June 7 THE FIEH1EKTON ADVANCE Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place w h ere you get Service Just laid in a new stock of ready-madu WORKS DRESS TROUSERS Best grade obtainable allot cd to lit. At lowest prices. Come in and look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor ! II Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and style. Clothing made to onle. Serge?, Worsteds and IVesds on hand also a good line of Men's and Boys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario * * =:: t If ffffl ***** Right Now Leave your Repairing in now I! before the Spring rush - m H * ***-* . - **+ ..4. (* t THOS. CLAYTON FLF.SHKRTON, - ONTARIO Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But if will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. A*k us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection* S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario, THE Flesherton Advance AD independent newipiper published every Thursday at the otiiep, CVIbngwood Street, Fltsherton. Sutxcnp'ion prica Si 50 per annum wh^n piil in n'li-anc* ; 82.00 when not so paid. 82.00 In United Sluton. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over 11<>0 weekly. W. M. THUKSTON EUITOH THE FUNERAL NOTE COMES LATER The Ontario Legislature Las spent a peppery time during the session about to close, but the country has to pay eitra for it. The session bai bee n pregoaut with vicious, violent and vacuous oratory that prolonged it much beyond anything that was ntce?gary. The govtrnnu-nt, too, has been able to add a little mor< to the burden of taxation under which this country is now floundering, and for this valuable service they have dipped in ior another $600 apiece. When the resolution for this emolu i!i' i.' was up not a sound was heard, uot a funeral note, as the vote to a I'M-:; ivas hurried. KILKENNY HUMAN CATS Most people know the story of the two Kilkenney cats who were tied by the tails, thrown over a clothes line and allowed to I: -hi it out. When the battle was finished only two cat tails were left suspended to the clothee line. History appears to be repeat- ing itself, with the Irish representing the cats. Lioyd George must have been familiar with tho legend when he gave Ireland independence and told them to "go to il." It would be interesting tc knowjust what the tails will I'j- k like when tho fur ceases flying. ANOTHER RESERVE The UK', ui i Government has set aside seven acres on tha Severn river as a public domain. We have not beard what they piopose to propagate there, but presume it will be channel catfish. Victoria Corners Mrs Lt'ckhii't i.s attending as to the W M S convention in Toronto and visiting friumU tbvru Mr* W Hoard und Mrs II MfLmiyhry iif M.-iikdnK 1 vi ili-d <>M friends hero last week. Don't for^'u^ the gnod tiuio |>rninisod at Inistiui,'!' yan'on | urty June UHli Mi \':irtin til ud tlic pulpit ou Sunday nl L;;m' us MIIIH- very good advice On Thur-day i-vtMijr.i; tlu-ra w:is ing hoUl in the church with regard t'i obanging cf the circuit. Ri-v K:iuli- of Boliand Centre and K \- Mr B<ii of Miiikd.-ilf were [in'-L'Mt i.iul tendered tw> bt.iutiful due's Mr;uul ^'l^ I.e*hi! l!ro ke rxiul family of Toronto visited the lattei's brother, Mr Eil Stinsoii, over the holiday. Aithur Claycm and wi'o of Tornnto visited at Milton IJannoii's over the nei-k end. Mrs IAV of Holland Ceiitiv is visit iiii> liur .son, Itiibort Lee. Transien* I Duck Bugs fcr SaK Tie p.r eleven N. Ar.tiilald, R U 3, Proton. done on Saturdas only HIGH. Kugeota \oui'! Pigs For Sile, 6 weeks old A. Conkey, Ceylon P. O. 'Phone. Seed Buckwheat For Sale Silver Hull lisa a few tons of hay Ben Me- K.'ii/.v, Ceylon, R R 1. For Sale Hilda uuru wool Mickinaws m Muck, brown and erey, also ki.it . H Alexander, Ftveibham. Six building lota io Flesherton K rattle' ou Toronto street, finest location in town Apply to B. Welton, Flesherton. Kur Sale or Kent The old in Klesheiton, on efy terms. R. J. Spruule, Flesherton. giz factory , Apply tn | For Sale Two building lota, in Flesh- erton near the Methodist church apply > Mrs. M. Thietltthwaitp, Flesherton. For Si!e A quiimty of bay, and alo -I team ( >f horses for $i.~>0, or exchanse for wile Jul.n J. Mends, R R No. 2, Priceville. Warm Weather 6 here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas For Su'e-lJ H. P. Uo 2* H . P. gasoline engims in first elites repair. To bo sold at a bargain. H. Down and Sons, Fleoherton. If you are thinking ot buy m,: a Cnara Separator buy no other hut ihe D.-Livil, which is the best and most reliable sep- arator made Cill, phone or write Hugh Knot', Markda'e. agen*. Fresh Chocolates, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. For Sale One 14 foot power wind- mill, tm/.: saw, onn 14 h.p. portable steam entgioe, one 10 it ch plate grain grinder, and ball bearing pneumatic tired buggy, one 6 ft M U binder, mower, one 12 disc seed drill Chax. Stafford K R 5, Markdale. House nd Lot For Sale The prop erty known an the Asfcdown reiidence at ) i.' y 1. n , an eight roomed dwelling, good cellir, -t iHe, ate. ; about an ac'e of land, would make a good home for a retired gent'emttn. For terms and fur- ther particulars apply to W. J. Bella uy, FleHberton. IMtyft Guno's Fertilizer For Sle at Flesh, r tin Sra'ion Parties wishirg to secure Guno's Sure Gain Fertilizer can do so by corresponding with \V J. Me..J~, as he is g-nt for this district and keeps it on hand. Can be secured any week day, t shipping day preferred. At the price la grealiiy reduced it will be in the in- terest of those w n tnu' these g<>odi to t my prices \V J. Meain, Flesheiton IV O. Telephone I! r 4 Pasture to Let ;!i(0 acres of pasture to let or cattle kt-n in ufler M v 1*> h, also a man *Hiited t r iin- season. HERB COKBETT, "Cloverhrae Farm" Proton Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Test- ing Station Come and see it tested. JAMES McLEAN, Paulson's Old Stand. CEYLON WE SELL BOAR for SERVICE Puretm'i! Tamwurth Bo-r for service on lot 167. S W T ud S E , Artemes ,. Terms (1.50. Sows not return fd will ie charged same M those in pig. Fab 15 T. J.STINSUX. Prop f FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER. WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AQENT. FLESHERTON. ROCK MILLS Mi'H (It'urjje I'.'ktton e-f Owen Sound, vis.teJ ihe >t week i h her fitr, Mis D.t'1% Ci-kik, :i'ui (.(her fiii'iic's lure. Mr HiiJ Mrs \\m Si.il -nt of Mark- tl.ile speiu H day ith their dau^btrr, Mrs Horb B.-tts. Mr Lev! lietts and wife visited last week wiih iri IIUIM in Toron'o. Mr W I ii i ^ upcnt the week end with John l'>>rtoous, wife :\nd f uni'y. ChH3 NtMvull has commenced the wink on 'li" i'il on Mi ml iy. Mrs \V J Chird .1,1! d^u^hter, Marie, spent a d iy recently with Mrs Less Chrd 4th line. Liurid Smith hits been asHjtini: \\ iliei Akitt for a few dtys Sim Cn ft, wifo and family, spent Sun Jay wiih rela'ins ou the 4ih lire. .1 i I'nk teturned Saturday to his homo in C)en Snund, afler being tmploy eJ in siwyer i'i the mill lure, durirg <\\a cut. Open all year. Fnter now LLIOTT Vongc and Charles Streets, Toronto Tho l.igh tu!t> busine.s fch,n>l of Ontnrin. Our i."(lutfs RIII in Htronjj demand. Cup ire ni.w mul be ready t ncctp' n g cd tn-i'iun in the F.tll. Cttaloi!Ui> fiee. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL The Worlds Lowest Priced Fulltf Equipped Car $785 F.O.B. Oshawa Sales Tax Extra. This price includes electric starting and lighting equipment. kHEVROLET cost is lowest per mile per year. Chevrolet costs least per mile in consumption of gasoline, oil and tires. It costs least per year, because of small price and lowest repair bills. It delivers the most economical trans- portation available in motoring, yet in construction and appearance it is a credit to its builders and its owner. See the new Chevrolet. -*"/ AID D. McTavish & Son Flesherton N