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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1922, p. 7

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Had Your Iron Today? Let's Have Raisin Bread Tonight HOW you've had delicious raisin breaa since you've tasted that incom- parable flavor? Serve a loaf tonight. No need to bake it Just telephone your grocer or a bakery. Say you want "full-fruited bread generously filled with luscious, seeded, Sun-Maid Raisins." The flavor of these raisins permeates the loaf. A cake-like daintiness makes every slice a treat. Serve it plain at dinner or as a tasty, fruited breakfast toast. Make delicious bread pudding with left- over slices. Use it all. You need not waste a crumb. Raisin, bread is luscious, energizing, iron- food. So it's both good and good for you. Serve it at least twice a week. Start this good habit in your home today. But don't take any but a real, full-} railed genuine raisin bread. Your dealer will supply it if you insist. Sun-Maid Seeded Raisins Make delicious bread, pies, pudding*, cakes, etc. Ask your grocer for (hem. Send for free book of tested recipes. Sun-Maid Raisin Growers MemhtrihifilJjOOO Dept. N-43-J, Freno, Ctlif. Blue fackags SM= Surnames and Their Origin Dust Explosions | The "SUent Nine." The recent explosion of a bin of oat- 1 A silent aeroplane engine has at last meal in some London works is said been invented, seys a London news- to have been due to an admixture of paper. dust and air. It is a curious and un- j n a recent test the deafening roar pleasant fact that such a mixture is o f the engine and exhaust was com- .. DC _,.- . . _ . . T ,-,.-.111 rv extremely explosive, and that some of pletely eliminated when fitted with MRS. CHAPLEAU COULJJ SAYS RHEUMATISM , IS ENTIRELY GONE Classified Advertisement* ZTTJBSES WASTED. the most terrible accidents in Indus- the "Silent Nine," as the new inven- trial history have been caused by dust tion is called. floating in dry air. Passengers will now be able to con- Coal dust is specially dangerous, verse with ease while in the air, and ami It is in order to guard against no t be forced to shout at the top of doist explosions in mines that all dry their voices. GET ABOUT ONLY BY PAINFUL EFFORT. mines have, by law, to be regularly watered. The "Silent Nine" Is very simple in construction and in principle. It con- Years of Suffering ed and Stomach Trouble Also Overcome. WANTED FOR TRAININO r T. Sc 001 , '" charge of graduate of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Apply Supertn- en<lent. Homewood Sanitarium. Guelph. WANTED PROBATION-ERRS Amaua Wood Hoapltal, St. Tlioraaa; 3 years' general training, with remunera- tion. Apply .Superintendent AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS, winners PARTICULARS. TEN f, and samples. Wonder Knife Sharpener 25 cents. Agency Salea * ompany. 159 Church, Toronto. BELT1NO FOR (ALE The dreadful diaster at the Trade- gists of an expansion chamber fitted: "It used to be the most painful ef- ston flour mills at Glasgow was caused to the end of a long exhaust pipe, and fort for me to move about the house, by a spark igniting- the fine flour dxist, arranged in such a way thae the gases but since taking Tanlac I am so well with vhich the air was filled, and re- from the engine are cooled immediate- and strong my housework Is like a | st prices in Canada. YORK BELTINCJ suited in the loss of twelve lives. The l y they leave the red-hot exhaust hole. ' pastime," said Mrs. S. Chapleau, 325 j ' ' "5 YORK STREET. TORONTO. "For ALL KINDS OF NEW AND USED belting, pulleys, saws cable. hose. packing, tc.. shipped subject 'to approval at low- mill itself was a roaring furnace in- side five minutes. The worst explosion of the kind on record was that which destroyed the. drome depot. This is the secret of engine silence, j Mount Royal Bast, Montreal. The inventor is Major Grant, the three years I suffered constantly from superintendent of the Croydon aero- rheumatism. My appetite was also i very poor and what little I ate caused Washburn corn mills in Minneapolis, I One "Silent Nine" can be sold at a ' me no end of trouble from Indigestion, reputed to be the largest in the world. I profit for less than $50, and already I became so thin and weak I almost The result was a loss of eighteen lives and a million dollars word of prop- erty. In the year 1908 Paris was shaken there is a great demand for it. lost all hope. My nerves and kidneys bothered me a great deal and I always bad a pain across the back that kept tirely to Tanlac." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. In Canada s Favor. The exchange of Imuiigration and ; me miserable. by a most tremendous explosion, caus- . trade between Canada and New South ! "Tanlac heJped me Just like it had ed by the blowing up of the great Wales during the fiscal year 1920-21 ; been made especially for my case. My Say sugar refinery, near the Orleans shows that both were considerably In food now a11 agrees with me and my Station. It is believed that a spark favor of Canada. Imports of Canadian ! nerves and kidneys never bother me from a dynamo ignited the finely pow-j produce, according to the New South ^^ more. I owe my good health en- dured sugar floating in the air. Forty- . Walee Statistical Bulletin for Decem- two workpeople were injured, and the ber last, amounted to $11,045,630, damage was $90,000. ! while exports to Canada were valued In the early days of the last cen- j at *626,210. During the first nine tury, all such explosions were attri-j months of last rear 1,398 emigrants buted to escapes of gas, or to lightn-j left New South Wales for Canada, ing flashes; yet as early as 1815 Sir while but 871 arrived from Canada. Humphry Davy seems to have had a suspicion of the real reason, and to have made some investigations. Later, the Royal Commission of-! 1891 went into the matter more close- ly, and their investigations proved CHILDHOOD UNOBTIMJ One O' the Sights. A man was visiting Ireland for the first time. In Dublin., one warm afternoon, ha suddenly put his handkerchief over his nose and said. In a choked voice: "What the deuce to that?" "That?" said his Irish guide. "Why, that's the River Llffey. Didn't ye know, rmr, that the smell o' the Lifley was one o' the sights o' Dublin?" Fish that flush crimson with excite- ment when given food are fqur.d in India. Nothing is more common in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing Is that explosions in coal-mines, even, more dangerous to proper growth, when not caused by dust, were often more, weakening to the constitution or aggravated by dust floating in the air.; more, likely to pave the way to dan- ; dealing with nervous and mental dls- It is not really difficult to under- J gerous disease. Fully nine-tenths of > eases, I can say without hesitation Overworking the Brain. Don't be afraid of overworking the brain; you can't do it. You can't think too much. "The more the mind does," aays a prominent medical authority, "the ciore it can do." Another well-known doctor said re- cently: "In ail my practice as a physician Amarlum'B f\<mm Doff Book cm DOG DISEASES and How to Feod Mailed Fro* to any Ad- dresa by the Author. H. our CHovr Co.. In x 12 West 34th Street New York. U.S.A. stand the why and wherefore of such i all the minor ills of childhood have explosions. To light a fire, you first their root in Indigestion, There la no chop up wood into small sticks or, medicine for little ones to equal shavings, and the smaller these are '. Baby's Own Tablets in relieving this the more readily they bum. The rea- .. trouble. They have proved of benefit son is that the act of combustion is in thousands of homes. Concerning merely the combination of the carbon ' them Mrs. Jos. Lunette. Immaculate of the wood with the oxygen of the^ Conception, Que., writes: "My baby air. ' was a great sufferer from indigestion, Naturally, therefore, when a particle but the Tablets soon set her right and of dust is floating in the air, with now I would not be without them." oxygen all around it, there only needs ; Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medl- the requisite degree of heat for that, cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a particle to burst into tierce flame, box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine t which of course is instantly communic-< Co., Brockville, Oni.. | ated to all the other atoms of dust in ^ that I have not met a single case of nervous or mental trouble caused by too much thinking or overatudy. What produce* mental troubl* is worry, emotional excitement, or lack of inter- est in one's work." So there is no need to be afraid. COARSE SALT LAN D SALT Bulk Carlota TOHONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. CLIFF TORONTO The publisher of the best Farn ^y t succession. COSTELLO Racial Origin Norman-French Source A given name FRANCOMS. Variations Francom, Frankham. Racial Origin Anglo-Norman. Here is a famUy name that is likely ! Source-Descriptive. to puzzle you. Forgetting any partlcu- ! Here is a group of family names the lar knowledge you may have of it, it [ meaning and origin of which you will looks more as thoug-h It might be ; find it difficult to guess, for In each Itadian than anything else. But all i one of the three cases the present PALE, WEAK GIRLS AM DELICATE WOXEN those of this name that you have ever met have probably been Irl&h. As a matter of fact, the name itself is Nor. in a a French. spelling of the ending is misleading. It Is not an uncommon thing for n.uii-M of Anglo-Norman origin to change In this fashion, and the reason But though the name and the origin- j lies In the peculiar mixture of the old al blood of the Costellos was Norman, j Anglo-Saxon tongue and the French of they really have more right to call j the Normans and frcm which modern themselves Irish than any one in English is the outgrowth. It must be Canadu. except the Indian, has to call I remembered that the mixture occurred himself a Canadian. t'or the Cos- j in a peculiar way. The Normans, for tellos began '.o be Irish long before | a couple of ceiuuries after the con- nerhaps cer- j u.uest. spoke nothing but French aud to be Cana- 1 their tongue wa.< but slightly changed by .he cJ the Auglo-Saxoa. Real "Boat Trains." When men are up against a difficul- ty they are not satisfied until they have got over it. The result of on of these difficulties in overcoming Na- ture has taken the form of the strang- est railway in the world. The question that had worried the engineers for a long time was how to improve the transport of goods through the vast Belgian Congo to the Can Find New Health by Enrich- ing Their Blood Supply. Nature intended every girl and every woman to be happy, active and healthy, coast. Yet too many of them find their lives j Ureat saddened by suffering nearly always j swamps, intersected by ridges of steep because their blood Is to blame. All i cliffs. In consequence, river transport those unhappy girls ajid women with | j 9 the only practical way by which J colorless cheeks, dull skins, and sunk- | goods can be carried to the sea. en lustreless eyes, are in UlU condi- But the number of waterfalls, ra- : tlon because they have not enough red pjds, an< i shallows have made this a tracts of this country are The more you think, study, or plan, I paper In the Maritime Provinces the better it is for you, because you : writing to us states: are training your mental powers. You ; "I would say that I do not know of a cannot overwork the brain as '.ong as medicine that has stood the test of you keep it healthy with outdoor ex- ercise whenever possible. Then it will recuperate of its own account. It is worry that destroys the brain and has outlived dozens of wouUl-ba worry, fear, bad feelings, and ment- ! competitors and imitators." al idleness. time like MINARD'S LINI.MKNT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember. England has the world's smallest railway, a four horsepower gasoline . motor drawing a twelve passenger car over a track having a gauge of fifteen inches. WHAT IS Mlrtard't Liniment for tale everywhere A LETTER It is estimated that 105 million matches are used every day in Can- ada,. or twelve to each person. Many Times It's a Guide to Health as is This One blood in their veins to keep them well and in the charm of health They suf- tedious business, as the cargoes have to be unleaded many times on one fer from depressing weariness and i journey, and carried down the bunk periodical headaches. Dark lines from under tbc-ir eyes, their heart pal- for some distance to the next boat. However, as the result of expert- ' aoiy Caucasians, except tain Norsemen, began dlans. Ti:e Costello clan in Ireland became Theu came a period when, as a result a tl\iure there In the early days of the ; of political separation from Normandy, Ang'.o-Normau Invasion. It derived Its j the Normans began to adout the Eng- n-ain from one C'osieUo Fltz-Gilberl. lish, which, iu radically changed form, who was the son of Gilbert de Augule. finally again became the dominating one of the lirst of the invaders. As element of speech. It wan natural was the case with many of these Nor- j that when this final stage was reached man chieftains, they gathered around : the meanings of the Norman names them, when they settled In either Ire- j were quickly forgotten aud there was land or Scotland, many native follow- j 4 tendency to peil them as they were era together with those of their own pronounced at the time, pace and. falling into the Gaelic cus- 1 In the Middle Age* the "middle torn, gradually elans. evolved their own [ class." lying between the nobility and adopting the Gaelic language ! their vassal* In the social and political and the Gaelic system of names. Thus, scale, were known as "freemen." and -those who would otherwise have been ' Freeman has eonie down to ua as a known (under the Noruiaa system) as I family name. The Norman equivalent to thte word was "framc-hooniue," or | as It was spelled at varlou* times. But It has been so long since the j "franchome," fraunoh-humme" and eleventh and twelfth centurie* that it j "fraunchome." It came to be pro- Is a safe bet that but little of thelnounced. after it had become a sur 01 is i nal Norman blood remains in the ' uatne. "francom." whence the spell- Fitz-Costelto." became Instead "O'Costello" and natty Just Coste-llo. pitates violently after the slightest ex- | nlcnt , ; Belgium, it is hoped this dif- ertion, aud they are often attacked^ ni . u ], y W JH be overcome. The inven- with fainting spells. These are only: tion t. ons ; 4ls O f twm boats bracketed a few of the miseries of bloodlessness. j side by s jj e> wit h space of three feet j When the blood becomes thia and j or so between the two hulls, watery it can be enriched through the j ^ IO[IK navigable water this double use of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills and! boac travels in the normal way, pro-, the troubles that come from poor ) pe>1!ed by a screw at ?he stern O f e(K . n blood disappear. In almost every j huj] But over all rapids and fallow neighborhood you will fli.d eorne form-) pa ,. u a sin g le rai i way i ille I>a3 been' erly ailing woman, or pale breathless , conalruoterf . supported on trestles, the' g!rl who has a good word to say for this medicine. Among Uiein there ia Miss Laura Monaghau, Campbelltou, P.K.I., who says: "Before using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was In a badly run down condition. I was pale, thin ' rail rising up from the water-level at! each emi of the unnavigable section. | Guided in by two guard rails, the- beat floats up over the end of the rail;] then the wheels between the two hulls j with the !ln. The driving and scarcely able to go about. The! r from lhe engine5 is 9W jt.-hed, least exertion made uiy heart palpi- | off frum the 8crews> and drives the! v-'iii.s of the averag tli's name to-day. person hearing ings Francomb and PYankhom ' developed. have pigeon- Do "Box Numbers" Baffle You? While the svstem of "box .umbers" I Some newspapers trade journals in fa*-t that usually the replies are kept; in boxes, beirkg docketed in holes. addresses used by advertisers in news- papers has been in operation for a good many years, there are some peo- ple who d-o not know what a 'Hjox number" really means. The "box mimbr" came into being- a* a result of the gveat increase in the use of newspaper* at a medium of advertising. It helped to save con- fusion and labor. A person who advertises in a news- paper may not wish to tlisvloae his axMross. In ^ucu cases, when he in- eru the advertisement he inform!! the late BO violently that I actually was afraid one of those spells might carry j me off. Often my nigh-ls were sleep- j less, and as tihe treatment I was tak- ; ing did not help me I \via almost In despair. Finally a friend advised the I use of Ur. Williams' ['ink Pills, and In ' the course (if a few weeks after be- ! giuniug this treatment there was a decided improvement in my condition. I continued using -lie pilis. and am ' uow enjoying good heal tit. 1 am glad i to give you my experience in the hope ' that dome other sufferer may Hud the i way to better health." Theee pills are sold by all medicine j wheels in contact with th rail. The! boat runs forward on the line, and 1 slowly lifts clear of the water. In this way the boat travels by rail over che rapids, the hulls hanging r>np on either side, and so preserving the balance. In this ingenious way the boat, in making its uon-top run to the sea can vise our of the water .'itxl pass '.IV-.T a steep waterfall, or skim just above the surface of shallows. At a narrow t.he boat can avoid it altogether S On Face and Arms. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals. " I was troubled for abcut two years with eczema. It broke out on my face and arms in pimples and itched and burned so badly that I lost much sleep on account of it. My face and arms wereccvered with pim- ples, and I was ashamed to appear out of the bouse. "I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and immediately found relief, and after using one cake of Soap and one box of Ointment I waa healed." (Signed' Miss Hslen Mai'-. 4259 Maryland St., San Diego, Calif., April 18. 1921. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum exclusively for every-day toilet purposes. tear!. Kiarn. to MtO. AddraK'l 1M. M -li. FM! 11, W., MMUMJ.- aw, whr.. Somite. Otntol.a.n.J W.-. I'J,- U Soap .h.r. without Women Read It Marmlon. Ontario. "Before using Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com- pound 1 was a total wreck. I had terrible pains in mjr sides and waa not regular. Finally I got so wealc I could not 50 up stairs without stop- ping to rest half-way up. I saw your medicine advertised iu the news- papers and gave It a trial. I took four bottles of the Veg.-table Com- pound aud was restored to health. I am marrlod. am ;he mother of two children and do all my housework, milk eight cows and do a hired man's work and enjoy the bt sr of hea;i ; .!. I also found the Vegetable Compound a great help for my weak back be- fore my babies were born. I recom- mend It to all my friends." MSJ*. HKNBY JANKE. Marniion. Ontario. Letters which you rend in the news- papers recommendius LyJla- K. Plnk- han: s Vegetable Compound are seii- ulne expressions from women who have been helped by this splendid medicine. They are anxious for oilier womeu, who may be oiifferiug as they did. to know of the great merit of this medicine. Eaeh one. with her reputation, stands behind it, to point at to sick women the way to health. Lydia E. Ptnkham's Private Text- Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write Lydia E. PlnUham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. clerk at th. rou-K.T -that he desires Unol-ean lips: yea. nil urn-leanness. "box n . The> i-!<Tk gives him receipt ca v/hicli is a number. H ' lluii appears in the Hd- ; t'> ' in-'taive, "Apjyly Box \Vhou tho piles, ho a iviM'li-ter caiK for r*> r.veipt, and the ! ,--. -IV !.,,,.! IAI him. Perhaps t!i i '. ' . il h- iii "lxi\ Mim'>ei" !> s : - ..'.h'vrjf to ilo v :!h tho I can nothing righteous bring; Woe Is me. undone, unholy for mlno eyes haw swn the King. But the 1'iwl from oflf the altar Purged and demised ; oh, wondrous thing! Hare am I. seiul nu- what glory! I,o. mine oyes luuv seen the Kin*' Kditli L. M ;!>. ville, Out. particular allow readers to send money in payment of goods advert is- 1 ed. This "deposit" is kept by the , J^u'a box''^'*^^^ for $2*50 "from newspaper until the buyer receives, Tfce Dr w)lli , UU! , Merik . ille Co .. B ro,-k- the goods, when it. is sent on to the seller. i By this means lite buyer is assured of fair play, for if the advertiser fail* to carry out his part of the bargain, the buyer's deposit ta returned. Seeing the King. For mine eye* have *een the King, tho Lord of hosts. Isaiah vl: 5. liy leaving the river and cutting noross land IT, its single rail, rattling along \ a cleared pathway through the jungle like a New York overhead railway. Mrs. Newlywed (on her first day's shopping 1 ): I want two pieces ofj etek ami and about half, a pint of Wild Animal Sanctuary. At Yorkton, Sask., .1. A. M. Patrick, K.A'.. has established at his own ex- peim-, ami as a him pleasure, a sanctuary for wild i pi a ,, ts a tree erects to himself a living animal-?. He has succeeded in obtain- monument and mx-kes bold an attempt ing a number of specimens of our rap- J to | t , a ve the world more beoutifui 'ban HP who plants a tree lightens th means of affording j burdens of his fellow-men He who idJy disappearing wiiid life, them being antelope and white-tailed deer. He has recently purchased four pure white deer from Grand Rapids. Mich. These (ieer are exceedingly rare, only seventeen being known to be in existence on the continent. Mr. Patrick is having the usual difficulties m protecting his sanctuary, but is i-on- tiiming the good work. v, ! J'i Liniment Rellv) Nu r a!gla he found it. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Kxpream Money Order. Five Dollars i-osts three spinn Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. l'n\: j ; iu see thj tus.'.e L(a;.er" on tablets, you are not get- i^i- .up: i m ;u all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of B.i'.^r T-.bU'!:- o\ Aspirin, 1 ' which contains directions and dosa worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by million;; for The roses of pleasure se'ilom !sst ( KMIC enouirli to adorn the brow of him] whn plucks tliem. Hannah More. Colds Toothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain ISSUE No. 22 '22. Hamly "Bayer" boxee of 12 tablet < -Also bottled of 24 and \pi:In 1 lll .! mark irglird In Onili of Buyer Mnuf.-(ure of M-n.i- ", A M.-.I ! of >.ill-vi-cld. Whllo It II will known Ihat Aiplrln mn:i Bfr rnnur.nir9, U. a suit: tho pub!!.- i'.ml Inilta!' ma. !h Thleu ,.f Waver i .>.n,iny , i ..... ,),*,! vwUh their j-n^i-nl inn1 mmk, ih "Bycr (.'row."

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