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Flesherton Advance, 23 Mar 1922, p. 3

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mtmm / ROSY CHEEKED HEALTHY WOMEN Avenging Kitchener. Ice Can Now Be Compressed. The London Times tella in a recent Experiments recently made with Know the Full Value of Rich, i ,-,, Red Blood. Robust, healthy, red-cheeked women seldom worry. Their condition of Issue how the British steamship Palm- 1 enormously high prenui-np to 2< brauch-laden most inconsistently for , *' atmospheres, or the equivalent of "1 uar inch-have a* remarkable as j her name, with ammunitions, poison- 1 and high explosives destroyed e Arctic Ocean the submarine which sunk the cruiser bearing Lord Kitchener. It was a quarter to four of a clear, sunny afternoon. Land had already mind and body is such that tliey can , been sighted about fifteen nviU-s dis- | rise above the causes that bring mel- ancholy and brooding. It is the wo- man with weak, watery blood who is thrown into nervous unrest by little annoyances that grow so great In the Imagination that It seems as if she must scream to relieve her feelings. tant. Captain Mailing, tho master, had ! received no warning that submarines were about. But he was an alert of- ficer who left nothing to chance, and had his ship and crew organized to a man-of-war's pitch. The gun's crew were standing by the gun, an Amsrl- A woman's health quickly fails her i can 13-pounder, with a cartridge in- when her blood becomes thin and ; sorted but the breech open, and they weak. The stomach is disordered and were ready for anything, all appetite vanishes. The nerves lose Suddenly one of the guns crew saw their strength and so sleep is not re- a stationary periscope sixty yards dis- gular and does not refresh the body. A state of weakness arises that In- creases gradually and gives further cause for worry. Good blood is neces- sary to every woman who has grown pale and weak, and in this condition tant on the port beam. At the same moment a white track of bubbles re- vealing a torpedo's course raced to- wards the ship. The track passed two BLUNDEN IS BACK ON JOB EVERY DAY DARTMOUTH CITIZEN FEELS YOUNG AND ACTIVE AS A BOY. Was Losing Much Time From Work Because of Stomach Trouble But Eats Any- thing on Table Now. "Think of it, a short time ago I could hardly push a plane or use a hand saw and to-day I feel as young and active and vigorous aa I ever did in my life," said Harry J. Blunden, well known carpenter of Hester St., I The coast of Heligoland, which mea- , sured 120 miles in A.D. 1300, had been reduced to three miles in 1900 by coast erosion. Classified Advertisements or three feet from her stern; the tor- , pedo tad gone under the ship, running Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be found | too deep to strike her. The men at of great benefit, because they enrich | the Palmbranch's gun slammed to the and purify the blood. Women -*ho are j breech and laid their sights to zero, anaemic, suffer from indigestion, pal- j As they did so, the conniug-tower of a pitation. headaches and nervous at- | submarine rose on the port quarter, tacks will find new strength through . barely forty yards away. Then Uie ft fair use of these pills. Among the deck itself emerged from the water, women who have proved the value of j x av al gunners are rarely gifted with such a target at point-blank range, j They accepted it with due ttanksgiv- j j^g. A na3n , a roal . ; &e Palmbranch'a ' 6rsi g i ie ii struck the U-boat at the o f the cotining-tower. Just where and rents. Five seconds later a second shell burst against the waterline for- ward. Two rounds with a small gun. They sufficed. The submarine, which appeared to be stopped, rolled slightly. Then, taking aheavy list, and tilting on end with stern <&igh out of the water, she sank vertically out of sight. this medicine is Mrs. Enos Levy, Hac- kett's Cove, N.S., who says. "About two years ago I began to fail in health and was very weak. My constitution was all run down, and my blood was weak and watery, aa was manifest u joined the "deck, and tore 'great gaps every month. I had heard of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and t.-hat they would do for the blood, and being in such a low condition I decided to try them. By the time I had finished the fourth box I found to my great delight that I was a great deal stronger, and my blood a deep red color. I have a lot of work to do besides taking care of my little one, and with my good health I enjoy it, and I can truthfully say I owe this condition to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- tained through any medicine dealer, Willie "It is when you sit on a j or may be had by mail, post paid, at 50 tack." cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from j Teacher "No, I'm afraid you don't '> The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ' see the point." ville, Ont. Willie "You don't sir, you fuel it." i 300.000 pounds developed result* they were unexpected. Up to now 3,000 atmospheres was the maximum tried. Under a pressure of 6,000 at- mospheres mercury passed through wails of ma-salve steel. Hitherto water has been supposed to be an incompressible substance, but under 12,000 atmospheres it was re- duced 20 per cent, in volume. Nor was it previously known that liquids could be made to freeze by mere compres- sion. Water, when the pressure Is pushed high enoug.ii, turns to Ice. no """* "" ' ""* lww ' i matter how high th& temperature. Water at ISO degrees Fahrenheit will freeze under a pressure of 20,000 atmos- pheres. Ice, under a presure of only 2,000 atmospheres, collapses 18 per cent in volume, assuming a different appearance and new physical proper- ties. A piece of ! * will sink in water. If more pressure be applied another i kind of ice is produced. Phcsphorus ; under 12,000 atmospheres turns black and assumes an appearance resemb- i ling graphite. Under the same pres- | sure soft rubber becomes harder than ] mild steel. Inasmuch as all materials far down toward the centre of the earth are sub- 1 lost weight and strength all the time. . jected to tremendous pressures, the j "I am on the Job now working every laboratory observations above quoted | day and feeling fine all the time. I must be particularly interesting to certainly enjoy making the shavings geologists. fly now. Tanlac has jiust made a brand * new man out or' me." THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT L ' r^\ - *#\^4'<** S THKIUS A VL'LCANIZKR IN VuKR town? You can earn J26.UC daily. We teach you. Wrlta Chief Instructor, Canada Yuloanlw. London. Ont. CANADIAN MATRIMONIAL i>Ai'Bit 25o. No other let- A. McCreery. Cnatham. Ont. I BELTING FOR 8AL3 Dartmouth, N.S. "For three years before I started taking Tanlac I didn't know what it was to have a single day's good health, and for the last two years my "IJanderine" cos * only 35 cents a bottle. One application ends su\ dandruff, stops itching and falling hair, and, ia a few moment*, you have doubled the beauty of your hai.. It will appear a mas.i, so soft, lustrous, and easy tj do up. Eut what will please you most will be after a few w-jeks use, when you see new hair fins and downy at first yes * but really new hair " A.L.I. K1ND3 07 : ::\V AND USSD celling, pulley*. Mtra. cable,hoe packlnir. tc shipped subject to approval at loweat nrU e In Canada. 7ORK BELTINu Ccx. 116 YORK. BTRHBT. TORONTO. The man who feels certain he will net succeed is seldom mistaken. Minard s Liniment for Coughs and Colds COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlote TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO ' Rowing all over t,e scalp. "Dander- stomach has been in such a disordered : it , e is to tlle hair whst gg^ fhower3 ' condition that I was Just In misery all ' O f rain and sunshine are to vegetation. the time. Nothing in the world will It goes right pull a man down as quick as not be- ard strength ing able to digest what he eats, and I stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to grow long, thica. heavy and luxuriant. right to the roots, invigorate' ngthens them. This delightf"', ACHES AND PAINS- SLOAN'S GETS 'EM ! A VOID the misery of racking pain. Lini- wliea Have a boule of Sloan's Lini- ment handy and apply KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER Point. Teacher 'William, what tax?" Income Taiilac is so4d by all good druggists. Advt. Tone Producer for Violins and Similar Instruments. It Is said that a modern violin, of any ordinary make, can be conver;. ,i Into the equivalent of a Stradivarius. or other violin of Italy's golden days of string-lnetrument making, by tha America's Pioneer Dog- Remedies u,; on DOG DISEASES ii:nl How to Feed Mailed Kree to any Ad- dress by Lho Author. R. Clar Glover Co., Inc. ij:i \V,;st J4th Street NV-w Yurk. U.S.A. you first fuel the ache or pain. It Muickly eases the pain and sends 3 fi't-iing of warmth through tha aching part. Sloan's Liniment penetrates without nibbing. Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints, time back anil s-ire nr. : For forty years pain's enemy. Ask aoar neighbor. At all druggists 3Sc, 70c, $1.40. i Ma.le in Canada. Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are so changeable one day bright, the next cold ar: 1 stormy, that the mother Is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so i Attachment to it of a newly invented much. In consequence they are often ; tone Producer. The device is applic- able to any kind of string instrument. Is made of specially prepared wood, and is so constructed that it conforms to the shape of the instrument which it is attached. cooped up in overheated, badly ventl- lated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own i<i Tablets. They will regulate the stom- ach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use the baby will be able Mother, Quick! Give Surnames and Their Origin MacCAUSLAND Variations MacCaslon, Caslon, Mac- Asian, MacAnselan. Racial Origin Scottish. Soursce A given name. You would not think, perhaps, thai the family name of MacCaualand had to get over the winter season in per- fect safety. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. A _ California Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels A Health Saving Reminder Don't Wait until you get the Spanish influenza USE Minard's Liniment At the first sign of It. Its Healing Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE. Payment Deferred. Alice, the five-year-old, entered the general store of Mr. Smith, with, whom or has colic, a teaspoonful will never Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue ia coated, or if your child Is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold. she ws a great favorite, and an- forms. The family name of MacCausland or "MacAnselan," anything to do with the given name of ' ', rm ' Appears I lAnaelm. But it ha*. | J- la ? B ct " llla a <' the Scottish High- The forms MacOausland and Mac- ' Asian appear to be the ones most fre- quently met with to-day, though you will often run across the others. These names are all derivatives of the Gaelic jflven name cf "Anselan." which is equivalent to "Anselm," the latter be- ing the Teutonic form, with "Ansel- mus" aa th Latin rendition. fail to open the bowele. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly It works all the constipa- tion poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you roots. In other cases, however, given names have been imported from one language into another, and subse- ! n, ounc ed thaC to make her dolly a i quently have developed into different dresS| she nee ded "some red. blue and yellow." When Mr. Smith had brought out which Is the Gaelic ; tne required amount of material she a well, playful child again. developed In the asked how much it was. Millions of mothers keep "California "That will cost you Just one kiss." Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- replied the storekeeper. Whereupon Alice answered : "Mam- ma will come In and pay you tu-mor- row." It is interesting to note in this con- PRYOR Variation Prior. Racial Origin English. Source A title, or a nickname. Here is another of the type of family names which cause the evil-minded of The human brain contains 300,000,- 000 nerve cells. Cape Horn was so named by the ; limited knowledge concerning medle- ' Dutcn naviKa tor who discovered it in val social conditions to smile knowing spoonful to-day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all nges printed on bottle. Mother: You must say "California" or you may get an imitation tig syrup. Green. "Your grandfather 1'ved to a green nection that many given names have j ly and refer to what is termed "the been developed independently in the bar sinister." in short, to illegitimacy. Kilii, and called it Cape Horn after ,, 1() UKe didn't he?" his birthplace. Gaelic nnd Teutonic tongues, but along virtually parallel lines, and when you trace back the connexion you do not tlnd it until you arrive at that prehis- toric and misty speculative period be- fore the Celts and the Teutons branch- ed off from the parent Aryan stock What the origin of a fumily iianif is ,.p,,,i e( i f rom kings, all earl? from in the specific, individual case, only ;i ear i s- ,- all Kvy.-er* from li.i, <.!-. dependable genealogical tracing of it | Th?re weren't enough kinjrs, even If back to its source will establish. Alicut the family name of Prior or Pryor. this much is certain: it was in most cases founded upon the word you counted in those of Ireland, to ac- "I'd certainly call it that. Why. the old gentleman allowed himself to be outrageously swindled a d,;zen times ! itfrer he was seventy." MONEY ORDE~RS. FA W Hard and Red, Festered and Itched Badlv, Cuticura Heals, "My trouble began with a rough- ening of the akin and itching scalp. Later hard, red pimples broke out on my face and completely covered it. Some of the pimples festered and itched badly at times. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after a few days my face felt better. I continued using them and in three weeks was completely healed, oner using one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Leslie Gray, 10 Chestnut St., Plymouth, Mass., Feb. 28. 1921. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder arid perfume. fcchFtvebr BCfcU. Aildrras: . ItW. 3M at. Pial St.. VT.. MoEl-fO." :=i,li ' v. ->-- wbane. SoapJEr. Omtm'jut^QniJCfle. TalcamZSc. HF~Cuticurn Soap ah*c without mug. and subsequently split again iuto I "prior," with its well-known meaning many races and nations. For comparn- J in religious life. The explanation that count for all Hie kings among Knglish- : It i always *afe to send a Dominion initnent SO WEAK COULD HARDLY DO ANITHHiG Now Looks After Home, Thanks to Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound MeafoH, Ontario. "I was so I could hardly 'lo anything and my back seemed the worst. I road so much about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound for women that I thought I would try It. I f.'el that it did help me for I am looking after my own home now and seem Quite strong again. I have recommended your Vegetable Compound to <nlte a few friends and you can use rn y nair.e 1 If you wish, to do so." M::a. H. POBTEB, Box 440, Meaford, Ontario. Tn your own neighborhood th<M-R ari doubtless womon who know of tho ! great value of Lydia E. PinUham'* Veeetable Compound. Womeu every- i whore, either by word of mouth or j by lottor. recommend this splendid ; medicine. Those who have suffered from female weakness, chancre of life. and nimilar troubles know of the wonderful relief brought to them by th* Vegetable Compound. analysis of Celtic and Teutonic th Mre jtongues aa well as the Latin and .<Jreek shows that a large proportion o| their fund am en tal vocabularies. name was first borne by actual! children of priors, assumed to have' been bound by vows of cellbacv. is ! speaking races to-day. The alternative, and undoubtedly the true explanation in tho vast ma- jority of cases, is that men were given such nicknames as "the prior," "the king." and so on, either from peculiari- ties of bearing or from taking part iu Express Money Order. costs three cents. Five dollars The harp is believed to have origin- 1 ated from the hunting bow, the tight-! ly stretched string of which will emit a musical note. plausible, but it doesn't bear deep ' the very popular "mystery plays" Stripped of their variations, inflections analysis, any more than does 1 the j which In medieval time* -were held in Minard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu nd changes, are frcm the ?ame word shallow theory that all kings are dee- every little village. He beat the train to the crossing a good many times "It's never touched me yet." he explained when they pointed out the risks. That's the answer a good many people make when they hear that the drug element in tea and coffee often harms nerves and health. They say it's never touched them yet. Sometimes they only think it hasn't. Wakeful nights, drowsy days, headaches that keep com- ing more fre- quently often are blamed on bad luck when the blame be- longs on bad judgment in taking needless chances with harm. Over on the safe side is Postum, a pure cereal beverage, delicious and satisfying con- taining nothing that can harm nerves or digestion. Thousands who used to try their luck with tea or coffee are enthusiastic over having found safety and satis- faction in Postum. It's worth your while to make the test with Postum for ten days. Postum is a delightful drink for any member of the family, at any meal. Your grocm lias both forms of Postum: Instant Postum {In tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postnm Cereal On packages of larger bulk, Cor those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for ^0 minutes. Postum for Health "There's a Reason" MaJe bv Canadian Postum Cereal Co.. LlmiUtl. Windsor. Ont. Here is a Useful Tree. Probably no oth'>r tree in the world, i unless it ia the bamboo, is uoeful in so | many different ways as the c.arnauba. a &pecies of palm t&at grows in north- ern Brazil. Not only Is the tree pretty, says Mr. Harry A. Franck, but it is useful from root to crown. Fibres and wax from the luaves 1 were used to make the first phono- ! graph records and some of the first ! electric-light lilaments. The wax in- j deed Is on of the important exports of . j Brazil. To get it the natives thrash ' I the leaves until the wax falls from them In the shape of a white powder. The powder Is later worked up iuto many forme, from seals to shoe polish. The natives make their candles of It The fibres of the leaves they weave into hats., mats and baskets. They also make brooms of them, and they use the leaves to roof their houses and to maku palm-leaf fans. Useful fibres also come from the inside of the trunk, the iron-hard wood of which they use to make many things, from musical instruments to water pipes. From the roots they make a purgative anti n kind of furlnha that ia of Ines- timable VBhie to them in limes of fa- mine. The pulp of (he fruit lias an agree-' able taate; and from the seed, which ' ia of agreeable tasle wnen roasted, > comes a saccharine substance that can ! either be used s food or turned into ! wine or vinegar Finally iihey use the j seed as birros ; that, is, tne knube to j which the lace makers tie tho ends of their threads. The cliVkety-click of | the birros can be heard nil over north- ern Brazil. ~N No one is useless in the vvoikl who lighten* the burdou of it Or anyone ehe, For Constipated Bowels Bilious Liver The nlcpst cathartic-laxative to physic your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness Colds Indigestion ' Dizziness Sour Stomach is candy-like Cascarnts. One or two to-night will finpty your bowels com- pletely by morning and you will fuel splendid. "They wor 1 - whil? you Bleep." f'asoareta nevor atir yon up or gripe like salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil. and they cost only ten cents a box. Children Irvo Casearets too. ISSUE No. 10 '22. SPIRIN WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boios of U tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aaplrin Is th trade rr.arV: (registered tn Canada) of Mamifacturo of Mono- cetl<-<'ldet<:r of Salli-v IlLBOld. While It Is well known tliat Aspirin menus Bayr majiiitactura, to *flpt "> cmbltr s*lnsl Imitations, the Tablets nt r;. r Cornpanjr ulll Us SUmp^il with lhlr i-nei'Sl mwk. '.ha B;. cr Orois."

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