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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1922, p. 8

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June 7 1922 THE FLESHEEfON ADVANCE Feversham's Busy Store We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave your order and have us send for your patterns CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Team Ceylon Fli-Kuerton Dui.dalk Vaudeleur Won I.oit 1. 1 1 1 PC .1000 .1000 .000 .000 .000 MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, - ONT. For Sale, By Tender One acre if land, fenced, and frame Uble, nn Mill Stive!, CYylon, d"he to tJtaticu, known as the Lena'." properly. ^ """ LoW*^T.T-^T>y tender not ueccessanly ..<;'. Send sealed tender* up to June 1st to J. H. Coleiidge 184 Lauder Av?., Torcnto. Mr. R. P. L?te, Ceylon. Boar For Service Pure bied llegmterea Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard famous 77530 on lot 167, 8. W. T. & S. R., Artemeeia. Terms $1.50. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. 10,4,22 T. J. STINSON. Ceylon 15, Markdale 14 Flesherton 15, Vandeleur 1.'! Gamea thia week June 9 Markdale at Vanileltur June H -Dundalk at Flesherton The Centra Grey Baseball League sea- sou opened with a bang on Thursday last when Ceylon played with Mnrkdnle tit laltar's grounds. The game was sensa- tional for heavy hitting and it was not un'il tbe last man was down in the 1.1 inning that Ceylon weie sure of victory They only squeezed out a 15-14 win &t the expense of the Markdaleites and that without their regular pitcher, llutton pitched a gold game and although he was in the hole many times managed t have Uirly good support. Markdale II Beard, H Bowler, II Mercer, G Dundas, D Murdock, Beaton, Sims. C Mercer, L Burnside. Cr-ylon J McLeod, E Muir, Farpher, D McLeod, S McLe'jd, J McMullen, Pedlar, H Pedlar, H Hutton. Score by innings : Ceylon 60100402 215 Markdale 00300050 014 Batteiies D McLeod, Huttcn and Muir ; Garden Requisites Now is the time to purchase your Hakes, Hoes, Spades, shovels, Water- ing Cans or handles lor any of the farm tools. We have a well assorted stock. Let us supply you. Rennie's and Ferry's Garden Seeds Tomato, Cabbage and Celery plants now in stock ; also Floweiing Plants. RENNIE'S SEED CORN Especially treated Compton's early, Learning, White Cap, etc. RENNIE'S TURNIP SEEDS Canadian Jem, Derby and Jumbo. . Screen Doors, Windows and Wire Screening We have the different sixes and styles in screen doors and Window Sc/eens at lowest prices. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. KARSTEDT BROS. . I PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO . miss this Get it Saturday June 1 Oth at your grocers Buy your bag of *"**:;... . More Bread PURITV FLOUR " .;* :/tt Better Bread And don't fail to get your Coupon signed Use this coupon. Have your grocer sign it. Mail to us and we will forward books to your home prepaid. V Coupon No. 4 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT has Purchased PURITVFfOUR from and is entitled to Free Copies of the PURITY FLOUR Cook Book and Purity Home Account Book. These dealers will be glad to aign your Purity Flour Coupon * F. H, W. Hickling, Flesherton Mail your Coupon direct to Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Limited Toronto H Mercer aud B iwler . Time- 2.25 The first home run of the season as in i.'.f by H .1 , i Beard un the first time at tut and the first ball thrown. The L'aine w - a nood beginning for tbe L.'&K ue season. Fleaherton, 15, Vandeleur 13 List year's League leaders came to jn- i uu Saturday afternoon, when thty lost the firtt game of the ceusun by the ie of 15 -13 u score that indicated heavy h.trnu. on both fides. It was an off d*y for " ! i \ iVi.t. ii, in " alright ae hu was touched up neverely in the tiist iiji.ii..- for six rum 1 Io order to Rive justice to the Vandeleur team, we must say that they were considerably weakened ly the aLuence of Bowler, last year's catcher, and Uianaui, whj, to i ir baa Lot been allowed 10 play. However they uave good account of . !i n. -.-. and gave the local nine a run for their mouey. C>ruot> was hit hard in the fifth inning for rive IUDS and Alc^x then relieved him returning tbe tide by s'riking tut two men. V*!eur tnou only got one run in the (iih nd OLC in the b:b. When the U h Leg-tn each team had 13 ruua .ad i was iinyb'idy'n umne then. Two Vun- dclriir men then filled t > reach tirst b:i(-o, while the next thiee got on, (i'ling the s^clic. Uasirll Urnhain, alihuuifh hitt'm; safe'y four ou' of live times bo- fjre, faile.l entirely this time to stucll i!i. lull and '.he i>le rvired. In the 1 i.-,li half Sparks hit a lovely two-bagger uoding in Tburstoo :tnd DJW, winning the g^mc with cue nun down. It was not I he best btil game (tut his been iiliyed h*re, but wn thr:l!ing from be- i I! inning to end by ili-.> heavy hitting. Scure by innings : Vandcleur-2 1305101 0-13 Fleshonou 2200102 2-15 I'M'.; i.e.- A Buchanan and U Grahnm ; Alccx and Howard. FlesherUn Graves, lt B Thunion, 1 f I'arks, s s Dow, 2nd B Sparks, c f Alcox, r f F BetUi, 3 b Howard, c. Cur goo, p Yundeleur K \V*rling, 2ud 1! ; U <:.'..:, i. 1st B . It Kreeman, 3rd U ; K i -r >!i nn, catcher McGte, > B ; S Buchanan, 1 f ; U'iy Freeman, c f ; A ISuchltian, p ; Uutchinson, r f ; There were no home runs made, but there wen- four three-base hits, three on" I'm -VIM in and one uff C^rgOe. Flenherton meet Dundalk on the local {rounds Ibis Thurtidty afternoon And a ijood game is expected. We want you all there to root and help the boys along. If Flesherton can win the game this Thursday afternoon from Dundalk they will k>e well away in the race for the League Cup. Buchanan-Davis One of the loveliest weddings on Thur. 1st took place kt Markdale, when Julia l-!i tn, youngest daughter of the Ute John Davit and MM. Margaret Davi*, was united in marriage to George Wellington, third son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan. Uev. John H. Pke, FlesheiMon, otKoUtcd, The attendants Miai Florence Davis and Mr. Albert E. Ititr.haiuu. The wedding music was ren- dered by Miaa Hazel Oke of Toronto aud Mr. H. Ready of St. Mary's. The home was beautiful with white lilacs and Rus- M'l roses. After the wuddmg break fust, Mr. mid M' . i'.n. ii u' in left un it motor trip for western points. On the return they will reside at " Bonnio View Farm" FU-sherton. Gnosti were present from St. Mary'f, Chosley and Tontrto. FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario BIBI ESTABUSHED 187a Proton Office open Tues.. Thurs. and Sat HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR4NCH PROTQiN C. J. For&ter, Sub-Manajjej Why let luxury that you do not need, size that you do not want, speed that you cannot lawfully use lead you into buying a car that you cannot afford to own? Buy a Ford. It is lowest in price, low- est in maintenance cost, lowest in depre- ciation, and provides everything you can ask in a car. Ford Touring Car $535.00 F.O.B. FORD, ONTARIO H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, - Ontario

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