. The bails are made of the an*t D/wiTD A CTnNlQUim AT Para rubber wbich is washed, "maati- ' BUYER Ao I UNlaHrXJ A I THE WAY TANLAC BUILT HIM UP. Stomach Trouble ended. He Sleeps Like a Top and Always Feels Fine. "Tanlac pot me on th road :o good health and I don't remember the time I felt better than I do now." said Rene Boyer. 45i> Amherst 3?.. M<-r.rreal. well known, travelling salesman for tie Constantineau Printing Establishment. " About two years ago my appetite went back on me and I began to suf- fer from stomach trouble, and womout all the time and !t was all I could do to keep plugging along. I had terrible cramps in my stomach Classified Advertisement* f A-N- WITH FORD A.VD 1100 CAJ* m. make f!5<) weekly 'lemons *atst Ford aytxialty iav sn t-i. Mcialtjr. 75 Jarvia St.. Toronto. eated," and roiilcd into thin strips. These stripe are cut into oval pieces, which are roughly cwisted into shape anui passed on to the mouidin where they are moulded into shape ami vulcanized. A small hole is left fi>r inflation. The balls are then testeii for size, weight, and bounce, and if they are in the slightest 'iegrree wrong:, they are rejected. Those that pass the test Makamik. Que.. writes: "Baby's Owu satisfactorily are washed carefully and Tablets are the best remedy In the *>a-ed with solution, after which the world for little ones. My baby suffer- ed terribly from indigestion and vom- iting, but the Tablets soon set her right and now she is in health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a WAXTED FUR TRAINING =- - to char cl mdwte of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Apply Superin- tendent. Hornewood Sanitarium, "ji i LAJDIE3 to train as n Apply \VelUindra Hospital St. C. ines. >nt. VT7"A>TEL> J ' ' gootl education OP BKLTINQ 1AL are pat on. The covers are made of the Snec-t Melton wool, backed with ru-bber soiu- perfeot tion. and consist of two pieces shaped the ftjrure 8. When they have been sewn and ironed, the Joint can bo* from Tb Dr. Williams' Medicine' scarcely be setn. Finally, the balls are Co., Brockville, OaL stamped and for sale. tha( . [asred f(jf Waistcoat Pocket Libraries. A new device which has Just been with ?as I could hardly ret my breati. My aerr^j were on edge all the time and my sleep was always restless. But Tanlac has rid me snf.r^ly of The Nature of Shock. What precisely is "shock." that fol- lows a severe inj'ury or strong emotion patented makes it poes^b!* for^a whole stomach trouble. I now ^eat whatever doctors have long been puzzled to de- ALL KIND3 OP NEW A-ND belting. polleya, utrs. eabie.lem.palUrx. fc.. shipped sabject to approval at low- est prices !n Canada. YORK BEf-TINJ CO.. US YORK aTP.gET. TORONTO. IS THIS YOU? Have you $250 to J50u and amolUon noun t>> get Into an relnsiv :)" "-> business of your ownT Our chain of "AH I felt SICK 1 Charged Wall* You Wlt* WILDFIRE *trvlc* Station*, will r^*ch from Halifax to Vancouver. "Vr:te it once f')r full particulars ^vitii regur i to this food clean taslnes* witH a present i* well aa a future. Now La ^.- ;ni to aet. axoiTE-ja-iTCH-m. co.. xarc. C_i Lua Wtldnr Barcery Mfg. and aim. bloa6d St. Want, Tox-cmto to > walstco There was an old coffee-mill in die 'ermine. An early theory was that attic which the Cokeleigh twins great- ly desired to possess. Harry sought his mother and begged her to to them. "I don't shock was caused by low blood prea- , tire tarentor to Rear- Admiral Brad- sure, which in turn was caused by a ^ A ' ?*** * ^ e apparatus is known aa the P.ske Reading Machine. aluminium, surmounted by a small 1 want, my sieep Is restful and I feel fine and ready for a good liar's work. Tanlac certainly ctelivered 'he goods for me and I am glad to give it t:e highest recommendation " Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Cariots TORONTO SALT WORKS & J. CLJFF TORONTO read of what Dr. Williams Pink Pills were doing for others and finally de- cided to try them myself. I further decided to give them a fair trial and kept on taking them regularly for ser- eral months and T am glad to say hare derived permanent relief. I feel that I can safely and honestly recommend this wonderful medicine." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer In medicine, or by mn, at 50c a box or six boxes for' $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co.. Brockvill*. Ont I'm afraid I can't. "But. why, mother," urged Harry. "You don't use :t." "No, we don't use it. the heart snd brain. Another tneory tne neart sna oram. Anotner tneo y , - was that the pain of the injury caused ? y excessively rapid respiration; that in consequence the blood became over- of paper, on which is printed reading matter re- Cnrcumstances do not make a man: they display him. Surnames and Their Origin Then why won't you give it to as?" Derated, so that not enough <arbon:c- "Well, dear." said the mother, acir * was left m lt to care IO I the gently. "I'm afraid you and Clarence nervei and for otner tissues ami flt " as will get to quarreling ove it" ; of tne *x*fr- state of things that -Oh, no, we shan't!" cried Harry al3 resulted in lowered biood pres- stwe and in a lessened amount of blood I won't let Clarence ' n : ^ e brain and heart. Another theory was that shock was owing rather to the contraction than to the tHlatation the blcod vessels. Still another more recent theory is that shock is a kind of exaggerated fatigue that follows excessive stimulation by an in- jury or by emotion. The extreme fatigue causes acidosis; that is. a decreased amount of alkali in the blood and in the tissues, which further in- creases the exhaustion. The most recent theory of shock is that it is caused by a poison produced 1 either by cieana of pcoto-eagrav- e oae-hurnire-Uh smaller than would be required by ordinary type, are ruii througli the machine aa it is held in the haod. The glass in- creases the size of the type to nor- mal. eagerly. "You needn't be a bit afraid of that, mother, touch it!" Happiness has two great sources: t c-ne is memory, and the other is hope. length of the average noveL Sunset. who see a thousand 6um*ets stain the sky, Green and Good Sight. That th<j ^ai-k of ijreen verdure has a definitely harmfel effect on the sseiic o: chikiren in the oowns is shown by Dr. Newshoime as a re- salt of die tests trade on 2.000 school chikiren. Sight defects are fewest in rural districts, are more numerous in coun- try towns, and are worst o all in .;-..? .-. : . - * :: i" .?.*. A siigh'.ly fcrvrer percentage of _-.- > --.: : tMtp :-;r-" (MMfe) ; -ii'i sight. ar?d this preponderance is at- a-ibuwd :n :he Laaoe: the strain put DOG DISEASES aod Haw to i'**! r to &o/ Ad* y -.ha Author . ClAj JTT Co. lae. :. ; "* at :ti S'--: xw Tor*, BRINGS HAPPY EASE. Don't Endure Pain. Apply ; Mlnard'* Liniment for sale everywhere RAFFERTY. Variation O'Rafferty. Racial Origin Irish. Source A given name. STARK Variation* Wilde. Wylde, Savage. Racial Origin English. Source A Characteristic. Here is a grroup of family names which are variations of one another Ireland, up until the time when the in the ense that they all have the Gaelic system of jroverrment finally' . 6a,re meaning, though they are deri- broke down under the English inTasion *** var:ed fl ? m tlme to tlme - ! and government of the inked, and "** w the theory prevailing at the 1 One of the most powerful clan* in A giorwos pa^an of color in the on the giris's ey>.-^ West; Who see tht? flaming riot fanie and die, As though some quiet hand iU dy- ing biejsevi : We wh-o sleep and wake and toil hi noisy fray Wher. NUrht her su;!<;n banner has the products of injured tissues or of ^ normal cells destroyed as the resoh of intense emotion. The treatment of shock naturaHy ved from three different words. r most of us know the adjec- even after this a clan Mil! among the " "f, 1 ^ on'v through such phrases most powerful in its influence, was tark mad" or "stark naked." We that of the O'XelUs. As a ru>. In c word with a vague idea that speaking of this clan, the Goets use L ' us * The preliminary treatment to apply warmth to rhatt throbbing sunset seen at close of day God's own evening bieeebtg ro His world. Phyllis Noves Van S:v*k. *tiOD. will ond shipment. Wouldn't Occur Again, certain woman, famous for her Cotton Gins in Australia. Evidence of Australia's interes: >. ' cotton production ia found in the re- cenc importation by the Australian Cotton Growers' Association of its ** c first ginning plant, to be erected : n ^_ Rjcs.tampton. A second pirar.t has been ordered in the United States ad will follow shortly. A cotron ginning expert, who has beer, engaged by th accompany the sec- Thing. ndmoth^r asl t* Sale E' --vwhrk Rub it in. >f the patient and, if h is philanthropy, used to take an interest to give him warm drinks, in ea various lunatic asylums. On >>ce has most extensive nshing miles on the Atlantic. 7,000 miles OP. sh* Pacific, and 10.000 square m.l-es fresh water. of "oavaee" and "wild " It was so knowr. as-Xial of the Nine Hostages "' * ln J ectea ' " veu >9 increase "How long have you been hen?*" ' the Middle Ages and just as! and 't dominated the North of Ire- the votume of the W <"1 ani therefore asked him. at virtually ail periods, furrush- frevi entlv I *! r virtually an pertods, furnish- the amcmnt of b:ooa pressure. Phy- "Twelve years." came the reply In those davs any man who at- ing as well a large number of the Sltfl f n3 w > attrlbute ths Condition to After a few more ^uestiotw as to tracted particular attention to himself, Irish High-Kings. aerdosis have recommended injecting hie treatment there, she yassed on. bv rraon of his wild eyes or unkempt 5 The septs or divisions cf this ckni **> l n <* Carbonate of soda into Turning to ask a question of her appearance though not literally wild ', were- virtually clans in themselves, and th * su erers vem9 - In '* ** guide, she noticed a smile on hla face, r insane would very quickly have ' in. Scotland the group would probably th<?re has be * n hemorrhage transuf- and on askfn.* him the reason. s*e was beonretVrredtoas"WalterLeWiWe."|have been spoken of as a ,-tmfedera- t ion ,? f blood has riven ^^ results, informed that the man *he had -me*- "Wii'liam SauN-age" or "John Le ! tion of clans, rather than as divisions 1 Flna!! >'- on th 35umption that the tioned was no Iw* a peisvn than the Stark" ju*t as he might have been' of OIK- clan. I products of the dead tissue cells have med-ical superintendent. called' "William the Red," because of Among these septs was that of the * used b!ooj Po^on'^. it has been At once she nwhea back to apoJo- a red bean! or of red hair, or "John ! ' O'Rabhartaigh" (from the given PrP^i to empioy an antitoxin, as -is the Black." because of a swarthy com- name of the sept founder, "Rabhar- J ther cas s of blooj Po'son- And iu this manner the peo- tach">, and when you know that the, mg- A Sudden Uprising. It is hard sometimes for tie okl and pje of thf Middle Ages hit upon us- 1 pronouneiation cf the "bh" is Hke "ff", ually the most obvious distinguishing : and the final "gh" vrrtuadly silent. "I am so sorry, doctor." she said; "this" has tauxlit tut? i '<?ssou never to Judge by appearances again." \JjlHy tnt* IIIVt V*T luuo ui^tii.p^u; . * ....... ^.. .... uv ... ^..vuip,, ^- _ - rt|*4 teaturo of a man or woman to differ- j you understand how easy It waa tor j It is hard sometimes for the oW and ntiate him or her from others of thef*" 1 ' am- in '^ translation into ' the young to arrive at a cooimou point ^ n the c.-oasion of her hundredth wme given name. And in the course English, to become O'Rafferty, and of understanding. The old lady and birthday the tillage centenarian re- of time these surnames became heredi- tai-\ - . particularly in cases where the parent was better known by his sur- aame than by his given uame. finally Rafferty. There were two O'Raffertys. one in other in Donegal. Your breakfast cup ready in an instant MADE in the cup at the table. (Just add hot water, and stir thoroughly), Delightful and refreshing, a satisfying mealtime drink for comfort and health. There's never any protest from distressed nerves afterward. Economical for family use the large size tin of Instant Postum will serve 90 to- 100 cups. For Healths Sake drink Instant Postum "There's a Reason" Mau. by C.u-Uan Poewm Cwcal Co.. Ltd.. Windsor Otx I the Sunday school boy in this story ^ v *l vi * u ( ~m the branches of the diU finally arrive at an understand"- anxious to her from her own lips what Tyrone, and the ing, but not until the boy had suffered * ne v.-on#iilered had been tne source of damage to his feelings, if not to his aer *tren* tl l sustenance, he said: possessions. ' " M >" Jear Mn! - Adams, pray tell me. A p.vnie was in progress, and the ^ order mat l aM - tetl to whers - *" Qat benevolent and elderly !ady took much has been the secret of your longevity?" enjoyment in witnessing the delight of Tne vicar waited with unusual eager- the children who were disporting " for the otd lad >" s ^y. but he themselves in her grounds. : wa h * rill - v Pr*tred for It when it She went from one to another, say- wim ' ? "Victuals-." she answered, intf a few kind words eo each. Pre- * sently she seated herself o a gras* Sufficient Excuse, plot beside Dickie, a little boy with J ack ntj Mar ^ had J ust b ^ n f the goWen ourls and an angelic expres- grown-ups' church for the first time. sion. But as soon as he observed her A day or two afterwaid they were sitting beside him Dickie set up an founrf in Che nursery whisperirrjc audi- ear-piercing howl. bly to each other. "Have you the stomach-ache?" she "What are you children ik>ins:?" ; asked, anxiously. their nurse a?ked. "No. I aiu't." snapped Dickie. "We're playing church," replied "IVrhaps you would like some more Jack, cake." -'But you shouldn't whimper in "No!" roared the angelic child, church," admonished nurse. "What I want is ray frog that 1 ketch- "Oh. we're the choir." said Mary. "Frog?" His Vocation. "Ye*, my frog! Yotfie sitting on ^*> Mike "I have a new position with the railroad wuipony." . Weary Rhodes "Wbtit Ja goo* dor* Lazy Mike "You know the fellow iougsiile the train and tape j to see if everythitis is .ul right? Well, t help him listen." Remove Pimpies and Blackheads Witli Cut:: ;:ra Bathe with Cuticura Scr> and hot wmter to free the pcrss of impurities and follow with a gertle application of Cuucur* Ointment to soothe 32d heal. Cuticura Talcum is Ueal for powdering and perfuming. . . cmuiico. Canadian Depot: UutW. M4 5t. ><.. W FOLLOWED MOTHER'S ADVICE Took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Now Enjoys Good Health Kessock. askatcoewan "ily mother has taien Lydia E. P-.-iiiiaai'a Vegetable Com- pound and upon. :t.i:-a:a5 of my tazi's to try It, as I med all run, rn after the rta. and had some trou- bles such a3 womea are apt to have. I have tak:n LyJla H. P'.icOs.ini's Vege- : a b I e Compound, I Lyl'.a E. Ptak- BlcoJ Midielae ir.-l used the ve Wash. Also Dr. Brown's Capsules and Prescription and am so much better in every way. I am wlll- Snj 'or you to use my letter is a testimonial as I recommend your medicines." MBS. IBE>E NELSO>. Kes- sock. Saskatchewan. When backaches and headaches drive out all ambition, when that bearing-down sensation i '.\ -VL> y-?a. when you ar nervous and blue. th on* great help for 3U':h ailments I Lydia E. Ptniimn's Vegetable Ccat- pound. Yes and No. The class were supposed to be ha v iig a 'esson on animals, but the teach-: er found them .1 little vavtue about de- "On a levpard ehansre his spots?" queried teacher. "Yes. sir!" piped Tommy, the smal- lest .irchin in the class. MONEY ORDERS. A LX'uiinion Express Money Onler for live dollars costs three cents Ocean steamers ascend che Rr*-e "Now, that's quite wrong.'" said th| ABWIOTI f or a datatice of 2.300 mil " teacher. "You know that a leopard' j tte sw can t change hi spots! "Oh, ye he can, sir!" repdied Tom- m nap je s my. "When he's tired of s-ittmg on one spot he can change to another " My recipe for health is work. The ruin of millions of men ami women can be traced to Veisure momwts. Leisure is a pleasing garment to took upo-n. but it is a bad one to wear Sir > Laudec. R*l|*vi N.uraigi, Although rich in mineral*. Spain has comparatively few industries, and NV \RNINO: Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. 1'nless you see the name "Buyer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "B:u>'r Tablets of Aspirin." which contains directions and doso \vorkeJ out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by ;:til!ions for only 10,000 miK's cf railway. The- mouth milM wide. cf the Amazon is ^0 ISSUE No. 23 '22 Celds Toothache Eirache llandy Bayer" boxes of Headache Rheumatism Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Pain, Pain tabkt~- Also bottles of M and 100 Anpirln l in* trfelo mark <r*ciat*r*d la Cte> ot IU>r W%ti'.<fm.-tu- -f Moo*. *c*(k-*cld<Mir of sUcllcclJ. whIU It U Wll known t*t .i*plrtn m. i -< "J-*. to <>!: th puMto f uln ImJtkttonK tt>< TtMvU o( B>r will l> liunia wltb U>ir tttCl lrJ mutt, th } *r

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