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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1922, p. 1

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Vol. 43, No. 2 Osprey Council The first sitting of tne Osprey couucil s a court of revision on the assessment roll of 1922 took p'ace in the Orange hall, Maxwell at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 27tb. The business of the court not being finished, adjoarcaient was being mvle to Wednesday, May 31st. In the afternoon of the date of tbe tmt sitting of the court of revision the council met in a regular meeting and the following business was transacted : The payment of the following accounts were authorized Sawyer Maas.-y Cc , re* pairs for grader, $9.01; John Pan 1 , express f 1.80 and cartage 50c on above repair*; Gej. Lvwler, repairing grader, ilO.25; municipal world, supplies to clerk, 914 36; Enterprise Priming Co., printing auditors' reports, ?27 00; H W, Kercahao, stamps, |3.o8. post cards 50c ex preis and cartage on auditors reports 95c; Eli Robinson, tamps 83 00, tn veloues 31.00; Robt. Sealey, sheep claim, f5.00; John Izzird; wire fence bonus, 86 40; H. G. Burke, salary as assessor, f 120.00, and postage f 2 00, H. Q. Burke, equalizing union school sectiona No. 1, 2 and 4, Nottawasagi and Osprey, 112.00: McKenzie Henderson Tot the clerk be instructed to ask the chairman of the telephone commission to advise thia^council in what manner they wiah tne unpaid telephone charge of $13 00 agtinst Lot 33, Con 8 for the year 1921d>spoied of. Heodfrson-Lockhart That the motion passed at the November session, I'.ii'l. to ask tbe county council to pay certain charges for repairing the township ~_: i i'T, be nscinded- Hundersou- Edwards Thit the c'erk be instructed to advise the county Tre-us- ure to erase fiom bis books all arrears > f taxes registered against Joseph Irwut in respect of part of the nail reier\ e, Fevergbarn, said Joseph Irwiu having been erroneously assessed in respect of thtt property. Mr Farrar and Mr Cooper spoke at some length in eiplanatiou of the or(,au- izUiou aud purpose of the Farm I. n a Awcciatioo, a petition for the formation < f which was read to the couucil boaid. After much discussion of the many view- points advanced iu rtspect 10 ihe K.u I Credits Syttem, the matter was left ovtr " until the next meeting of tbe Council. A second sitting of the Court of Kev - ion was held in tbe Orange Hall, Maxwell, on Wednesday, May 3Ur, when the revision cf the assessment roll was completed and it was adopted as the bans for the taxation for tba current year. Following the Court of R=viion the Council adjourned to a specul ailtiog when the following motions were parsed : Henderon Lockhart That Ihe dis- posal of the second growth which is becoming a nuisance along cai'ain high- ways of this township be left to ihe discretion of tbe c jinmiisiouerg of their respective divisions. McKenz ; e Lockhart That the dog tax o! 1921 of Thns Pressirk and Wm Kerton be entered in thj Tietsurer's books as being "impossible to collect," as siui paries have removed frmi this township. Edwards - Henderson Thai Neff be paid the sum of S1.5U for aervices as sheep valuator. Henderson Edwards That ihe <|ues tiouofthe Farm Loan Association br leftover for further diecussion at some future rreetiug. Edwards -McKeozie That ihe bridge to be built on 10th sideroid bd of tile construction, the building of which will be done under the supervision of Mr. Henderson. Lockhart Henderson That Ach uf the members of tbe Council, ihe , and clerk, be paid tbe sum of (3 !> attending the second sitting of the Court of Revision, and tne special Hireling o today. Council then adjourned to meet Hg*in in Feveraham ou Ki<h) v , June 30th, a 1 p m. Open all year. Enter now LLIOTT Flesherton, Ont., June 14, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. PRICEVILLE The recent showers will be of much jeuent to this vicinity. Rev C S Junes went to Winnipeg to attend the yresbyterian General Assem- bly aud Rev R S McCarteu conducted he service in the morning and Major J HcGillivray in the evening of June 4 in he Presbyterian church. Services in ,he Methodist church were withdrawn. Rev R J Mc(, ir'eii has been attending he Methodise conference during last week. Oue day last week a year old son of Mr aud .Mrs Wui Aldcorn followed some children into the millyard and was run over by a team of horses and wagon. Someone thought one wheel passed over he child's body, but such may not hare been the case. One hand is injured H; 1 t was a close call . A Practical Joke : evening lately number of buyers, and perlups the al proportion of 1 lafers, were in a st'>re when a young rural j jker present spied a pile of work gloves on the coun- ter and figured on making some fun for he crowd. He inquired of the raerchaut 'How much for the gloves?'' The answer was "2Cc.'' He put down a trUr, got h s change and then put his arm around tbe pile of uluves and left he counter. claiming that lid i .1 1 bjught the lot. Tne. merchant's wrath waxed exceeding hot, and he hustled around and put the young fellow out of the door, admitting afterwards that he sometime* made a d n foul of himself, but d;d not ike to see others ditto. Kibert KUJX and family seem to be iciliu^ the house they had rtn'id tia -'..',. Uuiid streit. Tile prj&imhy of couuty road con- struction has ciuaeJ quite an i dux . ;; 'i i - in town. Victoria Corners Tin s. Banno.i u:u wife returucd Iu F.rontu last M i iy with Mr and Mr Mrs Lefhe Biojks. Mrs Campbell returned frum ast week with Mrs Lockhatt. Mrs Wilfred tl.i lagher is lew 'J iy-i with Mulmer frituds. \Vu cjogrHtulute Mount '/. *>\\ on the exceeding'y good service they K<tve us ou Sunday afteruoou. Tlie tV M S ladies bud n especially guod meeting last Thurtday at the church wheu Mis Lockhart gtve her report of I b convention and pluos ro :>>roifd for future u.eeting*. Dundalk A Messenger p geou ct'.no to ibe h M of Huh Mol,. HI. i4'h con , Pruto i. n week ago u; 1 wis captured. The right leg hud an aluminum band with the initials'! 1 . F. 1920. also the Mo 1<>15. The left; lev has a rubber band with No. 883 S. The bird was bewildered aud after tayiui; around fur a while WHS eaai y caught. While at p'y t (he tchool m this place on fr'rttl iy S- .nl -y Irwin, . uo of tbe pupi 8, g it a severe blov ou the hend by a stoua thrown unintentionally by an- other boy. The injured Ud was reudered unconscious an 1 it waa feired that the skull w is fractured and the br .in injun J. Dr. Carter was quickly summoned aL<i is in attendance. Tne lud w*s in a dazed condition fur a IK* days buc ho is n showiuK sigus uf iinprovruient mill ia ttkiug refreshments. Ii is hoped that a eungical operation may nut lie ueceasiry EUGENIA The _TI v rainfall of the pat three diya lias nude all vegeta i >n put on a different appearance. We <iie delighted t> see the crops looking so well. Pros- pec's for A bountiful yield i both grain and fruit are good at p-esent if the fro.'t keeps off. Reserve June ti3 for the bin Ha'dtd garden party a' Ejgeuia ' lie held in the prk, under the auspices of the Presbyteii-iu Lidie*' Ad. G'jod program f sports. Mrs Jacob Willitrus h:w rpturiud ionic- >if er spending some eeks in 'orouto with friends, ami we are ;.'.! D repo.t that she is much improved in ealth Ross Lehman accompanied W Cooey ip from Toront) on .Satu-day ;i 'teiuoon nd visited his wife here >jver tlu- ei-k nd Walton \\illiaiii.siind wife of Turouto ,re viitiiig their friends here at [resi'n'. P aud w.fe, Etta Latiiner, Crn Proctor, Mrs Lurg<j and sons mot- red to Dundalk and spent an evening f la*! week with Mr and Mis A W lowe of Dundalk. Bessie St wart of Toront > spent the veek end with her cousin. Carne-i Will ams. Tho Mt Z .ju League took chariju if he service in the Methodist chinch i_a Sunday evening in absence of the p st. r vho was attending conference 111 re isn't a doubt that the Dt-pt. . f }uuie and fisheries is right up on the >it every time An ther evidence . f heir clever watchfulness t jok place at iugenia laat week Go rye Graham of ^eni.i was horning brush in his farm ddjoinuig Wm Walker's. W hen he was >liut tu set tire to a brush hi ap a nrtiidge rlew out aud on invu>tigitti< n Hr Graluin f>.und a u st of { artrid^e iggs. Ti.ese he removed to .1 stump, ind M r Wa ker, noticing the e^gs a J*>y >r so afterward thought he vutlld exper- .iii'iit u. ! get the eggs under a hen, the lame as tlu Pheasant IslauoVrH aie i-yiKT'tut with the pheasant '-,'gs Jowcver, some very interested pnity uforuied on Mr Walker and it wa-n t ong until two oVtictivis arrived fiom Toronto to investigate tile c.ise. W e rj not heard at time of wiiting just what the ouU-oine of the investigat a w .s, but suffice it to say the expense uf bringing the two gentlemen all the ay from To:onto in their tutos to look into nest of sp.jled partiidg-.- eggs which would have been des Toyed by tirj ii Mr Graham had rot rem>vel them, seems ridiculous to say the leist, not to say anything of the expense to which the country is put .Mrs Parlhment has disposed of her car to Harry Thornbury of Feversham Krauk Bunt and Wes Armbtrcng i f leshertoii spent an evening i h the Large boys this wcttk. George Giaham and Robert Purvis had slice- ssful raisings th piuit week Mr Gr-iham r.iised a bnrn on his farm and Mr Purvis a tine shed on his already neat [>r mises Yonge and Charloa Streets, Toronto The high grade businefs school of Ontario. Our graduates are in strong demand. Prepare uow aud be ready to aocept good pooit.ion in the Fall. CitalrjRUo free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 10,1X1) more trut liy tish have lx;eu put into the ^ydenham riter at Owen Sound Clydd D mkert and Elmer Wend 1 1, o Hanover, started out recently on * sight- seeiuv trip thtt has a touch of adventure With seme c'olhes, co-<king utensi's am tent strapped 10 the carriers of bram new bicycles, they'ro out." for the goo< of the'i 1 henlih." It is their iMieti'irn U spend t hi eu monthii on tlie tour wit'i New York City us tbe immed- iate objective, and after a da) s' they will pitch their tout, prepare their own meals, aud next morning continue their " hike. " The young fallo*s have been planning the trip IT mo itha past, but kept their own counsel, and n few people, outside of thuir parents, knew f the modern adventurers who s'lpped out of town ou their three months' tour. Portlaw The recent copiuas -.mis have wonder- fully siimula'i'd the gio-.vh uf uriiss and _i- .]:. and Rniiles. Mr *nd Mis J^inus Fed nr rejoice over the arrival of :>n fier little i>irl a' their home. Neil Mtlntyre of Mclnlyio has bei n at lie h"!iie. of his s s er, Mrs J A Tlu-mt- son, *ulf-jruii Irom a sevure alt ck nl quinsy. II is S'i uiuuh improved as to bd able < return borui*. The E^*i>ith Ly gue hid . larxv of tlie serviCiN ! 1-1 Sunday at Mui>t '/, or, K 141-111 1 n.'l Iniatioge. Mr ;ind Mrs U Ji'hiisti'ii, Mr ;i d Mr^ Jiiiues L^ppirJ, Miss M .lohnsti n and .J mui W Joruiston of Harkawny, uid Mr iii-l Mrs J Himmn, Mr and Mrs A Hannah two dHU^h.eis t MitrkdaV, weie. visnors recently with R hltinah and wife. J H W.tisnn i vi-i iim wi h members uf his fnniily in Tmonto. CEYLON Mis. Phinter of Pris is visiting her daughter Mis Wm Maihewson. llr. G. Jackson has le urned to Tor ont> after visitmg with the lattei s jareuts, Mr D McLeod and wife. Mr Hill, Markdalf, Sirs Love of 3,-averdaie, vti'ed their sister Mrs H Piper, here last week Mr C Dai gavel of Wiartuu visited his sister Mrs Collins in, here last week, and notortd to Abttideen with J Collin- ou tu visit friends. R Cook F j Collinioo, aud D McPhai! itteiided court at Uundalk, Fr'day. Mr H Piper has puiohastd the pro^- er'y belon^ina to Jlrs U f Legnte. Mis Di' Patterson of Toronto is visit- :ig her parents, D .M i. '. and wife Mrs Jis McMullen underwent a critical operation in theGfiieral Horpit*', r-jrouto, i u Thurt Jiy morning List. We are pleased to report sho is do ut> wel'. Mr.tadJlrsN Aichiball and two children, and Mm Arch uaM Sr, aiteUiK-U fie funeral of a rel-iti'.-e on Saturday, t'- bianover. Mr K iu-1- ii Adams of Guelph spent the week eud wuh his t mn y here. Mr anj Mrs Archibald mj'ortd io luglewood the tirsi uf the netk. Mrs Wilson McMul'iu left Monday 10 vs.: her daughter m Toron;o. Mrs John McMilUu left Monday to viti'. feieuds at Foil William Mr J McMillan visited his son, Clark, at tbe hispiul iu Hamilton last Thur-*. Mus M D.JW left last *e;k to visit friends iu Duluth. T Chislett is ipending hi^ vacit'ou wi: h lis daughter, Mrs (Dr.) Holmes, at Men Sound. Frank aud Wellington Thalor and sister, Meda, visited ,t T Ch.sltf.'s the irst of the week. Mr Alex Stewart, Oweu s -uud, visit- ed Mrs A Sinclair the first of the week. Mr T Guy of U<cm*, Saslt , visited at Lavi Cuutts'. hire, lait wi- k. Iiifptctor Beckett ai.J 1. >o' were at u^haaiptou Saturday . DumUlk is ! ply bill with the Ceylon boys heie .u ThursJiy -ifterniMiii, lien an intonating g' ull>! |lj BXpeOtid, Feversham A splendid ram fell on Frd-iy of Uaf It turned cool and we had a slight frost Moiid.iy night .Mr \Vm Coultlurj i.f Torout > is visit- ing wuh his brother, Heury, ;r present. The sy.npithy of Win 'a many f ri- uds here is extended tu him iu ihu lora of his wife a few weeks ago. Miss Mibel Heron of Torji.t > :s v's:t- ing with her aunt. Mrs Cj!<iUe.;e. Mr Mn- and Mit>s AKna ll.ndersou motored over' t') lleaford and veiled the I liter's unslf, Mr Jas UeuJersou. Mr aud Mrs R J Co'qu. ttp, M ; ss J lley .nl ueLtieuiMti fneii'1 moto owr to Port Mi'Nichol aud .'pfiit Sunday li-t wuh Mr anJ Mrs Will Culq'ieile. .Mis 'olijueite aud biby, B^'ty, rtfjrntd h 'tne with them f r v'sif w : h fnemls in her old home lowti. Opera House CLOCKS Clocks tell the story of our lives. They mark the coming of our joys and the passing of our sorrows. Thsy drag the minutes from youth to manhood, and clip them ever shorter aa we pats from rndnhood to old age. May we help you choose a life time com- panion? Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directs ; and Tibalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Armstrong's Flesherton, - Ont. j Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are m neeJ. of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from :s. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. % "Shop where you are invited to shop' W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeda, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario p H O T O This THURSDAY Commencing at S o'clock Samuel Goldwyn PRESENTS "WET GOLD" FEATURING Ralph Ince Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors 20o per yd. Factory Cotton 12ie per yard Ladies' Vests '2'w. Printed Veiles ;J5c per yard and up Organdy iu all shade ?tf.3 Printed Organdy ooc. and up White Canvass shoes $'2.90, wete $4 7.3 Fleet Foot Shoes from $1.00 up Men's Balbrigguu underwear per garment 7.V. Peabody make Overalls $'2 25 Peabody Smocks $2.2.3 Heavy linoleum I2tt. $400 per yard prices paiil for Produce i W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER Bread is your best food eat more of it A v. uusi i'lJy had a auit 38 -e sto'eii i t Orangevil'e a year ago last M m-h. Recently the officers of tbe law got trace of the ihief and OIIA Anthony Farmer **< Hire-tod. Farmer ple-tded .4'u';v He was runitndcd for sentence after restitution. L Educational Comedy "HEY RUBE!" Prices 30 arid ISc. including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER A full line of Groceries, also Canned Gcx PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton X.

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