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Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1922, p. 7

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Beginning Bee-Keeping. improvement in this respect is shown in the second year compared with the The best time of the- year to begin ! ' bee.-keeping is in the spring. If pos- : i sible the beginner before starting should pay a visit to other bee-keepers I and study the methods to pursue. In i his bulletin on "Bees and How to Keep Them." the late F. W. SlaHen. Dominion Apiarist, advises starting { O 'w th7nTh7'gWde 7peciaTr in tto a solution of bluestone, each gallon on a small scale, as nothing is so dis- Canadian standard for eggs and that containing one pound in solution, heartening to the too venturesome as t , ley average at least two ounces in Certificateg uee iseued for all quBll _ fic(1 bir(Js , ; no fewM than m ^ in 52 consecutive Week8> with ad .j vanrod certificates for birds that lay over 225 eggs in the same period, pro- viding the quality of the eggs is not lack ot weight. British Columbia again shows Address communications to Agronomist, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Controlling Insect Enemies of Potatoes. There are roughly four control- Add the proper quantity o lime and to lose his bees owing- to a l lable factors' governing the yield of test with litmus in making Bordeaux experience A couple of colonies are to advanta8fc in the a(!vance nna iif lc a- potatoes, namely fertilizer cultiva- J ust as though no poison were m the sufficient at first With the , gamin? tioilS) with Ontario and Quebec fol- tion, seed and spraying Many grow- bluestone solution. Ail growers who of knowledge and understanding, ad- ]owin . pr> with new Brunswiek f ou rtn, ers obtain the best seed available and use enough solution, seventy to one diticna can be made The first outlay and Saakatehewfln and n - mce Ed . fertilize and cultivate in the best pos- hundred gallons per acre per applica- neea not exceed ^ or $oO if judg- ward Island tyi , lg sible manner, and yet neglect the "on of white arsenic Bordeaux, con- ment used. It is well to make the umbit> 0( . SinB j e , spraying, which is nt important of trI the potato beetles. Experiments demonstrate beyond^ Apply at least eighty gallons of poi- > **H Pay tneir way after the first honis gnnteA In British Col Comb white Leg .| advanced certificates, , complete m their averaged 238 . 32 eK gs per bird in the a doubt that $12 spent in spraying is soned Bordeaux in the strength men- hrves, may be obtained m May, or 52 week 42 Wynmll)ttpS) v 42 .17 perj worth twice as much as , ton of tioned per acre, and apply the spray , swarms may be obtained m June or hin , am , 2B BarreJ p, mh Rccks I at intervals of from ten days to two' early m July. The former should each 241 17 pep bjrd , Ontario 44 ad .' weeks from the time the plants are! give a fair amount pf surplus honey van( , ed Lc(?horns !ai(1 an ave rage of' six inches high until they die of old 'or * swarm or two the same season, 245 epffs prr ,,,, in the 52 , veekS) 27 , 4-8-10 fertilizer in increasing of potatoes. According to experiments held last year'atTthe "^nna't "itovri "Vo"va ! or the frost kills them ' If the; but a swarm is not hke.y to produce PIyn , ollth Rocks 034., per bird , ani , . " hundred *** damp and rainy, spray of,;* honey the first year, unless ,t is 18 Wyandottes 233.13 per bird. In! tener : if dr *- make the intervala two: a very early one. The colony or swarm Qufibee 10 advanced Plymouth Rocks] - * ... , i an All in IIP f ' IWW nnmilnilfl n nn nniilri * ,-. If your sprayer will only apply j should be fanl/ populous, andjhould averaged 23 Station, bushels per aeri ed from the use izer, f $40 worth of fertil- application,; have a young fertile aueen Be sure i i i per bird, and 6 1 ^u^itarin^rrf^m seven to ; that the apiary from which it cames is ten days apart. If you have a hand- j free from disease. Possible procure , snravpr that nnlv anolies forty gallons the bees ln tne neighborhood, as death one to spraying ran over two hundred, s >raver lat on 'y a WB Lr* *. 7. ; * > t i,:i*,.i 1,1 :r from the use of fertilizer cost forty, '""* '" "-" ----- - ---. i f f disease If ten days apart. If you have a hand-ji aisease. it cents per bushel. The increase in crop bushels per acre and cost less than,P er acre ' B over $14, or an increased crop due to spray- each application, ing cost around seven cents per bush- el on the acre plots. The unspraycd field gave 221 bush- els per acre and the sprayed 398. A difference due to spraying of 177 j bushels, or the increased crop was ob- tained at a cost of less than nine cents j per bushel. Although there are some! in the modern farm ranks who de-| cry thu. value of fertilizer in boosting potatoes alo.ig, we do not need tre field twice at>' 3 frequent from unskilful packing if: ' the bees are brought from a long dis- ! for nearby buy- Grading of Hogs. The maintenance of port bacon trade will Canada's ex- depend to a| When* using poison, apply the poi-| t- Another reason for nearby buy- -" V^nt'on"^^ adequairsupply soned Bordeaux when the bugs are * the less nsk^of Jf-jJ-gS hog, of the right type M conver- assist in the moving of the bees. If tlon ml first f j uahty D f "' A * "' inducement to farmers to breed anil just beginning to appear. It takes a arsenic to kill a small bug lot less than a half-grown one. Above all, common sense and judgment in spraying. Don't think that applying: transported _ later, forty gallons per acre once or twice, through the season will grow a potatoes alo.iff, we do not need to. w tj)at he ^ { with-! '^s will survive a journey Jr^^f^^lJ^JS**^ out breaking any of the command- 1 length, lasting several days in fact, to appreciate the fact that the spray is more valuable than the place. journey of some :al days in fact. ; and will not be likely to carry brood after so long a separation the colony is procured in April or May there will be less risk of loss than if feed that type a premium will be ansported later. for , ho * rs **"* ^ ade a s "? "; A method of buying bees that has ' * radin '>' of hos is expected to corn- come into favor is by weight, without > enee u at a early date m accordance oTno^t ;r"auc'h'aVini often! combs, in boxes specially constructed w ' th the sta f (ls recommended at ol potatoes, toucn spiaymg o i . v , t h e recent conference of producers, i i nnn' miTKunpnrp and enables' * or '"' purpose. Packed with care the , '_ ... packers and Dominion and Provincial departmental officials, held in Ottawa under the ausnices of the Dominion mt in nrHor tn i-nntrol isects ' ar:(l win not DC iiKeiy M> carry oroou , _.,, . , but in ordei to control i -> sonnrntion Department of Agriculture. Official and blights successfully there mustjdisi i long a bep ration ^JJJ wjll be stat j one j at stock- be a curtain amount of copper and a vnrH abattoir^ certain amount of arsenic applied to'is fr ee from infection and they are > J may believe in the use of plenty 1 each aL . re and it must 1)e renewed of- ( compelled to build new combs Crf.|WW< necessary of ' high-grade fertilizer. ' not fail to emphasize spraying, which costs less than one- ! ""pofaiti 'inhiiJ "hibernate for the! than two miles in order to avoid the fifth U mud, nor acre as fertilizer and JJJ* g J^gg bh wild ' return of many of the bees to the old . ^ * SfSlSi *" grives Uvk-e as great returns or is ten and c P u i tivated . R.ot out all of the location. Always bear in mind that J^Jiek'^^hol tune* as valuable, considering the wild , 08e bushes in the neighborhood j the successful bee-keeper is the one ^ i ". l " a " " ' amount of money invested by the - --L-*.- *s-u- -_j - -.,u:,,.,t.=,! ! who h:is taamt hnw the bees will act l f rower. The results mentioned were achieved in the Maritime, where late ' the first potatoes - blight is prevalent, and the difference black leaf 40 at the rate of a table-; can be controlled. ivould not be so marked in sections j spo0 nful to a bucket of water. * ~ where this disease is not found,! xhe potato aphis is oue of the in- Poultry Performance Record. thfm * h _ Ul ; pi:0pl)rHol;S WOUld Sti11 fa ': **. in the control of which steps' ^ t|)(! Ret . ord of p M . formance in | bnck> ham full> good ffeneral finisll( no ! must be taken before the outbreak oc- , egg . layin<f _ established by the Poultry] excess fat; weight 1(50 to 210 Ibs. TneTobacco oF Quali ty fi S _ *"* and in packaqes SCHOCl and a minimum of 10 per cent, will be paid r. but let us i S enough s^ that a continuous pro- onies should be moved in autumn or , ." ^ ^LS.'te the value, of tection is afforded to the plant. early spring if the distance ,s less J f ^ ba on The < fVion no.' ..- ^'HiMti twn m lo n nvrlpr tn avoid the tno Proauctli select, oat.on. ine MAY 21 Hilkiah's Great Discovery, 2 Chron. 34: 14-16, 29-32. Gold- en Text Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and light and "Thick Smooth" hogs, will be de-l unto my path, Ps. 119: 105. (Rev. Ver.). oY'notato "fi'eldTanVsWv "cultivated! who has learnt how the bees will act ; termined by supply and deman, . The| Time and Plaoe _ B .r. C'.'S; Jeru- were genuine or not. A of potato fields an spray i f. " I umipr v ., pi( ,, IS conditions and how ( hes Select Bacon" and "Thick Smooth", salein. was sent to Huldah, the pr, .- dietow. i i :i- in fm ^TirilliU' 'I'lOll* lll(* tllllt? UllUtrr VIUIVUB DVUU1UUIU aim IVW iiitar; , spung, ai standards adopted were as jollows: Lesson foreword Jasiali. like The prophets were now recoffnized as it potatoes are coming up, with e- 1 4. tt ! e ' i Select, bacon hogs Jowl and shoul- Hezekiah, was a reforming ruler, the mouthpiece of God, aiv.i UuMah der light and smooth- back from neck! Under him the religion of Israel was could answer the perplexing i|"cstion. to tail evenly fleshed; side long, med-' - oncc . a ain Cleansed of many of its Huldah's reply wa- that the book of ium the book of the H.. The Hook of The Law Read. -'!i-30. Kiiiir >" ^ tn ' 7 ., V. 29. Josiah convened a national carefully read in con- &esc mMy for the purpose of adopting 1 the newly found law as the law t Law DiHcovtred, t h e nation. Elders of Judah ;ind Jer- - . mco 1U i !._ .1 , wiii^ui'-'i >.., .., ilu IUB. -. usalcm. The elders were 'he heads .v, 44 it. S t a8 " ad y anc ' w -! To conlro1 a P hlds u , se on P lnl 5l number entered in 1919-20. In the Tho grading will be carried on V. 14. Josiah had undertaken the of families or leading men of each Starting with 4-4^ the second spray black leaf 40 to each one hundredi , attel . y(jar the entries W(jro G7 breed- , un der the direction of the Live Stock repair of the temple, which had fallen town or village. They adMir.istered tH e o-j-40 and the third and I gallons of Bordeaux and apply at a| crs and 4 4;J6 , )ir(|s and in tho former ' Branch of the Department by com- ': into decay, and had s.:nt Shaphan, his justice and acted as ,-eprt e..tativet later sprays, 0-6-40 Ihe spraymg; high pressure ami with an u P - 8 pray.| 8l broeders and 7 BU birds . Quebec j patent officers appointed for the pur-i secretary to help Hiikiah, the priest.; of their community, shoulu Kan when the plants are siXi The spray miust hit the insect in h ,.,.r,rri;r, t-n tli.> UQ r./Mi<) Mnnvfcl. i to count the repair money collected ml V. 30. The national ass'/mmy was inches high in order to control the! order to kill. Apply black leaf 40 with! , . l) " '* " JSllBlE ft i the temple, 2 Kings 22: 3-7. And | held in Uie precincts of the torn pie. To potato beetles and blight. ! the first two or three applications of! , mmbe ,. "[ ,,"" ed "^ _ , ^! .:_ ._i i ^. _LI. r-_..__-__ TL.._ h"n they brought out the money.;it there came not only the eL'ers but *1T1 t ' IIUIAI -/Cl Ul. '-'A CCUVA ftt UT1(1 1.J FltH J'lO flOCi White arseP.u- s and hydrate lime, Bordeaux. It is particularly advisable British Columbia show the gvt . ateat equal pars, ,s the cheapest of all ar-i for growers of seed potatoes to pray: increaso in birds ente) . e(| The re . senic:u. The value ol such a mutton thoroughly for utato apluda. In no A Durable Exterior White- wash. As was pointed out in the Losson a great concourse of people f rom all i Foreword, JehoaMi had instituted a ' parts of the country. The Leviiea. ' new system for keeping the lemple in Originally they were the pi icsts at i port indicates that the breeds most! To maki- a durable whitewash for repair. A box with a hole bured in it the various saiu-tuaries throughout has been tni -.Highly demon trated on , other way can tn.y hope to keep down favored by British Columbia are Leg- i outside surfaces combine fifty pounds was placed near the altar and into this the land. When later thes^ sam-tu- ittn.r coming second. Quebec that-. ,,1 1,-. ,,,sn, ls ,,r, to put y.eid by one hundred bushels. In one SaskltU . hewan fourtll . Considerable it another ay. one c.iti make a \vhiti 1 case, wliei-e th^ beetles were control- _ arsenir B..rdem.x aprj die total cost led beside a plot on which they were of the white arsenic, bluestone and allowed to run wild. the> increased! lime, will be approximately that ot . yield was nearly one hundred andj Paris green or lead arsenate. In ad- forty bushels, from flea beetle control dition. one has a better sticker than alone. Paris green, a more rapid killer than The best treatment is to apply a re- lead arsenate. and the fiiiiirindal value' pellant, and for this Bordeaux is the of Bordeaux as well. - ! best, yet known. No poison is required become c old. priest in counting the money ;:nd pay- easiest prepared by dis- ing the workmen. ,, Shaphan was act- ens sin in the sodium plios- ing in that capacity when HilVi;.ii IV ind then adding this to t() ' ( ' him of his groat find. Hiikiah the tatuuch. le after I he latter ha* p ri Ht found "book. gtc. 'Hn^y the 1 in . The book came to "be in this particular gathering stroiiijth- argument that the book was uniy and iici tlu i- Covenant Kenewcd. 31, :tj. ,,. - , i V. 31. Tlie King stund in hilt place, place we are not 10 d. We maj con- Th kj h , ^. , , h , Jim Crow And How to Treat Him A Simple Way to Get Rid of a Big Nuisance for them; that he had been taking an 5 ,? >n ' **" , ' >' . ? ^ Smith). A book of Ihe law. Most "'"; scholars are now agreed that this was 1 Like most outlaws, the notorious , on tho market, of not affecting the the Book of Deuteronomy and nut the lows: To each ten gallons of water ly refuse to eat a plant that is coated intended for bluest one stock solution, with straight Bordeaux, add two pounds of the mixture (equal If flea beetles are plentiful on pota- pait* of while arsenic and hydrate*! toes when they first appear, apply a lime) into stone. 't'l:!> will make a green pre- cipitate. Alv.ays stir before using that are germination of the corn when used in whole of the Law (the rentateuch or for , on method of procedure is as fol-i in flea beetle control as they absolute- i ''"' Cl ' ow has some P oints commended among law-abiding citi-j limited quantities. /ens but when he is a bad bird he is used to a half bushel of seed. The . His springtime grain is first heated by an applica- sidermg this i law book to be Denter- very tion of warm water, and then drained. onom y : po;si.n. slir this in and then ' R od coat of 4-4-40 Bordeaux." Con- '"-"'" -"''*" i' ' unsavory Th a hard-boiled egg. ravages on the cornfield are largely responsible for his unuavory The coal tar is addcn A snmiiri:!! victim '.va-i hfwn in pieces and 'In- t>vo ji irti.i to the covenant paisi^ 1 ht'tween. V. :!2. Firsit the kinir made a jieum' vow to\-e the !:i'V containo'! in the new book. Then the people w^re Llll^ II, mill LIIUlI W.H CUrtl '^1 t-t-tV Ul/I *IT5*IUA. Ull- * e, -.' . , ., , .,, . ten pounds of Mue- tinue ibis every week until the i reputation, but he has added to it by a thorough stirnng will give each ' _ _ :j.,. ,,. *V. r , rt/.nUrv HttMAi. ' KWnMM Mil PVPil cnilfino' Til** tfO*.<l la immediately and " ou r impression it made on Josiah; Use green mixtti'-e as if it wore as it doe middle- of July. It pays as well to| OCCHSIO protect, the young plant from injury nal raids on the poultry yard, j kernel an even coating-. The seed is could be explained by the woes pro- noinu'cd bv Deuteronomy if the law Application. One of the results of the halfif'owii plant. deoredations on wild birds, and at- then spread out to dry <> is dried by were no: observed (see '_' Kings '_'2: 1" tion was a new appreciatii-n tacks on cro])s other than corn. At j the addiUon of sifted ashes. I ' ' " certain seasons and in certain locali- j plaster, or powdered earth. ties he becomes such a nuisance and a] The best deterrent, however, and and Deul.. ch. ?.8). (3> The < onse- 1 quent reforms of Josiah are thuse ad- vocated in Deuteronomy. forma* I t'la Bible. Even before this man i .1 -e z- ed with eagerness the portirn< of Scripture that W \viiffe hud trani- lated. Foxo writes: "Aftor Wycliffe'i pjixfuotion help* to pay only :!() hatched. The eugs are fertile. K ,. 0( . Pl . v |,ii| s but jt is poor policy to| cau -- - young ,a!f in Tde, : to 'pay t mean his wife, who ,s just as twenty ,,uarts of corn. rob the these bills. The production (if the treat, him too harshly. black as he is, it is not advisable to and strychnine are put into the water, reach the king and his Mippnrt would man might sing parts of thi-m me ti, uteri. u. prooacoion ot the "* " ' , i n u u future depends upon the growth and "'' of his food is made up of msocts well when the .larc ileveloi.i,.nt of Hhe present dav .lairvl^' ** ineludes 11 hls mt ' nu somo * I e "' , ^I'A P f U ' ,'* ..,,. i Hie farmer's worst enemies --grass- and stirred into it *'*'' , , i. ii_ i Ij'i'i t_j m. _ Nearly one- j which is heated to boiling, and stirred ch begins to thick- poured on the com but the shell cracks off and leave* the skin ! (hut should come off will) it. nd the skin dries and seems so touch that the chick ran no) break throux'). Could you (ell us nhnl. the trouble i? -1).' ( . When the membrane beneath the lljr ,-,, l/u|tlll . ^ ,,.. ,-,. BVeel| ... -,-,- .bell dries down so the chick cannot, who i e mi lk until two or three weeks! and their parents, the May beetles. | and is then reany to us*. emerge it usually means that Mu- mois- o ld- from four to six quarts per dav ' Probably we could not get along so This method IK better than ture condition- have not been rigW. I depending upon her *i"e Krom then ' eH without Jim Crow as with him.; one of steeping the corn in a strong you arc hatching with hen? try yn skim^milk mav be be added in : KiHing-off the whole family, if that sti-ychn me solution. Because of their so of his better half, which does i one and one-half pints uf water to , support of the king, [f the book were 'were translated into all lan The starch ' srivpn t.o Shaplnn it would H P sure to 'the people. I wiiOi that the liusi-and- his pained. j plough and the weaver at his .-buttle . v - u; - Shaphan t-arri-d iho hook to and that Hie traveller might Iieirmle c llinK ' ^ lla P |uln immediately re-'with their nairation Ihe weariness of the king. Shap paired to the royal palace which stood his way." The calf ought to have warm, sweet hoppers, caterpillars, and white grubs 1 1_ *.. . .,.,.,*., tiVi,, lUnir KAAPiafl '. lhe corn is spread to dry , . i *.- j .. , ., ,. naiied to uir ruviii iininrc \v [ uoii sniuu m *>,>. I the farmer's worst enemies --gr ass- I aml^ _sr tirred into .t until thoroughly |,, ose by Lh( . Iom pi .' H e li.-,i told the! There is a well-known pi,-,:., ,f a king of the progress of the repair] traveler, on a wild, stormy 'jli:, work on the temple and then he di- standing up in the stirrup.- of hi the old' vulge.d the great discovery. 'saddle at a parting of the ways try- When the book of law was read to f ing to read the direi-tions en the siKH- Josiah it created a profound impres- post. How eagerly he look? an.i how sion on him. He heard the recital of i carefully he holds the lighted match woes for the non-observance of 'the las he strives to rend ihe Ht,\i law and yet he recognissed that it had i The Bible is our book of din not. been kept. He decided to investi-'and we are safe when uv f'; ;: -.<v i! gate whether the book discovered guidance. hot water and apply them to the <>?.' ! an v other "it is "a" mistake "to" attempt 1 thc V hav ^ been K ' ing lo . fai ' and i I"? a . nd !eave ' V f' mfs wh ", le coni for on the cijthteenth night. They are t ( /make up in ..uantiiv what 2dm- ** ( ^ enn>t Ket away Wlt1 ' every- j bait k-sens the danjfer of poisoning removed several boors later. Tho.i ,,,ilk lack^ in butterfat ' , thinj?. They are ^ wary enough not to, smaller seed-eating birds, fare should the cloth* \vi:>: he found dry and the Whole oats or shelled corn arc eaten' lleetl nl!llly 1 ^l )e ' itiolls of thc lesson, be taken not to distribute the poisoned moisture will seem to have entered ! ,. CH( jii v w hen the calf i* quite voune i at leusl not in om? seaao11 - i l ' atn n( ' ai> thp f;ll ' m """ where th* shells and the egg chamber. Then V libe'rjl upply of these "r- l ins'ho'iUl i Every spri"lf Armors revive their _ domestic animals might pick it up. lose the incubator and do not open : be used to supplement the skim-milk j M feud with the Jim Crow f:lmily ' : The l ' WS USUa " y d thcir corn m '- Thinks It Better to Keep Up Grain. Dairymen differ in opinion again until the hatching i over. SoiiH-timc.- entirely; rut j on til tht which should be continued un- ealf is five or six months old. . ks die in the shell' Qniy : well-fed calf builds a healthy, carrying on a desultory battle by ling at some distance from the build- means of scarecrows, epithets, and j ings. due to a weakness of the germ. A tow might die in the shell even if the re- mainder of I!'; .',,-RV produced a satis- factory ntimii -, i- of eiiicks. Overheat in. i ilk-yield cow. j| _ - m When he was a farmer he spake as farmer, he understood as a farmer. the more effective deterrents of coal tar and poison. Coal tar, which may Before going ahead with poisoning ture. Early spring pasture is ;i;i;h;y succulent and for a short linn- will produce an increased milk fl.iw !>,jt 1 as the season wanes the. suppty g:,idu* I ally becomes in.-.ufflcient to insure grain ration alter the cows are turned maxjmum nlilk production. Heavy out to pasture. It. has linen out 1 - ex- penence that pays keep the grain up, and especially with heavy- milking cows. There are cows in every operations which involve the spread- ' herd that are beginniiiK to decline in be secured ut gas plants and some! ing of poison it is always advisable to milk flow as they are turned out to in (he int'ul'ai paint shops is not a poison, but it im- parts a disa^reable gassy odor to the look up laws and local regulations re- garding: the distribution of poison. pasture These cows I do not con- sider profitable t.o grain, but as a rule cause the Iro^-' he thnushl s a farmer; but after hoi seed grain that is distasteful t.o crows Local conditions may modify practices cows do much bettor nrni hold up ' Me Tho ah n : >rht be loo dry in the -vto el.-.'ted he put away his farmer- and other pests. It hao'tlie advantage,! a great deal, especially in thirdly j longer on their milk tlo\\ -,.-,:ii wlvi-e I u::i'.-hiiie is o'peruiil.i Uh tilings. not possessed by some other deterrents ' populated regiciis. I liberal grin i-ation ven on good I ti,T*.-rfr . maximum milch cows, to produce a profitable flow of milk during t.he pasture months, should receive some concen- trated feed to balance up the pus'-'r - -L. R. Fine barns do not; make good oown. Whim is no guide to food jje-ods, ' "specially for children. Your e?;or ciin he (HiigJil to like the fi>o.< f - s(,.od for

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