CANADIANS LOSE $45 ,015,930 DURING 1921 IN FIRE DAMAGE Added to ThU Enormous Waste i the Incalculable Loss Arising From Forest Fires $5.22 Per Capita Throughout the Dominion. A despatch from Ottawa says: . Reports by municipal officers show Fire losses in Canada for 1921 am- I that the leases in cities having popu- _ 1'ations cf more than 10,000 population ounted to $5.22 per capita, as eompar- , amounted to 513,616,951, or $4.29 per ed with 90 cents per capita in Great , ^^ . in towlis of from 1>000 to 10i . Britain, according to information COO por-uv.ition, $6,184,085, or ?7.32 per made public by the Dominion Fire : capita, and in villages and rural dis- Ccmmissicner. Daring the year the tricts, $25,214,894, or $5.31 per capita. 25,916 fires reported to the Depart- I n places having municipal fire protec- ment of Insurance occasioned proper- ; ticn sysicms the less was $4.90 per ty damage amounting to $45,015,930,; capi'a, and in unprotected places $5.25 exclusive of incal-eiila-ble less arising per capita. from forest flies, the commissioner i There were 59 fires where the less points out. ! exceeded $100,000; 46 with losses of The 1921 fire fc, of which ap- jrcm $50,000 to $100,000; 261 with a proximate;/ $34,000,000 or 75 per csni., less of from $10,000 to $50,000; 3.992 was covered by fcrs-urance, constitutes with a toss of from $1,000 to $10,000, a substantial increase over the tosses and 21,558 with a loss of less than of the three previous years. In 1920 $1,000. The 59 larger fires entailed an the lows amounted to $28,745,590; in agirrpgate loss of $15,824,801, and the 1919, $25,361,240, and in 1918, $33,- 1 21,558 smaller fires a loss of $4,044,- 817,050. During 1921 the fire losses ^17. in Great Britain amounted to only, Classified according to the charac- GOVERNOR-GENERAL OPENS FIRST SESSION OF FOURTEENTH DOMINION PARLIAMENT Business of Session Commences With Delivery of Speech from the Throne Setting Forth the Legislative Proposals of the New Administration. A despatch from Ottawa says: new speakers headed the Senators an<5 Parliament has been fonr.a'.iy embark- the Commoners who listened to tie' ed upon the business of its session t address. I and the members cf both Houses may j -r^ speech frcm $& Throne, which! now take up the first item of their ; .^ rather more Jengthy than is cyg- : program the debate upon the addrese ternary, disclosed in general terma the ! in reply to the speech from the legislative plans of the new Govern- Throne. The ceremr.nies ment insofar ae they have been com-' incidental to the p' e ted opening of the first session of the four- ' teenth Parhament of the Dominion m- little $38,400.000. DE VALERA SPEAKING IN DUBLIN The photo shows a small section of the huge crowd which gathered in. O'Conned Street, to hear him speak against the Irish Treaty. There was 1 tor of the property involved, the more! Uttle enthusiasm. Note tie new Irisi flag on the platform. Canada From Coast to Coast By provinces the distributkn of fire destructive fires occurred as follows: losses during 1921 was a* follows: '49 in industrial property, with a loss Alberta, $2.875,000, or $4.95 per of $8,188,200; 32 in mercantile prop- capita; British Cciumbia, $3,050.000, e'rty, with a loss of $5,659,000; 9 in cr $6.82 per capita; Manitoba, $2.864,-, institutional property, with a loss of j 000, or $4.67 per capita; New Bruns- ' $1,948,561, and 15 in miscellaneous Charlottetown, P.E.I. A healthy in-. The Pas. Man. From the beginning wick, $2,725,962, or $7.02 per capita; ; property, with a loss of $4.301,1(55. i crease in Cbarlottetawn industry m of winter un-ti! the end of January, fur Nova Scotia, $3,177,000, or $6.06 per themselves differed but little from those cf previous years. Procedure following Tradition was carried out as in fomier sessicns. Th play was to many a fatniliar one, the .principal per- sons on the stage had changed. The ! were men- tit r.ed in t!be speech from the Throne: 1. Co-ordiration at an early date of the Government-owned railway ays*-, terns. 2. Seme tariff changes this session. 3. The arrangement of conferences new Go^erncr-GeneraJ, Lord Byng of with the railway heads to secure a Vimy. delivered to the members of the reduction in the freight raw* on basic Senate and House of Commons, the commiit:es. speech from the Throne, embodying 4. Renewed efforts to attract set- the legislative proposals cf a new Gov- tiers to urnievelcpod lands. eminent. A new Prime Minister, Hon. 5. Neg-o via '.ions with other countrie* Mackenzie King, clad in the gold-laced looking to trade expansion. uniform of a Privy Councillor, stood to 6. Co-ordination of the country's de the right of the vice-regai chair, and , fence forces. FIRE AGAIN BREAKS OUT IN ARSENAL The amount of money spent by the 'recent years is recorded in the latest 'to the estimated -. alus of $1,000,000 Dnminirvn Arsenal BuidinffS at >minion and Provincial Govern- ! statistics of the Dominion Govern- ! peesed through The Pa.-?, which is in . ~? ALI e '-'-" ""*" ' capita; Ontario. $15,444,817, or $5.28 Dominion per capita; Prince Edward Island, \ ments upon fire prevention work in ' ment. Between 1917 and 1919 indus- $216,478, or $2.44 per capita; Quebec,! 1921 amounted to $125,000, all of] trial establishments increased from 62 $10,897,653, or $4.<54 per capita, and Saskatchewan, $3,755,000, or $4.93 per capita. exce.s of the value of any similar period since the construction of the which, with the exception of $12,000, 'to 84; capitalization from $1.100,823 Huthcn Bay Railway. Purred animals was raised by a tax upon insurance ' to $2,340,341; employees from 730 to! ara very plentiful this year, and there companies. MONTAGU FORCED TO RESIGN OFFICE Made Public India's Demand That Turkey be Raised to Status of World Power. A despatch from I/nvton says: Publication off the Indian Govern- ment's demand that Turkey be raised to the status of a world power to ap- pease Moslems In India led to the resignation cf E. S. Montagu, Secre- tary of Staie for India. He haxl given his ccpsent to th? publication of the' Incraii Government's telegram without' consulting the Cabinet, Austen Cham-' l'cr'a:n, Coal>iticn Leader in the House of Com me:: s, announced. Mr. Chamberlain explained, in ans- wer to a question about the Indian situatScn from a ir ember, that the, Government felt it eeuJd not accept ^lbitLty for the unauthcitized : 772, and the value of production frcm $2,033,085 to $3,201,001. Halifax. N.S. A discovery of an- kerite, an iron deposit of much more than ordinary value, has been made in the past year in Pietou county. The research work so f air has largely been ; are a great number of trappers out and it is anticipate.! ths<: the ag/~e- Quebec Ablaze for Second Time Within Ten Days. A despatch from Quebec says: For the second time within lees than ten these two fires in so short a time. A suspicion is entertained thai iiey are tie work of seme dissatisfied forme* employee. More Lives Destroyed , in Belfast RioU A despatch from Belfast says:- g^te catch in the district will roach a _ o , , j., _ ou OOQ been menaced by fire which, in botii ' cases, broke out from unknown cau.iiv- Regina, Sask. Cattle in Saskat- , Last week the Dominion Cartridge chewan in 1921 mimbtrev! 1,563,332, an Factory, located on the Cove fields, inereai-a of 339,280 ever the number j was partially destroyed and ,Uys Dominion Arsenal buildings own- " 1 n,. FJI B^-^rJS hv There was a cw.tmution on Thursday _ j. __ 4U * _* .!, .,.,., "= w oo./,i.uu > me nvmff \VU3 U*"IU111> ueMUUJW nnu I'-iKing^ S J^^ll^ulJ^T: i of W. Hn* to a report of the ^.K at ?20 ,000 caused by a bU Provincial Depcrtnrer-c of Agriculture. I -which broke out late in the evening. It is ir.tM-e.ning to note that the great- i At 6.30 o'ciork Thursday afternoon the est. in.rease is in milk cows, which main building, properly called the Dc- ! spring, when it is expected that the I full extent of the deposit will be de- termined. Montreal, Que. Canada heads the , list of countries from which the United | States imported iron and steel during] 1 1921, according to a report emanating! from New York. ChM* exported 24.- j tarfcy have been brought down Srr.m Fnoay ever number 421.706, or 70,000 more previous year. Edmonton, Aita. Nearly one and a ed by the Federal Government have ^J ,___ _, ,__ * uu..u .-_ v-. of the s-hoor-.r.g wruch has besn preva-; lent m the city for some time. The firing was particularly heavy at the' noon hour when a baby boy received a bullet wound in the thigh. There was ccrwkierabie sniping in (the evening in Stanhcpe. Street areaj A .'l.'nd man, who was groping hag way ;Uong the streets, and a youth, ,-%hot dead. minion ArseriaJ, where some 200 men are employed, was in danger of being completely d-estroyed by a fire which bushels of wheat, oats and I waa not under control until 9 o clock th * Peae a!nd Grar ' !e 079 tons to the States, of which am- ount 21^31 tons consisted cf steel ; dwtricU by the EMmsnten rur^. Canada and Be'.jrium farms bed , alvi Brltl -- h ( <>lb* Rn'-way since 65 per cen-. of the total United States I th " ftl ' ?t of ^ptemoer, accorain K to import, for the part ye:-.r. i "Pi s '^i by the raih-oad. Nine Ottawa. Ont.-The total population hur.-.:-e-J and five rai:way cars have jof Canada in the census of 1921, ac- come ^wn from the north countr; to figure* ju*t wsueJ is .. : w-.h 718,24 bu.hels of at. fi7 983 . r _ rh nuthorities are perplexed byjbhortt. Sir Hamar Greenwood is s.ated fat the portfolio of British Home Secre-. to Hon. KdwaTxt Weekly Market Report cticn of Mr. Mor.tagu. In other words, the Secretary wa. practically forced (o reddign. Just what effect this will- have on the pcsition of the Viceroy of India, Kari Radkig. is not yet clear. There were reports that he might reugn-. but this Idea was scoutej in Uio best in- formed quarters, aa the Govern:nsnt t i* not now desirous of (-.hanging. The effect in India itself of the In- Wylie Qpier Noted Canadian artist, who is among the exhibitors at the Art Exhibition held In St. Catharines umler tie aus- pices of the Arts and ('rafts Guild of that city i 7,489i a compare! wit h~7.2M.843 in| bus u ht ;' <* <**< aml 10t) ' H " bushels I 1911, an increase of 1.562.846 for the of ten years, or nearly twenty-two per cent. Nova Scotia shows an increase of 6V. per cent.; New Brunswick. 10 i borne lumber export from British Der cent.; Quebec. 174 per cent.; On- Columbia in 1921 was in excess of Free Public Lectures. per cent.; Quebec. , tario, 10 per cen.t.; Manitoba, 34Vj per icent.; Saskatchewan. 80 per cent.; Al- |be:-ta, ")"> per cent.; British Columbia, 1 :if> per rert. Toronto. Eggs Xew laid straight*, 32c; Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern.' laid, in cartons, 3*5 to 38c. $l.60Vfc. Beans Can. hand-picked, bushed Manitoba oats No. 2 CW, OU-; ex- $4.40; primes. $3.86 to $4. tra No. I feed, 58c; No. 1 feed, 59c. Maple products Syrup, per iinp\ Manitoba barley Nominal. gal, $2.50; per 5 imp. gals., $2.36. isu-r of LanU rcpcrt that the water- j Ail the above, track, Bay port*. Maple sugar, M>., 19 to 22c. American corn No. 2 yellow, 77c; Honey 60-30-lb. tins, 14"* to loo No. 3 yellow, 76c; No. 4 yellow. 75c, per fix; 5-2H-H>. trns. 17 to 18c per Lb.;' Victoria. B.C.-The Provincial Min- Cc'.umbia in 1921 was in excess of 188,000,000 feet, an excess of about 44.000,000 feet over the record of 1920. A large share of this export went to Jupan and China. This week there terminated ut the Thousands View Government's far-rcacfcmg con-i P rovir;i 1 umwi-sity a unique and .. Princess Mary's Presents L'avt: ^ ti/*r*aaafti . v iiij . ii A.*i4- I ,\ n . to the Turks, aivd their repu- diation by Uie British Government, will, It is stated, *arvt to intensify th Moslem very successful experiment. To a number of the alumni and friends of A despntfh from London says: A uespttU'ti i L,onuo -.a\>. the university it seemed that people Near]y 2 0,000 women inspected Prin- who live near the univtrs:tv sh-oulri .._.u:__ _:;i M . a - In hi<h quarters' here the corrwix>n- enjoy an educational service similar | g t j amts - it which has for years been avail- i ^ ' Ub'.e, wedding- gifts a-t IX IkJ^ll VI LA*1. LCTJ f ^lf I f V11C WtlWIAJ 1 !!* /. > * *** **^* .wn*.fc O ' IH *>[.*^ I il _v i dent was informed the bidiin Govern- j t " that Yu ' !?'' y -""'* T T l of '" h * St - Mile '" lines ^ th - i mart is really askmg the country to!* ' m the torm of extension Jecturei.: m . d ;lt the ](ll . e entraIK . es before! pprove a policy which would trans- | to of ** 1 ' throughout the prov- ( , awn< wajtil!|? for hours in the wind; form Turkey from a defeated enemv ; ' rK ' e ' The -" e alumni arrangevl, there- ; anj rain be f ore t h t > doors opened.' " tore for a Into a sort of piVerentil ally. It has . | |( , no inteirtion of adopting a policy to-! !lterar - v - ward Turkey whk-li would raise her to * six lectures <>.i 'n^rk- was blocked and special police historical, and Wt ,. ( , CHJ:ed to reKU ) at e the impatient; interest, secured the co- the status, of a world .power. It " vi i vi L/V" vl J *' v statedjwvever. that enga * ed ^ would t ri NMB- Ewten, ' operation of the profers coacenwd.l women. interest was shown in; ev ' rfflg cost, to the general' public. The re*- 1 magnificent. On th even- ' T |j; ,,, a ' offered j(p,.j r!cevy , j| ar y' s wedding gown, which of all, WQU exhibited by order of Queen 1 a oh for the coreference p.ipaj-ed, if necessary, to make some furtKer modifications in the . ^ .-- - treaty of Sevre*. For xample, it Mi" 45 ,.^ *" . "' S '^ tUr " t C * nv ( - atron i privilege of seeing the presents. The poariWe he will propose giving 1 Hall> W '* h " a l ' 8 S * ats " C01l!d ni>l procctnl*. will go to a charity to be: 8mvma outriglX to the Turks. I acc-om mcdat all the people who sele<ile<i by tlle PpinceM . The sought admission. The mterert wasj ti|)n wi]l be opell five hours maintained from week to week in a ' t ), e Dreiie i,f mot remaika'ole manner an 1 manv United States Declines hundreds of people acquired the habit C annada's Debt Decreased bv 694 882 J ^ ' of attending university lectures. In- deed, during uhe pat two yowl's there! h<a bee<n evident on- the part of the - public almost ever.vwlwre a very gen- 1 A 'ie*tati;h from Ottawa says: A eral desire to learn more. t make ! "Crease of $U99,88^ in the nei debt ' Awarded Prize The National Oeographii- Society ha.s awarded the Unint Squires Prize to V'ilhjalniur Stefainsson in recogui- t ' on ^ ^' s 1)oo ' { "'''he Friendly Arctic," as the outstanding duction of 1921. pro- new, 24 to 25c. Butter Fi-esh dairy, rhoic*. 22 to country points, 411..">0. Montreal. L ivraii ui^jiy, uu.w, MI. LV 28c; creamery, prints, fresh, fancy, Ot. Cn. W 41c; No. 1. 39-c: No. 2. 36 to 37c: cook-; *Jo, No. 3, 6SV >T*t. Cn, Weet.. No. 2. 68 to 69eS to Join Genoa Parleys A degpwtah fnam ya: 'It* Uoi'bed States will help i(> thoae European i-ountries which tecat belp th IM i i.,o :'.!.< And- this Gov- ii'i exert "baiotful pressure" to nuke thoc> nations t> oj getting back to > Oho oeaA poWcy with TBgani to ex-onomic ____ ,_ , ____ . _____ __ __ ._, ______ . _____ , __-_ _ _________ , _ , _____ T _______ . - Haiioi) n Europe. * ekunoitedl in the! tendency the succese^ful experiment ' TJle net ti * i)t of { ' H a<i a n <> w stands at' 3.500 years ago. It is in the form of | to 28c; roosters. 18c; fowl, 24 to 30c; j Potatoes, per Wjr. .-r "tots, 80c States note declining to par- carrwd 'ort by Che \lumni Federation $2,371.886,102. OA compared with $2,- an n:.;,.-r!be,l brick, and is. therefore. Uuoklinjrs. 36i'; tirrke>-e. 45 to Bflc; ! " . leisure hours both profitable and, 10 *' during the month of Febru- track. Toronto. i Ontario comb honey, per doz., $5.50. . Ontario cats No. 2 white, nominal. Snicked meats Hams, med., 32 t Ontario wheat Nominal. 34c; cooked ham, 43 to 48c; sniokedi Barley No. 3 extra, teet 47 ibs. or rolls, 2(j to 28c; cottage roKs, 30 to better, 57 to tiOc. according to freight* 32c; breakfast bacon, 29 to 33c; pe-, outside. ; cial brand breakfast hac-on, 87 to 40o: Buckwheat -No. 2. 78 to 80c. backs, boneless, 35 to 40c. Rye No. 2, 84i to 88c. Cured meats Long clear bacon, $17 Manitoba flour F'rr pats., nom- '.o $19; clear bellies, $17 to $20; msa inal. pork. $34; short cut backs, $86; light- Ontario flour 90 per cent, patent, weight rolls, $SI>: heavyweight rolls, bulk seaboard, per bbl., nominal. $43. Millfecil Del., Montreal freight. Lard Pure, tiefnces, 17 to bmgs included: Bran, per ton, $28 to tubs. 17 H to 18V4c; paiis, 17 to I 1 WO; shorts, per ton $30 to $32; good prints, 18 to lOc. Shortening tieivea feed flour, $1.70 to $1.80. !> to 16H: tubs, 16H to lo*; paiia^ Baled hay Track. Toronto, pr tou, , Id to 16^*c; print*. 17 to Uttc. extra No. 2. $22 to $23; mixed. $18 Choice heavy steerc, $7.75 to $8.607 to $19; clover. $14 to $18. ax>, good, $7 lo $7.60; butch*r steer,| Straw- far lots, per ton. track. To- choice, $6.7fi to $8; do, good, $5.75 to ronto, $12 t-> S13. S6.25: rio. med.. $"> to J5.50; do. eom. Unofficial quofations Ontario No. $-i to $5; iMitcher heifers, choice. $H^O, I commercial wheat, $1.30 to $1.36. to $T- io, me.'.. $o to $6; do, com.. $4 outside; $1.35 to $1.41. delivered To-: to $4.25; butcher cows, choice, $5.60 to, rait-to. ' $6.26; ;Jo. med., $3.SO to $4: cat Ontario No. H o*ts. 40 to 46c. out- ; and- cuttea^, *1 to $2.50; butcW 1 side. 'good. $4.60 to 5.50; dto, com-, $3 tq^ Ontario rlcoir 1st pat.*., in cotton 1 $4; feeders, good. $5.80 to $6.60; <lo| sacks. 1'8'fi $8.20 per bbl. 2nd pats., rair, $4 to $6; stockers, good, $4 to $5j (baktrs). $7.20. ck>, fair, $3 to $4; milkers, $60 to $80 1 Manitoba flour 1st patt., in cotton springers, $70 to *90; calves, cboic#J sackf. $8.70 per bbl.: 2nd pata., $8.20. $12 to f!3; do, med., $10 to $11; <toj Cheese New, large. 20 to 20<*c; com., $5 to $7; taniKs choice, $13 to twins. I'O'v. to 21c; triplets* 21 to : $15; do, com.. Sts to $7; ebeep. choice, Fodder i-he*o, Jarge, 18'^c-. 16.76 to $7.50; do. good, $5JJ6 to *" 2 21ttc. Fodder i-heeso, large. 18V'. |6.75 to $7.50; do. good. $5JSO to Old. barge, 25 to 26c; twins, 25VJ t! do, eom., $1.60 u> $3.60; boga, fed 2(i'^c; triplets, 26 to l7c; Stiltons. 1 watered. $12.60; <k>. f.o.b., $11.75: $s an| Spring w*et pats., nrt, $8.50. H ing. 22 to 25o. Dres-ie*l -poultry Spring chickens, i ed oais, bag 90 ib*.. $3-10 to $3J! te in <JM <j*naa Oonifere.Ke, and of Che University of Toronto has given ; '"- > .535,9S4 on January 31st, 1922. and "<>. oi'l.v the oldest, hut the most sub- geese, 30c. of action <bmd tbw policy, a very curaMeKtrie stimulus. S-'.SOT.013,15tf on February 28th, 1921. s'^ti;.'. love- -letter in exisieuoc. Margarine Oattle, com., |l' to ca^Be,^eho med., $. to $2; .-I--- *.-:> t . 5'.i,_ do, food, do, REGLAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes 1*4 THt MlOOUt Litte. POP'.