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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1922, p. 1

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Vol. 42, No. 48 Flesherton, Ont., May 1 1, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. FEVERSHAM Splendid rains are making rapid growth and we think that thoogh th spring teem* backward that the growth u as early if not earlier than niual. The leaves are coming out on the trees. Mr. R. S. McGirrhaa gone on a visit with friends in the Queen city and at Weston . Clarence Alexander has gone to Port HoNicoll for the summer. The blacksmith must bo lonesome now since the Sooner Club have quit holding meeting* in his shop. The members have all gone to work. I wonder if the pheasants, bear, wild gee and groundhogs at Eugenia have caused tbe suckers to come up the Black Creek in greater numbers than usual, or was it that the Hydro people were afraid th%t visitors wouldn't know the differ- ence and banished themj? Well, visitors needn't niake that mistake, as the Hydro fellows of course wear clothes. Ask John BoUnd what he thinks about it. Seeding ii progressing flue. Some fields of oats are coming through the ground. Do you know tha*. we believe some of the young nen are going to take oar advice about thit other kind of license. We thought we *aw Harvey and Jack emile and nod their heide when they read the item. Harold Spoflbrd ia recovering nieely from his severe illness, Mn Geo Julian is feeling some better. We hope to soon see her able to get oat again after being in very bad health for Dome time. Say, we think the school board put that high wire fence on the west s:de > f the school in the wrong p!ace But when we come to think of it, it wouldn't be high or strong enough to hold Clive if pat where we had thought < t Some nice citches of speekled beauties are being gut by the fishermen if wkat we hear ia true, but then you know thee kind of stories aim ays are fishy. Dr. Petersun of Dandalk has sold his dental practice to Dr. Marshall uf Torouto. A fatal aceideut took place at Campania Malmur township, the little four yetr old son of Mr. and Mn. William Walker being the victim. The unfortunate little fellow was in the aeld where his father was ploughing, and teeing another plow went over to play with it. A little later the father found the boy lyinn on the ground dead beneath the plow with the beam of the implement across his neck. MAY "Little beds of flowers. Little cans of paint Make homea bright and healthy Out of them that ain't." Now is the time to clean up and paint up with Sherwin-Williams paint. A paint or varnish tor every purpose will save the surface. S. W. P. standard of quality, known by everyone, tiseil by all who want superior paint. Cheap, poorly- made substitute products c&nuot give you the same satisfaction. Call or semi and ^ot some color cards. Frank Duncan Hardware PHONE 24M1 > FLESHERTON CEYLON Robt Cook attended the funeral of Mr Ercest Cook, who died in Detroit and was buried on Wednesday last at Owen Sound. Mrs Archibald Sr visited the past week with Hanover friends. Mrs Alfred Bryant and two children, who ipnt the winter months at Mr N Archibald's, left Thursday last for their home in Toronto. Mr FUher, wife and babe and Miss Nellie Radley of Toronto visited their turn, Mrs Bolt, n, here last week. Ed Sinclair of HarrUton visited with his brother, A Sinclair, agent here, last week. Miss Ruby Stcne arrived home on Friday after being in the hospital for over two months. We trust Miss Stone may speedily recover her former good health. Mr X Archibald, wife and two children motored tc Hanover the hnt of the week and viaited with friends. Mrs A McLeod has returned from an extended visit with her daughter in Toronto. G JACKS u and wife visited with tbe Litter s parents, Mr and Mrs D McLeod. Mr and Mrs Ross Leslie, w&o have been vis.ting with the latter'* parent*, returned to Toronto on Monday. A very interesting c*e was heard before Magistrate Armstrong of Mark- dale on Monday, when H Kufky was charged with having Uguor in other than a private residence t Bucenia. A tine of ?-' -0 and cost* wss imposed and liquor Confiscated. Telephone Visiting Qaite a number of persons in Walker-, ton and vicinity are reported to be doing their visiting on the telephone, and l imttimes a weary business man, trying to secure a connection on an important matter, is constrained to believe that oceh Is either tbe case or else that a number of individuals have very little else to do but harp on the telephone, Telephcmti* U often a desease of the unoccupied and lazy. Tne person who is too slothful to make a visit, business or social, is still able to drag the telephone instrument to his or her elbow, to engage victim's ear and t < poor forth all the trivial gossip and the banal inquiries that kill time and friendship. Of course, politenesses need- ed in telephoce conversations The tone of ttie voice, the form of address, should be as discriminating as if a yard and not single mile separated the talkers. But it i? nececsary to remember ih' th person at the other end of the wire may have been interrupted by the bell in the midst of most important busituss. A ststem uf telephonitis is that it recog- nizes n>> rights in others. The person who has it doei not consider that he or she ni.\y be breaking in on it man who is trying to complete a sale or a woman en- gaged upou the multifarious duties of a household. Th telephone fiends want to telephone to s 'uiebody and that some* b.'Jy must take the cocsequences or ! e accused of ru.U-iuss. Thoe h> bate telephonitia beliore that. l<y calling up a di-a.'u peraous and ch.Utetaog with them on every subject from the weather to the latest "movie," they have accomplished a moruiug's work. Tne persons ctllcd up in iy be interested iu these topics, tut not in i'.i.".r discussion at that puticular time. As to this point, the telephone fii-iul has neither knowledge u r con- sideration. It is enough for the thi: tho telephone U cheap and quick way of trapping a victim. The only escape front cue of ti-.cso unsusers of the telephone lies iu cold and somewhat brutal tratuicnt of the guilt*. How to apply this must suggest itself to each sufferer sccorvliug to th* circumst -UK-IS and his knowledge of th.< offender. Oa a charge of theft of a horse blanket from i he horse sheds in Dundalk. W. M\we'l, Jr. aod Albeit Youne, ol MeUnt-thou, were up before Police M ui-f iv Maik Armstrong, of M.^rk dale, at the town ball iu Dutidalk on Stturdty. The Magistrate considered b.'th equally guilty on the evidence but vteia the uiattr leniently as lirsl otVence aud lo*. them off on suspended s.Mitouco. taking their personal bond t\ r I good behaviout for on* year. Tb young mon jaid the costs of tho couit which amouote.1 to bou! fKli. Dundtlk BtnM. PROTON STATION BORN On May 5th lo Mr. and Mrs. Peter Still, a daughter. Mr Wm Wright is visiting with friends at Kincardine and Stratford. Miss Edith Conaley who his been ill ith bronehitis is able to resume her as teacher f S. 8. X.v 2, Proton. Mn Cade viaued recently wi.b her parttc at Goalph. Mr Sam Batchelor has moved his family to thei: new home in the tillage. Mrs Browo, of Mt. Forest, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs Still. Miss Annie XtiUon has returned from visiting with her txcther at Hanover. Rev Mr F.>wler has organized a c.'asa of Trail Rangers, " Prctin Excelsior. The officers as follows. Master, Walter Wyvilie; Ctref, StanUy Lyous; Sub Chief, George Wright : Treasurer, E'zer Part: Secretary, Hirvy White. The class has our best wishes for every sue- Price ville The bch buds have opened and the meadows ire clothed in a mantle of iren. Lockie SicTaggart was tak-n ill en Wednesday of last week and was oper- ated on for append citis by t .- UcFarUte and Dr Grove* of Fergus, and he seetn* 1 1 be doing fairly well since he openu Lion. A nurse u in attendance at the McTag^urt home. Mrs R McE<4chtrn has been suffering lor several week- with a ! ni'y spraidVd wriit, caused by a fail. Ray McLean sold a new car to Archi-" bald Ferguson of the 19th c u. Proton, last week. Dr Mclutyre is ab!a to be around again after his recent attack of illness D C McLean is in the employ of the Knechtcl Co. of Hanover How Hepworth Wa Named In thd early days of the settlement there'was a great Meihcdist revival. When the service was orr it was decided to erect a church. An Engliah settler, with a deoided Cockney accent, who was one of the converts, gave very generously in the erection of the tew It was decided to recognize his libenlily in the cause by iiing him the right to name the church This wts something new to the Englishman and he asked for advice. It was suggested that as Ep- T'h was the name of the parish where John Wesley's father was reotor, it *ould be fitting to call the new church Epworth. The Eu^Iishman waa delighted. " Bepworth it will b*," he c*eclred. The settlers, somewhat us a e, decided to retain the CVckney's " h " and the c'in'ch, and later the village which sprung up around it, wvj called H*p werth, acd Hepwcrth it is t ->dy Lou don Free Press. Death of Mrs* Currie Th* remains of Mrs. Liuchlan Currie, who died iu Chicago last week, reached bete o-i Si:uuUy and interment ii>- p'ace in the Uniou cemetery on Suuuay afternoon when the *rvicts wtre eo ducted by Rfv. J. A Lang, pastor of the Presbyterian chuioh. Mr*. Currie. who was in her seren'y fourth yer. w^s before her marriage Mis-> Bu:e. Her husband di;d some ,;o *nd the pircnts are survived by a Urge family scacteirJ *v<er tbe country. One SOP, Archibald, re- sides north of Smijhainptou on the lU IUHI tideroad ai.d it :u from hish<.me the t* Cv>nduvl>rd i-n Sunday. Many of the old tri.'uOs of the fnuily were'present ti> p--y their List tribute of respect. Stayner Sun. Notice EUGENIA Gardening is the order of th day In the viilage and the farmers are bosy getting the-r seeding finished op. The bee at the church on Thursday latt i- qaite successful, bat tie beard of mtnsgen find it accessary >.*.. another see for Thursday of '.h.-- week to complete the fence and finish other improvement* on the grounds. Mae Ctmithers of Torcnto spen' the week end with her parents here. Harold Tuoby cf .Meaford wheeled up on Friday of last week an-i spent a few with his grandmotter, Mrs Paiiia meat. R J Pedlar has beet 'aid up with a sore " ind for a time it was thought that uod pt,is-->ning hid set in, bu'. at time f writing tbe f . - c is healini nicely. Miry McKee ii visiting frt n is en tbe Sih line a: present. Mr and Mrs Leri Ducke t have gone to les de on the ^~avl ro%d. Mabel Fenwkk of F.etherton is the of her couaio, Xe Williams. Millie Caoipuell of Meaford is visiting ier sister, Lily, at prcsenr. We are glad to hear cf U <* Winelta McMalien improving *f:er an operi'un for appendicitis. Mr Ira Orvis is doiug i'jite a good busiaets since opening up the b*ice.-s (hop* in the village. As his prices re reasonable be should be well parroa:zed. ey Cooey of Toronto visi-ed wi h friends here over th* week end. returning M : j .;. accompanied by Misses M*e aid Muriel Cairnthers and Gerald Large. Charlie Park has again 'aken up b s work at the McTavUh garage. Kleshertun, Genoe has ioue to T.rocto to take a positicn. Mrs White vts.ted fr'ends iu F!eshr- ton the past week. Mothers Day will be cbeerred in both churrhe* this cvmmi Sunday and we btlieve special programs are beinj pre- pared. Jjhn Wickena ba* taken < jrosittcn iu ilinnis'i mill. Markdiie. Jack Larj* visaed with friends in Markdaie the put week. Mrs J McGrutber of Ne* Jerey i* visiting her sister, Mn G '."> r~ n at present. Teacher and pupils observed <r r day oa Friday of last week. Quiet . nice lot of improvements were made in the sche. 1 and ^rounds, wheo ti<iwer I'-ds were arranged and the *ehool u ce:y c'eantd. The teacher invested the money made at the concert list winter in p-'cturts for the school, nine doe subjects beii ; oh. sen and neatly framed in oak, which add much to the appearance of cur already truh: and cheertul school rocm. After the work of the forenoon lurch was provided by the patent*, quite a lumter cf whom wete pr*en', and all t; pyed * picnic with the children. Aftei ihc pc- me the teacher gave the ch 'Jren the usuil h't holidty. Ac the niietig he'd iu tbe Meth,->dis chu ch on Friday i-f list TV >^ is i: *< decided to c*rry 0:1 the w ik of the Sandty School under the sau:e ctfi.-ers uot.l the Utter end of Ju:i-> when uniou Sunday School will Iv . r tit :.d. It is expectrd at that time our *.- ccrg- reganous here will unite. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF OSPRET is hrreby given that :'~e fir*t of the C u t cf Revision of the fjr tb y=.r 1923, will be h?U Uranje H, . Htxvel', en S*IuiOy, the 27th day { May, 1922. ten o'clock :u me forenoon. All parties appta'i ig are r. 1 - fleeted to attend the a:d Court H W. KERN AH AN. Clerk. Dared M-y 11. 1*22. Dressed Lumber N.B. White Shingles Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct, i and dnbalmera Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto. Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT ' J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERSON, . Now is the time to renew your subscription to ONT.j The Advance TIMOTHY NO. 1 and 2 RED CLOVER NO. 1 and 2 MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. I & 2 ALS1KE NO. 1 _ t SWEET CLOVER white blossom No. 1 Good assortment of garden and held seeds Our Prices Right "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed. Seeds. Groceries and Cocfcticory Flesherton, - Ontario Mill For Sale Chopping* ard Hour mil 1 , m !l power, Flesherton. Al<o tW of land in connection with h<n<* and all ojtbuildiujs. Mill aa.i bu d.utts --n goo.i condition. Ap(.Uy *t tho : r to P. Louck< R. R. i F. A $ Saved is a $ Made Take notice to our prices 54 in. Sedges $1.50 per yard Grey Cotton S yds. $1.00 Flannelette 4 yards SI. 00 Mulls, all shades. 45c. per yard $16.00 Rugs for $10.00 Heavy Linoleum. 12 ft. wide. S4 j ^ Groceries St. Lawrence Sugar 13 tbs. for $l.uu Corn. T cans $1. Pumpkin. S cans $1. Hi;tVt i>rioo* paul for IViMuvv K\t-r\ tiling ol in ait-onlaniv with thc-t 1 prices W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE. FLESHERTON Parties guilty of circaUtiug Uuders against me will be iroorcuted to the fullest extent. MUS WUITK. K. :,-,. i. May 5, 19i2. Cattle Strayed rJetei'ord steers one wi;h ri'i.'e arouud j loot and one with part of icp* around head, if not off one is red with white > facj. Kn.ts of hotns sawed ctT both , cattle 4 ye*is old. big fteers. Sp.'i* in j rucht ear. \'< > i . ? . ADKUS 3 year [ old with some white in itco ard ri^ht ear . srjjt Any person or persons f;n l:u< ttu-m will pi#4s> close them up and phoue | John Welsh in carvof Slyvts KiniNtrtey. , Easter Term Opens April 18th 1922 Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER Bread is vour best food eat more of it Pi actical courses Kxpert in.t rue- ti -n Individual instruot on Employment de;vtrtuieut C. A. FLEMING. F.C-A . Principtl since . D. FLEMING, Secretary. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Go PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Fleshefton

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