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Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1922, p. 4

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X March 30 1922 THIS FI.EIMBRTON ADVANCE Town Hall, FEesherton Moving Pictures Thursday, March 30th R. A. ROLFE presents "MADONNAS AND MEN" Bruce Scenic 9th Episode of the thrilling Pathe serial "Velvet Fingers" Show starts at 8 o'clock sharp. Don't Mies It. ADMISSION : 15 centi and 30 cents, including Amusement Tax THE Flesherton Advance An Miili'|ii<iul 'ii>. neweu'pvr every Thursday it Iliu ufiift*, Oo Streot, Fluihncton. KulMcri|iiion prc 81 60 put uiiiium wluMi (nil in i I- m ; 3200 when not so put 82.00 to United SutcH. Advertising ratos on application. % Circulation over HOC woi'ltly. W. H. THfKSTON KI.WOB C. E. WALDEN, MANAGER Vmi rm rr , V.iX , r , r .,.,.. f , tVi rr THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid in a new stock of leady-inado WORKS DRESSTROlJSIiRS licst tirade obtaiuablo aliei ed to tit. At lowest prices. Come in ami look them over. *t T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor WILL THEY CUT SALARY Will our Dominion and Provincial I'ai lianieuls now redutt their salaries to a i ' ! -i,ii.: ! I. basil, sinoo the cost ol liviug and salaries generally bave ilismounted from their high horse? Over iii New Xcaland a 15 per cent, ledtictiou in sahme.-t has boon mad and legislators over there drew only $2,000 previous to the reduction, whilu here they reward themselves to the tune ot (4,000. Miss McPhuil has declared that she will 011)3 accept $2, 500 for her seiv ices. It is a matter of principal will her and she intends to stand by her pronouncement regardless ol whetliei the other members follow suit or not Surely they will not allow a loin? lad; to pioneer the wy to cheaper legisla tion without rallying around her a an. escort. One can scaioely e*pct anything of the kind from the Ontario (Jovern menl, however, which last year voted themselves an honorarium over and above their salary, and which has goue ahead imposing taxation n.;la and left in order to secure funds to Ccirry on Among the taxation which they have imposed, and which can be called nothing loss than direct taxa- tion, are amusement tax, higher taxes on motor vehicles, corporation tax and land transfer tax, license tax on game, etc., with a riceut threat of a higher tax ou gasoline. No, one could scarcely expect the Drury government to reduce their own salaries imdei those circumstances. Stouif.cli U'orin L<> rroveiUbtc. Animal husbandry division iucn ut li-i University of Minnesota r'unn : say th'it shuei) owners of tlio Btut lave Fiiffered great lossea among tliuir fl.<cka by reason of thu stomacb vorui. Tlio lambs Hnffi-r th* most. "The bfitt preventive and the one nobt fiHlly given," Siiyn Philip A. AudtTH 'ii ot tin; division, "is coppor ,:ll|il,:'t Of 1)1:: StODtf, US it is oftrtl (iiown. Make a 1 per cent. Holution jy dlss. Ivlug one quarter of a pound of the blue stone In a' pint of boiling water, adding cold wator to make three tj-'-Uons, being sure that a clear solution Is obtained and always us- ing an earth<mw:iro or a wooden r -ct-ntacle. The dose for lambs, ac- cordin;; to size, la throe-quarters of an ounce to one unl one-half oniicos; for older sheep, two and oiif-hulf ounces to three ounces. An ordinary tablos'.irou jioldn one-half ounce. "A veterinarian's syringe can be use.!. l>ut care in nut bo exercised in not pushing the plunger of the ojri.igi! too rapidly, as the solution in. r/ enter the lungs and glvo trouble. Th.s 'treatment should be repeated In ten days or two weeks, or, If the flock ia badly Infested, two or three times during seasons at intervals ol 30 days." CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices. A BON OF CONTENTION Speaking before a gathering in Toronto last week the farmer menjb.T for Victoria got off a good one. He said that ' previously the farmer hud heen the backbone of thn country before an election. After it lie was the wishbone. Now, very olten iu the House, lie was regarded us the funny bmie." "Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER ri'ri'l i-yum- food-- cat nmrc of it. A full line ii (Iri't flics, also ( 'aimed (ioods rnoxi-; s FRED FINDER, Flesherton IN MEMORIAM Martin - In luvini; lutMiiuiy ot our little 'win Uuglitor, Wiiiuifreil Iteiuta, who full HHlei-p in .I.HIH Mnrcli '_'.'}, HUM. Ve, B hu takra bom* Hwwta p'nc^d our I u I Hinuriu His tl >WITS, T;iki>n Iwr'i the jewel lie gtve UH, Tu . hulti'i- wuld than ours din- your IIHS (.in-, my Lurt'.s till M. An tiiuu ijun, on 1 inj.s her mure. Her memory is us ilc-ir tml-iy A:i ut i hi> hiiui slui |'H'>i-(l mvny. Kur ihrt (loclnr Win nut I hen; ll"i lilllo life In BHVtf, llul t-vi-r slrtll my tliuut-lit* linger U uud *ior lnely linlo rae. Sully nii.s-ifil |,y lu-r nintlier, MRS. CIIAS. MAU11N sr ' have no one dependent upon me," 1 you say. Before many years there will be an old man dependent upon you. That will be yourself. Don't you think it worth while to provide for him ? A few dollars saved each year now when you can spare the money and invested in an Imperial Endowment policy will furn- ish a regular monthly pension to support you in comfort and independence when you ure old. Write to-day while you are in Rood health for a copy of our booklet, " Pennileai Old Men." To-morrow you may be uniniurable. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada HEAD OFFJCE - TORONTO K. Henry .i-iit Flcuhertun Notice Fuhinq ami ii-t'H;i-thHiiik{ on luts :>7, 'M, 'V, 40, Aili iue.s:,i. mid lui 1, (>>prey, m s.ricily pruhilnii it SK\1I -coI.K FISHING CLfl'., ' ' (!alt. Out. AUCTION SALE i'l Stur't, Iitiplfiiii'iitx i-to. A Credit Auction Sale, tlio proprity of .1 .1 THOMI'SdN w.ll to lieJi' HI HoT*viih'i Saturday, April Ut, 1922 wliun ilm rl!i)HiiiK will be <fljiid: IIOKSMs AND UATTLK-Uay Mre (i yi'ius olil, lliy Mam 7 yi-ara ci!d, lt!ai-k ll(ir>ii 10 yeiiw old, Surel H')re H yt-Hi'H olJ, IJay Uorae aaed, C. w 4 yous, duo la onlvti March 2S. Cow 6 yi'iirH, iluo tii r.ho Mny 1. IMI'I.KMKNTS.. M. H. Itindor, 7 fi . C'li, wilh limi'p.irt truck and pule ttuck, i:i T.inih culnntir, Sit llMuill inn , I'Mat A: \\'m)J nruvi'r, 1'ea, W nlkiiig pluvv, l),iisy ll.u col claim, C iiiiliiirttiuii sii't-k lack nnrt IIDX, Mfl- utt.i civniu S'-jurnior, 1:2 Sinvn p |ies a'moHt in'u-, W:ijo-i, (''ink f-luc, 1'nir Wl.iill'iu. . N I lO'.'l Vl', I . . \:|,,' ll!l|4[. I) L - Hll'll I MUMS All sums ,.f git) Htul nnil.r c 'li; nvci OKI' atuuiiiii |() nicntlid' on- ii \\ II III' ^IVi II III H(i|.|i,Ui| j.llUt ll'il.l", w III i"> I iM ri ill ill f.^uis 1 ! in lull I) iii, Auoliuiu'i r GROCERIES A full line of freah clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bara, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Oirefully Corrected Fad' Week Barley 70 to 70 Poas 1 25 to 1 25 Buckwheat 80 to HO Potatoes 1 30 to 1 .' AppleN 4 00 to 4 00 Bntter 22 to 25 K^H 23:oO 28; Winter Win-Hi I 05 to li Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 (taU . 45 tu 45 &r MAIL CONTRACT Settled I i ! i- n'.it - . .1 tu the 1' . i (Juneral, will bo received ut Ottawa until uuu on 1'ViJay, IMlbl of April, li2, fur the ouDveyance of Ilia Mnjegty'x Mailn, on a pro|>ii<l <Y n tract fur four yean, aix timo* per wei-k, mi the route IT-HSU KRTON R. R. NO. i fruln tilt' Ut .: July next. Printed ni>titv.i c-mtsinini; further informa- tion aft to condition* t |.i. |...,,. i Contract may be aci-ii and blank furinii nf Tender. limy l*e obtained at the l'it Office* of Kleahei ton ami at the orfi nf the I'ont Office In|cU.r. Toronto. A. SITHKKLANU. Toronto, Marrh. 10th, 19K!. FOWL WANTED We are in the market far all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. v Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. J/25 JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON ' i : WE SELL Spring Term Opens April 3rd, 1922 l*i *oticl c, iimes Kxpert in.'truc- linn Individual instruction Kinplnymi lit depart mum C. A. b i.KMINU, K.C A . Principal mijce 18ft' . O. D. FLEMING, Secretary. FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMBKTT AGENT. Preparedness Have your car overhauled NOW before the Spring rush begins -and you wish to go on that motor trip. YOU will want then to be sure that your car is in first- class uiet-iianical order. engine brakes tires steering gear wheels wiring springs rear axle transmission And it will he just then that our garage will be most congested and cars will have to wait their turn. f a .' i if in tho case of the battery, as in that ot the car itself, repairing and overhauling I should be done only by those whoso direct interest in and knowledge of its inech- I anisin guarantees intelligent service. K 11 The crank case should be drained out, and Hushed with kerosene and H lighter body oil put iu. The rear axle and transmission should also be drained and Hush- ed and refilled to the prescribed capacity in eadi case with gear hibiicant. Acetylene Welding Why throw away broken castings, etc , when wo can weld them as good as ever'? We specialize in this work and absolutely guarantee all our work. No job too small and none too large. McTavish's Garage FLESHKRTON, ONT. i

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