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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1922, p. 6

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f SPKTWHEEL A tlngl* wheel Tractor and Cultivator Combined. l <toe any work (or wt.irh wheel or food hoe can b lined Doe* Fire Time* Aa Much. BmeU enoocfc tm th b&lf acr hom (canii-nor a labor Mver and meJcer (or vorjr market (antenar, nurmorynMm and farmer, Uniformly Thorough, ind Bconomtc*! Cultivation. For full information *ad DeecrtpUre Literature Agente Write Now SPI??WHEll " The Gates of Hope _ BY ANTHONY CARLYLE 'By had It-aped back to those hateful mo- ments when she had: confronted Kemp- ton Kos&lner before Mrs. Alden's safe. She thought o<f him, as she had seen him then caught-- trapped found out, branded as a thkf! And she thought of Arwby, of her widle, candiiti sweet eyes, the warm frtend^in'esa of her smile. She feK a little choke:!. She waa cor.'Scious, tc:, of a wonder at herself for not feeling more of contempt for Kempton than she did. Surely he was deserving of it? Surely he was ut- terly unworthy o.f n girl liike Araby? And yet yet! She leaned' forward, 1'ooking down into the street, her hand clenched against the sill. He must have been driven by an extremity of desperation to such a course wen as she had been driven to the course she had taken. He must have suffered in a very madness of despair, as slie had done.. She choked again. Warm hearted, sensitive, tender toward all who suf- fered, that vagu pity she had felt for Kempton from the beginning leaped to a sudden very real sympathy. How he must have suffered! How he must be suffering still! She knew comprehension rather than blame for the thing he had done. It was not for her to censure. And then, again, as Araby's face rose be- fore her, she stirred and sd<ghed. He loved Araby! A quick, sharp stab of the way, I wonder what has fear, of guilt struck at her heart. TORONTO become of him lately. 1 don't believe ' Loved Araby and The Beginning of the Story. Alden, is jhtrusted with some jewels; I've seen him more than once in the! Audrey Ahten's voice broke across while her'empioycr goes out to lun- , last two or three weeks, and then at a her tangled thoughts. She straighten- cheon with Kempton Rosslaer, his | distance. I thought he was looking ed herself and turned back into the itepn; ither Lady Rosslaer and her son i wretchedly ill, too. Poor old Kemp! room. Gordc. j Ruthven. Marcia puts the; I w jgh Fate and his father were a! "And now, about this visit to th Jewels m the safe but fails to find the j little kinder to him. Thoug-h, I siup- Rosslaers! It won't do to try and Plic ite key. She consults a noted , pose, the old man really is beginning : get out of it, Marcia. Besides, you who tells her she cannot to feel the strain' " j don't want to. You owe it to your- live longer than six months; th.n answers the call of a solicitor to find She paused for a moment, looking ..*.. i-i a IB, t-ju, [ a solicitor w mm ft ,. roM nt Tr-ieV that she is heir to a large fortune on ftc ^ ss at rrask - condition that she marries before she; ( suppose > 1 ou ami Araby have is twenty-one. Returning to Mrs. sw?n ^m Kemp I mean?" Alden's she finds Kempton Rosslaer The faintest suspicion of a frown move in those circles from ! which you can accrue the most benefit. You've got money, and you've got fet-retly married to Araby drew Track's brows together. Trask) replacing the gems which his; stirred his tea with an energy that step-brother had stolen. Believing him overflowed his cup. to be the thief, Marci.i promises eil- "I don't know if Araby has. yur She cheeks had cooled, and six restaurant Marcia faints ami is assist- . Aiuen s attention was still upon ed by three strangers, Araby Trask,] "And you don't sound as if you her lather, who is an artist, and a cared much!" she put In. "Ah, w*eH! wealthy young man, Jasper Waldron. I It won't make much difference to smiled suddenly, her quick, smile. "I'm very ani I not? But one has to be on occasions And remember, Marcia, wb<?n fate dowers; you out of a clear ence if he will marry her within two haven't." days. To shield his father's namei Marcia's . i:..-n.- mui L-UOMKI. on',i r , aid in consideration of release within! stood leaning against the window and sk> "'HI fortune it dowers you witn ix months. Kempton consents. At a, looking back into the room. Mrs.' ^^^ f* Well! And :/<yu estaurant Marcia faints and is assist- , Alden s attention was still upon Trask. I After the secret marriage ceremony i Kemp, either way. Rosslaer and Marcia go their several j tea." CHAPTER XXVII. 'When Fate dowers you with a for- Have some more | tune it dowi-rs you with responsibili- prizes Many people nave discovered that 2 in 1 Shoe Pbfishes am good for other things than for shining shoes. For exompte 2 In 1 BLACK Good for polishing motor cawj refintohing writ case* kodak*, black gloves, rubbers, hats, etc. 1 In 1 WHITE cake or liquid Good for cleaning hats, stains in whit* skirts, white kid gloves, auto tires, etc. 2 In 1 TAN PASTE Good for polishing furniture, hardwood floors, etc. For the Bat List of New Uses ftrr 2 in I, W are Awarding Cash Prizes as 20 Prizes of $15.00-for the next twenty 50 " 5.00-fbi the next fifty 50 " " 2.00-fbr the next fifty 100 " " 1.00-fot the next 100 list* 1st award $500.00 for the most acceptable list 2nd " 300.00 for next best list 3rd " 200.00 -for third best list 10 Prizes of 25.00 for the next ten /Try to find new uses for any of the 2 in I Shoe Polishes, either black, tan, coblood, or brown paste, white cake or white liquid, black or tan combination, Write on one side of paper only. List uses according to color* Awards will be made according to decision of special committee,, and payment made on or before October 1st, 1922. AU lists submitted to become our property. Address : IN SavesYou Money Prize Editor, F. F. DALLEY COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, HAMILTON, CANADA. T omens Sphere How to Have a Pretty Mouth. i s ,,f t atu ] smooth, and they should be 'Cheerfulness and content are great kept closed. Too many nersons hav- __ ties as well! ways; her improved "mode of living i Trask handed his cup in silence, them!" benefits Marcia's health; she attracts ; The lin was still between his brows. I Audrey's And you can't shirk beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks." Charles Dickens. the admiration of her new friends and! "I like Kemp," he said, after a min- the following Sunday evening as she know how sne can obtain a pretty and the love of Waldron. He pays a large ute. "I don't think anyone could help drove to the Rosskier's house. Shej shapely mouth. A pretty mouth is sum for Marcia's portrait, painted, by .it there's something about him very i know that they were true, and her! partly a birthday gift and partly an Trask. Lady Rosslaer claims rela-, attractive, very lovable! But I could ;I'PS set just a litMe tightly as she; indication of character. Dr. Galbraith, tiorvship with Mrs. Halstead and in- wish that he had started viles Marcia for the following Sunday. life better 'contemplated the ordeaf before her.! In" her "book "o'rT'hygiene for women ing a full underlip allow this to drop, giving the face a vacant expression, while closed lips make the mouth look firmer and improve Jhe expression. Is .t necessary to add that no mat- ter how shapely the mouth may be it is unattractive if the teeth have been neglected? Irregular and protruding CORNS Lift Off with Fingers CHAPTER XXVI. my dear child! Of course 'ncorn "But. you must go!" Audrey Alden ceased her occupa- equipped to make (food for himself. It It seemed to her that the road of heri Bayg . -There are twentv-eight muscles teeth can be straightened by means of doesn't do a man any go;l to have no, '"boosing had its jars .and obstacles as! . ' h . lh se ((enta i app li a nces, but treatment of occupation to be dependent for his well as its smooth places and its rose . ,., : thi . , ort ;. not w ; t hin pv,>rv nn' come " leaves I muscles are developed by use, the this sort n t witnm every ones He pause:!. Audrey grinned. She' was really nervou-. She won-' mouth comes to assume the expres- reach. However, any one can, and Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- . - , "The trie of heavy f.ithcr dMtnt.dWKl if Kempton Ros^Iaer would be sion given to it by the thoughts of every one should keep the teeth clean, ly that corn stops hurting, then short- tion of pouring Ua to look in some' 811 ' 1 >'" in the least, my friend!" hc there, and piayod th;it he would not. the individual. The figurative cxprts- ; using a tooth-brush three times a day j y you [jft, j t right off \vith finger*. amusement at Marcin's flushed face. l ?kJ '""> "An I, anyway, it isn't. She wondered if h:> knew that she was sion, "down at the mouth," comes to and a tooth-paste or powder at least Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny botths ol "Freezone" for a few cent-*' sufficient . , . , The girl had been speaking of Lady Kemp's fault. It's his father's. He coming. If he did ho would, surely, be literally true, and the angles of , once a day. Ronslaer's vi-it, of her invitation ami <>"t{ht not to have brought, him up as make some cx/usv to be- away. t h e mouth are seen to be habitually Remember, that a smiling face, pro- ' ' But h , e "'?* th< ' re - At L ' M \y s tactful Ruirgestion old " 53 ; drooping until at last this is the fixed vided the teeth are clean, is always to remove every hard corn, soft corn, ' Lord an attractive face, no matter what the e sson of the fnce A healthy s-lacr had asked him personally to , F , f,>. ( ii,r Pa , n,l , n |p.,.Mnt fr e miml s thc only me " ns l " ' . , , ,>. ( i,r Pa , n, , n w I must I absolutely to be an idler. Only there', so mighty ty a. h.m, that night. And wiih a f . r e f miml J s tc . ony me " ns f l " is rnore'b, efuse! But I don't want to! little that ) can do. isn't there?" fhrug K ; iss':i'r had ac-quiewed. , kep P the face fronl be '"K Converted "on is more beaming with. I don't like Lady Ross- 1 Trak swallowed his - voi; I cup of Uo knew that, there were to he int <> n ' n P of wrinkles and drooping tity one more quickl 't know why, but f don't." t' 1 " t a gulp, :is if he did 1 not enjoy it. fruc-its, but his step-mother had not angles a n picked up the tea-pot "' amwered with unwonted acerbity. mi "'h opportunity of : >-<ing him, and are not, | "Nothing, 1 i-houl.l Bay!" he rt-tort-j wheT1 . fhe did_>:he was careful not to' trouble i b* of quite con*iderable *'d. "Kxccpt, of cinmv, gamble indis-; mention Mart-iaV name. She had her! underlyi " ' and kly than all at the mouth. The Wrinkle* j lotions and creams in the world. as a rule, caused by any in the skin itself, but in the Controlling the Wily Moth. derlying muscles the tissues of ' or corn between the toe, and the cs.1- Uises. without soreness or irritation. , of her own disinclination to accept it. ' ' <l><i; oughj to have had him taught She stirred irow, restlessly, frown- profess-ion. I know Kemp pretty ing. I well, and 1 kn:>w that h? doe.'n't want "I know rouWn't refu To begin with. I don't like Lady Ross- ra swaowed his - voi; I cup laer. 1 don't know why, but f don't." t' 1 " t a gulp, :is if he did 1 not enjoy it. fruc-its Mrs, Alden train. "She can MBfetaOM to you." she declared prac- ciiminately urn! accumulate tlehts that wn idea-; about mate hmakinjr, and toca!ly, handing ! s tt-a-cup to Michael he can rwvri Impt- to pay! Under the "P* hll(1 "-' "'tenlion that Kcmpton Trask, wh,, had drifted in a few min- circumstances it is ,'nfortunat*." ."hould bo suspicious of her intention.; , ,,!, ,i. v. < utes after Marc-ia. "After al'l, she's "Meaning, by 'i-ircumstunces'i Marcia did not see Kempton at 1 M a">' an otherwise pretty face is ''lankets nddled with moth holes next tablespoonful of black pepper to Lord Rosslaer'n wife; the has social Araby '!" ion:'; he was standing at the end of spoiled by the expression. The Venus winter when you want to use them gallon of water. tan-ding she I A shade of distress py-e;l over ' tn * ' 1|>n K room in the shadows. But de Milo would not be considered beau- again you have to be very careful If of.e cannot trust to memory to "An if 1 oared f<;r that. I want to 'Franks face. He rose and set down as ''h' 1 w 1114 announce'^ he swung tiful if she looketl peevish or cross, 'how you pack them away. This is recall these directions just when they Wash thoroughly in a solution of one ounce of alum to one gallon of water. Biues, Browns, Tans and Lavenders. Soak for several hours in one gal- If you want to avoid any possibility Ion of water in which one ounce of whk . h have bei . ome reiaxe( i or weak . of ,- mding woo!en underclothes, win- sugar of lead ha< been di'solved .. s .; . " 1 . fllra ' J Buffs Use ont . be freeto pick my friend* and ac- bis cup on tin- tray. qumtaiKVi for myself to go about "MewMinK Araby," lie __ won't fwv with those desires," Audrey HS- somewhat miwd her. "And you'll prol>abl.v en-' Mrs. Alden looked after him "vi'pt up through him. joy ywiirwlf tfuite a good dval. Ix>rd thoughtfully; then, from the window, His face waa set like stone when woman, because of a sweet expression around sharply, utter cr>sU'rnat.i>n in,' or ai if she felt that the whole world th* time of the year when the clothes [ are needed, copy the above or cut it eyes. For a moment he was WIls aga i ns t h er . Time and again a, moth is busy finding the spot in from the paper r.nd paste onto the can nalyzed, are which to deposit her eggs and she where you keep the powdered alum sed fo'r a good- 1 usually makes a beeline for the finest n d the sugar of lead, and place on HI, ng Araby, he agreed ( |uiet-j nw > es. he was WIls ag . linst her . -^ mv i>n took her band tor a moment, Blocked '"to numbness, then a swth- . _:_, ..,1...,- *,,.,, if .. over it awkwardly, and took a "'? nigr ugainst Kate, and of furious *.. . , ' , hat abrupt departmv. resentment against Marcia herself P^iv-ely plain has passet looking and decidedly attractive young few minutes later he exchanged an( ' a radiant smile. woolens. The safest way of all to defeat the moths is to put ^he garments into an the shelf with ammonia, blueing and other materials used on wash day do it in front of hi* mother! And the.n there's Kemp. Vo i like him, don't you?" , and I again, so sh:u ply that run Adrey rattled tin- Uu-cups im,- we MinircT* Llnimeit for Burns, etc. RoMlaer is an old dear a perfect old Marvin spoke, upon an impulse which a I ' w minutes later he exchanged ana a racnani smile. | Kivtcli-di gentleman. Gordon gets on she could not control. jgivi'iings with her. It did not relax If you have reason to suspect that, airtight bag or box and seal the box on e-V -nerves n Kt, I admit -but you "Are thing* rt a My- si> periou* for <' ve n \\lxMi Yi? saw the distress of her your expression is not all that could ' P securely. Before doing this. Low- can mub him, c; > king as you don't Araby arrt and Mr. Rns^acr?" \Walt eyes, and felt that her firmer* be desired, try the smile cure. This ever, it is necessary to well brush and ngemous woman e\en beat the clothes, for one can The News Print Servi iimiriuiiuuur, "" ' [ _.\._ | i... .1; |.,_ ] ,,j t yavuf l, u .,l.o,il,.i..l.- .. tl* M^OWl . ln\fd to f> i' the |,ath of love Lord KOBjlaer smooth. She was warmly attach- diri*er. for v.h!.h sho Newsprint Production. ce Buicau of ^vhohad a disagreeable and di.cour- ; r. eve,- i,e absoU.teh s.ire that moth New York . ta its A,, i, Bulletin. K i. was (leAuUlv ! Kd droop to her mouth, and it work- ; fRgs have m,t already been deposited the production of newsprint by the ' usual on them. l< this has already happen-| s j x teen Canadian member mills for Sheas ,, h, ; n , . She was w - . . Tra-k l.iwkcd up and acro.-j at her. ed to Kemp, really fi i: I c f Arnby. ami thankful. She found him a charming,' ei1 ln hcr l ' ase - us He rmniiteJ Dipping his tew nrvi in *.vmri:-thy with the y .nth of both, coiiiteotm old niiiii, who <litd hi* utmost! expression was caused by worry, as 'd the most elaborate precautions will; the first quarter of the Current year Grease in particular must be re- j 9.11 tons, or 'I'i per cent., over that in his mild threw herself hack in her chadr with 1 x ' 1( ' thought him looking very bent worry itself unfitted her for her day's; ( u Httta sigh. "Araby is not an rosy unil fragile; she had never drwmicd work by making her nervous and lin-, moved, for moths will always select' f cr t he same pericd of 1'VM seen person to probe. She seems such n "">< he was t i old. She had pictured 1 able to concentrate her mind. One day "< spots in preference to any other, child, so gay, eo ; cureless and so utterly. li." n " something ,,f u martinet, fierce,; this woman Mi so tired and , lig j Another point to remember is that \\ui-hiiig ht-r face with a certain' "Really!" she returned. Then phe to amuse and IntorMt her. thoughtful eyes. "Of cour.--. A I l*ast I havi him only very occasionally. " at the M-ntenci' anl walked across to confidence to ask haw nh> feel about 'yt s uggf-:ted thnt there was any the window. Her cheeks were flushed; J the whole thing; but if .--lie cares for f"' '<'f' '" him at all. He looked h* 1'ifted her face guilefully to thej Kemp at all it i* with h-i- whol heart. ' weary; real-ly ill. cool brci-y.f. She hat*d herself for! For him he worships the air she 1 She scarcely glanced at Kempton < lo ner surprise f her la/'k of composure; she wondered breather. I do knuw that!" I throughout the meal. On her other very short time it Msiiviir turned her face to the win-; hand (ion! on Riithven paid her fatuous it is in almost everybody, and the ni>t - prevent disaster. ag 267,824 tons, an increase of 44,- -unreel .h.t .he decided , turn woolen, ,h.uU ^ washed b.r,-e they The thirty member milis of the United States during (he first three months of 1922 produced 355,934 tons, a decrease of 8,709 ten*, or It per uncomfortably if Mrs. Alden had no- ticed it. Apparently sb* had not, forjdow :igam. he went on placidly: troubled'; wg over a new leaf and see if somehowj *re put away. It is a fact that moths a smile wouldn't help things. Great ly i much prefer anything that has been i cent, from that of last year. le found that in a 1 "ear the body to perfectly clean gar-! Du'ring March stocks of newsprint lid. Worries seem- ments. | 'd to straighten themselves out and Hr deep eyo were><>i>ir>limeiil.s in a blase way that maile ', appeared of small account, and the l ' lat fp* alternatives which have ' and 1107 tons le? at l r nite<l States her wiia her thoughts it almost impossible to he'ievt- that world was a pleasanter place to live been proved successful should b,e use- nulls ' Canadian unoitl of newsarint he was si II merely a lad. in ,., K^.,,.. .,, ,,,, ,..., , fll , , , h- h ftll . if . n ,.,,, i. t() , he llniUH , States . Ma| . ( . h " I decreased at the mill* bv -.123 tons. So few of us possess airtight boxes: being 1,616 tons less at Canadian mills ^-^^^^_^ Can, Stand 'on this Wash&oau Our SjMP Pearl Ware Wash Board IB so strong, tough and durable that a full-grown man or woman can stand on it without doing the rubbing surface or any part of it the least harm ! The enameled sur- face won't chip, flake or peel off. Think of the wear there is in such a wash board! There is the game wearing qualities In all articles in SNf P Pearl Ware. Try out the wash board and be convinced. She. thought he ':iokl more dissi- just because she had learned to ful to the housewife. One method in smile instead of frown. to first put the garments into a card- pated and work! woarv than ever- she '' T i - suspected even weak vfata ,,'= i,! 1 Tllls wom n ln!tl me """ ""V on* board box and sprinkle with naptha e\i to 63.516 tons; the next 1-argest supplier of newsprint to that market Pearl Ware 1AM *f MFTAL PRODUCTS Co*'",;:r I i i. IF'. '.| TORONTO WIHKlPfO " * * ll '"I*- ' ' " . > III . . *l_, 1, Ull Tl\- I. ' * the lines about his mouth, and she did havln ? a P*fvish droop to her mouth or carbon balls. Then wrap the box being Sweden, which shipped 10,871 not ciu'ouni'ge his amenities. Th* 1 snoll ' ( ' s 't ' n fvont of her mirror and '" several thicknesses of newspaper tons. nervoiism-ss and pxcitempnt of the' sm '' p at ner own> reflection for ten d paste down securely so that the! - - visit had brought twj brilliair (--potsl minutes, three times a day, or oftener moth cannot possibly find entrance.) f ciarnaiion to ^her cheeks; her eye if sh' found hreself worrying. At The box, of course, fan be dispensed 'first, she said, it seemed absolutely^ w 'th and more newspapers used, but; wore very bright. I.iidy Ros*laer, lookiivg t he-r, was forced to conifoss that, after nil, she had I :oks divided lrt>ks. Kvwi Kemp- ton looked at her, half reluctanilv more than once. Later, after coffee had l>een served, I thy found tbeniPt'lves iincxpenledly I alno together. They were st-aiuling 'at -the v.-irio wiiuknvs openinig onto the >'*>;! wish people to spe-tk well ol Then never mention tha fact. Many a man wastes so much tim imbecile to sit and grin at nothing at 'he box helps to keep the garments bragging about the things he is going all, and to watch oneself doing it; but from creasing. after the operation had continued for covering of newspapers and to do that he never has time to do a minute or two, one always got to' a"y tar paper is usually successful,! Threo great Asiatic rivers, the laughing at the idiocy (if it nnd the H1 'd * cotton bag. like a pillow slip, ' Yangtze Kiang, the Mekong, and the "blues' and othi . fancied miseries securely fastened at the open end, is Sa!wen. which at one point in Ohin* vanishui like magi;-. Several times a au * S .V way of dealing with- the are only a few miles apart, discharge day the drooping mjscles of the trouble, but it is not so easy to be through mouths L',0110 nvles apart. balcony. Lady RceitaiM- had jronp to | i louth sh'.uild be massaged with the! h >n - e that the fastening is' really = llu- pian.) at the other end of tli-e long room to where GoiMion was id'ly clay- ing the newest wait/, soiii^. Loril RoM la^r. in (U'<>p chair, was nenr thorn, half asleep.. (To be continued.) A match head does not think and when it is irritated it becomes excited and hursts into flame. Mrs. Newlywed (on her first day's shopping) : 'I want two pieces of steak nd uravy.' and about half a pint of Mirard'i Liniment for Dandruff. tips of the first two lingers, starting secure. in the centre, underneath the lower; 't is a mistake tj put the packages lip, using both hands at the same time : in a Jfk cupboard or anywhere where and pressing gently but firmly up-| there is the least suspicion of damp, ward, especially when the corners of A light, dry cupboard is better, the month are reached, until the fin-| Don't on any account use pepper. ' gers meet in the centre just above 't is true that moths Imte pey>per, hut the upper lip. Then lake the lingers the dangers that await the r^-opening off and' start again below the lower of pe-pper-ladea garments are too.' lip. Use a little cold cream with this S'eat to be risked, massage. Tho lips should be rubbed lightly- the cold cream several times a d. y, ns it improves their color, keeps To Set Colors in Wash Goods. Reds and Pinks- -Soak in a s; them free from chaps ami cold sorci' solutiim f a 1 t an.l water for one and make*, (hum flexible. Thick cr hour, full lips will be less uotue..!>!e if kept' Crcens, Mauves r.nd Purples Radio Supplies \V are distributors for RADIO PARTS AND COMPLETE SETS en:l ready to give you agency in your locality. Wi!!e fcr our 1'rlce 1.1st and proposition. Dominion Electric Supply CO . LTD. 110 Queen St. W., Toronto

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