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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1922, p. 4

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May .1 1922 THE FIE9HERTON ADVANCE Shinn-Flat Lightning Rods Prevent Lightning Losses w HEN your buildings are protected with Shinn-Flat Lightning Rods, you may be ab- solutely sure that they're safe from lightning damage. Shinn-Flat Lightning Rods are the only kind made in the form of a flat cable. Sir Oliver Lodge, Steinmetz and other scientists state that lightning travels on the surface of con- ductors, and hence the Hat cable will carry the greater current, because it has nearly twice as much conducting surface as other forms. Actual tests prove that Shinn-Flat has less self-induction, less resist- ance, less heat and greater ca- pacity than round cables. Lightning Can't Strike if Shinn Gets There First! Shinn-Flat prevents lightning by per- mitting the electricity to leak GRAD- UALLY from the heavily charged ground and building into the atmos- phere above. PROF. W. H. DAY Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College for many years, and Canada's recognized authority on Lightning Protection, is now Manager of the Shinn Mfg. Co., and Assists in training Shinn Dealers, thus Insuring correct installation. Call and get a book on the Lightning Cause and Control. E. RUTHERFORD, Agent PROTON STATION, ONT. Alto agent for Superior farm equipment, litter carriers, etc. THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid in a new stock of ready-made WORKS DRESS TROUSERS ]'< st grade obtainable allot- ed to fit. At lowest piices. Come in and look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Town Hall, Flesherton Monday evening, May 15th Special Vitagraph Production "The Heart of Maryland" Based on the Civil War Larry Semon Comedy -> Prices 27 & 55c. including tax Show to commence at 8 o'clock sharp C. E. WALDEN, - - Manager Open all year. Enter now Yongo aii>l Chin Ice StrcetH, Toronto The IM.'.II iM i.;i- i. n in, -ohnd of Ontario. Our uruiluatcH aro in f.trmi!' id- in 1 1 n I. I'll- |.n ! now nnd be ready to , . pi H ^nod |in-iiii>!i in the Kill i iMl... i;.- fife. W. J. ELLIOTT, Tonsorial Parlors THE Fiesherton Advance An independent newipnper published every Thursday at the oftiee, Callingwood Street, Flesherton. Subicripiiun price ?! iVJ per Miniiiiii wlion paid in advance ; 82.00 when not so paid. 82.00 to United States. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON EDITOR OUR CEMETERY Tbe time has arrived when Flesh- btton cemetery must either be enlarged or a new plot purchased. The lota are practically all sold, ouly one or two remaining. The Advance would like to see the cemetery placed mi a different ban's, and made more modern. There ia little that is attractive about it aa it stands today, and there is really no reason why it should remain in the condition it is now in, but there is little hope for improvement until it ia enlarged. Then a board of management conic be appointed by the village counot who would have full power to sell lots and adopt a set of rules whereby fund could be eet aside for mainten- ance. The village of Markdale ha gone about this tiling in the rigb way under the persistent promotien ol Mr. C. W. Rutledge, who ha given The Advance the benefit of hi experience and advice. Markdal sells plots for $15 and also charge! $15 for maintenance which may t paid in a lump sum or spread over a M rit-i of ycui'8 with 85 added. Tlie system appears to be veiy satisfactorj and^supplies enough funds to keep th "Gud'd aciV in good condition With the purchase of an extra plot o ground the time would be opportune for a change in the systtiu of manage rneut here, one that would produce something not altogether an eye sore lo those whoso nuforgotten dead lie there. There is little or no incentive at the present time for at tempting to beautify or keep in ordei one plot, wheie the next plot hard by is left to produce rank grars and weeds. Last week two pairs of wild geese arrived at Pheasant Island for propa gation purpose?. Pheasants, wild geese, aqirrels of various kinds, nc deer, moose, bear and Nipigon trout ia tho lit BO far, not counting tlic i.&- tive groundhogs. The addition ol wild geese lends a sort of muisttr meaning to the venture, and suggcatl a new name for the zoo. It will prob* ably be known as wild goose park. We Aim to dive Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Haakot !, '.-,* Monday nii(ht, delivery Funny ev ULKANINO and DYKINJ- W- , for I'nikrr'ii Iy Works Clotht-t iii I'll iiiul ilyed, fi ulur-j i-i<;uvenate.l T HSHliK- -rHOI'HIETOK Previous to tho lust Ontario election U.F.O. ciudidatt'S were decidedly in Favor of abolishing our million dollar jovornmcnt hou^c and selecting some- thing more democratic for tha gentle- man with gold liii'.- and cocked hat to dwell in. We do tiot hvar much about it now. Wluu'.s tho hitch. The state oi Queensland in Aust- ralia ehowa us the way. It has abol- n-il ita Legislative Council, which corresponds in a .--null way to our )oniinion Bonate. People ciiu dream great dreams, but tia the carrying out of these dreams that counts. William Rennick of Lot 25, 1st line west, Mono, appeared before Police giotrate Falc"niT in Shelburne on rtmrs lay afternoon of last week on a charge of assault preferred by his wife, ly Renniclc. Befare the case came to iri.- 1 , however, a settlement was ar- ' ranged by the paries, the defendant paying the plaintiff |2 300. which in- cludes settlement in full as well of an impending alimony action. A A. Hugh- son of Oiangeville appeared for plaintiff while C. K. McKeown acted for defend- ant. Free Press Notice of Dissolution Notice ia hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be- tween R. Hannah and Tbos. Dever, as general merchants carrying on busi- ness as Hannah & Uever, has been dissolved. All accounts not settled by May 15th will be placed in other hands (or collection. Accounts may bo paid to either party. ROBT. HANNAH, THOS. DEVER. I'ortlaw, April 24, 1922. CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices. fltllgilS Oarefally Corrected Each Week Barley 70 to 70 Peas 1 25 to 1 25 Buckwheat 080 to 080 Potatoes 1 30 fo 1 30 Apples ... 4 00 fco 4 GO Bntter 28 to 30 Ejjgs 26 26 Winter Whet 1 05 to 1 05 Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 an . . 45 to 45 L GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruit* and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30J - ONT. FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Highest prices paid* BUSINESSCARDSj SOCIETIES OK1NUE AUTHU* LODQK. No. ASH, A K.I 1 A M, meete la tht Muonlchall, Aim r .1;-- liVck Ti'tiUijrti.'ii. evair 1'riJnv oo or in'tiTi' tin) I nil mom. Peter Mulr. W. M B. U. HolltuJ. Setretury. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. $3.25 DENTISTRY MURRAY L. O. 6 . deuUl wrgsoL ' of Ttoronto Uoivrtpitv km) itftl Bui$eona of Ontario. _T Tenf li iiXtrctjQD Bee i"i jL' to Toronto BlrnLFIesbertoi . LEGAL I UCAB, * liBMtY -litrrlrtar*. ttolloltori, ** e.-Ll. LttOi, K. C.I W, D. , . A. OmeM. Bhtrltdile Luo* UUx-k, 1'Lcme . KtBDcL cfCcrt it DciTUi aad DUrh* r. Kim IT. A Tl-:iJ--OiO),liiriH.T, Kulici. ton, k. OfflCM. Grey t Umaft Block. Uwon BouttL Btaodtrd Dank 'JmiMfr too, <Htur2ajK W. H. Wright, W. P. 'I'elfanl Jr. BUSINESS CARDS .MTT1NU. lonud Aootlci Uttr fo o( liroy and Bimooe. ftld a nptluit>'. Term* Uil,'i-l:>'Hr on t rwi ham. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON WE SELL l UoPUAIU IJotcMd Anetlonee for the ' County of Grey. Tartu* moderate and j ARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on onnectlou. MANURE SPREADER. 4 WALKING PLOWS, WAGON MOWER . kit. A. 'I i ilNUn.l.. B.A.. M.i. . frrftJuate | M -^ from the facnltry of Mi'diulna, t'nlv-anltjr ' Toronto. Ofllo Ulotiardroa Hi oak. r'leth- rton, Tolrpbona .13. JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLB&HBRfON. ONTARIO Notice To Contractors BupnTntn lealed tender* marked" 'I'm- ili-rs fin- Contract No. 087 ,, will lie received liy I lie undoiHJai.oil until 12 iM'look noon on Friday, June 2nd, 1922, for Ilia coiiitruotion of concrete culverts on the pim highway, in tho town- ship of Amamnth and Melanothon. Plans. Nprciiiofttiona, informations to liitlriera, itmdei forma and lender envel- oped nmy lie ohtim<d on and attor Kriday, M.iy ILM.. 1022, at ilio otHoA of the undorHJKn^d, or frnm 0. E. ItiiRh lii'Mhl.-ni Kngiiierr, Oranvovillu. A marked ohf qua fr 8500 00 payable to tho Mininter of Public Worko and lll^liwuyi, Oninrio, or a (,'u n .miy Com< pony's In I bond for a limilnr Hrnount must tin 'ill i. lnil tn ilin tender. A (iiiaranty Coiniuny'n Ountraot Bond for j .'ill ppr cunt. <if tli ..mi n t of i In' tender will bo, I by onntrnctor when oinitracHn xipned. All In ndw numt be in iil.> (tut on I >< p%i( mental fiirmn, Tho lowoat cr "ny lender not ncc- accented. -W. A. McLoH!-, Ui-puty Mi'nst T of Highways. FIRST IN ITS CLASS The man who holds a high position in public esteem usually has earned it. So it is with automobiles. You know the popularity of the Chevrolet ca in this district and you know there must be a reason for it. In fact there are many reasons. Here are some of them : The Chevrolet is a car of high quality, remarkable performance, easy operation and control, excellent riding qualities and fine ap- pearance. It is an economical car, too, in operation and upkeep. If you would like to have a ride in the Chevrolet car we have been telling you about now and then, we would be glad to drive out to your place almost any day or evening and take you and your family for a little spin. Our motto : "Square Treatment." Ask any Chevrolet owner what he thinks of our treatment and service. McTavish's Garage FLESHERTON, ONT.

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